Country reports Index: 1) China (A.R, A.E, S.S, X.Z & Y.S) 2) India (C.H & P.K.P) 3) Japan (M.S.F & P.K.P) 4) South Korea (C.K.C) 5) Taiwan (H-C.C) 6) Thailand (N.C) 1) China (A.R, A.E, S.S, X.Z & Y.S) Introduction This report contains of two parts, and three appendices. PART I provides an overview of the current funding landscape for stem cell research in China. It introduces, furthermore, some of the keyprojects that have been funded by the Chinese government in recent years, and key-priority areas in the regenerative stem cell field in the recent past, the present and future. PART II provides an overview of the regulatory situation for stem cell research. We have listed (1) regulations for basic research, (2) the regulations for clinical research on human subjects in China (these regulations do not explicitly address clinical stem cell research, but they constitute a set of horizontal regulations that affect experimentations with stem cell-based applications indirectly). Thereafter (3) the regulatory approach for clinical research and applications with stem cells will be explored. An overview will be provided of the currently existing regulatory steps and documents, and some commentary on implementation is provided, if possible. The final appendix provides information on: (1) Key state institutions that affect stem cell research in China. (2) Key research institutes and stem cell biobanks in China. (3) A list of clinics that offer experimental stem cell therapies in China. PART I: The funding landscape: a provisional sketch During the last three decades, the promotion of innovation processes in science and technology has been defined as a key driver for economic development in China. China has surpassed Japan as the second largest investor of R&D expenditures in 2006 (US NSF 2012). Drug discovery and regenerative medicine, as has been re-emphasized by premier Wen Jiabao in January 2012, form two keystrategic areas of investment (Qiu 2012). According to the Cure Report – a 2009 report from the UK Medical Research Council on Sino-UK research collaborations in biomedicine and the biosciences – the Chinese government has between 2005 and 2010 spent between RMB 500 million (USD 63m) and RMB 2 billion (USD 250m) into the development of SC research. The UK in contrast, invested in the two-year period 2006-2007 GBP 30 million (ca. USD 43m) (Cure 2009). Since the Ninth Five-Year Plan (1997-2001) stem cell research has been endorsed by several governments departments. The largest part of funding has been provided by the National Science Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, with the "863" program targeting the promotion of high technology research, and the "973" program focusing on the promotion of basic research (in all fields of science) (Cure 2009). However, grants for stem cell research were also allocated through the Chinese Academy of the Sciences, the National Natural Science Foundation Committee, and other government related departments and organizations (Cure 2009). In the Eleventh Five Five-Year Plan (2007-2011) the “863” program included a funding section for “Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering”, within a wider program that aimed to the development of biological and pharmaceutical technology (China National Center for Biotechnology Development 2011a). This program finished in 2011, with the following PIs having been awarded major grants: ZHOU Qi, WANG Changyong, MA Yue, WU Fang, WANG Yan, LI Lingsong, WANG Ren (ibid.). In the context of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan (2012-2016), the "stem cell therapy clinical translational and applied research program” has been initiated, with money allocated through the “863” program (MOST 2013). Another important measure for the promotion of stem cell research, has been the formation of the National Stem Cell Advisory Committee (国家干细胞研究指导协调委员会), by the Ministry of Science and Technology in October 2011 (Wang 2011). Through this committee, the ministry aims to: 1. Further coordinate stem cell research, to make strategic funding decisions (to increase efficiency of the use of national funding resources) 2. To further create a favourable environment for innovation, to promote high-level training 3. To strengthen international collaborations, and exchanges, so as to stimulate research into major scientific issues, and major technical breakthroughs A closely related initiative, also funded by MOST, is the formation of biobanks, which has been set as a key-target in the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2016) (China National Center for Biotechnology Development 2011b). More specifically, the plan emphasizes the construction of biobanks as repositories for genetic clinical specimen, to: - develop drug research / pharmaceuticals and for purposes of development biomedical engineering products, as well as for biological breeding. A standardized clinical information database and biological specimen database shall be established in this respect in Beijing, administered under the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission. The bio-bank shall be hosted by the Capital Medical University. It shall form a repository that contains samples of major disease transmitters (hope have understood this correctly), clinical data and other biological samples (China National Center for Biotechnology Development 2011b). Furthermore, four national level stem cell banks have been founded under the Chinese Academy of the Sciences (ibid.): (1) Beijing Municipality Stem Cell Bank (2) Southern Stem Cell Bank, in Guangzhou (3) Stem cell bank of the Chinese Academy of the Sciences, Shanghai (4) East China Stem Cell Bank (also in) Shanghai One of the authors of this report was in 2008 reported, furthermore, that a five-year government grant was provided for the foundation of five human embryonic stem cell banks. One of these five banks, in Changsha, should be specialized in the banking of disease-specific stem cells lines. The current status and exact functions of these banks would have to be explored in further research. An open question is at this moment also what the role (a) of provincial and municipal governments is in funding stem cell research. Unclear is furthermore, the role of (b) foundations and (c) private investors and companies, in the financiering of translational stem cell research and/ or experimental for-profit clinical applications. Regarding the latter group, private investors and companies, active investment activity can be expected, since the application of (non-systematically proven or completely unproven) experimental stem cell therapies, constitute important market opportunities in China. PART II: Regulatory Situation I. Basic Research The following regulations have been issued in China, to govern basic research with stem cells. Both of these regulations focus on human embryonic stem cell research only. The first concerns the sourcing of human embryos and ova in the context of IVF clinics. The second addresses the specific conditions under which human embryos can be produced and used for research. No regulation exists currently that addresses (a) somatic cell nuclear transfer techniques for research purposes (i.e. “therapeutic cloning”), (b) basic or preclinical research with iPS cells, and (c) research with humananimal hybrids. (1) 2001-2003, MOH: The Ethics Guiding Principles for Assisted Reproductive Technology This regulation addresses stem cell research, by stipulating that all ART institutions must set up ethics committees, and that these committees must approve applications of human embryos to be donated for research (Hu, Min and Wei 2011; Cure 2009). The regulation affects the supply of embryos, ova and fetal tissue for research also in the following ways: (i) by stating that the buying and selling of human eggs, embryos or fetal tissues is prohibited, (ii) by restricting the use of embryos for research to super-numerous embryos in the context of an IVF treatment, and by explicitly prohibiting the creation of IVF embryos for research only, (iii) by specifying that embryos and gametes must be voluntarily donated, on the basis of informed consent, and (iv) by forbidding hormonal super-stimulation, to harvest more eggs. This regulation is backed up by punitive measures: IVF clinics or ART centers can loose their license if they violate these guidelines (Cure 2009). (2) 2003, MOH/MOST: The Ethics Guiding Principles for hESC research 《人胚胎干细胞研究伦理指导原则》 Human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research is regulated with these principles at a national level, through ministerial guidelines. The core aspects of this regulation are that: (i) embryos are not allowed to be used for hESC after 14 days post conception, (ii) embryos used for research can not be implanted in human beings (prohibition of human reproductive cloning). The principles demand, furthermore, that institutions that are involved in hESC form an ethics committee that details regulatory rules and exact conditions under which research can be conducted. Criticism of existing basic research regulation from the National Ethics Committee of the MOH These principles have been criticized by the National Ethics Committee of the MOH in China because (a) they do not introduce a registration or licensing system of research institutes or clinics that conduct hESC research, (b) because they are not backed up by law, and (c) no clear control pathways for the principles are provided. Plans and efforts to revise this regulation, from the side of the MOH National Ethics Committee, are ongoing (Zhai 2007). II. Clinical Research It follows now an overview of the regulations, laws and institutions, that play a role (or are foreseen to play a role) for clinical stem cell research. This process is still evolving. Before briefly discussing this regulatory approach, I will introduce however an overview of the regulations and laws that govern research on human subjects in China, of which some do – indirectly – also impact on experimental clinical research and applications. II.a. Regulations for human subject research (affects clinical SC research horizontally) The following provides an overview of existing regulations for human subject research. These regulations are not designed for clinical trials with stem cells, but they affect clinical research that involves stem cell-based applications indirectly (i.e. as horizontal regulations). (1) Review of clinical research and review by Ethics Committees / hospital-internal IRBs (a) Foundation of a national-level ethics committee The MOH ‘Ethics Committee on Biomedical research involving human subjects’ was founded in 1998, and renamed in 2000 as ‘Medical Ethics Expert Committee’. The committee comprises since a reform in 2007 – 17 members from multi-disciplinary background. (b) The 2007 ‘Regulation on ethical review of biomedical research involving human subjects’ 《涉 及人的生物医学研究伦理审查办法(试行)》 A draft regulation on Ethical Review of Medical Research involving human subjects was drafted in 1998, but was due to controversies failed to be endorsed (Hu, Min and Wei 2011). It was issued by the MOH only in 2007. According to this regulation – all – research on human subjects has to occur under review of ethics committees at the level of research institutes and hospitals. It specifies details for how informed consent procedures have to be structured. This regulation is of fundamental importance to clinical stem cell research and applications, because it requires mandatory EC approval at the level of medical institutions that engage in these activities. (2) The 1994 Regulation on the Government of Medical Institutions This regulation has been passed by the state council in 1994. It clarifies that informed consent is required for performance of surgical operations, special investigations, and special (experimental) treatments. It sets out, furthermore, a number of rules for medical institutions, such as for instance, that approval documents for treatments, can not be ‘inherited’, if the owner, or name of a hospital changes. This regulation is of some relevancy for clinical SC research, in particular institutes that offer for-profit therapies. The Jilin Silicon Valley Hospital, for instance, was criticized by the media on the basis of this regulation. Reason: the hospital had changed its name and proprietor, but the same approval license was used (issued by a local and a provincial health bureau) to attract patients (approval documents were publicly displayed on the internet). (3) The 1999 Drug Clinical Trial Regulations Law on Practicing Doctors This regulation protects patients by stating that doctors who violate a patient’s privacy or conduct experimental interventions without informed consent, will be legally persecuted. I have not yet heard of cases where this regulation was applied, in the context of SC based for experimental treatments. In theory, however, this regulation applies to doctors who fail to sufficiently inform patients, or who violate a patient’s privacy (Cure 2009). In other words, patients could sue doctors who offered experimental stem cell treatments based on fraudulent claims, on the basis of this regulation. (4) The 2001/2001 Drug Administration Law / Regulations for implementation of the drug This law has been passed by the National People’s Congress. It covers the use of pharmaceutical products in research as well as practice. It clarifies that GCP and GMP standards must be followed. (Cure 2009). This regulation (if I understand it correctly – need for verification by CIs in China) is of relevancy to hospitals that conduct clinical trials with SC in the context of an SFDA monitored IND application. These hospitals would, according to this regulation require GCP certification, obtained through the procedures set out above. Other clinical trials or forms of experimentation – that are conducted outside of the jurisdiction of the SFDA do – not require to be carried out in GCP accredited hospitals, and the regulation is for these hospitals redundant. (5) The 1999-2003 SFDA good clinical practice standards (药物临床试验质量管理规范) These SFDA GCP standards were issued in a first version in 1999, and in a second more complete version in 2003. Both were issued by the SFDA. The SFDA GCP standards specify procedures for the accreditation of medical institutions, to take part in drug trials. They require that each hospital in human subject research acquire GCP certification (Cure 2009). An interesting feature is that GCP certification is based on examinations of high-level clinical staff (heads of department). They emphasize strict informed consent and strict review by ethics committees, and include provisions on how IRBs should be composed and be organized. The Chinese GCP standards, draw actively on the now internationally handled ICH GCP standards. (Cure 2009). These SFDA GCP standards are of relevancy to hospitals that conduct clinical trials with SC in the context of an SFDA registered IND application. II. b. The evolving regulatory approach for clinical SC research It follows now an overview of the evolving regulatory approach for clinical SC research and applications in China. Three regulatory documents shall be discussed: (1) The 2009 May 1 Regulation; (2) a 2010 draft regulation; (3) the January 6 2012 notification for clinical stem cell research and application. 