Life Cycle Cost Analysis for Bridges In Search of Better Investment and Engineering Decisions Presented by: Hank Bonstedt Executive Director Prestressed Concrete Association of Pennsylvania What is Life Cycle Cost? • An economic analysis procedure that uses engineering inputs • Compares competing alternatives considering all significant costs • Expresses results in equivalent dollars (present worth) Cost Considerations Present Worth Salvage Costs Costs Initial Cost Rehabilitation Cost Maintenance and Inspection Cost Years Salvage Value Present Worth Analysis • Discounts all future costs and benefits to the present: t=n PW = FC + pwf [MC+IC+FRC+UC] + pwf [S] t=0 FC t MC IC FRC UC S pwf = First (Initial) Cost = Time Period of Analysis = Maintenance Costs = Inspection Costs = Future Rehabilitation Costs = Users Costs = Salvage Values or Costs = Present Worth Factor First (Initial) Cost • Initial cost of structure • Incentive/disincentive payments should not be included since they would reflect user benefits or costs prior to structure going into service Time Period of Analysis • Normally equal for all alternatives • Should include at least one major rehabilitation – Needed to capture the true economic benefit of each alternative • Bridge design today is based on a probabilistic model of 100 years Maintenance Costs • • • • Annual cost associated with the upkeep of the structure Information is difficult to obtain for a given project Cost varies on the basis of size of the structure (sqft) Best Guess Values – Frequency - Annual – Concrete 0.05 % of Initial Cost – Structural Steel 0.05 % of Initial Cost Inspection Costs • Requirements set forth in the National Bridge Inspection Standards (23 CFR 650.3) • Occurs for all alternatives every two years • Cost varies on the basis of size of the structure (sqft) and by construction material • Best Guess Values – Frequency - Biannual – Concrete 0.15 % of Initial Cost – Structural Steel 0.20 % of Initial Cost Future Painting Costs • Only applies to structural steel structures but excludes weathering steel • Should occur every 20 years • Cost varies on the basis of size of the structure (sqft) • Best Guess Values – Frequency – every 20 years – Concrete 0.0 % of Initial Cost – Structural Steel 7.0 % of Initial Cost Future Rehabilitation Costs • The frequency is not only a function of time but also the growing traffic volume and the structural beam system • Cost varies on the basis of size of the structure (sqft) and structural beam system • Best Guess Values – Frequency • First occurrence – Concrete 40 years • First occurrence – Structural Steel 35 years • Annual traffic growth rate .75 % (shortens rehab cycles) – Concrete 20.0 % of Initial Cost – Structural Steel 22.0 % of Initial Cost Salvage Value/Costs • Occurs once at end of life of structure • Difference between – Removal cost – Salvage value • Best Guess Values – Removal cost 10 % of Initial Cost – Salvage Value – Concrete - 0 % of Initial Cost – Salvage Value – Structural Steel - 2 % of Initial Cost Users Costs • For early construction completion, maintenance and rehabilitations only • Delay-of-use • Time delay • Fuel consumption • Driver discomfort • Vehicle operating costs • Accidents Users Costs • Pros – Users pay for transportation system – Drives the results • Cons – Owner can not recoup costs – Not in my budget – Drives the results Users Costs • Driver Delay Costs: DDC = (L/Sa-L/Sn) x ADT x N x w L = Length of affected road way Sa = Traffic speed during maintenance activity Sn = Normal traffic speed ADT = Average daily traffic (vehicles per day) N = number of days of maintenance activity w = Hourly time value of drivers Users Costs • Vehicle Operating Costs: VOC = (L/Sa-L/Sn) x ADT x N x r L = Length of affected road way Sa = Traffic speed during maintenance activity Sn = Normal traffic speed ADT = Average daily traffic (vehicles per day) N = number of days of maintenance activity r = weighted-average vehicle cost Users Costs • Accident