2013-2014 Stadiums Final Ice Times Schedules

7:00 P.M., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5TH, 2013
Allan Hawkins
Deputy Mayor: Barry Manuel
Amy Coady-Davis, Darren Finn, Rodney Mercer,
Bruce Moores, Tom Pinsent
M. Pinsent, Town Manager\Clerk
J. Saunders, Director of Engineering & Works
D. Nichols, Director of Parks & Recreation
B. Griffin, Director of Finance
G. Hennessey, Economic Development Officer
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and asked for any errors
or omissions to the Minutes of Meeting #420 of Tuesday, October 15 th, 2013.
Be it resolved that the Minutes of Meeting #420 of Tuesday, October 15th,
2013 would be adopted as circulated. This motion carried by a vote of 7-0.
Councillor Mercer presented the disbursement report in the amount of
Be it resolved that the disbursement report in the amount of $1,553,403.78
would be adopted as presented. This motion carried by a vote of 7-0.
Economic Development and Tourism
The following report was presented by Councillor Coady-Davis.
Home Based Business Issues
The Committee reviewed the documentation from several other communities
in the Province on their Home Based Business Regulations and how they deal with
the issue of businesses that do not comply with the Regulations.
The Committee recommends that the Economic Development Officer send
our letters to any business in Town that is not registered, informing them that they
are required to be registered, and that failure to comply may result in a Stop Work
Order and a possible fine.
Metasoft Systems Inc. – Grant Funding Presentation
The Committee reviewed the data collected on the various user groups that
have used or signed up for this service across Canada. They are not satisfied with
the information to this point and have instructed the Economic Development
Officer to have Metasoft Systems supply the contacts for specific municipalities
that have actually used this service and received funding.
Small Business Forum
The Economic Development Officer reviewed the agenda for the Small
Business Forum, which will take place on Tuesday, October 21st. There are
twenty-three (23) individuals or businesses registered for this event. The purpose
of the Forum will be to listen to any concerns that the Small Business Community
may have and try to address them at the Forum or later. All Department Heads and
Councillors will be attending as well.
Queen Street Dinner Theatre – New Board of Directors
The Committee reviewed the current Board of Directors for the Dinner
Theatre. Former Councillor Jean Buffet-Mercer will be replaced by current
Councillor Tom Pinsent and Councillor Amy Coady-Davis will serve as
Chairperson of this Board. The remainder of the Board will be invited back to
serve a one-year term. That list includes:Rose Bungay
Holly Dwyer
David Carrigan
Bruce Andrews
The Economic Development Officer will serve as Secretary for the Board.
Their next meeting will take place on November 7th.
Other Business
Facebook Page – There was discussion on how to best utilize the Town’s Facebook
page. Currently, it is a group and it will be converted to a page. This will allow
for more people to access it. The Committee also discussed how we could
communicate better using our website, Facebook and Twitter. Over the coming
months, the Economic Development Officer will develop a paper for Council to
review on a Communication Strategy. This will be part of the 2014 Budget
preparations. We will also look at hiring a professional marketing company to coordinate our efforts on this project.
I move the recommendations and report of this Committee.
Be it resolved that these recommendations and report would be adopted as
circulated. This motion carried by a vote of 7-0.
Parks, Recreation and Special Events
The following report was presented by Deputy Mayor Manuel.
2013-2014 Stadiums Final Tournaments and Special Events Schedule
The Director presented the 2013-2014 Stadiums Final Tournaments and
Special Events Schedule. The schedule contains all events except the High School
Hockey Schedule.
The Committee recommends that the presented schedules be approved.
2013-2014 Stadiums Final Ice Times Schedules
The Director presented the 2013-2014 Stadiums Final Ice Time Schedules.
It was noted that certain changes must be made to accommodate Tournaments,
Special Events and Senior Hockey Games.
The Committee recommends that the presented schedules be approved.
Correspondence – Ice Time Request for May 2014
The Committee discussed correspondence received requesting extra ice time
for May 2014. As this is the only request received, the Committee recommends
that a decision on this request be deferred at this time and that staff contact other
user groups to see if there is sufficient demand for May ice times.
Joe Byrne Memorial Stadium Debit Machines Update
The Director informed the Committee that three (3) debit machines have
been ordered for the Joe Byrne Memorial Stadium. Two (2) of these machines will
be operational from the Box Office and the third machine will be operational from
the Parks and Recreation Office. The machine at the office will also have the
capability for credit card transactions. The debit machines will be operational
within the next few weeks. Staff will also check out the various options to have an
ATM machine located in the Stadium.