1. The ‘May 1 2009 regulation’ and its impact On May 1 2009 the MOH promulgated the “Management Measures for the Clinical Use of Medical Technologies” [医疗技术临床应用管理办法], a regulation that classified a range of new medical technologies and procedures into three categories. Stem cell transplant technology was grouped into category III, which included technologies considered as risky, ethically controversial and in need of clinical verification (Chen 2009). To implement the regulation the MOH assigned five institutions (ibid.: 271), among them the Chinese Medical Association, the Chinese Hospital Association and the Chinese Doctors Association. According to an associate of the MOH in Beijing, clinics that used SC transplantation technology were summoned to register at these institutions. These organizations in turn were assigned to grant licenses on the basis of newly formed assessment criteria and review and inspection committees. In practice, this regulation has not yet been implemented for SC transplantation technologies. As stated by a senior SC scientist, who as a member of the Chinese Doctors Association was involved in the formulation of review criteria, there were widespread disagreements among experts of the assigned five institutions, over the precise characteristics of these criteria, over feasible implementation pathways, as well as the extent to which the situation should be controlled. 2. The 2010 Draft Regulation In 2008 the Science and Education unit of the MOH authorized an expert committee of medical ethics chaired by Prof Chingli Hu, to develop a comprehensive draft regulation for clinical research and applications with human SC in China. After a two-year consultation and preparation process, a draft was submitted to the MOH in October 2010. This proposal has subsequently been under internal consideration, and is expected to form the foundation of a finalized version that is expected soon.1 A central premise of this draft is the promotion of standardized and rigorous scientific forms of clinical SC research (Hu 2010: 27). It asks for methodical preclinical studies and the generation of reliable safety data, as well as standardized clinical trials that precede clinical applications (27). These trials shall be subject to approval and review procedures under the MOH and the SFDA (which since 2008 has been a subunit of the MOH). Only qualified and licensed hospitals would be able to provide approved clinical applications (37). Furthermore, the draft stipulates that the quality and safety of used cells must be subjected to reliable controls and documentation (32). Medical institutions that violate these principles will be forced to stop SC-based clinical trials or applications for a period of five years (37). The draft specifies approval and review procedures for three central forms of clinical research and applications with SC. First is approval of clinical trials and applications of stem cell based drug products, i.e. standardized batch products based on amplification of cells from one or multiple donors. Responsibilities for evaluation and market approval of these ‘off-the-shelf’ SC products (commonly regarded as the most risky treatment form with SC) shall be handled by the SFDA, and be based on systematic preclinical studies and closely reviewed Phase I-III clinical trials (36). Second is approval of clinical trials and applications of modified SC from a single donor to single recipient. With reference to the 2009 regulation these treatment forms were defined as medical technology. Regulatory distinctions are made in this respect between autologous/allogeneic SC, and minimally/extensively manipulated SC. Approval of minimally processed autologous SC, which are seen as the least risky group of cells, shall occur through the MOH Bureau of Medical Administration. More extensively manipulated cells, particularly from allogeneic sources, shall be approved by the MOH Bureau of Science and Education. Application and review procedures shall be handled by the thirty-one province-level sub-branches of the MOH, with the MOH in Beijing as the central supervising agency. Third is approval of experimental therapeutic approaches with SC. Experimental for-profit applications shall be strictly delimited. In accordance with article 35 of Helsinki Declaration 1 This information is based on a presentation of this draft regulation, generously provided by Prof Chingli Hu and his team in Shanghai, on January 21, 2011. first-in-human experimental treatments with SC shall be allowed, but in a low number of patients, and according to clear approval criteria. Applications and oversight shall occur through specialized ethics committees, at the provincial MOH branches. With this draft regulation, a clear step toward international harmonization has been set into motion. In regulating medical procedures with SC proportionate to risk, for example, the Chinese draft regulation follows essentially the approach that is also taken in the EU (Faulkner 2009: 641). Differences exist, however, with respect to terminology and the allocation of responsibilities. In the EU, all experimental medical procedures with SC (including autologous SC for non-homologous use) have since 2007 been classified as advanced therapy medicinal products. These are regulated under the centralized auspice of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) (ibid. 2009; EMA 2012). The 2010 draft regulation for China, on the other hand, follows a slightly different strategy. For one thing, approval procedures are divided between the categories ‘medical products’ and ‘medical technologies. For the other thing, responsibilities are not done by a centralized drug regulatory agency, but split across three administrational units of the MOH, each with its own subsidiary branch organizations at a provincial level. Since the draft regulation is likely to still undergo significant revisions, it is too early to say what the implications of these differences for processes of regulatory harmonization and international collaborations will be. Further research into these directions, together with a focus on local implementation, will be of interest. 4. The January 2012 notification On January 6 2012, the MOH issued a regulatory document called ‘Notification on Self-Evaluation and Self-Correction Work regarding the Development of Clinical Stem Cell Clinical Research and Applications’ [关于开展干细胞临床研究和应用自查自纠工作的通知].2 With this document an initial one-year phase of a more comprehensive regulatory approach has been initiated, whose precise details have not yet been publicized. In the January 2012 document, four subsequent stages of this forthcoming approach have been announced: self-evaluation (zicha), self-correction (zijiu), recertification (chongxin renzheng), and standardized management (guifan guanli). The initial one-year phase that is set out in the 2012 document, however, addresses only the first two of these stages: self-evaluation and self-correction. Self-evaluation of the hospitals that carry out SC-based clinical research and applications shall occur in the following way. First, clinics are required to fill in the ‘Self-Evaluation Form for Inquiry into Conditions of Stem Cell Clinical Research and Applications’.3 In this form, clinics are asked to report truthfully on previously and currently developed kinds of clinical research and applications with stem cells. Information is requested on (1) types of cells and forms of cell-processing, (2) the disease types for which cells have been used, (3) forms of ethics and regulatory approval mechanisms, (4) informed consent procedures, (5) information on risks and experienced problems, (6) sources of funding and patient fees, (7) number of patients experimentally treated, and (8) publications or summarizing reports from clinical trials or other types of clinical studies. Second, this information is evaluated by province-level MOH workgroups, which are coordinated by the ‘Stem Cell Clinical Research and Application Standardization and Rectification Work and Leadership Group’, co-founded by the MOH and SFDA in Beijing (paragraph 2). The task of these province-level workgroups is to appraise the incoming data, to produce summarizing reports to Beijing (paragraph 4), and during later stages, to play an active role in the implementation and enforcement of the regulation (paragraph 2). 2 This document has been put on the MOH website. Translations of these two documents can be requested from the author of this article per email. 3 Self-correction means that all institutes that have not yet received approval, either by the MOH or the SFDA, must stop clinical stem cell research or application activities until approval has been obtained. Institutes that continue to carry out unauthorized clinical research or applications have been announced to be targeted as focal points for rectification (paragraph 2). On the other hand, clinical trials for stem cell products that have obtained approval by the SFDA are expected to act in strict accordance with the requirements set out by the SFDA, and in compliance with the Chinese GCP standards (paragraph 2). The document has announced that no registration applications will be accepted by the MOH or the SFDA until July 1 2012 (paragraph 2). Information on how applications for registration will be handled, however, has not been provided in the text. Uncertainty also remains as to how non-compliance will be dealt with, and which role the MOH and its province-level workgroups will play in this. It is not clear, furthermore, whether military hospitals (that operate under the command of the Health Department of the Army General Logistics Department), will be subjected to the same review and approval procedures as state hospitals, or whether a different regulatory approach shall apply. 5. The March 2013 announcement of three inter-related draft regulations On March 7 2013, the MOH has published on its website, three documents that summarize, and introduce to the public, the basic structure and central regulatory instruments of three inter-related draft regulations, that have been developed by the MOH for the regulation of clinical stem cell research and applications, in recent months. In contrast to initial media coverage (Zornoza 2013), these documents do not constitute the regulatory draft documents themselves, but they provide comprehensive summaries of the three draft regulations, that introduce the underlying rationale of the forthcoming regulatory framework, its purposes, central regulatory premises, and implementation structure. From these documents it becomes clear, that each of the three draft regulations, consists of ca 35 to 40 articles, that address different aspects of the review and approval procedures, for clinical stem cell research and applications (details will follow below). The summaries of the draft regulations have been published on the website of the MOH for the purpose of public feedback and commentary. The public dissemination of the introductory summaries of the three draft regulations, constitutes the first publicly visibly step toward regulatory intervention of clinical stem cell research and applications in China, since the above-mentioned January 6 2012 notification. The announcement and summary of the three draft regulations, represent the first move toward realization of the third and the fourth of the four regulatory phases that were announced by the MOH in the ‘January 6 2012 notification’ (above): “re-certification” [chongxin renzheng] and “standardized management” [guifan guanli] (following from phases one and two: “self-evaluation” [zicha] and “self-correction” [zijiu], which were initiated in the course of 2012. The titles of the three draft regulations are as follows: 1. Stem cell clinical trial research management methods [ganxibao linchuang shiyan yanjiu guanli banfa] 2. Stem cell clinical trial research basic management methods [ganxibao linchuang shiyan yanjiu jidi guanli banfa] 3. Guidance principles for stem cell preparation, quality control and preclinical research [ganxibao zhiji zhiliang kongzhi he linchuangqian yanjiu zhidao yuanze] The most important points in these three documents are as follows: (1) Approval of stem cell based therapeutic applications must be based on phase I, II and III clinical trials (2) In the context of these trials it will not be allowed to charge patients for money (3) Clinical trials must be approved by ethics committees, and designed specifically administrational units, that involve review by expert committees, as formed by provincial and national level units of the MOH, and the SFDA (4) Clinical stem cell trials must be based on, and will be approved on the basis of, solid preclinical evidence, that established the safety and therapeutic potential of a candidate application (5) Stem cell clinical trials must be conducted in line with the SFDA’s ‘Good Clinical Practice Standards’ (药物临床试验质量管理规范), and related regulatory documents a. This means that hospitals and/ or departments that conduct stem cell trials, must be qualified as GCP hospitals, by the SFDA (will require verification) (6) Stem cell clinical trials must be conducted in accordance with ethical norms, as laid down in the ‘2007 Interim Regulation on the Ethical Review of Biomedical Research involving Human Subjects’ (涉及人的生物医学研究伦理审查办法(试行)), and the Ethics Guiding Principles for hESC research (人胚胎干细胞研究伦理指导原则) (7) Stem cell collection, separation, purification, amplification, certification, packaging, storage and transport of stem cells that are used for clinical trials, must occur in accordance with GMP standards. a. Staff must be trained in these procedures, and GMP compliance of laboratories and related technologies and equipment must be certified (8) The regulation applies to all types of stem cell research and regulations, with the exception of hematopoetic stem cells, and related products (9) Application and review procedures for stem cell clinical trials a. Medical institutions must apply at specifically designed report units b. The report units distribute the application to the province level branches of the MOH and SFDA for formal examination and review c. The province level review is followed by a national-level review procedure, through the ‘Stem Cell Clinical