Mrs. Debbie Jeans /
The Visual and Performing Arts class is an introduction to the technical, production and history of the theatre arts. You will also be working in all
aspects of theatre productions this year.
Week 1: Introduction, Types of Stages AH-HS-SA-S-DT2, AH-HS- PA-S-DT1, AH-HS-PA-S-DT2
Project on types of stages historical to contemporary
Week 2-4: Stage Design AH-HS-SA-S-DT2, AH-HS- PA-S-DT1, AH-HS-PA-S-DT2, AH-HS-IAA-S-4
Stage design project – build scale model stage using architectural plans
Peer evaluations
Week 5-6: Scenery AH-HS-SA-S-DT2, AH-HS- PA-S-DT1, AH-HS-PA-S-DT2
Construction, painting, design techniques
Scenery project-scale model scenery
Peer evaluation
Week 7: Theatre Family Album: Greek Theatre AH-HS-HA-S-DT1, AH-HS-HA-S-DT2, AH-HS-HA-S-DT4, AH-HS-HA-S-DT5, AH-HS-IAA-S-3
Student choice research/project
Week 8-9: Story Telling AH-HS-PCA-S-DT1, AH-HS-PCA-S-DT2, AH-HS-PA-S-DT1, AHPHS-PA-S-DT2, AH-HS-PA-S-DT5, AH-HS-PA-S-DT4
Create settings, develop characters, build excitement, and successfully tell stories
Peer evaluation
Week 1-3: Props AH-HS-SA-S-DT2, AH-HS- PA-S-DT1, AH-HS-PA-S-DT2
types of props use for stage / film
prop project
peer evaluation
Week 4-5: Publicity AH-HS-SA-S-DT3AH-HS-HA-S-DT5, AH-HS-PA-S-DT3, AH-HS-PA-S-DT6, AH-HS-IAA-S-3
publicity –posters, press releases, programs, etc.
publicity project
Week 6: Theatre Family Album: Medieval–Renaissance AH-HS-HA-S-DT1, AH-HS-HA-S-DT2, AH-HS-HA-S-DT4, AH-HS-HA-S-DT5, AH-HS-IAA-S-3
Student choice research/project
Week 7-8: Playwrights / Scripts AH-HS-SA-S-DT1, AH-HS-SA-S-DT2, AH-HS-PCA-S-DT2, AH-HS-PA-S-DT3
Process to write plays, scripts, stories
Peer evaluation
Week 9: Evaluation/Critics AH-HS-PA-S-DT2AH-HS-PA-S-DT4, AH-HS-PA-S-DT5AH-HS-SA-S-DT3
How to evaluate plays, movies, scripts, etc
Week 1-4: Make up AH-HS-SA-S-DT2, AH-HS- PA-S-DT1, AH-HS-PA-S-DT2
Make up techniques for film, stage
Make-up morgue
Plaster life masks with silicone prosthetics
Peer evaluation
Week 5: Theatre Family Album: Elizabethan– Neo-classical AH-HS-HA-S-DT1, AH-HS-HA-S-DT2, AH-HS-HA-S-DT4, AH-HS-HA-S-DT5, AH-HS-IAA-S-3
Student choice research/project
Week 6-9: Television/ Commercials AH-HS-SA-S-DT3, AH-HS-HA-S-DT4, AH-HS-HA-S-DT2, AH-HS-PCA-S-DT1, AH-HS-PCA-S-DT2, AH-HS-PA-S-DT1,
Commercials in various cultures and time periods
Create a product and commercial to promote it
Use of storyboards, scripts
Peer evaluation
Week 1: Reader’s Theatre AH-HS-PCA-S-DT1, AH-HS-PCA-S-DT2, AH-HS-PA-S-DT1, AHPHS-PA-S-DT2, AH-HS-PA-S-DT5, AH-HS-PA-S-DT4
Use literature to a non-memorized performance using a script
Reader’s theatre project
Peer evaluation
Week 2: Theatre Family Album: Romanticism–Realism AH-HS-HA-S-DT1, AH-HS-HA-S-DT2, AH-HS-HA-S-DT4, AH-HS-HA-S-DT5, AH-HS-IAA-S-3
Student choice research/project
Week 3-4: Theatre Careers AH-HA-PA-S-DT3, AH-HS-PA-S-DT6, AH-HS-PCA-S-DT2
Types of careers in theatre/ film
Theatre career project
Week 5-6: Planning for the Future AH-HS-PA-S-DT1, AH-HS-PA-S-DT3
Resumes and headshots
Acting opportunities / technical jobs/ non-theatre jobs/ working as an actor or in any theatrical positions (television/movies)
Week 7-9: Theatre Final Independent Project AH-HS-PA-S-DT1, AH-HS-PA-S-DT2, AH-HA-PA-S-DT3, AH-HS-PA-S-DT6, AH-HS-PCA-S-DT2
Independent project guidelines, requirements
Visual and Performing Arts/ Technical Elements students will be exposed to several different techniques, media, and processes used
in theatrical productions. The purpose is for students to develop an understanding and appreciation for the technical elements of
theatre, as well as be able to respond to each area. Students are expected to turn in all work on time. Each nine-week grading period
students are expected to keep up with projects, complete homework assignments, and maintain a notebook. Students are not limited
to the requirements of the syllabus. All projects may be negotiated and adapted based on individual interpretation and interest.