Costs: AC = L x ADT x N x (Aa-An) x ca L = Length of affected road way ADT = Average daily traffic (vehicles per day) N = number of days of maintenance activity Aa = Accident rate during maintenance activity An = Normal accident rate ca = Cost per accident Present Worth Factor 1 pwf = (1 + i)n pwf i n = Present Worth Factor for discount rate i and year n = Discount rate = Number of years when cost (benefit) will occur Discount Rate Interest - Inflation i= 1 + Inflation Interest – The return of an investment that raises the future value of an invested dollar Inflation – The erosion of a dollar’s value that raises any future expenses Use of a discount rate allows for the use of constant dollars in the analysis Process And Approach Limits • Government does not invest money to gain cash benefits (interest) • Government money is generally invested only in depreciating assets • Anything not bought this year costs more next year (inflation) User Costs Input User Co sts In p u ts Len gth of affected road way * ADT * Alt erna t ive 1 Prest ressed Concret e Alt erna t ive 2 St ruct ura l St eel 2.00 5,000 2.00 m iles 5,000 veh icles p er d ay Norm al traffic sp eed 45 45 m p h Con stru ction traffic sp eed 20 20 m p h Norm al accid en t rate 1.9 1.9 /m illion veh icle m iles Con stru ction accid en t rate 2.2 2.2 /m illion veh icle m iles Nu m ber of con stru ction d ays Early Construction Com pletion 90 Maintenance 10 10 d ays/occu rren ce Inspection 5 8 d ays/occu rren ce Painting 0 90 d ays/occu rren ce 120 120 d ays/occu rren ce Rehabilitation 0 d ays Hou rly tim e valu e of d rivers 6.25 6.25 $/h ou r W eigh ted average veh icle cost 8.00 8.00 $/h ou r Cost p er accid en t 100,000 100,000 $/occu rren ce No te*: Total traffic affected by Main ten an ce, In sp ectio n , Pain tin g , an d Reh abilitatio n activ ity o v er an d u n d er stru ctu re Discount Rate Inputs Present Worth Factors Discount Rate Inflation Rate For All Alternatives 0.00% 2.00% Structure Costs Input In itial Cost of Stru ctu re An alysis Period 7,000,000 100 Alt erna t ive 1 - Prest ressed Concret e Frequency ( Yea rs) Main ten an ce Costs In sp ection Costs Pain tin g Costs Cost Per Occurrence Fa ct or Cost 1 2 0 0.05% 0.15% 0.00% 3,500 10,500 0 40 0.75% 20.00% 1,400,000 100 100 10.00% 0.00% 700,000 0 700,000 Reh abilitation Costs • First Rehabilitation An n u al Traffic Growth Rate * Salvage Costs/Valu e • Dem olition Costs • Salvage V alue • Net Salvage Costs Structure Costs Input In itial Cost of Stru ctu re An alysis Period 7,000,000 100 Alt erna t ive 2 - St ruct ura l St eel Frequency ( Yea rs) Main ten an ce Costs In sp ection Costs Pain tin g Costs Cost Per Occurrence Fa ct or Cost 1 2 20 0.05% 0.20% 7.00% 3,500 14,000 490,000 35 0.75% 22.00% 1,540,000 100 100 10.00% 2.00% 700,000 140,000 560,000 Reh abilitation Costs • First Rehabilitation An n u al Traffic Growth Rate * Salvage Costs/Valu e • Dem olition Costs • Salvage V alue • Net Salvage Costs Life Cycle Costs Results Alternative 1 - Prestressed Concrete Cost s User Cost s Tot a l Construction 7,000,000 Maintenance 346,500 4,215,750 4,562,250 Inspection 514,500 1,043,292 1,557,792 0 0 0 4,200,000 1,533,000 5,733,000 Painting Rehabilitation Salvage Total Constant Dollars Present W orth (383,250) 700,000 12,761,000 30,235,675 6,616,750 700,000 6,408,792 21,746,666 19,169,792 51,982,341 Life Cycle Costs Results Alternative 2 - Structural Steel Cost s User Cost s Tot a l Construction 7,000,000 0 7,000,000 Maintenance 346,500 4,215,750 4,562,250 Inspection 686,000 1,669,267 2,355,267 Painting 1,960,000 1,533,000 3,493,000 Rehabilitation 6,160,000 2,044,000 8,204,000 Salvage Total Constant Dollars Present W orth 560,000 16,712,500 48,910,066 560,000 9,462,017 31,365,348 26,174,517 80,275,414 Life Cycle Costs Comparisons Prest ressed Concret e Sa vings Cost s User Cost s Tot a l Co n stan t Do llars 31% 48% 37% Presen t Wo rth 62% 44% 54% Questions? 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