Research and Application Regulation Management Work and Leadership Group’, which is co-founded by the MOH and SFDA and situated in Beijing (this group is also designated in the document as “the office”) d. In The Office the application is reviewed by expert committees, and experts brings site visits to clinics, as part of the review process e. Following this, applications are accepted, or rejected. (10) Clinical trials must be conducted in phase I-III format, if there are indicated of serious adverse events, these must be reported to Ethics Committees and The Office, and the trials must be immediately stopped (11) Progress reports of the trials must be submitted to The Office on a 12 months basis (12) Punishment procedures are specified, that hold institutions and personnel that violate regulatory provisions, directly responsible. Legal persecution will occur under the existing drug management law. Appendix: I. Key state institutions that affect stem cell research in China (1) Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) / China (2) The China Centre for Biotechnology Development Has been established under MOST in 1983, to promote innovation processes in biotech, and related commercialization. Helps to oversee and handle administrative tasks for MOST, especially in the context of the 863 and 973 funding programs. The office for Human Genetic Materials Management is also housed by the China Centre for Biotechnology Development. (3) The Chinese Academy of the Sciences (manages several national key-institutes in basic science, among which biology, with a key focus also on disease research and drug development) (4) The Ministry of Health Oversees and funds all forms of clinical research /clinical translation processes, as well as clinical applications Medicine research and applications are regulated through three various subunits of the MOH - The SFDA - Bureau of Science and Education (Kejiao Si) - Bureau of Medical Administration (Yizheng Si) - Since 2009 there is also a new office for the monitoring and registration of serious adverse events after approval, which also operates under the supervision of the MOH (5) The Chinese Medical Association (CMA) Plays a leading role in medical education, training and professional exchanges Oversees 82 specialty societies Publishes over 70 medical journals Is also occasionally involved in regulatory processes Comment: The CMA is to our knowledge currently not involved in the regulation or oversight of stem cell-based clinical research. 2. Research institutes and stem cell biobanks Four national level stem cell banks under the Chinese Academy of the sciences: (1) Beijing Municipality Stem Cell Bank (2) Southern Stem Cell Bank, in Guangzhou (3) Stem cell bank of the Chinese Academy of the Sciences, Shanghai (4) East China Stem Cell Bank (also in) Shanghai Clinics that offer experimental for-profit therapies - Beijing cell permeable rehabilitation center Qingdao SC therapy and rehabilitation center Chongqing stem cell therapy center Beike Biotech Jilin Silicon Valley Hospital Tiantan Puhua Hospital References BIONET (2007a) ‘Second Workshop Report: Ethical governance of reproductive technologies, therapeutic stem cells and stem cell banks’, 2nd BIONET workshop, April 2008; Changsha, PRC, URL: gsha.pdf, (accessed April 1, 2013). China National Center for Biotechnology Development (2011a) ‘Notification of the major project topics in the domain "stem cell and tissue engineering", of the 11th Five year Plan's "863" Program for Biology and Medical Technology’, (“十一五”863 计划生物和医药技术领域“干细胞与组织工程” 重大项目课题验收会的通知), published on the website of: The Office of Scientific Research, Peking University, URL:, (accessed April 1, 2013). Chen, H. (2009). Stem cell governance in China: from bench to bedside?. New Genetics and Society, 28(3), 267–282. CURE (2009). Medical Research Council: CURE Committee Report. URL: (accessed September 27, 2012) Faulkner, A. (2009). Regulatory policy innovation. Research Policy, 38, 637-646. Hu, Q.L, Liu M., and Z. Wei (2011) ‘Introduction of Ethics Committees in China’, Berlin, Humboldt University, Charite Campus, SIGENET Health China Week, November 2 2011. Hu, C.L., et al. (2010). Ethical guidelines for the clinical research and application of stem cells. URL (accessed August 11 2011): (note: this URL is no longer active). MOST (2013) The domain of "stem cell therapy technology and clinical translation and applied research", of the 12th Five year Plan's "863" Program for biology and medical technology, (“十二 五”863 计划生物和医药技术领域“干细胞治疗技术临床转化及应用研究” ), February 16 2013, MOST, URL:, (accessed April 1, 2013). Wang, J. (2011) ‘Establishing of national stem cell leadership and coordination committee’ (国家干 细 胞 研 究 指 导 协 调 委 员 会 成 立 ),, October 21, 2011; URL:, accessed April 1, 2013. Zhai, X.M. (2007) ‘Challenges & Governance / Regulatory Responses in China’, conference paper, BIONET workshop: October 2007; Shanghai. Zornoza, L. (2013) ‘China proposes stem cell clinical trial rules’, Website of Regulatory Focus, URL:, (accessed April 2, 2013) 2) India (C.H & P.P) Contextual sketch: The two main centres for both commercial and public research in the area of stem cells are the cities of Bangalore and Mumbai (referred to as ‘bioclusters’). Bangalore has several of the most respected scientific institutes working in the area of stem cell research including the following: the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) which has recently begun an institute dedicated primarily to stem cell research (the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medecine, or inSTEM); the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNC) in which one of the scientists, Dr. Maneesha Inamdar developed the first human embryonic stem cell line in India which is now also available in the UK Stem Cell Bank;4 the Indian Institute of Science (IISC) where basic research is also being conducted in the area of embryonic stem cell research and scientists there have developed an embryonic stem cell line from mice. In addition, a number of biotech companies working in the area of stem cell research and therapy have also sprung up in Bangalore in the last decade. Most notable of these is Stempeutics which has labs in Bangalore, Manipal (also in the state of Karnataka) and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. According to most reports, they are not engaged in therapy but only conducting clinical trials at the moment, although some people that CH has spoken to have alluded to the fact that they also have ‘patients’. There are a number of other companies that provide stem cell treatment to patients, although will not admit to doing so openly and rather emphasise the research and biobanking elements of their work. These include companies such as Advanced Neuro-Science Allies (ANSA), International Stem Cell Services Ltd. and Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering Research Private Ltd. In Mumbai, the largest and most advanced commercial enterprise in the field of stem cell research (and therapy?) is Reliance Life Sciences (RLS), part of the Reliance corporation. As mentioned, they claim to have developed their own human embryonic stem cell line and are currently conducting clinical trials for specific stem cell ‘products’. Many smaller ventures also exist, mostly providing experimental stem cell treatment to patients who are willing to pay exorbitant sums of money (a few of these include Dr. Rajput’s Orthopaedic and Stem Cell Research Center, Elixir Hospitals which uses technology from Cytori, Emprocell). One middle-sized company, Kasiak Research, is supposedly conducting clinical trials and is headed by the former CEO of Stempeutics, Dr. Satish Totey. In addition, numerous small clinics and companies have recently been established through the major cities in the country including Delhi, Hyderabad, Pune, Calcutta and Cochin. In 2002, the Indian Council of Medical Research, institutionally located under the health ministry, announced a policy that permitted therapeutic cloning and encouraged stem cell research. But, the previous year the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), under the science ministry, had also issued guidelines, and some clinics had exploited the difference between the two sets of guidelines, starting clinical treatments (Jayaraman 2005).5 With an increasing number of funding applications to the ICMR and the DBT, media reporting of unethical practices in biomedical research, and India’s growing thrust on stem cell research, the DBT and ICMR in 2005 decided to jointly devise guidelines, 4 Reliance Life Sciences (RLS) had developed an embryonic stem cell line prior to Dr. Inamdar but has neither made it available to the public nor published the details and, as such, cannot be confirmed. 5 Jayaraman, K.S. (2005) ‘Moving too fast: the All India Institute of Medical Sciences is already using stem cells to treat stroke’, Nature, Vol. 434, 17 March, p. 259. which were released as the Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Therapy in November 2007 (DBTICMR 2007).6 The guidelines permit research pertaining to adult and umbilical cord blood stem cells if approved by Institutional Committees. The guidelines are not free from shortcomings, expressed in the comments by the legal critic, Basu: ‘The extent of ambiguity and subjectivity prevalent in the Draft ICMR Guidelines can be gauged from the phrase’ ”Any violation of guidelines would be strictly dealt with” (Basu 2006).7 In its current form, the guideline is a mere soft law, presently awaiting approval by the government before it can become law. Though the central guidelines (DBT-ICMR 2007) permit basic, translational and clinical research on stem cell science under certain conditions, the X and Y Hospital hubs provide service facilities for therapies in various stages of development indiscriminately as experimental therapy or clinical trials. The DBT-ICMR clearly stipulates that all institutions and investigators engaged in human stem cell research, both public and private, should be registered (Clause 4.1) and require prior approval and ethical clearance at multi-level authorities both at the institutional level as well as at the national level (Clause 4.5). A revised version of the draft guidelines were issued on March 30, 2012. The title of the draft guidelines has changed so that it no longer includes the word ‘therapy’ (they are now known as the ‘National Guidelines for Stem Cell Research’). The revised guidelines have been updated to include iPSC and clinical trials. Prior to then, the ICMR conducted a series of public consultations beginning in February 2010 in the cities of Bangalore, Delhi, Calcutta and Dibrugarh and invited researchers, members of the pharmaceutical and biotech industries, patient groups, clinicians, ethicists, members of legal and religious bodies and the general public to give feedback on how the guidelines should be revised. In drafting the revisions of the guidelines, they also included members of commercial companies working in the area along with scientists, clinicians and members of the ICMR and DBT. These were organised according to different themes: 1) Product and development; 2) Pre-clinical and clinical trials; 3) Biobanking in stem cells; and 4) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Quality Assurance and Control, informed consent. The regulation at present is very much centred on ‘self-regulation’. Companies must register with the Indian Clinical Trials Registry ( to be granted official permission to conduct clinical trials. In addition, hospitals are officially required to form their own institutional ethics committees that will oversee clinical trials and ensure that they are being conducted according to protocols. A National Apex Committee on Stem Cell Research and Therapy (NAC-SCRT) which has been charged to ‘oversee and monitor the activities in the field of Stem Cell Research’ although how often the committee meets and how involved they are in implementing policy. In addition, all bodies involved in stem cell research are required to register with the ICMR. At present, CH was told that they have received approximately 25 applications and they have started ‘scrutinising’ these. In addition, CH was told that the ICMR only registers these bodies, it does not provide accredidation. 6 DBT-ICMR (2007). Guidelines for stem cell research and therapy. Published by the Director General, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi. Available at: 7 Basu (2006). Ibid. Relevant documents: ICMR-DBT Guidelines for Stem Cell Research 2012 Website: Constitution of National Apex Committee for Stem Cell Website: Clinical Trials Registry - India (CTRI) Website: Embryo creation and use in research A good summary of the regulations on embryo creation and use in research in India (according to the 2007 Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Therapy produced by the Indian Council of Medical Research and the Department of Biotechnology) can be found in the Witherspoon Report (2012, Appendix E ‘Overview of International Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines’):8 ‘The [2007] Guidelines divide research on human stem cells into three areas: permissible, restricted, and prohibited. Permissible research includes in vitro studies on previously established cell lines from any cell type (including ES cells), in vivo studies in animals with established cell lines from any type of stem cells (including ES cells), the establishment of new ES cell lines from “spare” IVF embryos, and clinical trials with minimally manipulated cells. The Guidelines restrict the creation of human embryos by IVF or SCNT for the purpose of deriving an ES cell line: If researchers seek to create ES cell lines specifically for research purposes, they must provide explicit justification for the procedure, establishing that the creation of the embryo is essential for their research. The Guidelines also restrict clinical trials using cells that have undergone major manipulations such as genetic alteration (which would seem to include many iPS cells and ANT-derived stem cells). And the Guidelines restrict various forms of chimera research, such as the introduction of human ES cells into embryonic animals. The Guidelines prohibit germ-line engineering and human cloning for reproductive purposes, the growing of embryos in vitro for longer than fourteen days, transferring SCNT embryos into a uterus, and the breeding of animals that have received human ES cells.’ Specific language in the guidelines on the area of embryo creation and research includes: Permissible areas of research (p. 4): 6.1.4 Establishment of new hES cell lines from spare, supernumerary embryos with prior approval of the IC-SCRT and IEC provided appropriate consent is obtained from the donor as per guidelines given below. Once the cell line is established, it shall be registered with the IC-SCRT and NAC-SCRT. Restricted areas of research (p. 4-5): 6.2.1 Creation of a human zygote by IVF, SCNT or any other method with the specific aim of deriving a hES cell line for any purpose. • Specific justification would be required to consider the request for approval by the NAC-SCRT 8 While much of the rest of the report is quite politically charged, this overview of the regulations in India is relatively comprehensive ( through IC-SCRT /IEC. • It would be required to establish that creation of zygote is critical and essential for the proposed research • Informed consent procedure for donation of ova, sperm, somatic cell or other cell types as detailed in these guidelines would need to be followed. The 2012 updated guidelines expand on these points but maintain the same conclusions: 2012 Guidelines: 7.1 Permissible areas of research (p. 12-13) 7.1.4 Establishment of new hES cell lines from embryos left unutilized in IVF programme, or iPS cell lines with prior approval of the IC-SCR and IEC provided appropriate consent is obtained from the donor as per guidelines given below. Once the cell line is established, it shall be registered with the IC-SCR and NAC-SCR and deposited in a cell bank for use by others. Restricted areas of research (p. 14): 7.2.1. Creation of human zygote by IVF, SCNT or any other method with the specific aim of deriving a hES-cell line for any purpose. This requires the following: a. Specific justification would be required to consider the request for approval by the NAC-SCR through IEC and IC-SCR. b. It would be required to establish that creation of zygote [sic] is critical and essential for the proposed research, and no other alternative will serve the purpose. c. Informed consent procedure for donation of ova, sperm, somatic cell or other as detailed in these guidelines would need to be followed. Prohibited areas of research (p. 15-16): 7.3.2 Any in-vitro culture of intact human embryo, or any organized cellular structures that have the potential of developing into human organs and tissues, regardless of the method of its derivation, beyond 14 days or formation of primitive streak, whichever is earlier. 7.3.4. Any research involving implantation of human embryo into uterus after in-vitro manipulation, at any stage of development, in humans or primates. Storage and research use of human tissue Aside from sections of the draft guidelines stating that cord blood stem cell banking is permissible but must be registered with the DCGI (11.1, p. 28), there are no other specific provisions addressing the storage and research use of human tissues. Under the scope of the National Apex-Committee for Stem Cell Research and Therapy, it states on p. 41, section 1.1.8 that: ‘NAC-SCRT will set up standards for safety and quality, quality control, procedures for collection and its schedule, processing or preparation, expansion, differentiation, preservation for storage, removal for storage to assure quality and/or sterility of human tissue, prevention of infectious contamination or cross contamination during processing, carcinogenicity, xenotransplantation.’ As far as I can tell, the NAC-SCRT has not made this set of standards public as of yet. Low risk clinical use (e.g. autologous therapies) Not allowed, only research and clinical trials are permissible (hence the title of the draft guidelines from 2007 [‘Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Therapy] has been amended to ‘Guidelines for Stem Cell Research’ in the 2012 revised draft. 3) Japan (M.S.F & P.K.P) This country report contains a section on policy-background (I) and regulation (II). As the regulatory situation in Japan is changing radically this year, this report will be out-dated soon. The last part (III) sketches the expected regulatory changes in 2013/4. Part I The Japanese government has taken the initiative to lead RM in Japan: In 2007, the Council for Science and Technology Policy (CSTP), a scientific advisory board reporting to the Prime Minister, set up a policy for generating scientific achievements that would benefit the society. The policy set out a strategy to launch government-led projects, and one of the areas selected for this initiative was regenerative medicine. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) are responsible for the development of regenerative medicine R&D and its clinical application in Japan. Fundamentally, MEXT is responsible for basic research, METI is responsible for bringing basic research to clinical research and commercialisation, and MHLW is responsible for the research close to clinical application. They have implemented various strategic initiatives and continuously made significant investments into stem cell and regenerative medicine research (The British Embassy 2011).9 Below is a timeline of major incentives and government measures which are relevant to the Japanese biotech sector:10 1998: Legislation to promote technology licensing from universities to the private sector was enacted, and about 40 technology licensing organisations were established by 2004. 1999: The Japanese equivalent of the Bayh-Dole Act, a US law related to intellectual property rights for academic-industry collaborations, was enacted. 1999: A subcommittee of the cabinet Council on Science and Technology (CST) presented the Prime Minister with a report on techniques that would potentially enable human reproductive cloning. Based on this subcommittee’sr ecommendations, the National Diet (Japan’s parliamentary body) enacted the ‘‘Law concerning regulation of human cloning techniques and other similar techniques’’ in 2001 (National Diet, 2001, see Part II, Regulation), one of the first laws in any country to expressly prohibit human reproductive cloning in any country. 2000: Legislation to strengthen industrial technologies was enacted. 2001: The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry [METI] unveiled a plan to increase the number of university spin-outs to 1,000 for three years from 2002 to 2004. It was one of the government’s 15 proposals to create new markets and employment amid the economic recession. 2002: The committee on Biotechnology Strategy headed by the Prime Minister was created and issued the Biotechnology Strategy Guidelines. With 200 action plans, it aims to grow the biotech 9 Life Sciences Team Science and Innovation Section The British Embassy, Tokyo (2011) Brief of Regenerative Medicine in Japan, July 2011. 10 Ichiko Fuyuno & Kaoru Kambe (2009) 2009 Biotechnology Industry in Japan Life Sciences Team, Science and Innovation Section, The British Embassy, Tokyo. April 2009. market to 25 trillion yen (£185 billion) by 2010 from 1.3 trillion yen in 2001, and produce 1 million new jobs in the biotechnology sector by 2015. An interim report, released in 2008, said 70% of them were completed or almost completed by the end of 2007. 2003: National universities were given administrative authorities (independent administrative institutes). 2006: The government issued ‘Innovation 25,’ a forward-look strategy to realise sustainable society in 2025. 2006: In August guidelines were published focusing on the maintenance of safety and determination of efficacy, ethical conduct, informed consent for donors and patients, quality assurance, transparency, and protection of privacy (MHLW, 2006, see Part II, regulation). 2007: The Ministry for Education, Sports, Culture, Science and Technology [MEXT] reacted to Yamanaka Shinya’s announcement of the discovery of the iPS factors in humans. On December 22, 2007, that is, about a month after his announcement, the Ministry published a document ‘The General Strategy to Promote iPS Cell Research [iPS Saibou (Jinkou-Tanousei Kansaibou) Kenkyu nado no kasokuni muketa Sougou Senryaku] (see Part II, regulation). In this document, MEXT described Yamanaka’s success as ‘a national accomplishment of which we are proud’ and listed plans for further support ‘to win the international competition’ in this field. On December 25, 2007, the JST organized a symposium titled ‘The Impact of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells - the Future of iPS Cell Research Research - [Jinkou-Tanousei Kansaibou no Inpakuto - iPS saibou kenkyu no kongo -].’ In this symposium, Yamanaka argued that ‘all researchers in this field should assemble and form Team Japan,’ and revealed MEXT’s plan to establish a consortium for iPS cell research as a platform for the researchers ‘to share the latest research results and materials’ (JST 2008, see regulation). June 2008: The government announced a plan to create ‘Innovation Creation Organisation,’ a 50-50 funding corporation jointly set up by the government and the private sector. Dec 2008: The government’s committee compiled an interim report of “Drastic Reform with Effective and Agile Movements for BT innovation in Japan (DREAM BT Japan).” 2008: The expert committee under the Cabinet’s Office published recommendations for lifting the moratorium on somatic cell nuclear transfer in 2008, after more than 3 years of discussion. 2009: In the spring of 2009, the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange plan to launch ‘Tokyo AIM,’ which targets professional investors in Asia and will be the Japanese equivalent of the UK’s Alternative Investment Market (AIM). 2009: MEXT launched the iPS cell research 10-year roadmap, to effectively and holistically promote research for the early translation of research achievements into clinical practice. 2011: MEXT and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare [MHLW] launched the program of the Highway for Realization of Regenerative Medicine, which selected a few non-iPS cell projects along with others focusing on iPS cells. In January 2011, the government announced the establishment of the Office of Medical Innovation in the Cabinet Secretariat. 2012: Yamanaka announces that he wants to build a bank of iPS stem cells for therapeutic use. The iPS Cell Stock project received permission from MoHWL to allow the creation of cell lines from the thousands of samples of fetal UCblood held around the country. 2012: Scandal occurs in stem cell therapy clinic in Kyoto (Bethesda Clinic), where a South Korean patient receives therapy and dies after returning to South Korea. The clinic is closed, but its owner sets up anew in Fukuoka. 2013: Takahashi Masayo announces the application to the MEXT for the clinical application of RPE stem cells for macular degeneration. 2013: In 2013, under Shinzo Abe’s LDP government, science is a big winner, received a 10.3 trillion Yen economic stimulus package, approved by the cabinet on 15 January. The biggest beneficiary of the stimulus is stem-cell research, especially that geared towards clinical applications. The science ministry alone has earmarked 21.4 billion Yen for research on stem cells. Part II Regulation Human embryonic stem cell research/ therapeutic cloning Since the first hES cell line was reported in 1998,11 many countries convened public discussions to shape policies surrounding hES cell research. With a pro-science government and without major objections from religious or other groups, Japan was recognized as one of the world's permissive countries. In principle, Japanese policies and guidelines (see Regulation for the derivisation and utilisation of hESC lines, 2001 below) are moderate and similar to many other countries. For example, hES cell lines can be derived using surplus embryos from fertility clinics. Even somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) seems to be allowed under very strict oversight and regulation, although the government guidelines are not yet finalized. (Norio Nakatsuji 2007). In practice, however, it turned out to be nearly impossible to get access to human embryonic stem cell lines or permission to create them. Soon after reports of the cloning of mammals such as sheep and mice from somatic cells, Japan began to develop policies to address the possibility of performing SCNT with human cells or genetic material. In 1999, a subcommittee of the cabinet Council on Science and Technology (CST) presented the Prime Minister with a report on techniques that would potentially enable human reproductive cloning. Based on this subcommittee’s recommendations, the National Diet (Japan’s parliamentary body) enacted the ‘‘Law concerning regulation of human cloning techniques and other similar techniques’’ in 2001 (National Diet, 2001, see Regulation), one of the first laws in any country to expressly prohibit human reproductive cloning in any country. The new law did not, however, address legal issues surrounding the generation of research-use human embryos by somatic cell nuclear transfer. Only in 2008, the guidelines allowed a simplified form of using hES lines, but a twostep application for permission to create hESC lines was still required. Somatic Stem Cells and Clinical Research Although hematopoietic stem cells have been used in clinical applications for decades, for much of this time there were no specific governmental regulations on clinical research with somatic stem 11 Thomson, J.A. et al. Embryonic stem cell lines derived from human blastocysts. Science 282, 1145–1147 (1998). cells, leading to concerns that this may have made it possible for inappropriate experimental or nonefficacious clinical protocols to be implemented. In response to the demands of this rapidly evolving field, the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW) organized an expert committee on clinical research with human stem cells in 2001. Its discussion focused on three key questions: the limits of clinical application, systems for evaluating clinical research with somatic stem cells, and issues surrounding the harvesting, processing, transplantation, and monitoring of stem cells and their derivatives. After these deliberations, guidelines focused on the maintenance of safety and determination of efficacy, ethical conduct, informed consent for donors and patients, quality assurance, transparency, and protection of privacy were published in 2006 (MHLW, 2006, see Regulation). These guidelines also call for a two-tiered review system, by the institutional review board and governmental committee. As of February 2010, 36 research applications had been submitted, 24 of which were approved. Here again, the process from convening of the expert committee to the publication of the guidelines required 5 years (Kawakami et al 2010). Toward clinical application and innovation: In 2009, the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) indicated that Japan was lacking vision and an overall strategy to promote the translation of laboratory-based research into clinical applications. It therefore introduced the following initiatives:12 a. iPS cell research 10-year roadmap In 