August 23, 2013 PowerPoint - Crooms AoIT Business Advisory

August 23, 2013
New Beginnings …
“But Still Planning with the End in Mind”
Crooms Academy of Information Technology
State of the School
Anticipated School grade of “A” on Florida’s School
Accountability Report
 US News and World Report’s #1 Most Connected
Classrooms in the US
 Listed in US News and World Report’s list of US Best
High Schools
 Listed in Newsweek as one of US Best High Schools
 National Academy Foundation, Distinguished Academy
 Magnet Schools of America, Magnet School of
Crooms Academy of Information Technology
State of the School
2012-2013 State of Florida Assessment Results for
 Highest district proficiency FCAT Reading 2.0
 Highest district high school performance in Writing 2.0
 Highest district high school performance in Biology EOC
 Highest district high school performance in Algebra EOC
 Highest district high school performance in Geometry
 Highest district high school performance in U.S. History
Figure 1: Seminole County Public Schools (FL)
State Assessment Results, Spring 2013
Crooms Academy of Information Technology
State of the School
151 industry certifications earned in 2012-2013
17 Adobe Dreamweaver
1 Adobe Flash
48 Adobe Photoshop
16 Adobe Premiere Pro
5 CompTIA A+
34 Microsoft Office Specialist
30 Microsoft Technical Associate
Crooms Academy of Information Technology
State of the School
Goals for 2013-2014
Expand partnerships with local, regional, and national
business and industry leaders
Increase internship/compensated work-based
learning experiences for our students
Continue to build relationships between industry
partners and technology teachers to remain relevant
with current employer needs and industry trends
Student Council Update
New Student Council
President 2013-14 - Zaki
Pep Rally- April 21st
Night in the Emerald City”
 Longwood Community Center
Student Elections - April
Blood Drive- April
Third & Final
 Increased Participation by 70%
 Three full buses
Blindfolded obstacle course
Class dance off
Jv vs. Varsity volleyball game
Senior Week – April 22-26
Freshmen, Sophomore's, & Juniors
 Voted for Class & SGA Officers
 Real electronic voting machines
“Ohana Luau”
Awesome Activities
Prom Saturday, April 6th
Peace out day, Disney day, Senior
cruise day, Senior switch day, &
College day
Senior Picnic & Grad Bash!
Thank You!
For All your Support
Throughout the School Year!
Marketing/Membership Committee
Business Advisory Council website:
 Current Partnership Review
 Market BAC to Community
 Partner with Parents & Alumni
 Implement Strategic Communications/Marketing plan
 Explore National Market
Marketing/Membership Committee
Marketing StrategyGoing “Live and Real Time” by utilizing
technology to work smarter not harder.
 Advertise -Tours, events, newsworthy items
Attend Community Networking Functions
 Work with PTSA/SAC/Faculty/Alumni
 Family Night Out-Sept. 23, 2013 at Crooms
 Identify Desired Partnerships
Marketing/Membership Committee
Utilize Social MediaFB, Crooms website, BAC website,
callout, quarterly newsletter, marquee, Twitter
Action Items:
• Develop Google Form for Parent Survey
• Develop Marketing Team
• Develop Plan and identify “potential partnership
• Meet before next BAC meeting 8/23
• Contact: Christine Parsons, 407-328-4996
Job Shadowing/Internship
2013-2014 Goals:
Secure 7 trips:
Dates available:
Oct. 11
Oct. 17
November 1
November 21
November 22
January 9 January 30 – Sanford Chamber of Commerce
January 31 - Siemens
2013-2014 Goals:
Identify 20-25 slots
Begin interviewing by end of April
Identify students before school year ends
Interns start June - August
Students hired at:
• SCPS Annex—5
• Symantec Corp.—4
• Stack Frame—2
• Southeastern Data—2
• Nutrition Corner – 1
• Holy Cross Lutheran Church—1
• Home 1s Lending—1
• Insurance World—1
Total 18 seniors
Scholarship Committee
2013-2014 Goals:
•Write a succession plan for the endowment
•Increase student application submission
•Market scholarship opportunity
•Identify review committee
•Review selection process/tool
•Identify timeline of process
•Make final selection of recipients
•Design a scholarship certificate
•Select scholarship representative to attend
Awards Ceremony
•Research Investment Options of the
Scholarship Committee
In addition to scholarships awarded to seniors:
Grand total of scholarships awarded to date:
$40,000 with $33,672.83 in SCPS Endowment
2013 Scholarship Recipients
2013 Symantec Scholarship Recipients
2013 Dr. Vogel Scholarship Recipient
2013 Mr. Blacksheare Scholarship Recipients
Fundraising Committee
Tech Fest VII raised $22,849.
