World War II

World War II
Chapter 24
World War II Looms
Chapter 25
The US and World War II
November 17, 18, 2010
• Complete TEST on The Great Depression
and The New Deal
• When finished, We are learning to (WALT)
assess our prior knowledge of WWII
– Create a chart to assess prior knowledge of
WWII (Posted online)
– Fill in as much information as you can about
WWII in each category (7 minutes)
– Discuss in groups, sharing information (5
November 21, 22 2010
Learning Expectations
• We are learning that Nationalism and
unintended effects of the Treaty of
Versailles combined with poor economic
conditions to give rise to totalitarian
regimes in Europe and Asia
– What were the failures of the Treaty of
– Who were the totalitarian leaders of the 1920s
and 1930s? How did they gain power?
– How did this power turn into aggression?
November 21, 22 2010
• Hand in your completed WWII Dictator Charts
(Posted online) for 10 Learning Support Pts.
• Take out your WWII Unit Plans
• Read Chapter 24, Section 1 (20 minutes)
– Complete bulleted notes under the Objectives column
• Take out your Focus Questions for Why We
Fight and complete as we watch the film
• View segment of Why We Fight (25 minutes)
– 1942- Propaganda Film
– Frank Capra (It’s a Wonderful Life)
– Mobilization of Hollywood
November 21, 22 2010
• We are learning that the Western
Democracies reacted with constraint to the
prospect of another war in Europe
– Take out your Written Response Worksheet
and complete #1
– Read “I Hate War” by FDR (5 minutes)
– Compose a thesis as to whether or not this
was an appropriate response to this
November 21, 22 2010
• We are learning that Axis aggression in
Europe was successful and was met with
little resistance prior to September 1, 1939
• Take out your map of Europe and
Complete Map Activity of Axis Expansion
– 1942 (Better than Napoleon’s Europe?)
– Textbook page 712, Online 744
• Animated Map of Expansion and
Surrender in Europe (15 minutes)
November 21, 22 2010
• Read the summary: The Road to War in
Europe and summarize in a well-written
paragraph on WWII Written Response
Worksheet #2
• Read Neutrality, and describe the
differences between each Neutrality Act on
WWII Written Response Worksheet #3
November 21, 22 2010
• Research Lebensraum and compare to
the American concept of Manifest Destiny
by completing a Venn Diagram (On back
of Map of Europe)
– Skim Chapter 9.2 and follow links:
Lebensraum, Manifest Destiny; answer the
• What minority group suffers genocide for the sake
of Manifest Destiny?
• What nation is aggressively pushed aside and
November 23, 28 2011
• We are learning that the aggressive actions of the Axis
were successful in dominating the European continent,
as well as orchestrating genocide
• Read 24.2 and complete bulleted notes on Unit Plan (20
• Use PowerPoint to review the rise and aggression of
totalitarian regimes and the US Response (20 minutes)
• Read the Munich Pact. Was this policy the best course of
action? Why or why not? Create a properly formatted
thesis to defend your opinion. WWII Written Response
#4 (10 minutes)
November 23, 28 2011
• We are learning that the United States has
been criticized for its role in preventing the
– PPT Review (5 minutes)
– Read Article “The United States and the
– Read Article “Did FDR Betray the Jews?”
– and debate whether or not the US did enough
to prevent the Holocaust. Create a properly
formatted thesis to defend your opinion. WWII
Written Response #5 (10 minutes)
November 23, 28 2011
• Print out your assigned Cartoon
• Read the Atlantic Charter. Was this policy
the best course of action? Why or why
not? Create a properly formatted thesis to
defend your opinion. WWII Written
Response #7
• Europe in WWII Map Quiz
November 29, 30, 2010
Learning Expectations
• We are learning to demonstrate our
knowledge of the geography of CH 24 by
completing a quiz
• We are learning that the US slid slowly
from isolationism to War, with the overt
action of the December 7, 1941 Pearl
Harbor attack drawing us into WWII
November 29, 30, 2010
• Geography Quiz (15 minutes)- hand in and take the
Section Quizzes for CH 24
• When finished, read Ch 24.4 and jot down notes for each
objective in Unit Plan
• View Political cartoons from Theodore Geisel and
discuss the slippery slop from isolation to war (20
• Read Pro v Con: World War II (15 minutes)
– List three reasons for terminating trade
– List three reasons for negotiating
– WWII Written Response #6
• View Segment of the Film Tora, Tora, Tora (25 minutes)
• FDR’s War Address
November 29, 30, 2010
• World War II Written Response Sheets
Due next class
• Homework: Key Terms Quiz For WWII in
• Movie Permission slips for next class
(Enemy at the Gate- Can’t watch film
without it—No exceptions)
December 1, 2, 2011
• Label important battles and dates for the
Allied offensive of Europe
• Battle of Stalingrad
– Enemy at the Gates
• What is the relationship between Soviet soldiers
and their commanding officers?
• Describe Soviet equipment and strategy.
• Draw a conclusion about Communism’s ability to
wage war