2009, MEXT launched the iPS cell research 10-year roadmap, to effectively and holistically promote research for the early translation of research achievements into clinical practice. Four major objectives are as follow: Identification of iPS initialising mechanisms (basic/fundamental research) Creation and distribution of standardised iPS cells (standardisation) Creation and verification of patient-derived iPS cells for drug discovery and clinical research, and the establishment of the iPS cell bank Regenerative medicine (pre-clinical and clinical research for treatment technologies using cells, tissues, tissue transplants differentiated from iPS cells). b. Project for realisation of regenerative medicine The national project funded by MEXT to promote regenerative medicine was initiated in 2003 based on a ten-year plan and currently in its second phase (2008-2013). The project was led by three flagship universities and one research institute (namely, Kyoto, Tokyo and Keio Universities and RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology) in collaboration with major academic, industrial and government bodies. c. ‘Regenerative medicine research highway’ initiative In order to advance and accelerate the development of stem cell research and bring them through to clinical application, a new scheme called ‘Regenerative medicine research highway’ initiative was implemented in 2011 as part of MEXT’s project for realisation of regenerative medicine. d ‘Life Innovation’ and Office of Medical Innovation New Growth Strategies released by the government in June 2010 emphasise that ‘life innovation’ and ‘green innovation’ were to be the drivers of the country’s future growth and prosperity. ‘Life Innovation’ aims to advance health, medical and nursing-care industries including fields such as 12 Life Sciences Team Science and Innovation Section The British Embassy, Tokyo (2011) Brief of Regenerative Medicine in Japan, July 2011. regenerative medicine and drug discovery. Websites for regulation: Cabinet Office (CAO) (1995) The Science and Technology Basic Law (in English), unofficial translation: Ministry of Health and Welfare (1999) Saibou Sosiki wo riyoushita Iryouyougu mataha Iyakuhin no Hinshitsu oyobi Anzensei no kakuho nitsuite (Iyaku-hatsu dai 906 gou) [the Notification on Quality and Safety Assurance of Cell/Tissue-derived Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals (Notification No.906)]: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) (2001) Guidelines for the derivation and utilization of human embryonic stem cells (Hito-ES saibou no jyuritsu oyobi siyou ni kansuru sisin). Enacted September 25, 2001. http://www.lifescience. [in Japanese], 90.pdf [in English]. National Diet, Japan. (2001). Law concerning regulation of human cloning techniques and other similar techniques (Hito ni kansuru clone gijyutu-tou no kisei ni kansuru houritsu). Enacted June 6, 2001. [in Japanese], htc.pdf [in English]. Council for Science and Technology Policy (CSTP), Cabinet Office, Japan. (2004). Basic concepts in the handling of human embryos (Hito-hai no toriatsukai ni kansuru kihonteki kangae-kata) Published July 23, 2004. [in Japanese]. Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare (MHLW), Japan. (2006). Guidelines for clinical research using human stem cells (Hito-Kansaibou wo mochiiru rinsyou-kenkyu ni kansuru sisin). Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan. (2007). Guidelines for the derivation and utilization of human embryonic stem cells (Hito-ES saibou no jyuritsu oyobi siyou ni kansuru sisin). Amendment August 1 2007. Available at: http:// [in Japanese]. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) (2007) iPS Saibou (JinkouTanousei Kansaibou) Kenkyu nado no kasokuni muketa Sougou (The General Strategy to Promote iPS Cell Research Senryaku): Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan. (2008). On germ cell differentiation from human pluripotent stem cells and usage. (Hito-ES-saibou tou kara no seisyoku saibou no sakusei/riyou ni tsuite.). December 19, 2008. 02.pdf [in Japanese]. Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) (2008) Tanousei Kansaibou Kenkyu no Inpakuto –iPS saibou kenkyu no kongo- Houkokusyo [Report on the Impact of Pluripotent Stem Cell Research –the future of iPS cell research-]: ips symporeport.pdf Part III A law is under construction concerning stem cell ministration and treatment institutions: its culture and utilization will have a 2-stem system for permission. The notification of the MoHWL and IRB permission required are often violated, as the regulation has little clout as there is no fine or punishment. For this reason, it was not possible to investigate the death of a man after stem cell treatment at Bethesda, while a monthly 500 Korean patients are treated in the Xinjuku clinic. MoHWL says it is drafting a law proposal applying to both research and treatment, where high-risk treatment requires licence/notification. Accidents need to be prevented as society has high expectations of RM.13 Another law will appear to the effect that it will make the support of RM obligatory. 13 Mainichi Shimbun, 23 Dec 2012再生医療:幹細胞投与に罰則も 培養と使用規制の新法検討. 4) South Korea (C.K.C) Policy Context The South Korean government’s policy on stem cell research Bio & health industry is one of the country’s three key industries (alongside with cultural industry and SoC(System on Chip) that is expected to create jobs and Korea has potential to “dominate” the global [biomedicine/health] market Key policy strategies include: “constructing a success model of tailored [personalized] biomedicine” and “developing ‘IT hospitals’ as an export industry” Government funding of biomedical research to be increased: stem cell research funding to be tripled by 2015 (120 billon Korean won = to £7 billon). Buzzwords in the S. Korean bio-health policy/publicity documents: globalisation, international collaborations The Global Regenerative Medicine Initiative launched in October 2011 by the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) in order to promote the practicalization of the nation’s regenerative medicine research and to strengthen the competitiveness of related technologies and Global Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Accelerating Center (GSRAC) appointed accordingly in December 2011. (source: press release by MOHW) A strong government support to drive medical tourism industry (with the full assistance of the Korea Tourism Organization) National Stem Cell R & D Investment: The South Korean health ministry announced last month that research into stem cells and regenerative medicine will receive a funding boost of 33 billion won (US$29 million) in 2012, four times that given in 2011. Overall, six different ministries will invest 100 billion won in stem-cell research this year. (“South Korea steps up stem-cell work”, Nature News, 1 May 2012) Bio-vision 2016 (2007-2016)14 This stipulates the second national framework plan for biotechnology promotion. Targets include: World 7th place in scientific publication (from 13th in 2005) World 7th place in patent treated (from 14th in 2005) Increase of human resources from 9600 in 2005 to 17300 Increase of market size from US$ 2.9 billion in 2005 to US$ 65 billion [by 2016] Strategies The restructuring national Tasks innovative (i) Increasing strategic, efficient investment in biotechnology system of the (ii) Improving coordination between governmental departments biotech (iii) Improving the biotechnology policy analysis and evaluation 14 Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Energy, and the Ministry of Health and Welfare. et al. (2006) Bio-Vision 2016: The 2nd Framework Plan for Biotechnology Promotion. promotion system system Expanding infrastructure (i) Advancing the basic capability of national biotechnology for upgrading R&D (ii) Training excellent biotechnology personnel to respond the rapidly changed environment (iii) Improving the quality of international joint research and international cooperation (iv) Upgrading the infrastructure for biotechnology R&D Achieving globalization of (i) Acceleration of R&D investment for biotechnology bio-industries industrialization (ii) Improvement of the global competitiveness of bio-companies (iii) Expanding the biotechnology infrastructure (iv) Activation of technology transfer and improve support systems for bio-industries The regulatory and legal (i) Cultivating sound biotechnology research ethics overhaul and the (ii) Improving the laws and regulations on bioethics and bio-safety enhancement of public (iii) Raising awareness among the general public and spread the acceptance relevant culture Regulation South Korea has only recently established national legislative regulatory frameworks and set up institutions govern the use of stem cells. Therefore relevant regulations have been amended and added in the last decade to keep up with technological progress and consequent clinical and commercial applications. Furthermore, it is quite clear from regulatory documents that the national regulatory authorities aim to push deregulation (regulation in some cases) in order to promote national bioindustry. Historical Overview of Stem Cell Research Regulations in S. Korea Ministry in Title Aims and contents charge & Year MOHWFA 1987 Guidelines for To protect human subjects of clinical drug trials; to be Good Clinical directed at research institutions and pharmaceutical Practice companies; Made binding in 1995 and amended in 2000. MOHW 1997 Guidelines on Recombinant DNA Experiment KMA 1999 Guidelines on Initiated by the KMA’s Investigative Committee that Research on was set up to investigate the allegation of human Cloning Lives cloning at the Kyunghee Fertility Clinic; prohibits research on human embryos for cloning purposes, implantation of cloned embryos into a woman’s uterus, and experimentation on embryos after 14 days post-fertilisation (Article 4); prohibits the trading of sperm, eggs or somatic cells (Article 8) KHIDI 2001 Guidelines on KMA 2001 SCRC 2003 Human Stem Cell Research and Supervision Guidelines of Non statutory professional rules enforced by the KMA; Ethics for the to act ethically and secure consent to treatment Medical (Article 23); to refrain from trading in human eggs Professional (Article 55); to limit cloning research to curing and preventing specific diseases (Article 68); to establish ethics committees in hospitals and research institutions (Article 74-75). Guidelines for Apply to any research which the SCRC funds; require Review of stem cell research be supported by surplus IVF Research embryos, and prohibit the production of human Proposals embryos for stem cell research. Amendment Bill of the Bioethics and Safety Act/The New Bioethics and Biosafety Amendment Bill (Draft 17-8353) To be enforced from the 2nd of Feb 2013 and public hearing took place in June 2012 New clauses added on genetic discrimination; gene therapy; and gene test. A conservative interpretation of government’s policy since it leaves certain interpretive space and makes exceptions [but ‘for whose benefits?’ remains as a question] Demonstrates that Korean regulative authority attempts to close existing loopholes and deal with regulative vacuum On the importance of international collaborations: “In order to secure bioethics and safety, one should seek after necessary international (research) collaborations and should make efforts to accept universal international standards.” The amended bill has faced resistance from the medical professionals since, for being ‘unrealistic’ Regulation on Review and Authorization of Biological Products (KFDA Notification No. 2010-50, Amended on June 29, 2010; Established on May 23, 2003; Seoul: KFDA, 2010) “For autologous cartilage and skin cell therapy products, the therapeutic confirmatory clinical study data may be submitted after the product is marketed. In this case, if the product has the same indications as those previously authorized (where authorization conditions regarding therapeutic confirmatory clinical study are removed) or if it is intended to include the indications similar to those of the previously authorized products in light of their causes, progress, and outcomes, information and data on clinical pharmacological study and therapeutic exploratory clinical study may not be required.” This regulation defines "orphan drug" as “a medicinal product that is intended to treat a rare disease or condition, and requires immediate introduction, since appropriate alternative medicinal products are not available” and this could include stem cell drugs. According to this regulation, “Orphan drugs are designated by the Commissioner of the Korea Food and Drug Administration. For orphan drugs, the single dose toxicity data and short-term repeat dose toxicity data (1-3 months) (including target organ toxicity data) may be provided as the toxicological data, while the effectiveness study data or clinical study data may be submitted as the pharmacological data. Especially, for orphan drug used for treatment of a rare lifethreatening disease or in emergency cases, exploratory study may be substituted for confirmatory study on the conditional submission of confirmatory study after authorization. KFDA has eased its regulation on autologous cell therapy products in last couple of years by granting exemption from submission requirements & exemption from phase I trial when the data have been published in professional journals (Notification 2011-225, 2011). KFDA also amended its act to specify the definition of gene therapeutics (Notification 2012-3, 2012). Recent new development in stem cell regulations A South Korean Parliament member (Seung-Jo Yang) proposed a new law for the management and transplantation of stem cells (1 Aug. 2012) and the National Health and Welfare Committee referred the bill to the Conference for review (17 Sep. 2012) which is still pending.15 The proposed law suggests that the harvesting and preservation of stem cells must be controlled by national regulation, specifically a management system for stem cell harvesting, storage and implantation. The bill under consideration proposes that physicians can use their own stem cells to treat conditions under their discretion if those stem cells are properly expanded, managed, handled and provided to clinicians for them at or above the proposed standards, which is the best news patients with incurable diseases for which no existing cure is available by current medicine have had in a long time. (cf. The current Korean policy requires stem cell programs - regardless of whether there are available therapies for patients with any particular condition - to complete clinical trial phase III for market approval.) Other recent developments worth mentioning: The National Stem Cell Bank of Korea has launched in October 2012 as