SYLLABUS STATE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 OF TAMBUN SELATAN LEVEL EDUCATION SUBJECT : SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : BIOLOGY COMPETENCE STANDART NO 1 BASIC COMPETENCE 1.1 Describe the component of cell chemistry,structure and function of cell as a the smallest thing in life CLASS/SEMESTER ACADEMIC YEAR : XI / I : 2012/ 2013 : 1. Understanding about the structure and function of cell as a the smallest thing in life CORE MATERIAL LEARNING ACTIVITIES INDICATOR Study literature from 1.1.1 Explain the component of cell chemistry the other source that about the component 1.1.2 Describe the structure The component of of cell chemistry cell chemistry and function of plant cell and animal cell Cell consist of from the observation protoplasm which Doing the microscopic activity contain organic and observation about the anorganic material, for structure of cell on wet 1.1.3 Showing the part of the example carbohydrate, preparat and cell according to the fat and protein. permanent preparat picture, literature, from plant cell and internet browsing. animal cell The structure and function of cell cell as a smallest unit in Comparing the result 1.1.4 Explain the structure and function every part organism in structure from the literature with of the cell and function. Cell consist CD or cell picture from of membrane plasma, the internet browsing 1.1.5 Making cell models cytoplasm, nucleus and the others organels Identify the structure which have specific and function of cell 1.1.6 Identify and describe the structure of a plant function. from the literature cell (palisade cell) and an animal cell (liver cell), as seen under a ASSESSMENT TIME ALLOCATION SOURCES Sumber: Biology 2,ESIS, Aryulina Diah.,at all., page 2-27. Biology workbook, . Type assignment Individual assignment Assignment group Practical work of observation examination Instrument shape: Product (the report of study literature about the component of chemistry cell, cell picture, from the observation in laboratory, multiple choice exam, essay exam and quiz. 4 X 45 minutes Alat: Mikroskop, silet/mikrot om, Kaca penutup, kaca objek, gelas kimia, pipet, OHP/Komp uter, LCD. Bahan: LKS, bahan presentasi, 1 light microscope 1.1.7 Use a graticule and stage micrometer to measure cells and be familiar with units (millimeter, micrometer, nanometer) used in cell studies. 1.1.8 Explain and distinguish between resolution and magnification, with reference to light microscopy and electron 2 1.2 Identify the cell organelle in plant cell and animal cell The different of plant cell and animal cell The organelles in plant cell and animal cell Plant cell and animal cell consist of Reticulum endoplasmic, Golgy apparatus, mitocondrion, lysosom, chloroplast, centriol, nucleus and nucleolus observe the plant cell and animal cell picture and find the differences both of the cell study information from the literature, internet browsing making communication from the literature study orally in front of the class making plant cell and animal cell models and the part of its 1.2.1 Comparing the animal cell structure and plant cell structure 1.2.2 Explain the organella that have in each plant cell and animal cell 1.2.3 Making the plant cell or animal cell models, the parts and the function 1.2.4 Describe the differences in structure between typical animal and plant cells 1.2.5 Outline the functions of the membrane systems and organelles Sumber: Biology 2,ESIS, Aryulina Diah.,at all., page 2-27. Biology workbook, type of assignment Group assignment practical work laboratory daily examination Product (the report of study literature about the component of chemistry cell, cell picture, from the observation in laboratory, multiple choice exam, essay exam and quiz. 4 X 45 minutes www.cellali Alat: OHP/Komp uter, LCD. Bahan: LKS, Bahan presentasi, CD interaktif 2 sel dan organel. 3 1.3 Comparing the mechanism of transport membrane (diffusion, osmosis, active transport, endisitosis and exocitosis) Diffusion The movement of (liquid or solid ) from Doing the experiment solved high of diffusion using concentration to low potato, and concentration without plasmolysis experiment energy using leaves in practical work group Osmosis Identify the application The water movement for understanding or solved thing from diffusion and osmosis the low concentration to make permanent to high concentration material using selective Learning with membrane permeable searching to find the without energy mechanism of active transport endocytosis Active transport and exocytosis by Transport that need themselves. energy for movement Find the information of molecules. the process of endocytosis and Endositosis/eksositosis exocytosis and The movement in and completely with the out of particle across suitable example membrane. Different another concept of transport Apications of membrane from the transport membrane many literature. The application for transport membrane concept is for making 1.3.1 Explain the characteristic of transport by diffusion and osmosis 1.3.2 Explain the plasmolisis 1.3.3 Explain the aplication for basic concept transport in cell 1.3.4 