Red Maple Festival Schedule
The Committee discussed the Red Maple Festival Schedule as compiled by
staff. It was noted that the Festival has been expanded to run for eleven (11) days
this year. The Director has the schedule on the Town’s website, Facebook, the
outside Marquis and copies have been given to all of the school children. Posters
have been erected around Town and PSA’s, news stories and media advertising has
been purchased to promote the Festival.
2014 Recreation Newfoundland and Labrador Conference and Meeting
The Director informed the Committee that a preliminary meeting was held in
Grand Falls-Windsor in September with members of the RNL Conference
Planning Committee to organize the 2014 Conference which will be held in Grand
Falls-Windsor May 28th-31st, 2014. The next Planning meeting will be held on
November 7th and 8th in St. John’s. The Planning Committee expects that 125
delegates will be attending the Conference.
Soccer Clubhouse Update
The Director informed the Committee that construction of the new soccer
clubhouse is progressing well. The clubhouse construction should be completed
by mid- November.
Skateboard Park Concerns
The Committee discussed some operational concerns that are occurring at
the Skateboard Park. In particular, there are concerns with garbage and litter,
motorized vehicles using the Park, vandalism on the nearby trails and noise
problems late at night. The Director will arrange to meet with the Skateboard Park
users to see if the users can assist to correct these concerns. Staff will also meet
with the Municipal Police to plan a course of action to address the concerns.
The Committee will discuss these issues in more detail at a future
Committee Meeting.
Exploits Regional Curling Club Presentation
The Committee welcomed Dr. King Jim, Mr. Joe Tremblett and Mr. Bart
Walsh representing the Exploits Regional Curling Club to the meeting at 6:00 P.M.
The Curling Club representatives discussed the Club’s 2013-2014 operations, the
short term assistance required to operate the Club for this season and a request for
assistance to host the 50th Annual PA-MIN-CO Bonspiel in March 2014. The Club
specifically requests $10,000 for operations and $5,000 for insurance which was
the same amounts given last year. Also the Club requests that the Town purchase
and install eight ice logos and provide 225 Town pins for the 50th Anniversary of
the PA-MIN-CO. The representatives noted the registration and participation in
both the youth and adult divisions has increased over the last few years. The
representatives thanked the Town for their support given in the past years to ensure
that the Curling Club has remained viable.
The representatives were excused from the meeting at
6:50 P.M.
The Committee discussed the presentation and recommends that the request
for ice logos purchase and installation be approved and that 225 Town pins be
provided. The Committee also recommends that the Club’s current financial
statements be submitted and that the other financial requests be referred for
discussion at the next Finance Committee Meeting.
Airials Gymnastics Club Facility Update
The Committee discussed a list of locations which the Director has
attempted to secure for a facility for the Airials Gymnasitics Club. At the
presented time there is no suitable facility available for rental. The Director will
continue to explore all possible locations and Deputy Mayor Manuel will contact
the English School District and some businesses to see if a facility can be made
Correspondence – Central West Zone Biathlon Competition 2013
The Committee discussed correspondence received from the Central West
Zone Biathlon Co-ordinator requesting the use of Centennial Field, the Tennis
Clubhouse and other items to host the 2013 Central West Zone Biathlon on
Saturday, November 13th, 2013. The event will involve up to fifty (50)
competitors from six (6) Central NL communities and will be the 7th year in a row
that Grand Falls-Windsor has hosted the competition.
The Committee recommends that this request be approved.
Correspondence – Exhilarate Me Body, Mind and Spirit
The Committee discussed correspondence received from the owner\operator
of Exhilarate Me Body, Mind and Spirit requesting assistance to operate youth and
seniors Zumba Fitness Programs. The Director has met with the owner\operator
and the Department will co-sponsor a youth and seniors Zumba Program in the
amount of $500. This funding will be provided under the Department’s Budget.
Correspondence – Corduroy Brook Trail Concerns
The Director presented correspondence referred from Public Works and
Planning Committee from a resident with safety concerns from ATV use on the
section of Corduroy Brook Trail near Centennial Field. The Committee will
discuss this matter in detail at the next Committee Meeting. The Committee will
also discuss the T’Railway issues with the Corduroy Brook Enhancement
Association, RCMP and Municipal Police to determine the best possible solution.
Correspondence – Canadian Mental Health Association
The Committee discussed correspondence received from the Regional Coordinator of the Canadian Mental Health Association requesting that the Town
donate facilities and equipment to host “Clara’s Big Ride” on April 23 rd, 2014.