part of efforts to promote research into advanced medical treatment. According to press release issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the bank will be supervised by the Korea National Institute of Health (KNIH) under the Ministry of Health and Welfare and plans to establish a network between foreign and local researchers and play an active role in managing research resources. It will acquire, preserve, and manage domestic stem cell lines as well as cooperate with overseas banks to receive research 15 The Korea Federation of Organizations of the Disabled, the largest Korean patient’s group, publicly expressed their support for this bill by issuing a statement (8 Feb. 2013) as well as petitioned the presidential transition committee government for a special law that exempts phase III study of autologous stem cell drugs (06 Feb. 2013). In interviews with me, RNL Bio personnel also expressed their strong support for this bill. In their press release on the proposed bill, RNL argues: ‘When the bill is passed, high standards will be established and the better methods will immediately be made obvious to both government and patients. Through this the stem cell community expects a leap in industrial growth, and a leap in the ethical adherence of physicians to do no harm to patients and to provide remedies where possible for the aid of their patients. The Korean medical community also expects not only to see an influx of domestic patients but also many patients from other nations that lack standards for the growth of patients' own stem cells. South Korea, many economists predict, could become the Mecca for stem cell therapeutics’. (“South Korean lawmakers one step from rigorous new system for stem cell Advancement: scientists, physicians and patients applaud, urge lawmakers to complete The Job”, PRNewswire, 19 Sep. 2012, information on stem cells to support local scientists. The bank will act as the core part of a “regenerative center” which will be established in 2015.16 Key Korean bioventures in stem cell research & therapy: based on sources of SC Division of labour among Korean biotech firms? Adipose-derived SC (Autologus) Mesenchymal stem cell [RNL BIO] [Antrogen] [Cha Bio] Umbirical Cord Blood Adult Stem Cell Stem Cell Med Neural SC [Cha Bio] (Allogeneic) [Medipost] [Cha Bio] Embryonic Stem Cell Hematopoietic SC [Cha Bio] [Parmicell] [Cha Bio] Fetal Stem Cell [Cha Bio] Umbirical/Placental [Cha Bio] IPS Table 1 KFDA-Approved Stem Cell Drugs* (*as of 29 Aug. 2012; 3 in total)(Source: KFDA & other) Name Company Date FCB Pharmicell Hearticellgr am-AMI 2011.07.01 Target Note mesenchymal stem cells cultured from a patient's own bone marrow (that are injected into the coronary artery the first licensed stem cell treatments that use bone marrow– or cord blood–derived stem cells to treat diseases outside of the blood and immune systems; Traditional transplants of bloodforming stem cells from bone marrow and peripheral blood are A 59-person trial with Hearticellgram-AMI found that people who received the stem cell product could eject around 6% more blood out of their left ventricles at the end of the six-month study, compared with just 16 “We expect the stem cell bank to help commercialize the induced pluripotent stem cell technology that the Nobel Prize winner in physiology or medicine discovered this year and provide human embryonic stem cells,” a spokesman of the stem cell bank said. “Moreover, the opening of the bank is significant in that the government is directly providing support for research on stem cells and regenerative treatment which will be applied to curing intractable diseases.” The goal of the bank is to act as a national repository for stem cells and will provide them to private researchers to invigorate research on regenerative treatment. The use of embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells are quite similar for regeneration. Until now the technology for general use has not been developed and only clinical trials to cure retinal damage have been conducted on patients. For other conditions such as liver damage, domestic technology is still at the animal experimentation stage. “We expect the stem cells to be used in a greater variety of experiments for various purposes. We hope that they can be used to cure incurable diseases,” said an official from the KNIH (Yun Suh-young, “State stem cell bank opens today”, Korea Times, 16 October 2012) Medipost Cartistem 2012.1.18 Anterogen’ s Cupistem 2012.1.18 to improve regulated under separate terms heart function) from other human cell and tissue products in many countries, and so uses banked Hearticellgram is the first stem cell umbilical cord 'product' approved by a regulatory blood stem cells authority anywhere in the world. to help (The second approval came just regenerate knee four months later when the US cartilage (ICRS Food and Drug Administration grade IV) for legalized its first stem cell product, a cord blood stem cell–based people therapy called Hemacord, from the undergoing non-profit New York Blood Center.) orthopedic Nature Medicine 18, 329 (2012) surgery an injection of fat stem cells derived from a patient's own abdomen or thigh that is intended to help people with Crohn's disease who suffer from painful anal fistulas 2% improvements in people who received standard medical therapy. “In an 89-person Korean clinical trial, 26% more people who received the Medipost treatment experienced an improvement in knee function on a widely used cartilage repair assessment scale compared with those who underwent knee surgery alone. KFDA-Approved Clinical Trial for Stem Cell Treatment Table 2 Summary Number of Autologous or Derived from Current status companies allogeneic Autologo Allogene Bone Umbilica Adipose Com In us ic marrow l cord plete Clinical derived blood derived d Trials mesenchyma stem stem l stem cells cells cells 7 13 9 6 6 10 13 9 * As of 29 Aug. 2012; 22 in total (The clinical trials using stem cell induced cells are excluded in the total number) (Source: KFDA) Table 3 The List of Clinical Trials in South Korea 1 Company Name of Type product Medipost 카티스템 Allog eneic Source of SC Target Clinical Status The date of approval 제대혈유래 간엽줄기세포 무릎연골결 손 Phase 1/2 2005.04.0 1. 2 FC Pharmicell FC Pharmicell 3 FC Pharmicell 4 5 6 RNL BIO Medipost 7 RNL BIO 8 Medipost 9 호미오세라 피 10 Anterogen 11 Anterogen 12 알앤엘생명 과학 Anterogen 13 Anterogen 14 Autol ogou s Autol MSC2 ogou s Cerecellgra Autol mogou spine s Autol 바스코스템 ogou s 골수유래 중간엽줄기세포 급성 뇌경색 Phase 3 2005.06.0 3. 골수유래 중간엽줄기세포 급성 심근경색 Phase 2/3 2006.04.1 7. 골수유래 중간엽줄기세포 만성 척수손상 Phase 2/3 2007.12.1 0. 지방유래줄기세포 버거씨병 Phase 1/2 2007.12.1 8. Allog 프로모스템 eneic 제대혈유래 간엽줄기세포 비혈연조혈 모세포 이식보조 Phase 1/2 2008.03.0 5. 지방유래줄기세포 퇴행성관절 염 Phase 1/2 2008.05.1 3. 제대혈유래 간엽줄기세포 무릎연골결 손 Phase 3 2008.07.2 3. 골수유래줄기세포 GVHD Phase 1/2 2008.09.2 2. 지방유래줄기세포 치루 Phase 1 2008.11.0 6. 지방유래줄기세포 변실금 Phase 1 2009.04.2 9. 지방유래줄기세포 척수손상 Phase 1 2009.04.2 9. 지방유래줄기세포 크론병성 치루 Phase 2 2009.11.1 3. 지방유래줄기세포 크론병성치 루 (연장임상) Phase 2 2010.03.1 6. 지방유래줄기세포 복잡성 치루 Phase 2 2010.06.1 0. 제대혈유래 간엽줄기세포 미숙아 기관지폐 이형성증 Phase 1 2010.07.2 7. 골수유래줄기세포 이식편대숙 주질환 Phase 1 2010.08.3 0. MSC1 Autol 알앤엘ogou 조인트스템 s Allog 카티스템 eneic 이식편대숙 Allog eneic 주 질환치료제 Autol 아디포플러 ogou 스주 s Autol ANT-SM ogou s Autol 알앤엘아스트로스 ogou s 템 Autol 아디포플러 ogou 스주 s Autol 아디포플러 ogou 스주 s Anterogen 15 ANTG-ASC 16 Medipost 17 호미오세라 피 뉴모스템 Homeo-GH Autol ogou s Allog eneic Allog eneic 18 Anterogen ANTG-ASC Autol ogou s 지방유래줄기세포 복잡성치루 (연장임상) Phase 2 2010.09.0 1. 19 Medipost 뉴로스템 Allog eneic 제대혈유래 간엽줄기세포 알츠하이머 형 치매 Phase 1 2010.10.2 9. 골수유래줄기세포 근위축성측 삭경화증 Phase 1/2 2010.12.2 7. 지방유래줄기세포 크론성누공 Phase 1 2011.05.1 1 제대혈유래간엽줄 기세포 하지허혈증 Phase 1 2011.05.2 0 Autol 20 CORESTEM HYNR-CS 주 ogou s Allog 21 Anterogen ALLO-ASC eneic Adult Stem Allog Cell Research 제대혈유래 eneic 22 Center 간엽줄기세 (funded by 포치료제 Seoul City) Stem Cell Cosmetics (Source: A press release from the Korean Intellectual Property Office, 23 Sep. 2012) Table 1 Stem Cell Cosmetics Patents by year (2005-2011) Year Number patents of 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 1 2 3 6 15 7 3 37 Table 4 Stem Cell Cosmetics Patents by Sources of SC (2005-2011) Source Adult Stem Cell Derived Adult Stem Cell Derived Plant Stem Cell Derived Total Number % 24 43.4 3 4.8 10 17.9 37 100 Table 5 The List of Stem Cell Cosmetics (worldwide)* Company or Name of Product Research Group Source of Stem Cell Voss Laboratories Amatokin Expanded Adipose Stem Cell Dermaheal StemC'rum Expanded Adipose Stem Cell CHA Bio & Diostech Evercell Embryonic Stem Cell LG Household Health Care OHUI The Fisrst Embryonic Stem Cell 17 & Note Co-developed by CHA Bio & Diostech17 LG Household Health Care & Isaknox Te'rvina Placenta Stem Cell Co-developed by CHA Bio & Diostech Christian Dior Capture R60/80 - Contains ingredients stimulating stem cells RNL Bio Dr. Jucre Expanded Adipose Stem Cell Amore Pacific IOPE Stem Polio Plant Stem Cell Prostemics AAPE Stem Cream Expanded Adipose Stem Cell Cell herbal stem cell from Ajuga reptans Expanded Adipose/Bone Marrow Stem Cell *Products developed by South Korean firms are highlighted Parmicell BeuCell Also, it seems worth taking a note on the recent changes in regulating cosmetic ingredients since most stem cell biotech companies produce stem cell cosmetics products (see the table below) KFDA proposed partial amendment to “Regulation on Designating Cosmetic Ingredients” in its Cosmatics Act (KFDA Notification 2009-287, 18 November 2009).18 In March 2009, KFDA prohibited the use of human-derived biological materials which include human stem cell and culture fluid of human stem cell. However, this amendment was overturned by November in the same year by allowing the use of human stem cell in cosmetic products. 18 This proposed amendment is to add and amend the cosmetic ingredients in Annex 3 (list of ingredients restricted for use in cosmetics) and Annex 4 (list of ingredients prohibited for use in cosmetics). 5) Taiwan (H-C.C) Taiwan Contextual Sketch Government policy and organisation The activities relating to stem cells in Taiwan are ruled by Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA), which was set up in 2010 with the government reorganization. Somatic cell therapy is categorized now as an investigational new drug (IND). The Medical Ethics Committee in the Department of Health published the ethical regulation of stem cell research in 2002 and regulated the cell sources that stem cell research can use from. This committee is composed of 17 members from different areas to give advices and guidelines about medical ethics. Each of the medical centre in Taiwan has its own medical ethic committee, which focuses on clinical ethics and clinical trials. The biotechnology industry has been was a key industry promoted by the government. The government aimed to develop Taiwan into “Biomedtech Island,” and this industry was included in the “Two Trillion and Twin Star Development Program” announced by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) in 2002. The twin stars means biotechnology industry and digital industry, which the government planed to investigate in Taiwan. The Ministry of Economic Affairs aimed to produce NTD one trillion of output value from each of them. The Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industry Promotion Office in MOEA19 has the function to assist government to produce industry strategies and promote the investment and international cooperation in health industry. The biotechnology industry is now the only industry in Taiwan that benefits from tax reduction20. In 2009, Executive Yuan announced another action plan21 to promote biotechnology industry. These policies mentioned above shows the government plays a vey supportive role for the development of biotechnology industry. For example, Gwoxi is one of the companies that the government supports to set up and especially focuses on stem cell technology and medicine. The Taiwan Stem Cell Bank (TSCB) is one of the first publicly funded cell repositories in the East Asia region that is dedicated to the high-quality banking of human embryonic stem cells (hESC), induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) and various types of somatic stem cells. The TSCB has in 2010 finished the construction of one general laboratory and three good laboratory practice (GLP)compliant stem cell processing rooms, and it has adopted the pre-master/ master /working bank method that is also used by the UK Stem Cell Bank, so as to minimize chances ofcontamination and genetic change. In addition, it has established a back-up bank, for the case of unforeseen disasters caused by weather or accidents. The bank has fully characterized and quality controlled eight hESC lines that have been derived in Taiwan between 2002 and 2009. Five additional hESC and seven iPS cell lines are currently subjected to the bank’s quality assessment and characterization program, and shall be included in the bank’s catalogue soon. The first eight approved hESC cells have been given free for public distribution in January 2011. The total available stock shall be expanded to 20 human embryonic- and 20 iPS cells in 2015, and be opened for the inclusion of somatic stem cells at about the same time. 19 It is established in the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) in 1996. According to the Biotech and New Pharmaceutical Development Act (生技新藥產業發展條例) announced by the Executive Yuan in 2007. 