“Thank You” Tech Fest VII Sponsors
•Symantec Corporation
•AAA, Aerohive, Astronics DME, CFE, Corsair Engineering, Dell, DeVry
University, SiSTI, EA, ERAU, Florida Technical College, Full Sail, IADT, ITT
Technical Institute, JA, Keiser University, Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, NCS,
• Ed Blacksheare, Colleen Brown
•Air Force, Kavaliro Staffing, Stack Frame, Sprint,
•Special thanks to Mary Benton, Barbara Ray, Becky Fry, Kevin Wells
•Student marketing team
Fundraising Committee
•Grand total raised with all TF events: 102,974.08
Coming Next Year----Tech Fest VIII---March 13, 2014
2013-2014 Goals: $25,000
•Secure sponsorship now – February 2014
•Secure Keynote Speakers – 2
•Secure Guest Speakers – 30
•Discussion about the increase level of sponsorship
Curriculum Committee
2013-2014 Goals
Review/Develop a 4 year career/college plan
Junior Achievement supports –Crooms’ 4 year career plan
--9th grade program – Jan. 10,17,24, 31, Feb. 7
--10th grade program-- Oct. 17, 24, 31 Nov. 7, 14
--11th grade program complete by January
Job Shadowing Experiences
--12th JA Financial Literacy Program- Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31, Feb. 7
-- 12th grade –Summer Internship Program
Teach In Day – November 19, 2013
LanFest – TBD
Tech Fest/Field Day/ – March 13, 2014
Senior Exit Interviews- seniors –Dec. 2-6, 2012
Review of Portfolio Project
BAC Networking with Instruction Staff
NAF Model - 4 Components
Academy of
Development &
Curriculum &
Advisory Board
Marketing at its BEST!
Marketing at its BEST!
Academy of Distinctions- 3X
Marketing at its BEST!
Marketing at its BEST!
Shelby Koos-Univ. of Miami
What’s Next?
Please pick a committee to support and start
planning for the 2013-2014 School Year:
Marketing-Christine Parsons
Scholarship-Ron Colangelo
Job Shadowing/Internship-Cathy Alper
Curriculum-Demetria Hayes
Fundraising-Anita Neal-Okoro
Items for Discussion
•NAF Update-Kevin Jackson attend
•Dinner Auction
•Donation Items-Dell donation
•BAC representatives who wish to attend (Feb)
•BAC social – First one at Kevin Jackson’s House
“Thank You Karen and Kevin Jackson”
•NAF Accreditation
•Crooms Accreditation
“ Website Overview
Sanford Riverwalk 5K 2013-2014
Oct. 5 at Sanford Riverwalk
•Calling all runners/walkers
•Looking for sponsors
•Looking for volunteers
Meeting Sept. 21 at
Breezeway Restaurant & Bar
10:45 am- 1 pm
Places where runners can sign up: – click 5K icon
Online registration:
Online registration:
Sponsorships Needed:
Teach In Day Lunch Sponsor - $500
Tech Fest VIII Sponsors—see sponsorship list
Tech Fest VIII Banner Sponsor**The Sign Man will sponsor this**
Tech Fest VIII Program Sponsor - $700
BAC Faculty/Staff Luncheon - $500
BAC Appreciation Luncheon-$600
Yearbook ads – see ad prices
5K Sponsors –See Sponsorship Form
Financial Update
As of June 30, 2013-- Balance is $28,,544,63
Outstanding expenses: scholarships (6),
yeabook, still waiting on $5,000
Action Item: Each committee must submit a
budget to the chair by August 1, 2013.
Proposed budget will be discussed and
approved at the August 23, 2013 meeting.
Save the Dates/Events
2013-2014 BAC Meetings-4th Fridays of the month:
August 23, 2013
October 25, 2013
Jan. 24, 2014
March 28, 2014
May 23, 2014
May 30, 2014-BAC Appreciation Luncheon
5K – Oct. 5, 2013
Teach In Day –November 19, 2013
Tech Fest VIII—March 13, 2014
NAF Dinner Auction—March TBA
Crooms Awards Night—TBA
Scholarships applications available January 2014
Graduation—May 23, 2014-to be confirmed
BAC Summer Retreat—July 18, 2014
Action Items
1. Update the Dividends Application;
Volunteer hours = Gold School Award
2. Complete the Business Partners Agreement
3. Pass on the 5K information.
Recruit Runners for the 5K/Sponsors
4. Promote Tech Fest VIII
Recruit Keynote Speakers & Workshop Speakers
5. Invite new members to the BAC meetings.
Thank you for all that you do for Crooms AOIT!
Thank You 2012-2013 Chairs
Chair-RT Hillery
Marketing Committee – Tina Holden
Curriculum Committee – Demetria Hayes Faison
Job Shadowing/Internship –Cathy Alper
Fundraising Committee- Anita Neal-Okoro/Lou Reents
Scholarship – Kevin Jackson