This event will involve Clara Hughes, six (6) time Olympic Champion visiting
Grand Falls-Windsor and speaking to the community. The presentation will be
followed by a free community skate, music, food and refreshments.
The Committee recommends that this request be approved.
I move the recommendations and report of this Committee.
It was noted that the biathlon on page 3 is Saturday, November 16 th, not
November 13th.
Councillor Pinsent informed Council that he has had representation from
neighbours of the skateboard park that there is excussive noice.
Be it resolved that the Exhilarate Me Body, Mind and Spirit item be
removed from the Minutes and voted on separately. This motion carried by a vote
of 7-0.
Be it resolved that these recommendations and report with the exception of
the Exhilarate Me Body, Mind and Spirit item be adopted as circulated. This
motion carried by a vote of 7-0.
Be it resolved that the Exhilarate Me. Body, Mind and Spirit be provided
$500.00 in funding to sponsor a youth and seniors fitness zumba program. This
motion carried by a vote of 4-3 with Councillors Pinsent and Finn and Deputy
Mayor Manuel voting Nay.
Public Works and Planning
The following report was presented by Councillor Finn.
Harmsworth Drive Development
Staff gave the Committee an update on the slope stabilization issue that is
impacting the rear of 5 – 6 properties.
The developer has contacted his insurance company, lawyer and his
consultant. They are waiting for the consultant to give them direction on
corrective measures.
Correspondence – Shawn & Jackie Feener, Classic Theater
The Committee discussed correspondence from Mr. and Mrs. Feener
concerning signage for the Classic Theater on Town owned property. They also
suggest that the sign for the Gordon Pinsent Centre for the Arts (Government) on
Town property is being unfair to private businesses.
The Committee discussed the request in detail. The Gordon Pinsent Centre
for the Arts sign has been in place for some time.
The Committee recommends that an order to remove not be issued, but when
the sign is due for replacement, approval will not be granted and the sign will then
have to be removed.
The Committee also recommends that approval not be given to the Classic
Theater to erect a sign on Town property.
Home Based Business Request – 1 Peddle Drive, Bennett’s Excavation
The Committee discussed a request from Bennett’s Excavation for a home
based business at 1 Peddle Drive. This is for administration only and all
equipment will be stored at a local contractor’s yard.
The Committee recommends this application be approved.
Crown Land Application (Lease) – Trevor Tuck – Bee Farmer
The Committee discussed the application for Crown Land from Mr. Tuck
and recommends he attend the next Public Works and Planning Committee
meeting and make a presentation on the proposed business venture.
Correspondence – Derek and Evelina Stroud
The Committee discussed the correspondence from Derek and Evelina
Stroud requesting permission to have miniature horses in the rural zone at the rear
of 8 Pondview Drive.
The Committee recommends this be advertised as a discretionary use. The
Stroud’s must also present land ownership documentation on the proposed
Crown Land Applications – Lind Avenue, Sheppard Street, Gilbert Street,
Pondview Drive
Crown Lands have approved the Town’s applications applying for small
parcels of land formerly owned by Abitibi. Pricing for these parcels of land varies.
The Committee recommends that the present Land Sales Policy will apply to
those parcels of lands. If the land is valued at more than the Town’s Policy, then
ten percent (10%) extra will be added for administration. All fees necessary as part
of this process will have to be paid in advance by the applicant.
T’Railway through Abitibi Yard
Initial contact has been made with Transportation and Works staff on
establishing a T’Railway link from Cromer Avenue\Lincoln Road intersection to
Scott Avenue through the former Abitibi yard.
The Committee recommends that staff continue with this project to
determine possible routes, width of T’Railway possible uses costs to construct,
Correspondence – 14 Seventeenth Avenue
The Committee discussed correspondence from residents at 14 Seventeenth
Avenue, who are requesting for the Town to provide snow clearing to two (2)
properties. The property access in question is privately owned.
The Committee reviewed the information presented and recommends that
the request be denied and the Town continue snow clearing as in past years.
Correspondence – Robert Eastman, 152 Grenfell Heights
Mr. Eastman recently applied for a domestic sawmill at 152 Grenfell
Heights and the request was denied. He is requesting that the application be
The Committee discussed the request and recommends it not be
reconsidered at this time.
I move the recommendations and report of this Committee.
Be it resolved that these recommendations and report would be adopted as
circulated. This motion carried by a vote of 7-0.
Committee of the Whole
The following report was presented by Deputy Mayor Manuel.