21 Biotechnology Industry Taking Off Action Plan (台灣生技起飛鑽石行動方案) The action plan has four main strategies: a. strengthen value chain; b. establish funds for the establishment and investment of biotechnology industry; c. promote the mechanism of educational integration; d. set up the TFDA. 20 Furthermore, Taiwan and China government signed the “Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)” in 2010. It is anticipated that ECFA will promote the development of stem cell industry. Funding Agencies and Key persons National Science Council (NSC) and National Health Research Institutes (NHRI) distribute the funds to support stem cell research in public and private institutions. NHRI also conducts research in its research divisions. The Institute for Biotechnology and Medicine Industry (國家生技醫療產業策進 會) plays an networking role among the government, research, and industry. According to Liu (2011), a major force of regulation development was John Yu, the head of Academia Sinica’s Stem Cell Program, and a member of the International Society for Stem Cell Research’s (ISSCR) International Human Embryonic Stem Cell Guidelines Task Force. The resultant regulations were “Policy Instructions on the Ethics of Human Embryo and Embryonic Stem Cell Research,” which were approved in 2007. Research and Education Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research was established in 2005 to facilitate the research and interactions among researchers in Taiwan and with other international stem cell societies and networks. According to the Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research, the stem cell research group in Taiwan is composed of 12 research centres collaborating with hospitals. The major stem cell research centers include Academia Sinica (Stem Cell Program of Genomics Research Center), National Health Research Institute (Institute of Cellular and Systems Medicine), National Taiwan University (Teaching Resource Center for Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering), and National Yang-Ming University (Stem Cell Research Center). In education, the ministry of education framed the "Advanced Biotechnology Education Programme22" and established "Biotechnology Education Centres of Advanced Biotechnology23" to assist the policy of "Challenge 2008-Council for Economic Planning and Development" from Executive Yuan in 2002. The education centres were set up to integrate the technology, manpower, and material resources of colleges, universities, research institutes, and industrial circles. The education centres that join this programme included National Taiwan University, National Tsing Hua University, National Chung Hsing University, National Cheng Kung University, Tzu-chi University, and China Medical University The Chinese Medical Association-Taipei (中華醫學會-台北) included a session of “Cross-Strait Symposium on Current Advances in Cell Therapy” in the annual meeting in 2012, which shows the significant role that cell therapy play recently. Commercial Services Cord blood banking is popular in Taiwan. Each year 8-10% newborns’ cord blood is stored, compared to that 2.6% and 0.6% storage rate in the USA and Europe. The main strategy that family cord blood banks use is to construct cord blood banking as a form of biological insurance (Rei 2010). 22尖端生物技術科技人才培育計畫 23尖端生物技術教學資源中心 Although stem cell therapy is not approved in Taiwan, advertisements from some cosmetic medicine clinics that use stem cells in their rejuvenation medicine are visible on the street. Regulations in Taiwan Taiwan regulations focus on the embryonic stem cell (ESC) research, but lack regulations for adult stem cell research. Most of the regulations in Taiwan can be viewed as soft-regulation because they have not been approved by the Legislative Yuan, except the “Artificial Reproduction Act (人工生殖 法)”. Promulgated in 2006, it regulates the collection and storage of embryo cells. Another regulation relating to the collection of stem cell is the “Guidelines for Cord Blood Collection and Process (臍帶血收集及處理作業規範)”, which was published in 2002. It regulates the standard procedure of cord blood collection, process, and storage, including collection, testing, transportation, storage, cell usage, personnel, infrastructure, and quality control. The storage of human tissues are regulated by the Regulations for Administration on Human Organ Bank (人體器官保存庫管理辦法) (promulgated on 2 February 2009) and Human Biobank Management Act (人體生物資料庫管理條例) (Announced on 3 February 2010). Regulations for Research The cell sources for stem cell research are regulated by the DOH Medical Ethics Committee since 2002. The Article 1 of the ‘ethical codes of embryonic stem cell research (胚胎幹細胞研究的倫理規 範)” says that embryos that are used for hESC research are limited to the following sources: 1. the embryonic tissues from spontaneous abortion; 2. the embryonic tissues from artificial abortion that meets the regulation of Genetic Health Law; 3. the remaining embryos from the artificial reproduction that were to be destroyed, limiting to the embryos that are less than fourteen days after fertilization. Article 6 approved clinical trials for the purpose of treatment and condition improvement. The DOH further promulgated the “Policy Instructions on the Ethics of Human Embryo and Embryonic Stem Cell Research (人類胚胎及胚胎幹細胞研究倫理政策指引)” on 9 August 2007. The main regulatory document for stem cell research can be the Human Embryo and Embryonic Stem Cell Research Act Draft (人類胚胎及胚胎幹細胞研究條例草案), which was approved by the Executive Yuan on 24 July 2008. It is a more comprehensive regulation, including the regulation of the obtaining of cells, the rights of the tissue donors, the ethics review process, tissue preservation and destruction, and punishment. This Act added that the cells for research can be made from somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). Regulations for Clinical Trials An early regulation relating to stem cell clinical trial is the “Application and Operational Guidelines for Somatic Cell Therapy Human Clinical Trial (體細胞治療人體試驗申請與操作規範)”, which was published by the DOH in 2003. The Taiwan Food and Drag Administration (TFDA) was set up in 2010 and became the regulator for medical products in Taiwan. This move is to faclitate the development of biomedical industry in Taiwan. Stem cell therapy is not approved by the DOH in Taiwan yet. The relating therapy used to follow the Article 8 of the Medical Care Act. In 22 February 2011, TFDA announced drafts of two regulations: “the standard draft of the clinical trials of somatic cell therapy (體細胞治療臨床試驗基準(草案)) ,” and “the operational regulation draft for the application and evaluation of somatic cell therapy and gene therapy clinical trial (體細胞治療及基因治療臨床試驗 計畫申請與審查作業規範(草案))”. Somatic cell therapy and gene therapy are categorized as investigational new drug (IND) and administered by TFDA. However, compared with somatic cell therapy, stem cell therapy contains the mix of differentiated and undifferentiated cells, which require specific regulation. The Act on Human Subjects Research (人體研究法), published on 28 December 2011, was the first step in establishing a statutory system to regulate research involving humans, as well as human tissues. These processes should obey relating regulation, such as the Good Tissue Practice (GTP) (人體細胞 組織優良操作規範), the Good Clinical Practice (GCP) (藥品優良臨床試驗規範), which is a guideline to ensure the quality of drug clinical trials, and the Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice(GMP) (藥品優良製造規範) for Medical Products. 6) Thailand (N.C) National policy and funding for stem cell research Like in many countries, stem cell is a currently ‘hot’ topic amongst Thai researchers, medical practitioners and the general public. Successes by Thai research teams, particularly on the international scene, are reported with pride in the media, often making headline news. However, while individual research teams have found success, for example, in having their research results published in peer-reviewed journals, Thailand is reported to still be lacking a clear policy direction and investment into its public R & D system24. It could therefore be said that Thailand still lags behind other countries in Asia, such as China, India, Japan, South Korea and Singapore, as far as infrastructure development and investment into stem cell research are concerned. The National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)25 is the organisation that oversees all research activities in the country. Although the NRCT strategic plan of 2008-2010 suggested that health biotechnology was a research area that was in need of development, the Eighth National Research Policy and Strategy of 2012-2016 does not give a clear research policy direction. In general, it is reported that26, rather than a centralised or top-down approach, research projects in universities and medical schools are often initiated by individual researchers or research teams, focusing on their areas of interest and expertise. In terms of funding, the NRCT receives approximately 10 billion baht in government budget, the majority of which is allocated to research on agriculture27. Approximately 60 – 100 million baht (1 – 2 million GBP) goes towards stem cell research28. Apart from the NRCT, researchers may also apply for funding from the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)29, the Thailand Research Fund (TRF)30 and the Ministry of Public Health. Some research projects are also funded by private donations. It is reported31, however, that the NSTDA does not always have the capability to provide grants for large-scale clinical trials. Stem cell research, both basic and clinical, is generally carried out in state medical schools and their associated hospitals. There is sometimes confusion as to whether private hospitals can carry out clinical research32. According to my interview with the former President of the Thai Medical Council, Dr. Somsak Lohlekha, the legislation for private hospitals does not state clearly that private hospitals can carry out clinical research, as legislation for state hospitals does, but it does not expressly forbid it, either. Nevertheless, my interviews with individuals in private hospitals suggest that most private hospitals do not have the infrastructure and resources to carry out clinical research. 24 Heath Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP), Report on Advanced Health Biotechnologies in Thailand, 2012 25 สำนักงำนคณะกรรมกำรวิจย ั แห่งชำติ (วช) 26 Heath Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP), Report on Advanced Health Biotechnologies in Thailand, 2012 27 28 ibid 29 สำนักงำนพัฒนำวิทยำศำสตร์ และเทคโนโลยีแห่งช่ติ (สวทช) 30 สำนักงำนกองทุนสนับสนุนกำรวิจย ั (.สกว) 31 Heath Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP), Report on Advanced Health Biotechnologies in Thailand, 2012 32 กรุ งเทพธุรกิจ [ศบุภเวลิมวิญำส แสวง.รร. ] 9 February 2010 Research Institutes Mahidol Unviersity and its medical schools Mahidol University hosted the first medical school in Thailand, Siriraj Medical School, which was established in 1888. It was then reorganised as University of Medical Sciences in 1943 and renamed as Mahidol University in 1969. Because of its history, Mahidol University is often regarded as one of the top universities for medical sciences. At Mahidol University, there is the Salaya Stem Cell R&D Project33, established in 2010, and funded by a private source. The project built its facility to comply with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and the project had ambitious objectives, including a plan to develop and produce clinical grade human autologous stem cells for various cell therapies. When I spoke to a researcher from the project in 2012, I learned, however, that the project suffered unexpected delays due to the unstable political situation in Thailand and the severe flood of 2011. As a result, funding to the project had been cut and its future is more uncertain. Apart from the Salaya Stem Cell R&D Project, there was also a research group that worked on the use of stem cells for heart and epiglottis diseases but the research had since been terminated. Mahidol University has two medical schools, the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital. In October 2012, a research team at the faculty of medicine of Siriraj Hospital, led by Dr. Tassanee Permthai, announced that they had devised a novel method to isolate stem cells from amniotic fluid34. The research findings were published in BMC Cell Biology in 2010 (11, 79)35. The announcement was reported in national media and made front page news on several national newspapers. There is now a plan to establish a stem cell bank at Siriraj, with stem cells from umbilical cord, amniotic fluid and placenta. The Faculty of Medicin Ramathibodi Hospital is particularly well known for their expertise in treating patients using haematopoietic stem cell transplantations. There is also a research group that is investigating the use of adult stem cell in arthritis treatment. Chulalongkorn University Chulalongkorn University was founded in 1917 and is often regarded as one of the top universities in Thailand. There are a number of research teams working on stem cells: one research team focusing on human embryonic stem cells, one on iPS and another on clinical application of mesenchymal stem cells. In June 2012, a research team at the Faculty of Medicine, led by Assoc. Prof. Kamthorn Pruksananonda, announced that Chulalongkorn University had established the first human embryonic stem cell bank in Thailand36. According to news reports, the University first developed its embryonic stem cell line five years ago and has since developed five embryonic stem cell lines, all of which are registered with the European Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry. (The lines are Chula1.hES, Chula2.hES, Chula3.hES, Chula4.hES and Chula5.hES. Only lines 2, 4 and 5 are reported to be stable, however.) The embryonic stem cell line was developed from the inner cell mass of leftover embryos at 5-7 days after fertilisation, donated by couples who had successfully undergone IVF treatment at Chulalongkorn Hospital. Police General Hospital 33 35 36 34 A research team, led by Dr. Thana Turajane, is conducting a clinical trial using stem cells derived from patients’ blood to treat arthritis. The study involves 60 arthritis patients, aged between 45 and 60, and is expected to be completed in 2013. Lerdsin Hospital Dr Krissanapong Manodham and his research team have been conducting research into the use of stem cells to treat patients with HIV. There are also researchers who had recently returned to Thailand after studying their PhD and/or working as a postdoc abroad. Dr. Nopporn Jongkamonwiwat, for example, is currently at Srinakharinwirot University. He worked in collaboration with researchers from Sheffield University on a new stem cell treatment for hearing loss, tested on gerbils, which was published in Nature in October 201237. Private Sector Stem cell companies The Israeli stem cell company TheraVitae38 came to Thailand in 2005 and formed partnerships with a number of private hospitals to offer stem cell treatments for heart conditions. In this procedure, blood is drawn from the patients, sent to be processed in laboratories in Israel and then transported back to be injected into the patients, cared for by Thai medical staff in private hospitals. In 2006, the Thai Board of Investment (BOI) featured the company prominently in its brochure on investment opportunities in biotechnology in Thailand39. Prior to the Medical Council’s regulation (see below), the treatment was offered to “hundreds” of both domestic patients and ‘medical tourists’ from abroad40, though the treatment was still being investigated in clinical trials in the USA. However, after the regulation, private hospitals stopped offering the treatment to patients (at least openly). In an email correspondence, TheraVitae said that they now offer the treatment in Israel, Lebanon and the Dominican Republic. Another Bangkok-based company, SiriCell Technologies Inc41, was founded in January 2008 (in Vanuatu and therefore presumably an offshore company). It established a joint venture with