MODEL DEVELOPMENT OF AIR VOLUME AND BREATHING FREQUENCY IN HUMAN RESPIRATORY SYSTEM SIMULATION Lilis Warliah1*, Eni Apriani, Arief Syaechu Rohman Email : 1 School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesa 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia Abstract -Human respiration is a process that always occurs in all living things including humans. However, the process is abstract and difficult to observe by most people, including high school students. Simulation is one way to explain respiration and it can be used as a medium of learning for the students. Respiratory process consists of inspiration and expiration. The inspiration is the process of oxygen entry from the environment into the lungs (alveolus) and expiration is the process of carbon dioxide exit from the lungs (alveoli) into the environment . The respiratory mechanism includes the changes in air volume in the lungs and the frequency of human breathing. The changes of the air volume and the respiratory frequency is dependent on physical factors such as gender, type of activity, age, weight and, height of humans. These physical factors may be treated as input variables that affect the changes of the air volume and the breathing frequency. Model simulation (simulation models) is one of the interactive multimedia and aims to provide concrete experiences through imitation - imitation approaches the form of truth. Model simulations require students to interact actively. Students not only see, but are involved directly interact with the program. Students are facilitated to try, observe, try again with different situations, as students engage in practice. The process of breathing is a physiological process that occurs within a living body which is abstract and difficult dikonkritkan. With the simulation will help mengkonkritkan a matter of learning which is abstract, making it easier to understand students. Human respiratory system is part of learning material on students' high school biology class XI IPA program. Thus the material can be packed into the respiratory system sebuah simulasi sistem pernapasan pada manusia sebagai media pembelajaran. 1.1 Background In this paper, a model of lung volume and breathing frequency is developed for human respiratory simulation. The model is a modified model of proposed models in the literatures. In the model of lung volume and breathing frequency, the following factors are considered, i.e. tidal volume (VT), functional residual capacity (FRC), total lungs capacity (TLC), inspiratory volume (VI) and expiratory volume (VE). The model of lungs volume is then used to visualize the process of expansion and contraction of the lungs. Meanwhile, the model of breathing frequency is used to visualize the duration of the expansion and contraction of the lungs. Breathing period (T) is a time taken for a single breathing that consists of the time for inspiration and expiration. These inspiration and expiration times may be modified and adapted to model various physical conditions and needs of the humans. I. Introduction Learning Media is an integral part of the whole learning process and is one of the critical success factors of learning. Through the medium of learning, the learning process can be more interesting and fun (Joyfull learning). An important aspect is the use of media to help clarify the message of learning. In the simulation of the human respiratory system, describe the structure, explaining the function of a respiratory sistem and simulation of human breathing mechanism. Respiratory mechanisms related with the process of inspiration and expiration. The inspiration is the process of oxygen entry from the environment into the lungs (alveolus) and expiration is the process of carbon dioxide exit from the lungs (alveoli) into the environment . The mechanism of respiratory-related changes in lung air volume and respiratory frequency. The changes air volume and breathing frequency is influenced by several variables. These variables describe the parameters of the respiratory form of mathematical equations. So as to visualize the respiratory system simulation takes a lot of mathematical equations involved. Thus the mathematical model of breathing is need to simulate human respiratory system. The mathematical model can be obtained from previous studies of mathematical models in the respiratory system in humans [6] and of the various theories that support Mathematically model which includes mathematical equations related to the volume of air the lungs and respiratory frequency. Changes in volume of air the lungs can be visualized by developing and mengempisnya lungs. The variables that influence will be made in the input by the user to simulate the breathing process in humans. 