Different of active transport and passive transport 1.3.5 Explain the process of endocytosis and give example 1.3.6 Define diffusion as the movement of molecules from a region of their higher concentration to a region of their lower concentration donw a concentration gradient 1.3.7 Describe the importance of gaseous and solute diffusion, and of water as a solvent 1.3.8 Construct the experiment with the any substance to type of assignment group assignment practical work laboratory daily examination Product (the report of study literature about the component of chemistry cell, cell picture, from the observation in laboratory, multiple choice exam, essay 2 X 45 minutes exam and quiz. Type of bill: Group assigment, daily exam. Form of instrument: Products(consolidated results of the study from different sources), observations of behavior, multiplechoice tests, test descriptions, quiz. Sumber: Biology 2,ESIS, Aryulina Diah.,at all., Biology workbook, Alat: OHP/komp uter, LCD, difusi apparatus. Pelubang gabus, pisau,timbangan, piala kimia. Bahan: LKS, bahan presentasi, kentang/ pe paya/ bengk uang/ labu siam, air, gula., KMnO4. Sumber: Buku acuan yang relevan, internet. 3 various product food, fish of evidence transport across the membrane. 1.3.9 Making long term food with using concept of transport membrane. 1.3.10 describe and explain the fluid mosaic model of membrane structure, including an outline of the roles of phospholipids, cholesterol, glycolipids, proteins and glycoproteins; COMPETENCE STANDART 2. Understand the relationship between structure and function of plant and animal tissue and its application in salingtemas context NO BASIC COMPETENCE CORE MATERIAL LEARNING ACTIVITIES 2.1 Identify the Structue of palnt cell Observe the tissue with tissue structure of Plant tissue contain of using a light microscope plant and make meristematic, from the root, stem, relation with its epidermis, clorenkhim, leaves, flower . function, explain sklerenkim, xylem, Compare the picture totipotensi preoperties as floem. from the result of basic of culture observation with the tissue The function of each picture from another network. textbook or literature. Network functions vary Identify the kinds of according to location, networks based on the position, age, the structure, shape and influence of external location, according to factors the picture / photo observation and Nature Totipotensi. assessment INDICATOR 2.1.1 Describes the various kinds of network structures in plants from the observation. 2.1.2 Identify the various networks based on the shape and location. 2.1.3 Distinguishing the structure of plant tissue using the image. 2.1.4 Identify the main features of each kind of plant tissue. 2.1.5 Describe the functions of various kinds of ASSESSMENT Type of bill: The task group, individual tasks, performance, replication. Form of instrument: Products (image observations and the results of the study, identification of the various networks), performance observation, observation of behavior, multiplechoice tests, test descriptions, quiz. The task group, TIME ALLOCATION SOURCES Resource: 12 x 45 minutes Biology 2,ESIS, Aryulina Diah.,at all., page 34-63 Biology workbook, www.cellali www.quizle 4 Totipotensi on plant Review the literature to plant tissue structure. tissue properties used discover the various 2.1.6 Linking the nature of to obtain uniform functions of plant tissue the network totipotensi seedlings in large Analyze the functions of with tissue culture quantities and rapidly the various networks techniques. through tissue culture. based on the structure, 2.1.7 Explain the basic shape and location by principles of tissue using the image culture. through discussion. 2.1.8 Creating a process Discussions totipontensi sequence Charta on one nature of networks owned plants. Reviewing the literature books to discover how to make one type of tissue culture plants through the tasks independently. 2.2 Describe the structure of vertebrate animal tissues and relate to its function. The structure of Perform microscopic animal tissues. observation of the Animal tissues include finished epithelial tissue, dosage find a variety of muscle, bone, nerves, vertebrate animal tissue and connective structure through group tissue.\ work. Comparing Function of observations vertebrate animal with images images / tissues. photos Each network has a from studies literatu / CD different function is interactive / internet determined by the surfing / location / position, Charta. 2.2.1 Describes the various kinds of networks based on the observations. 2.2.2 Identify each network structure based on image observations and studies. 2.2.3 show the kind of body tissue based on its location on the vertebrate animals / humans Know the function of each animal tissues. individual tasks, performance, replication. Form of instrument: Products (resumes study various functions of plant tissue) observed attitudes, multiple-choice tests, test descriptions, quiz. Type of bill: The task group, individual tasks, performance, replication. Form 12 x 45 minutes of instrument: Products (image observations and the results of the study, identification of the various networks), performance observation, observation of Resources : Biology 2,ESIS, Aryulina Diah.,at all., page 66-88 Biology workbook, www.cellali Mikroskop, catton bud Kaca penutup, kaca objek, 5 age, external factors. Tumor / cancer. The network may grow uncontrollably due to the existence of trigger factors, which interfere with metabolic activity. 