South Africa under Apartheid

TPO: We will analyze the history of Apartheid in South Africa
using a powerpoint & pictures and produce a writing
In 2-3 sentences , write what thoughts come to mind when
viewing the below picture?
1652 - Dutch settled in South Africa.
Claimed the land as theirs.
Fought and killed Africans
Forced them into slavery
1806 - Great Britain captured the colony from the Dutch.
When diamonds and gold were discovered, the British forced
blacks off the mineral-rich land.
1948 - Nationalist Party was elected to power.
o Apartheid was enacted
A legal system of complete racial segregation
Lasted from 1948-1994
Under Apartheid, blacks:
o Could not hold certain jobs
o Attended separate schools
o Lived away from whites)
1958 - the government separated black people from white
Made them live in “homelands”
These “shanty towns” were:
o overcrowded
o Dirty
o Far from whites
Most black men work in factories & mines
o Pay was extremely low
o Very dangerous
Thousands resisted apartheid by:
refusing to work
refusing to buy white products,
going into “white only” areas
marching in nonviolent demonstrations.
1986 – White South African government oppressed those who resisted
1994 - the government agrees to open elections.
The African National Congress, the largest anti-apartheid party, won.
Nelson Mandela becomes president of South Africa.
o Income gap
o Education
o Poverty
o Land ownership
• (70% is owned by whites)
What’s a Picture Worth?
Directions: A photograph is a powerful tool that historians use to help reconstruct the past. The three
photos below are from different time periods in the history of Apartheid South Africa.
Your task is to take on the role of a character in the picture and write a 200 word first person letter
about what is happening and what emotions are being felt.
Black South Africans
use a segregated
staircase at a Pretoria
subway station.
Nelson Mandela addresses a
crowd as the first non-white
president in South Africa’s
South African policeman attack
unarmed demonstrators an
anti-apartheid riot.