Projects: All projects are worth 100 points (or more). Students will be evaluated based upon work ethic, processes, quality of work, &
expectations of the assignment. Students are expected to complete projects by the deadline. If a student needs extra time he/she is
expected to complete the project outside of class within 1 week of the due date. LATE WORK will not be accepted once a grading period
has ended. Students not turning work in on time based on absences/other reasons must see the teacher individually.
Homework: There will be times when class time may be devoted to play projects and any material and/or reading for that week will be
assigned as homework. Due dates will be posted.
Notebook: Each unit will include notes or materials covering each technical element. Students are required to maintain the notebook for a
total of 100 points each quarter.
Critiques/Evaluations: Students will participate in oral / written critiques/evaluations to assess their work as well as the work of their
classmates. Evaluation grades will be worth 50-100 points.
Daily 10: Students will have the opportunity to earn 10 points a day for…
o Arriving to Class on Time / Prepared for class with all materials
o Attitude/Participation/Work Ethic
o Clean Up
o Respect
10 pts a day = 50 pts a week = 950 pts a quarter
If you are absent you must make up missed work in order to receive your Daily 10. Unexcused Absence = 0 points.
Arrival to Class- when the “BELL” rings students will be seated in their assigned seat with necessary materials (pencil, notebook).
Students are expected to arrive to class on time.
 1st Tardy = WARNING
 2nd Tardy = CALL HOME
 3rd Tardy = TEACHER DETENTION (Failure to attend assigned Detention will result in a Referral)
If a student is not prepared for class it their responsibility to obtain materials (paper, pencil…) from a classmate or teacher BEFORE
the bell rings.
Students may buy pencils from the teacher for 10 cents
To Ask for Help students are expected to raise their hand and wait for the teacher to acknowledge them and/or approach the
teacher’s desk.
Hall Passes- 3 per nine-week grading period.
a. In order to leave the room you must have YOUR agenda book. Students will not be allowed to leave the room with
someone else’s agenda.
b. Hall pass is anytime you leave the room for restroom, locker, nurse, office, etc.
 Use time in between classes for the restroom and get materials from your locker.
 Exceptions…
Absences/ Make up Work- it is the student’s responsibility to obtain missed work from the teacher at the appropriate time (End of
class, after lecture…)
 1 Day Absent = Work is due the next day
 2 Days Absent = Work is due in 2 days
 3 Days Absent = Work is due in 3 days
Late WorkProjects are expected ON TIME. Exceptions include absence.
Projects may be turned in up until the end of the nine week grading period for some points- Last minute projects
will drop 2 letter grades (A project = C if turned in at the end of the grading period). The evaluation grade will also
be a zero since class time for peer evaluations will not be available past the project due date.
 Homework assignments WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED LATE.
Dismissal from Class- Students will be seated at their desks quietly and wait for the teacher to dismiss them from the room. The bell
does not dismiss you.
 To leave class all materials must be put away and workspaces cleaned.
 Students must leave on their appropriate bell at the end of the day.
Classroom Supplies (Storage, Use and Clean-up): Students will become familiar with how classroom supplies are stored.
a. Clean up will take place 5-10 minutes before the bell rings. All students are expected to help. Additional projects may be
cancelled if clean-up is not completed.
Music: Students will be allowed to listen to music when working on individual projects that does not include rehearsal time or reading/
lecture time. Volume level must be appropriate and one earpiece must be left out so student can still hear instructions/comments from
teacher and class. Students may not listen to headphones until the teacher has given permission. Failure to follow this rule the first
time will result in loss of IPod, CD player, etc. for the remainder of the day. The second time will result in loss of privilege for the
remainder of the year.
Cell Phones: Students may not use cell phones at any time (This includes looking at pictures, texting or checking messages). If a cell
phone is seen the first time it will be taken for the rest of the day. The second time it will be kept until the parent has been contacted.
10. Project Time When in VPA class students will work only on assignments for class. Students that finish early will be given additional
will always have rehearsal for scene work. Assignments can and will be altered to meet the needs of individual students.
 Students seeking extra time to work on projects may use the art room during other class periods (study hall, student aide,
free time) with the permission of their teacher.
 If another class is taking place students are expected to work on their project without disrupting the class in progress.
Disruptions/Problems will result in loss of privilege.
11. Participation in Theatrical Productions: Students in VPA are required to participate in some capacity for all the productions done by
the high school drama.
3 Ring Binder
Notebook paper
Various supplies as needed for individual projects
I have read and understand the rules, requirements and procedures for the Visual and Performing Arts Class
Student signature ________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian signature ________________________________________________________________
Supplies and signatures due by Monday, August 20th for 20 bonus pts
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------I have read and understand the rules, requirements and procedures for the Visual and Performing Arts Class
Student signature ________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian signature ________________________________________________________________
Supplies and signatures due by Monday, August 20th for 20 bonus pts
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------I have read and understand the rules, requirements and procedures for the Visual and Performing Arts Class
Student signature ________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian signature ________________________________________________________________
Supplies and signatures due by Monday, August 20th for 20 bonus pts
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read and understand the rules, requirements and procedures for the Visual and Performing Arts Class
Student signature ________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian signature ________________________________________________________________
Supplies and signatures due by Monday, August 20th for 20 bonus pts