2.2.4 Describe the function Identify the kinds of of each tissue based on the networks based on the structure, form and structure, shape and function location, according to the picture / photo 2.2.5 Distinguishing the understanding of observation tumor / cancer. and assessment Review the literature to 2.2.6 Describe the trigger discover the various factors of tumor / functions of animal cancer tissues 2.2.7 Demonstrate a variety by assignment. Analyzing the functions of cancer that occurs in humans. of the various networks based on the structure, shape and location by using the image through discussion Exploring the information from the literature / interactive CD / penelurusan internet to find a description of the tumor / cancer through group work. behavior, multiplechoice tests, test descriptions, quiz. gelas kimia, pipet, methilene blue, OHP/Kompute r, LCD Discuss the results of studies from various sources 6 about the tumor / cancer. Communicate / present the results of the study and discussion of the tumor / cancer Competence Standard NO : 3. Understanding Transport in Plant BASIC COMPETENCE CORE MATERIAL 3.1 5 Explaining the mechanism of transport in plants Plant Nutrition · Transportation system of water and dissolved nutrients (simplas and apoplas) · · Transportation system results photosynthesis (Translocation) · Transpiration LEARNING ACTIVITIES Knowing yng macro and micro elements required by plants. · Distinguishing transport and apoplas simplas · Knowing the factors that affect pengankutan water and minerals from soil to plants. · done some experiments of water transport through xylem. · Differentiate and intravasikuler ekstravasikuler transportation. · Knowing the kinds of elimination in plants. · Distinguishing traspirasi INDICATOR 3.1.1 Explain the need for transport systems in multicellular plants and animals in terms of size and surface area to volume ratios; 3.1.2 Define the term transpiration and explain that it is an inevitable consequence of gas exchange inplants; 3.1.3 Describe the distribution of xylem and phloem tissue in roots, stems and leaves of dicotyledonous plants; 3.1.4 Describe the structure of xylem vessel elements, sieve tube elements and companion cells and be able to recognize these using the light microscope; ASSESSMENT Type of bill: Task groups, individuals, replication. Form of instrument: Products (consolidated results lpraktikum transportation system and translocation), multiple choice test attitudes, replication. TIME ALLOCATION 4X 45minutes SOURCES Biology 2,ESIS, Aryulina Diah.,at all., Biology workbook, Alat: OHP/komp uter, LCD, 7 and evaporation. · Experimenting plant transpiration. 3.1.5 Relate the structure of xylem vessel elements, sieve tube elements and companion cells to their functions 3.1.6 Describe the pathways and explain the mechanisms by which water is transported from soil to xylem and from roots to leaves; Competence Standard : 4. Describe the structure and function of human organs and animals abnormalities that may occur and the implications on environment NO BASIC COMPETENCE 4.1 Describe the relationship between structure, function and processes as well as disorders / diseases that can occur in the human motion system CORE MATERIAL o Structure and function of bones, muscles and joints in humans The human skeleton is moved by muscles attached to bones, that are linked through the joints. o The process of motion Mechanism motion carried by the fibers oot through filamin actin and myosin movement that requires ATP. o Disorders / diseases of the moving system Some interference with LEARNING ACTIVITIES Review the literature to find the structure and function of bones and muscle Observe the skeleton model Review the literature to find the structure and function of joint Make list about joint type Observe and classified about joint motion which demonstrated in group. Review the literature Identify the structure of muscle INDICATOR 4.1.1 Define the movement tools and its functions. 4.1.2 Identify the structure of bones and its function 4.1.3 Identify the structure of skeleton 4.1.4 Classified type of bone 4.1.5 Define the term of joint and its function 4.1.6 Identify the structure of joint (articulation) 4.1.7 Explain the relevance of bone, muscle and joint motion in the movement system. ASSESSMENT Type of bill: individual task workbook chapter v ,Daily test. Type of bill: post test in group, daily test Type of bill: Individual task, make diagram of myofibril during contraction, relaxation and tetanus TIME ALLOCATION 14x 45 minutes SOURCES Resources : Biology 2,ESIS, Aryulina Diah.,at all., page 90116 Biology workbook, Alat: OHP/komp uter, LCD, model rangka. Bahan: 8 4.2Describe the relationship between structure, function and processes as well as disorders / diseases that can occur