TERAHERTZ SURVEYS the opening of the far-infrared and submillimetre windows Michael Rowan-Robinson Imperial College London • the Terahertz band • birth of Terahertz astronomy: 1961-1984 • IRAS, JCMT, ISO • radiative transfer in dust clouds • SPITZER • the Terahertz background • the future Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address What is TERAHERTZ ? Quick Time™a nd a dec ompr esso r ar e nee ded to see this pictur e. Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address the Terahertz band 0.1-10 THz 30 microns - 3 mm - a few terrestial windows Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address Frank Low 1961: the Gallium-doped Germanium bolometer and the Low dewar Low, F.J., “Low-Temperature Germanium Bolometers,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. 51, 1300-04 (1961). Low, F.J. & H.L. Johnson, “The Spectrum of 3C 273,” Ap.J. 141, 336-38 (1965). (10m) Low, F.J., “The Performance of Thermal Detection Radiometers at 1.2 mm,” Proc. IEEE 53, 516 (1965). Kleinmann, D.E. & F.J. Low, “Discovery of an Infrared Nebula in Orion,” Ap.J. 149, L1-L4 (1967) (22mm) Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address Frank Low: 1968: the far infrared background Contribution of Infrared Galaxies to the Cosmic Background Frank J. Low Department of Space Science, Rice University, Houston, Texas, and Lun ar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona Wallace H. Tucker Department of Space Science, Rice University, Houston, Texas Received 12 July 1968 Phys. Rev. Lett. 21, 1538-41 (1968). The fa r-infrared ba ckground due to a su perposition of infrared ga laxies of the t ype recentl y observed is comp uted. It is shown th at thes e galaxies contribute an amou nt of ene rgy to the universe rough ly equal to that radiated b y the oth er galaxies and p roduce a far-infrared background peaking be yond 50 mmК. It is li kely that they account fo r most of th e observed extragalactic radio ba ckground but no t the 3 ЎK microwa ve background. Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address Frank Low: 1970: infrared galaxies Low and Aumann, 1970, 162, L79 Low, 1970, ApJ 159, L173 Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address 1970-1978: QMC, Cornell, UCL, Harvard, Chicago, Caltech Park, W. M.; Vickers, D. G.; Clegg, P. E. Submillimeter Radiation from the Orion Nebula 1970 AA 5, 325 (900 mm) Houck, J. R.; Soifer, B. T.; Pipher, Judith L.; Harwit, Martin Rocket-Infrared Four-Color Photometry of the Galaxy's Central Regions 1971 ApJ 169, 31L Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address 1970-1978 Fazio, G. G.; Kleinmann, D. E.; Noyes, R. W.; Wright, E. L.; Zeilik, M., II; Low, F. J.: A High-Resolution Map of the Orion Nebula Region at Far-Infrared Wave-Lengths 1974 ApJ 192, 23 Nature 249, 530 - 532 (07 June 1974); Narrow-band observations of galactic and extragalactic sources at 1 mm P. E. CLEGG, P. A. R. ADE & M. ROWAN-ROBINSON Queen Mary College, University of London, Mile End Road, London E1, UK WE report the result of a search for discrete extragalactic sources of continuum radiation near 1.2 mm. The observations were made during a run of one week on the United States National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) 11-m telescope at Kitt Peak, Arizona. Rowan-Robinson, M.: Astronomy at submillimetre wavelengths, 1974, New Scientist 67, 78 Elais J.H. et al, 1 millimeter continuum observations of extragalactic objects, 1978, ApJ 220, 25 (9 detected) Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address 1970-1978 Telesco, Harper, Loewenstein 1976, ApJ 203, L53 Kuiper Airborne Observatory NGC1068 Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address 1970: birth of THz molecular line astronomy Wilson, Jefferts, Penzias, 1970, ApJ 161, L43 Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address molecular line astronomy Phillips, T.; Rowan-Robinson, M.: “Molecules among the stars” 1976, New Scientist 69, 170 - listed 32 molecules known (today 126 !) Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address molecular line astronomy Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address molecular line astronomy Phillips, Keene, 1992, Proc IEEE 80, 1662 Orion MC Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address 1974: QMC floats the idea of a dedicated UK submillimetre telescope 1974: memo from M.R-R to QMC group ‘Proposal for a large millimetre telescope’ - discusses (i) 30 m. telescope good to 1 mm, (ii) 10 m. telescope good to 350 mm (which would have to be on Mauna Kea) 1975: Tom Phillips submits proposal for a submillimetre telescope to SERC review of radio-astronomy 1975 : SRC millimetre steering committee (chair Tom Phillips) concluded that it would be possible to construct a 15-metre diameter telescope capable of observing at wavelengths down to 750 µm. Final site selection was between Mauna Kea and La Palma. 