1.2 Objectives of the writing Designing and implementing a mathematical model of lung air volume and respiratory frequency is needed in making the simulation of human breathing. II. Respiratory system in humans Respiratory systems in humans includes the following matters, namely the respiratory tract, the mechanisms and factors that affect breathing. Fig 1. Respiratory tract. 2.2 Mechanism of respiration 2.1 Respiratory Tract Respiratory tract is the organ that serves as the exit point of the air from outside the body into the lungs or vice versa. Respiratory tract includes the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and bronkhiolus. The nature and function of each of the respiratory organs are described below [3.5]. - Nose, serves as a filter dirt, moisten and warm the air that is inhaled into the lungs. - Pharynx, as liaison nasal cavity and oral cavity to the larynx. - Larynx, is the part that connects the pharynx and trakea.Laring often called the voice box that serves as the site of vocalization. - The trachea, also called the windpipe. End of the trachea divides into two branches called bronchi. - Bronchus, the branching of the trachea, bronchus divides into right and left bronchus. - Bronchioles, is a branch of the bronchus. Containing bronchial submucosal glands that produce mucus to coat the inside of the airway. - Pulmonary - lungs, elastic organs that are conical. Consists of the right lung and left, which is located in the chest or thoracic cavity. In the lungs, bronchial smooth branches with a diameter of ± 1 mm, the walls are wearing thin when compared with the bronchi. - Alveoli, are the cells that make up the lung and serves as a place of exchange of O2 and CO2. The lungs are composed of about 300 million alveoli. Alveoli are at the tip end of the bronchioles in the form of a small pouch on one side open so as to resemble a foam or honeycomblike. webbed thin alveolar capillary blood and a lot of empties as the site of gas diffusion. . Can be seen in Figure 1 A respiratory cycle consists of inspiration and expiration process [5]. Both inspiration and expiration will cause changes in lung volume. Changes menkempisnya expands and shows the mechanism of lung inspiration and expiration. The figure below shows the mechanism of inspiration and expiration Fig 2. Inspiration Fig 3. Exspiration Lung function associated with lung ventilation and gas exchange. Lung ventilation associated with lung volume measurements. Simple method to measure pulmonary ventilation is to record the volume of air movement in and out of the lungs, a process called spirometry and using a spirometer. Changes in volume of air affects the lungs power flowers. Compliance or pulmonary flower power per liter is the volume change caused by each change of one unit cmHg [1, 5]. Flower power also depends on the size of pulmonary tuberculosis. Flower power baby's lungs are smaller than in adults, and flower power small-bodied people are also different from the power of a big flower person [1, 4 - TLC = total lung capacity in liters; - FRC = Funtional residu capacity in liters; - h = height in meter; - a = age in year; - w = weight in kilogram. Based on table 1, total lung capacity (TLC) is influenced by the factors gender, age and height. While the factors that affect functional residual capacity (FRC), ie gender, age, height and weight. 2.5 Respiratory frequency 2.3 Mathematical equations of air volume The lung normal volume is influenced by age and the size of the respiratory system. The men lung volume is greater than women. At the time of exercise, oxygen uptake can reach 4-6 liters per minute and the volume of air inspired per minute can be increased up to twenty-fold. This situation is achieved by increasing tidal volume and respiratory frequency. The amount of respiratory air volume can be influenced by several physical factors such as gender, age, height and weight. [1, 6]. Based on previous research of the factors affecting the volume of air the lungs [1, 6], derived a mathematical model that describes the behavior of the respiratory parameters. To represent the dynamic lung volume against time in a state of normal inspiration obtained the following equation: VI = FRC + VT (1 − e VE = FRC + VT −t⁄ 0,5 ) ... (1) −t (e ⁄0,5 ) Table 1. Mathematical equations of air volume [6]. Category TLC FRC Men 7,956*h-6,948 Women 7,107*h-6,435 Boy exp(1,3191+1,7383*h) exp(1,2940+1,7021*h) 7.502*h+0.009*a0.033*w-7.608 5.867*h+0.009*a0.022*w-5.972 exp(-1.8195+1.6779*h) Keterangan: III. Design Analysis Simulation modeling is needed in the respiratory system includes object modeling and mathematical modeling (mathematical models). Object modeling required includes namely respiratory tract model trachea, bronchi and lungs. ... (2) VI is the volume of air after an inspiration and VE volume of air the lungs after expiration at a given point of time of respiratory cycle. FRC is functional residual capacity and tidal volume VT is the lung - the lung. VT is 10% of the total