Exploits Regional Chamber of Commerce
The Mayor welcomed President Tom Boone of the Exploits Regional
Chamber of Commerce. Accompanying the President was Scott Kenny, Chris
Spurrell, Keith Abbott and Gerald Thompson. President Boone thanked the Town
for the session held with the small business community. This was an event to get
feedback from the local business community. The Chamber requested that the
Town follow up on the recommendations made at the meeting and communicate
with the Chamber on the outcome.
The Chamber expressed a concern about the Grand Falls House. All parties
agreed that the property should be preserved as an important heritage site. They
also discussed the future of the former Abitibi Bowater industrial site. There was
agreement that the site should be remediated.
There was also discussion on the fibre resource and the fact that four (4)
years had passed with no industrial user of that resource. The Province is nearing
the end of the REP process and both parties agreed to lobby Government to move
forward. It is very important that this area be engaged in the forest industry.
Civic Centre
The Town Manager\Clerk advised Council that three (3) years ago, when
Council was seeking funding for the civic building, the budgetary unit cost for
construction as recommended by MAPA and consultants was $300.00 per square
foot. The new YMCA in St. John’s was built in 2011 at $278.00. When we started
the design of the building in January\February, we were working on a $350.00 unit
cost. At this point in time, industry is proving that the cost is in the $400.00 to
$425.00 per square foot. Based on these cost factors, Council cannot construct the
building within the funds available.
The Committee recommends that the project be shelved.
Grand Falls House
The Committee discussed the tour of the Grand Falls House property held
earlier in the evening. During the tour, Council inspected the Grand Falls House,
the Mill’s Manager’s house and the grounds surrounding the property. The
Provincial Government had written the Town asking that we submit any interest
we may have in the property by October 31st, 2013.
The Committee recommends that the Mayor contact Government and
request an extension to this deadline. The Committee also recommends that staff
arrange for an engineering company to complete an assessment on the properties to
determine the state of the structural, electrical, mechanical and environmental
systems to determine remediation cost and future liabilities.
Maloney Street
The Director of Engineering presented a proposal that all the lots in the new
Maloney Street development be grubbed and cleaned and prepared for sale. The
cost of the project would still remain within the $2.5 million originally budgeted.
The Committee recommended that the extra work as presented be done.
I move the recommendations and report of this Committee.
Be it resolved that these recommendations and report would be adopted as
circulated. This motion carried by a vote of 7-0.
Salmon Festival
The following report was presented by Councillor Finn.
Medical Incident Report
The Committee reviewed the medical incident report. Total incidents
incurred were seventy-two (72). The Committee was pleased about the outcome
and thanks the Ground Search and Rescue, the South and Central Health
Foundation and the St. John Ambulance for their efforts in providing for the safety
of our patrons.
Police Report
The Committee reviewed the police report for the 2013 Exploits Valley
Salmon Festival week-end. The Committee was pleased to see that there were no
severe incidents reported.
Local Labour Report
The Committee reviewed the local labour report for the 2013 Exploits
Valley Salmon Festival. Total expenditures for this year’s event were $45,448. A
total of 207 personnel were used and 3,384 man hours were incurred. The
Committee was pleased with the results of the report.
Sales Summary
The Committee reviewed the sales summary for the 2013 Exploits Valley
Salmon Festival. Total attendance at all events was 24,068, an increase of 4,995
(26%) over the previous year. The Committee was pleased with this year’s
attendance and sales.
Concert Settlement
The Committee reviewed the concert settlement for the concert portion of
the 2013 Exploits Valley Salmon Festival. The Town’s net share for the event was
Festival Financial Report
The Committee reviewed the financial report for the 2013 Exploits Valley
Salmon Festival. Total revenue received was $479,940. Net surplus for the event
was $181,720. The Committee was pleased with the financial results of this year’s
I move the recommendations and report of this Committee.
Be it resolved that these recommendations and report would be adopted as
circulated. This motion carried by a vote of 7-0.
The following Resolution was presented by Deputy Mayor Manuel.