1987: JCMT first light Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address IRAS Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address Horsehead Nebula IRAS - cirrus and zodiacal dust bands Low et al ,1984, ApJ 278, L19 Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address IRAS cirrus Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address south celestial pole IRAS - zodiacal dust bands Rowan-Robinson et al, 1991, MN 249, 729 Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address IRAS - star forming regions Feb 9 2007 LMC RAS Presidential Address constellation Orion IRAS - ultraluminous infrared galaxies Arp 220 Soifer et al, 1984, ApJ 283, L1: the remarkable infrared galaxy Arp 220 Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address IRAS - AGN dust tori Miley et al, 1984, ApJ 278, L79: A 25 mm component in 3C390.3 Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address IRAS - dust debris disks Aumann et al, 1984, ApJ 278, L23: discovery of a shell around Alpha Lyrae Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address IRAS - protostars Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address IRAS - non-discovery of Planet X Walker and Rowan-Robinson, 1984, BAAS 16, 443 Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address IRAS all-sky survey Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address IRAS - mapping the 3-D galaxy distribution able to explain origin of our Galaxy’s motion with respect to the cosmic frame - the CMB dipole (Rowan-Robinson et al 1991, 2001) Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address 2MASS and AKARI • 2MASS provides a better picture of galaxy distribution at z<0.03 • AKARI will allow us to study ir dipole to z ~ 0.3 Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address Hyperluminous infrared galaxies starburst dominated IRAS F10214, z=2.3 galaxy Rowan-Robinson, 2000, MN 316, 885 Teplitz et al 2006 Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address impact of JCMT HDFN at 850 mm Hughes et al 1996 blank field surveys at 850 mm showed that we were able to survey the whole universe to z = 5 with ultraluminous ir galaxies SHADES Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address SHADES counts at 850 mm Coppins et al, 2007, astro-ph/0609039 Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address submillimetre galaxy redshift distribution Chapman et al, 2005, ApJ 622, 772 Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address ISO Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address interstellar dust grains size 50 A - 0.1 mm (and larger ?) composition: amorphous C graphite amorphous silicates crystalline silicates SiC PAHs Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address Brownlee particle discovery of PAHs Leger and Puget, 1984, AA 137, L5 Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address what powers ultraluminous infrared galaxies ? Spoon et al, 2007, astro-ph/0611918 Genzel et al, 1998, ApJ 498, 579 Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address seds of ultraluminous infrared galaxies L:ISO R:SPITZER QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address the star formation history of the universe Rowan-Robinson 2003 Rowan-Robinson ‘Cosmology’ 4th edition Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address Radiative transfer models for infrared sources • spherically symmetric dust clouds - first accurate code 1980 (R-R, ApJS 234, 111) - circumstellar dust shells 1981-3 - starbursts and ULIRGs 1993 • axially symmetric dust clouds - first accurate code 1990 (Efstathiou and R-R, MN 245, 275) - protostars 1991 - AGN dust tori 1995 Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address Models for starburst galaxies Eftstathiou, R-R, Seibenmorgen, 2000, MN 313, 734 • embedded phase, t < 107 yrs • expanding neutral shell, t = 107-108 years •at 108 yrs, indistinguishable from cirrus Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address Cirrus models for local galaxies • assume optically thin ism, extinction AV (not >> 1) • starburst models, age t*, exponential decay time t • characterise galaxies by single mean intensity, y = bolometric intensity/solar neighbourhood intensity • for local galaxies, t* = 0.25 Gyr, t = 5-11 Gyr (Efstathiou and Rowan-Robinson 2003, MN 343, 322) Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address z<0.12 galaxies with cirrus seds Rowan-Robinson et al, 2005, AJ 129, 1183 sources with good ISO-ELAIS and SPITZER-SWIRE data templates Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address z=0.1-0.9 galaxies fitted with cirrus or A220 template A220 model: AV = 200, t* = 26 Myr (Efstathiou and RR 2001) Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address seds of z=0.1-2.2 galaxies/quasars fitted with cirrus, A220 starburst and AGN dust torus templates Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address SPITZER Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address SPITZER’s chequered history • 1979 SIRTF conceived • 1984 selection of SIRTF team, mission planned as Shuttle launch • 1990 switch to Titan launch, 5.7 tonnes, 1m telescope, $2b • 1993 descope to 2.7 tonnes, Atlas launch • 1995 further descope to Delta launch, 0.75 tonnes, 85cm telescope, $450m, design lifetime 2.5 years, goal 5 years • Aug 2003 launch, renamed SPITZER • 2007, expected life 5.5 years Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address IC1396, the Elephant’s Trunk - dark globule inside emission nebula (ionizing star is to left of frame) - pair of newly formed stars have created cavity Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address QuickTime™ and a MPEG-4 Video decompressor are needed to see this picture. Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address M51 Sombrero combined 3.6, 8 and 24 mm images (SINGS consortium) Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address M82 N2207/IC2163 Stefan’s Qntet Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address SPITZER-IRS: IRAS F00183-7111, hyperluminous infrared galaxy •IRS spectrum of the hyperluminous ir galaxy F00183-7111 = IRAS P00182-7112 (Spoon et al 2004) • z = 0.327 (narrow line object), lg Lsb = 13.25 Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address Layered SPITZER Surveys • Wide–shallow FLS GTO-shallow – greatest volume 4 – rare luminous objects – large-scale structure 8.5 • Confusion-limited GTO-deep – maximum information 2.5 sq deg on faintest resolved sources • Ultra-deep – confusion distribution Feb 9 2007 GTO-ultra 150 RAS Presidential Address SWIRE 49 sq deg GOODS-IRAC 300 sq arcmin GOODS-24 mm 300 sq arcmin SWIRE Team and Associates Carol Lonsdale PI Harding E (Gene) Smith Deputy PI Michael Rowan-Robinson Deputy PI Dave Shupe Liaison Scientist Jason Surace Data Processing/IRAC Kevin (Cong) Xu Models Deborah Padgett Galactic Science/MIPS Fan Fang Simulation/Models Alberto Franceschini Spheroids/AGN Dave Frayer EROs/MIPS Glenn Morrison Radio JoAnn O’Linger Galactic Science Seb Oliver Large Scale Structure Frazer Owen Radio Deep Survey Ismael Perez-Fournon Nearby Galaxies IPAC, Caltech UCSD Imperial College SSC/IPAC SSC/IPAC IPAC SSC/IPAC SSC/IPAC Padua SSC/IPAC IPAC SSC Sussex NRAO IAC, Tenerife Marguerite Pierre X-ray/XMM-LSS Gordon Stacey Submm Olivier Lefevre VVDS Steve Serjeant ELAIS Eduardo Gonzalez-Solares ELAIS IOA Feb 9 2007 CEA, Saclay Cornell Marseille Kent Duncan Farrah, Maria Polletta Brian Siana Tom Babbedge, Dave Clements Stefano Berta, Giulia Rodighiero Payam Davoodi, Ian Waddington Alejandro Afonso-Luis, Evanthia Hadtziminaoglou, Antonio Hernan-Caballero RAS Presidential Address ELAIS N1: 9 sq. deg SWIRE 3.6 mm survey in ELAIS-N1 Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address Photometric redshifts SWIRE-VVDS sample (with VVDS team, PI LeFevre) VIRMOS-VLT Deep Survey spectra >1000 sources ~3% rms in (1+z) <2% outliers red: gals, blue QSOs phot z method of RR 03, Babbedge et al 04, RR et al 05, some refinements ~ IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 mm big help in reducing outliers Feb 9 2007 z=1 2 RAS3Presidential 4 Address Photometric redshifts All SWIRE Catalogue VVDS: 9 optical bands N1,N2: 5 optical bands Lockman: 3-4 optical bnds CDFS: 3 optical bands Feb 9 2007 z=1 2 RAS Presidential 3 4 Address Redshift distributions left: Suburu XDS, R<27.5 below: ELAIS-N1, r<23.5: for optically blank sources use 3.6-8 mm for phot-z >=3 bands from U-8mm Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address SPITZER-IRS spectra of ELAIS sources • IRS spectra for 70 ELAIS-N1 and -N2 sources with S15> 1mJy validate the template fits • most are ULIRGs, with z =1-3 • Filled circles: optical, ISO, SWIRE ( and MAMBO) data • Solid curves: model seds • Red curve: calibrated IRS data (Hernan-Caballero et al 2006) Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address seds of submillimetre galaxies SHADES SXDS Clements et al 2007 Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address COUNTS AT 24 mm • 24 mm differential counts (Shupe et al, 2007, Papovich et al 2004) • new model for ir counts (developed from RR 2001 models): independent evolution for each component, evolution has to flatten off at z < 0.5 cirrus M82 dust tori Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address Counts at 70-850 mm • new SWIRE 70, 160 and SHADES 850 mm differential counts (Afonso-Luis et al, 2007, in prep, Coppins et al 2007) Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address The Terahertz background Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address History of the universe Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address WMAP & QSO Results • Year 3 WMAP release has reduced the electron optical depth so the epoch of reionization has been moved from z~17 down to z~10.9 (+2.7, -2.3), equivalent to 360Myr after Big Bang. • Spectra of SDSS z~6 QSOs show hints that Universe was reionized at only somewhat higher z than 6.5. WMAP Spergel et al. 2006 Feb 9 2007 From Fan et al. RAS Presidential Address a z ~ 6.7 galaxy detected by SPITZER Egami et al, 2005, ApJ 618, L5: z ~ 6.7 lensed galaxy with M = 109 Mo, stellar age at least 50 Myr Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address Darwin the future ALMA TPF Feb 9 2007 RAS Presidential Address Herschel