in the circulatory system the motion system, such as fractures, arthritis, osteoarthritis, scoliosis, hypertrophy, etc.. Analyzing the working mechanism of muscle Analyzing the occurrence of unusual movements and reflexes through modeling. Structure and function of blood Blood consists of blood plasma and blood cells, Observation of blood components Seek information from various sources function of human blood. Discussing the basic principles of human blood grouping. Using Charta circulatory circulatory tool to analyze the structure and process of human blood circulation through discussion. To review the literature / internet search to find the cause of various diseases that occur in the human circulatory system independently. Conducted a study of newspapers / magazines / internet searches / literature to find the use o The structure of the circulatory tools The structure of the circulatory devices include heart and blood vessels (arteries and veins). 4.1.8 Explain the structure of muscle 4.1.9 Explain the working mechanism of muscle as a means of active motion. 4.1.10 Describe the process of motion: normal and reflex motion. 4.2.1 Explain the componens of blood, plasm, and blood cell. 4.2.2 Explain the fuction of blood 4.2.3 Describe the variety of blood cell 4.2.4 Explain the function of blood, heart, and artery and vena. 4.2.5 Determine the type of students blood by themself 4.2.6 Explain the basic principle to making group of blood 4.2.7 Explain the basics transfusion of blood 4.2.8 Explain all the tool that have correlation with human circulatory system. 4.2.9 Distinguish between vena and artery 4.2.10 Distinguish vena OHP/komputer , LCD, Power point Type of bill: The task group, replication. Form of instrument: Products (report results of an experiment testing blood type), multiple choice test attitudes, replication. Type of bill: The task group, replication. Form of instrument: Products (report analyzes the results of the discussion of the circulatory system) t test multiple choice attitudes, 14X45minutes RESOURCE: Biology 2,ESIS, Aryulina Diah.,at all., page 118149 Biology workbook, www.huma ncirculator www.cie.or Bahan: LKS, bahan ajar, bahan presentasi, 9 o The process of the human circulatory Took place with the human circulatory system is closed through the blood vessels. o Disorders / diseases of the circulatory system Some disorders / diseases such as anemia, leukemia, heart disease, thalassemia, atherosclerosis, cholesterol, diabetes. o Technology relating to the circulatory system The use of a pacemaker, inhibiting blood clotting in the of technology in helping the circulatory system disorders. Comparing the circulatorysystem in various animals using Charta. Identify the characteristics of each system of the animal relief. Reviewing the literature the circulatory system of various animals. circulatory system and artery circulatory sytem. 4.2.11 Distinguish short circulatory system and long circulatory system and the tools that have been accrios. 4.2.12 Understand many abnormality in human circulatory system. 4.2.13 Explain the causes of abnormality in human circulatory system. 4.2.14 Explain the work to prevent abnormality in human circulatory system. 4.2.15 Explain many animal circulatory system 4.2.16 Identify all tool in animal circulatory system. 4.2.17 Identify the special characteristic in many animal circulatory system. 4.2.18 Describe the circulatory system as a system of tubes with a pump and valves to ensure one-way flow of blood 4.2.19 Describe the double circulation in terms of a low pressure circulation to the lungs and a high pressure circulation to the body tissues and relate replication. Type of bill: The task group, replication. Form of instrument: Products (study reports the use of technology to rehabilitate disorders / diseases in sistemsirkulasi), multiple choice test attitudes, replication. 10 these differences to the different functions of the two circuits 4.2.20 Explain the relationship between the structure and function of arteries, veins and capillaries; 4.2.21 Describe the structure of red blood cells, phagocytes and lymphocytes and explain the differences between blood, tissue fluid and lymph; 4.2.22 Describe the role of haemoglobin in carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide; Bekasi, July 12th 2012 Acknowledged by The principal of State Senior High School 1 of Tambun Selatan H. Mulyadi, S.Pd. M.Pd. NIP. 19591206 198403 1 008 Subject Teacher Dian Setyawati, S.Pd. NIP. 11 SYLLABUS STATE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 OF TAMBUN SELATAN LEVEL EDUCATION SUBJECT : SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : BIOLOGY NO BASIC COMPETENCE CORE MATERIAL 1. Describe the structure and function of certain human and animal organs, disorders and or diseases that may occur and its implications on salingtemas. Structure and function of respiratory equipment. Humans a respirator lung (bronchus, bronkeolus, bonkeololus) who built a unique system. Mechanism of Breathing Breathing in humans Done respiratory inspiration and expiration that occurs because of differences in air pressure in the chest cavity. Respiratory