lung capacity. The equation used for calculation of TLC and FRC based on previous studies [6]. This equation is presented in Table below. Girl The amount of air that comes out into the lungs every breath is referred to as respiratory frequency. In general, adult respiratory frequency ranges from 15-18 times per minute. Fast or slow respiratory rate is influenced by several factors as follows namely age, gender, body temperature, position and the position and activity [1, 4]. The number of respiratory frequency is divided into 5 categories [7], namely: a. newborn (age <1 year) ie 44 times / minute; b. infants (aged <2 years) that is 50 times / minute; c. toddlers (aged <6 years) is 25 times / minute; d. children (aged <15 years) which is 20 times / minute; e. adults (age> 15 years) that is 16 times / minute exp(-2.0159+1.7942*h) Mathematical modeling of lung volume and respiratory frequency to be designed must meet the following requirements. a. Describing the large volume of air while performing normal breathing (VT). The amount VT ie 10% of TLC. b. Describing the minimum air volume and makimum. The minimum air volume is the volume of air remaining in lungs at the end of normal expiration (FRC). While the volume of air makimum an air volume of the lungs after inspiration (FRC + VT). c. Includes the volume of air inspiration and expiration. Volume inspired (VI) is the volume of air the lungs after a process of inspiration. Expiratory volume (VE) is the volume of air the lungs after expiration. d. Describing changes in lung air volume based on input variables. variable input in the form of human physical factors that include gender, age, type of activity, height and weight. e. Describing changes in respiratory air volume versus time. The time taken in one cycle of breathing depending on the frequency of breathing. f. Illustrates how quickly the process of respiration. This relates to the frequency of breathing is influenced by the variables gender, age and type of activity. g. Describing the change in time (period) inspiration and expiration, in normal circumstances and in certain conditions START Input variabel - Jenis kelamin - Usia - Tinggi badan - Berat badan 3.1 The model of object Jenis kelamin? Laki-laki The model of object respiratory tract include: trachea, bronchus and lung. perempuan ya ya Usia <15 ? Usia >15 ? tidak tidak FRC = 5.867*h+0.009*a – 0.022*w – 5.972 FRC = 5.867*h+0.009*a0.022*w-5.972 FRC = Exp(1.8195+1.67 FRC = Exp(2.0159+1.794) Tampilan Volume FRC END Fig 4. The model of object. Fig 6. Flowchart FRCcalculation 3.2 Mathematical model of air volume and breathing fekuency a. TLC calculation based on the table, can be explained by the flowchart below. b. VT, VI, VE Calculation - VT = 10% * TLC - VI (t) = FRC+VT * (1-e-t/0.5) - VE(t) = FRC + VT* e-t/0.5 START VI(t)=FRC + VT (1-e-t/0,5) ; Input variabel - Jenis kelamin - Usia - Tinggi badan Laki-laki Jenis kelamin? to < t < to + T/2, inspiration. VUpn(t) Perempuan VE(t) = FRC + VT (e-t/0,5) ; ya Usia >15 ? tidak TLC= 7.956*h 6.948 to + T/2 < t < to + T, ekspiration. ya Usia <15 ? tidak TLC= Exp(-1.3191 + 1.7383*h) TLC= 7.107*h 6.948 TLC= Exp(-1.2940 + 1.7021*h) T = 1/f Begin volume and end volum of the following analogy: Tampilan Volume TLC - V0 = Vupn (min) = FRC - V1 = Vupn (max) = FRC + VT END 3.3 Technical Design Fig.5 Flowchart TLC calculation a. FRC calculation based on the table, can be explained by the flowchart below. The process of rendering a visual simulation of respiration using the OpenGL application programming languages C + + and C # and visual studio 2010 . IV. Implementation INPUT Gender (L/P) Age (tahun) Height (meter) Weight (kg) Actifity (T/F) 1 2 3 4 5 A H W B L 7 1,08 35 T C L 50 1,67 60 F Graph of Respiration Volume (liter) 1.2 1.15 1.1 Fig 7. Display of respiratory tract 1.05 1 0.95 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time (detik) Fig. 11. Graph of respiration based on input B. Graph of Respiration Fig 8. Display of variable input Volume (liter) 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (detik) Fig. 12. Graph of respiration based on input B. Fig 9. Display Simulation V. Conclusion Fig 10. Display air particle. Tabel 2. Input variabel. the Model changes air volume in the lungs can be affected by a mathematically the variables gender, age, weight, height, and implemented in visualizing the process of expansion and contraction of the lungs in the human respiratory system simulation. Meanwhile, the model of breathing frequency is used to visualize the duration of the expansion and contraction of the lungs. Breathing period (T) is a time taken for a single breathing that consists of the time for inspiration and expiration. These inspiration and expiration times may be modified and adapted to model various physical conditions and needs of the humans. 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