Resolution GF-W 2013-207
Development of a New Long-Term Federal Plan to Fix Canada’s Housing Crunch
WHEREAS, a stable and secure housing system that creates and maintains jobs
and allows for a range of living options is essential to attracting new workers,
meeting the needs of young families and supporting seniors and our most
vulnerable citizens; and
WHEREAS the high cost of housing is the most urgent financial issue facing
Canadians with one in four people paying more than they can afford for housing,
and mortgage debt held by Canadians now standing at just over $1.1 trillion; and
WHEREAS housing costs and, as the Bank of Canada notes, household debt, are
undermining Canadians’ personal financial security, while putting our national
economy at risk; and
WHEREAS those who cannot afford to purchase a home rely on the short supply
of rental units, which is driving up rental costs and making it hard to house
workers in regions experiencing strong economic activity; and
WHEREAS an inadequate supply of subsidized housing for those in need is
pushing some of the most vulnerable Canadians on to the street, while $1.7 billion
annually in Federal investments in social housing have begun to expire; and
WHEREAS co-ordinated action is required to prevent housing issues from being
offloaded onto local Governments and align the steps local Governments have
already taken with regard to Federal\Provincial\Territorial programs and policies;
WHEREAS, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) has launched a
housing campaign, “Fixing Canada’s Housing Crunch”, calling on the Federal
Government to increase housing options for Canadians and to work with all orders
of Government to develop a long-term plan for Canada’s housing future; and
WHEREAS FCM has asked its member municipalities to pass a Council
Resolution supporting the campaign;
AND WHEREAS, Grand Falls-Windsor has continuing housing needs, such as the
lack of availability of affordable rental units, lack of affordable housing for lower
income families and the number of substandard units which individuals on low
income are forced to rent, that can only be met through the kind of long-term
planning and investment made possible by Federal leadership;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council endorses the FCM housing
campaign and urges the Minister of Employment and Social Development to
develop a long-term plan for housing that puts core investments on solid ground,
increase predictability, protect Canadians for the planned expiry of $1.7 billion in
social housing agreements and ensures a healthy stock of affordable rental housing
for Canadians.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be sent to the
Minister Jason Kenney, to the Minister Steve Kent – Minister of Municipal
Affairs, to MP Scott Simms, to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and to
Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador.
Be it resolved that Resolution GF-W 2013-207 for the Development of a
New Long-Term Federal Plan to Fix Canada’s Housing Crunch would adopted as
presented. This motion carried by a vote of 7-0.
The following Tender for the YMCA Pool Upgrade was presented by
Councillor Finn:Tender for the YMCA Pool Upgrade closed on October 30th, 2013 at 2:00
P.M. at the Department of Transportation and Works tendering office in St. John’s.
There were three (3) bidders. (Prices are HST exempt.)
Acapulco Pools
Dawe’s Mechanical
H & B Construction
Kitchener, ON
Grand Falls-Winsor, NL
New Harbour, NL
It is recommended that this contract be awarded to Acapulco Pools in the
amount of $315,000.00.
Be it resolved that this contract be awarded to Acapulco Pools in the amount
of $315,000.00. This motion carried by a vote of 7-0.
Deputy Mayor Manuel congratulated the Parks and Recreation staff on a
well-run Red Maple Festival. He also informed Council that he and the Mayor met
with the RCMP on their service to our community. He commended the Cataracts
on a successful start of the season with a pair of wins.
There was general discussion regarding the litter problem in Town.
Councillor Finn referred to the problem of the Thanksgiving holiday garbage
collection and stated that it would be discussed in the next Public Works
Committee meeting.
Councillor Pinsent congratulated the Enactus Group at the College of the
North Atlantic on various achievements. He informed Council that he had toured
the Water Treatment Plant and was very impressed with the capital improvements
and the water quality.
Councillor Pinsent also congratulated the organizers of the 75 th Anniversary
of the incorporation of the former Town of Windsor.
Councillor Mercer acknowledged Dr. Steve Parsons who won the Dr. Craig
Lovey’s Award presented annually by the Discipline of Family Medicine to a
specialist in recognition of excellence in teaching family medicine resident. Dr.
Jared Butler won an Award of Excellence from the NL College of Family
Physicians for his outstanding contribution in a specific area including patient care,
community service, college activities, teaching, research or other elements of the
academic discipline of family medicine. Dr. Butler has a special interest in sports
medicine and allergy medicine and is currently Chief of Emergency at the Central
Newfoundland Regional Health Centre.
Councillor Mercer also acknowledged the formation of a new association,
Exploits Trail Net, that replaced the Exploits Snowmobile Association.
Councillor Coady-Davis informed Council that our cranberry industry was
featured in the Reader’s Digest. She also congratulated Jamie Jenkins on being
recognized as “Coach of the Year”.
The Mayor encouraged everyone to get out on November 11th to the
Remembrance Day ceremonies.
Be it resolved that the meeting of the Grand Falls-Windsor Town Council
would be adjourned until the next regular scheduled meeting of 7:00 P.M.,
Tuesday, November 26th, 2013. This motion carried by a vote of 7-0.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Allan Hawkins
M. Pinsent
Town Manager\Clerk