animals. Respiration in animals vary, for example by the lungs, gills, skin, and trachea. CLASS/SEMESTER ACADEMIC YEAR LEARNING ACTIVITIES INDICATOR Using Charta / interactive CD / Internet searches found the respiratory system structure of human respiratory equipment. Reviewing of the literature found the structure and function of human respiratory equipment. Using modeling one of his students to recognize the changes that occur during the process of breathing through Describe the structure and function of respiratory devices in humans. Describe the mechanism of respiration in humans. Distinguish between chest breathing and abdominal breathing. Describe the process of exchange mechanisms of alveolar oxygen and carbon dioxide into the blood capillaries or vice versa. Identify tools and processes-lat respiratory tract of birds. Distinguishing the human respiratory and birds. Explain the disorder / disease that occurs in the respiratory system. Identify ways of discussion activities. the use of modeling differences in respiratory chest and abdominal breathing. Reviewing literature / interactive CD / Internet searches found the process of exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide from the alveoli to the capillary blood Analyzing ASSESSMENT Type of bill: Individual tasks, group work, performance, replication. Form of instrument: Products (consolidated results of study literature and the internet), observation of the attitude, quizzes, multiple choice test, a test description. : XI / II : 2012/ 2013 TIME ALLOCATION 12 x 45 minutes SOURCES Sumber: Buku acuan yang relevan, internet. Alat: OHP/komp uter, LCD. Bahan: LKS, bahan presentasi, Charta/CD interaktif sistem pernafasan manusia. 12 Explaining the relationship between structure, function and processes as well as disorders / diseases that can occur in the excretion system in humans and animals (eg fish, and insects). Disorders and diseases that occur. Some of the diseases / disorders such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, , emphysema, etc.. Structure and function of the tools of human excretion. Tools excretion in humans including lung, skin, kidneys, liver, which excrete metabolic results. The process of excretion in humans. Excretion of wastes through the lungs, liver, kidney and skin indicate a different mechanism. Excretion in animals. Animals excrete the rest of metabolism using tools such as skin, kidney, flame cells, nefridia, etc.. Disorders and diseases that occur. Excretion system disorders, among others albuminaria, nephritis, polyuria, etc.. and vice versa preventing / avoiding disease in the respiratory birds flying through the system. assignment independently. Logging utilization of the technology used to assist breathing Observing the behavior of Use a torso / Charta identified the structure of various organs of excretion, disposition, and function through demonstration activities. Reviewing the literature / interactive CD / Internet to search / find function Communicatin a result of the analysis and study of metabolic expenditure remains through the lungs, liver, kidneys and skin. Analyzing Charta / image tools excretion in various animals, such as worms, grasshoppers, fish etc.. through group work. Reviewing the literature / internet search and discuss the results of studies on the process excretion in fish and · Identify the structure and function of excretion tools. · Distinguish between the structure and function eksresi tools. · Describe the process of excretion, such as sweat, urine, bilirubin and biliverdin, CO2 and H2O (water vapor). · Perform test substance in the urine. · Distinguishing the structure of fish excretion tool, worms and grasshoppers (kidney). · Distinguish between animal and human Type of bill: 12 x 45 minutes Individual tasks, group work, performance, replication. Form of instrument: Products(consolidated results of studies and discussions, reports the results of substance in the urine), observation of performance, observation of attitudes, quizzes, tests multiple choice, test description. Sumber: Buku acuan yang relevan, internet. Alat: OHP/komputer, LCD. Bahan: LKS, bahan presentasi, charta/gambar berbagai alat ekskresi hewan. 13 Explaining the Structure and function relationship between of regulatory systems structure, function (nervous, endocrine and processes as well and sensory). as diseases that can The nervous system occur in the human includes nerves and regulatory systems central nervous edge. (nervous, endocrine, Hormones regulate and sensory) growth, internal balance, reproduction and behavior. Sense organ as a receptor stimulation from the outside done by the eyes, ears, tongue, nose and skin. The process of regulation (nervous, grasshopper. Review the literature / internet search to find a variety of diseases, causes, and the use of technology in disorders / urinary system diseases. Discuss how to avoid / overcome diseases of the urinary system . Presenting the results of a literature review of impairment on excretion system. excretion tool. · Identify process excretion fish, worms and grasshoppers Describe the causes of disorders / diseases that occur in the