Beike Biotech in November 2008. Subsidiary companies for SiriCell-Beike JV were established in Bangkok in January 2009, Kuala Lumpur in November 2009 and Manila in May 2010. SiriCell then signed MOU agreement with Bangkok Dusit Medical Services Plc (Bangkok Hospital Group) regarding a strategic partnership to introduce and integrate stem cell therapies and regenerative practices in March 2010. Then according to SiriCell website, SiriCell and Beike ended their Joint Venture in November 2010. Territory subsidiaries in Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines were renamed and rebranded as SiriCell companies during January and March 2011. From SiriCell’s official website: 37 39 The 2006 document is no longer available online but see: 40 41 38 “SiriCell has established therapeutic product development programs in the areas of spinal cord injuries, cardiovascular disease, and neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy, ataxia and multiple sclerosis. In addition, the Company is planning treatments for multiple causes of critical limb ischemia, optic nerve pathologies, cell-based immune therapies, and liver disease. Our research and development of therapeutic cell products and delivery protocols are anchored by a knowledge transfer during a two-year partnership with a leading Asian biotechnology company and other select research scientists and medical professionals.” However, based on fieldwork investigations, SiriCell does not appear to be operating at the moment. Cord blood banks Currently less than 1% of babies born in Thailand have their cord blood banked42. Cord blood banking companies therefore see potential for growth in the Thai market. A cord blood banking package can cost around 85,000 to 130,000 baht (1700 – 2600 GBP), while a stem cell banking package from peripheral blood and adipose tissue can cost considerably higher e.g. 300,000 baht (6000 GBP). There are a number of private cord blood banks in Thailand, including Thai StemLife (, Cyroviva (, Thai Health Baby ( and Bangkok Stem Cell ( Private clinics There are private clinics that offer stem cell treatments for cosmetic purposes or as part of holistic/complementary/alternative medicine e.g. Regulations Horizontal regulations Regulations regarding research in human subjects43 Researchers who plan to conduct research involving human subjects must submit their research proposals to the IRBs/ECs of their institutions or to the Ethics Committee of the Ministry of Public Health for approval. Doctors conducting clinical trials must also act according to the Rules of the Medical Council on the Observance on Medical Ethics44 B.E. 2526 (1983) and its amendments45. For 42 กำรวิจยั ในมนุษย์ 44 ข้ อบังคับว่ำร้ วยกำรรั กษำจริ ยธรรมแห่งวิชำชีพเวชกรรม 45 Legal documents can be found on the website of the Office of the Council of State 43 hospitals directly under the Ministry of Public Health, there is also the Ministry of Public Health’s Ethical Guidelines for Research in Human Subjects. It is acknowledged46, however, that there are still gaps in existing regulations, including: - The current regulations do not systematically address and protect the rights of participants The current regulations do not address the consent of those who cannot give informed consent The state does not have the mechanism to monitor and protect the rights of participants There may be variations in the standards and approval processes of different IRBs Criminal prosecutions may be used inappropriately Therefore a draft bill ‘Research in Human Subjects Act’47 is in the process of being drafted by the Ethics Committee of the Ministry of Public Health [Department of Medical Services]48. Based on the report49, the objectives of the bill are: - To clarify and protect the rights of participants To clarify and certify the legal status of and to clearly state and define the roles and responsibilities the Ethics Committee of the Ministry of Public Health To ensure that the approval processes follow similar standards and principles To ensure that there is a guarantee that participants/research subjects will be compensated in the case of adverse event It should be noted that there had been attempts to pass a law regarding research in human subjects in the past. In 1985, for example, a draft bill was accepted by the Cabinet and sent for consideration of the Parliament but it was not in session due to a dissolution of the House of Representatives and the draft bill was therefore automatically dropped. Thai Food and Drug Administration Initially there was some confusion as to whether stem cells should be regulated as food or drugs. But on 27 March 2009, the Thai Food and Drug Administration (TFDA)50 announced that stem cells and products containing stem cells which aim to have curative and/or preventative effects on diseases or symptoms are to be regulated as biological drugs. Therefore the importation, production (under GMP) and development of stem cell products must follow regulations as detailed in the Drug Act B. E. 2510 (1967) and all other amendments. Clinical trials with stem cell products intended to be commercialised/marketed have to be approved by the TFDA (as well as IRBs/ECs). There are currently no stem cell products registered/authorised by the TFDA. However, the TFDA regulatory framework does not apply to clinical trials involving stem cell products, whether substantially or minimally manipulated, intended for individual patients in hospitals and not to be marketed. (In such cases, approval needs to be sought from the Medical Council and IRBs/ECs, as outlined below.) 46 ร่ ำงพระรำชบัภภัติกำรวิจยั ในมนุษย์ 48 กรมกำรแพทย์ 49 50 47 It is reported51 that the TFDA has reviewed regulations of other countries and attempted to draft guidelines such as Good Tissue Practice (GTP). There has been no further information on these possible draft regulations, however. Finally, the TFDA also banned the advertising and sale of cosmetic products containing stem cells and warned the public against facial treatments involving stem cells52. The Medical Registration Division, Department of Health Service Support The Medical Registration Division in the Department of Health Service Support (DHSS)53, under the Ministry of Public Health, has an authority to register private medical establishments, supposedly including private hospitals, clinics and stem cell banks. An informant said, however, that the DHSS’ role is simply to register private hospitals and clinics. It therefore seems that the DHSS’ role is very limited in controlling activities in private hospitals and clinics. According to my informant, registration depends upon the private hospitals/clinics having medical doctors with valid medical licenses. In regards to stem cell banks, there is currently no regulation on private stem cell banks which only provide stem cell banking services. These companies, instead, seek accreditation, such as the AABB accreditation, and ISO 9001 certification to demonstrate standards to potential and existing customers. Consumer Case Procedures Act The Consumer Case Procedures Act, which became effective from 23 August 2008, revises the former Consumer Protection Act. The new Act may make it easier to file legal actions against doctors and health service providers for medical malpractice. Prior to the new Act, prosecutions against medical providers were difficult for certain defendants to maintain due to the burden of proof resting on the victims or victims' families. Under the current Act, the burden of proof has been shifted from the complainant to the medical provider. The number of lawsuits against medical practitioners had increased substantially under the current Act54. The Medical Council had been working to revise the law and in November 2012 the Medical Council formally submitted a petition to the House of Representatives to seek amendments to exclude medical practitioners from the law55. [I need to check if there has been a case involving stem cell treatment under the new Act.] Use of human embryos in research There is currently no specific legislation regarding the use of human embryos in research. The Medical Council, though, has released regulations on Human Cloning in June 2002 (No. 21/2544), prohibiting reproductive human cloning. As far as I understand, there is currently no central authority that oversees the use of human embryos in research, nor is there a licensing system. Rather it is up to individual IRBs/ECs to approve research. Based on interviews, it seems that Thai 51 Heath Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP), Report on Advanced Health Biotechnologies in Thailand, 2012 52 53 กรมสนับสนุนบริ กำรสุขญำพ 54 55 Ibid researchers generally follow the international guidelines (e.g. not exceeding the 14-day after fertilisation limit). Vertical Regulations The Thai Medical Council The Medical Council’s Rules on the Observance on Medical Ethics regarding stem cell transplantation for therapeutic treatment B. E. 2552 (2009)56 was drafted and issued to deal specifically with the clinical applications of stem cells. The regulation states that the Medical Council draws on the Medical Professional Act B.E. 2525 (1982) Section 21 (3) (ช) , which states that the Medical Council has an authority to issue rules concerning the professional and ethical conduct of doctors. Noncompliance may lead to the revocation of medical license. Dr. Somsak Lolekha, who was President of the Medical Council when the regulation was drafted and announced, said that the regulation was a response to the criticisms, both at home and abroad, of the unproven stem cell therapies that were widely advertised and available in private hospitals and clinics in Thailand. In 2007, there was one widely reported case of a patient with lupus nephritis who passed away after receiving an autologous stem cell treatment at a clinic in Thailand57. At her autopsy, lesions were discovered in her kidneys, at sites of injections. At the same time, the American Medical Association, based on its survey, also categorised Thailand as having deceptive and exaggerated advertisements for stem cell therapies and treatments58. The regulation states that stem cell therapies that can be offered as therapeutic treatments must already have been proved in research, established as standard practice and agreed by the Medical Council. Effectively, these only include therapies involving haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. All other stem cell therapies can only be offered to patients as part of clinical studies, which must be approved by both the IRBs/ECs of the doctors/researchers’ institutions (or the ethics panel of the Ministry of Public Health) and the scientific and ethic committee of the Medical Council. The approval process is therefore different to general research involving human subjects, which only requires approval from IRBs/ECs. Since the regulation became effective, there have been 17 research proposals submitted to the Medical Council, 11 of which have been approved. In general, the Medical Council’s regulation seems to have been successful to an extent, in that private hospitals that used to openly advertise and offer experimental stem cell therapy to patients appear to no longer do so. Preliminary assessment: gaps and weaknesses In regards to research, researchers I have spoken to during fieldworks have said that they are concerned that the regulations are both not strict enough and that they are too strict. There are also concerns with the issues of transparency and possible conflicts of interest in IRBs and ECs. The gaps and weaknesses in the current regulations for research in human subjects are as already listed 56; 58 57 above. The Research in Human Subject Act is supposed to address these issues, though it is still in the drafting process. There is also currently no central authority who oversees the use of human embryos in research, nor is there a licensing system. The decision making process here rests with IRBs and ECs. The Medical Council has been successful, to an extent, in controlling the availability of experimental stem cell therapy. The former president, Dr. Somsak Lohlekha, said in my interview with him, that the Thai Medical Council has been quite successful because “for better or for worse, everything in Thailand is quite centralised and Thailand is much smaller than countries like China and India.” Other interviewees also suggest that the Medical Council is a powerful institution and that “no one wants to become an enemy of the Medical Council” because as a professional organisation, the Medical Council, can give professional and legal assistance should a doctor ever need it. Nevertheless, there are gaps and weaknesses associated with the Medical Council’s regulation. Firstly, the Medical Council can only control the conduct of doctors, but not nurses or commercial companies. Secondly, the Medical Council does not have the authority to police, arrest and prosecute. Therefore, the quality assurance of medical services in Thailand is passive, in that the Medical Council generally takes action only after there have been complaints made by patients. In addition, researchers have also expressed that the Medical Council’s regulation is not an ideal long-term solution. Some have suggested, for example, that there should be another organisation that oversees regulatory issues not just for stem cells but for the whole field of advanced health biotechnologies. In the case of private clinics that offer stem cell treatments for cosmetic purposes or as part of holistic/complimentary/alternative medicine, it is unclear how these activities are regulated. According to my informant, the DHSS only registers clinics but does not oversee activities that may be subsequently offered in the clinics. Doctors who offer live cell therapy or stem cell injections may be found to be breaching the Medical Council’s regulation, but only if they are reported to the Medical Council when things go wrong. The Bureau of Complementary and Alternative Medicine59 has a section on Cell Therapy on their website. However, when I spoke to the Bureau, I was told that the Bureau is currently focusing on research and does not give licenses to practitioners of cell therapy. It is currently unclear whether stem cells or stem cell products used in such treatments are under the TFDA rules as they can be seen to be prepared for individual patients and not to be marketed. I am told that the TFDA will make announcements on this issue soon (maybe February March 2013). Similarly, as noted, there is also currently no specific regulation governing private stem cell banking. The only information that I have been able to find is that regulatory bodies and research institutes are encouraged to educate the public so that they can make informed decisions. 59 สำนักกำรแพทย์ทำงเลือก