excretion system. · Raise the image use technology that helps excretion system. Identified the structure and function: nervous, endocrine and tools on human senses. Make Charta structure and function nervous system, endocrine and sensory tools through group work. Presenting and demonstrating the results of studies on nervous, endocrine and sensory tools in class discussions. Observing and analyzing the relationship of work function of nervous, Creating a structure Type of bill: 12 x 45 minutes and The task groups, Functions Charta performance, nervous, replication. endocrine, and sensory Form of instrument: devices. Products · Describe the (consolidated structure and results of the study function (nervous, and endocrine, and sensory discussion), devices). observations of Describe the process of behavior, quizzes, the workings of multiple choice test, a nervous, test description. endocrine and sensory equipment. · Describe the function linkage nervous, Sumber: Buku acuan yang relevan, internet. Alat: OHP/komp uter, LCD, model alatalat indera: mata, telinga, kulit, hidung, pengecap. Bahan: LKS, bahan presentasi, 14 endocrine, sensory). endocrine and sensory devices through a Regulatory process student demonstration works in accordance or modeling, such as the with the stimulation taste, see, hear, touch, and coordination of a smell in the discussion. solid. Disorder / disease that Conducted a literature review / CD interactive / occurred (the nervous, internet browsing / endocrine, sensory). movie CD / VCD / model Some of the regulatory finding tools work system disorders, processes sensory among others nervous system, hipertiroidime, endocrine and other cretinism, drunk, sensory tools through impaired consciousness, group work. etc. myopic eyes. Communicating the results of the analysis and study of the relationship of work function of the nervous, endocrine, and sensory. Get information from various sources of media / newspaper / magazine / internet search to find variety of disorders / abnormalities / diseases and their causes in the regulatory systems (nervous, endocrine, sensory) by assignment. Present their observations in class endocrine, and sensory devices, such as the growth and development, the process of hearing, seeing, tasting, touching, kissing. · Recognize the various disorders / disease / disorder and the cause of the berkaiktan the nervous, endocrine, and sensory devices. · Describe how to prevent / avoid disturbance / disease that occurs in nervous, endocrine danalatsensing devices. Communicating the impact of the influence of drugs on the nervous system / sensory tools. charta/gam bar susunan saraf, endokrin dan alatalat indera Sumber: Buku acuan yang relevan, internet. Alat: OHP/komp uter, LCD, CD/VCD player, model alatalat indera: mata, telinga, kulit, hidung, pengecap. Bahan: LKS, bahan presentasi, charta/gam bar susunan saraf, endokrin dan alatalat indera 15 discussion about the influence of drugs on the nervous system / senses. Explain the relationship between structure, function, and a process that involves the formation of sex cells, ovulation, menstruation, fertilization, and breastfeeding, as well as disorders and diseases that can occur in the human reproductive system. Structure and function of the means of reproduction in males and females. Human reproductive system, both men nor women are contained in the body cavity so it does not appear and there are visible from outside bodies. The process of formation of sex cells The process includes the creation of gender formation of sperm and egg. Using Charta / image reproduction system to recognize the men and women. Discussing the function of reproduction equipment on men and women. Reflect the condition grew increasingly selfreproductive systems of adults with the maturity in attitude towards moral values and religion, such as free sex, relationships outside of marriage etc.. Browsing the internet / interactive CD / movie CD / VCD found the process of formation of sperm / egg cell. Charta make / model Identify the structure and function of the reproductive system of male and female. · self reflection on moral values and religion with the more mature reproductive system. · Describe the process of formation of sperm and egg cells. · Sorting the stages of spermatogenesis and oogenesis. · Make Charta / model spermatogenesisi and oogenesis. Type of bill: The task groups, performance, replication. Form of instrument: Products (consolidated results of the study and discussion), observations of behavior, quizzes, multiple choice test, a test description. 12 x 45 minutes Jenis tagihan: Tugas individu, unjuk kerja, ulangan. Bentuk instrumen: Produk(laporan Hasil refleksi diri) pengamatan sikap, kuis, tes Pilihan ganda, tes uraian . Sumber: Buku acuan Yang relevan. Alat: OHP/komp uter, LCD, Bahan: LKS, bahan presentasi, charta/gambar siste reproduksi. 16 of spermatogenesis and oogenesis of secondhand materials through group active ties Bekasi, July 12th 2012 Acknowledged by The principal of State Senior High School 1 of Tambun Selatan H. Mulyadi, S.Pd. M.Pd. NIP. 19591206 198403 1 008 Subject Teacher Dian Setyawati, S.Pd. NIP. 17