January 27, 2012 “Planning with the End in Mind” Attendance: Cathy Alper Anya Andrews-called in Don Brown Heather Burks Frankie Colloza Eric Byron Shelby Koos-senior Demetria Hayes RT Hillery Tina Holden Kevin Jackson John Marra Cate Montuoro Lou Reents Susan Vernon-Devlin Zackary Tennant-New Member Larry DiGioia-New Member Daniel Bickford Jacquie Bickford 19 members Student Government Update •District SGA Meeting – January 24th •Families in Transition Initiative – March 3rd •Budget Cuts •Pay to Play •Closing Schools •7-12 grade schools •Field Day – March 2nd • Yearbook is still taking business ads until the 1st week of February – prices are on Crooms website Student Government Update •Junior Class Needs •Business Professionals of America Florida BPA State Conference Saturday, February 11, 2012 Contact: Lynore Levenhagen, State Advisor lynore_levenhagen@scps.k12.fl.us *With name, address, phone, fax, and email Hours: Between 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Location: Hilton in the WDW Resort 1751 Hotel Plaza Boulevard Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830 Poster Winner Jesse Piorro Curriculum Committee…accomplished Junior Achievement supports –Crooms’ 4 year career plan --10th grade--Completed 5 week program on Nov. 15, 2011. Teach In Day – November 15, 2011 --49 speakers 174 presentations --Thank you Devry University for sponsoring the luncheon. Senior Exit Interviews- 130 seniors Interviews begin Nov. 28 – Dec. 2, 2011 Thank you BAC members who interviewed the seniors. Curriculum Committee…coming soon Junior Achievement supports Crooms’ 4 year career plan —9th grade program starts March 2012 --11th grade Job Shadowing Program-schedule is set --12th summer internship—in development Tech Fest/Field Day/LanFest – March 2, 2012 •Need 4- 45 minute workshops •Faculty Preparation – Feb. 6 •Student Preparation – Feb. 9 New Initiative to Consider: Instructional Coaches– support for the Applied Tech Instructors. Job Shadowing/Internship Committee 7 field trips identified to accomplish JS goal: Dec. 1, 2011—IITSEC Dec. 5, 2011---Dot Decimal Dec. 9, 2011---Astronics DME Corp. Jan. 19, 2012---Monster Media Feb. 21, 2012---Siemens Feb. 23, 2012--Sanford Regional Chamber of Commerce March 6, 2012—David Maus Toyota Expenses to date: $200.75 the rest of the trips are sponsored! Thank you business partners. Internship Development Identify 20-25 slots for the 2012 Summer Session March & April Post Job Descriptions May Begin the interviews June Summer Internship Begins Requirements for employers offering positions: Minimum of 150 hours for full credit Preferred Paid Positions but Non Paid is now acceptable $8-$10/hr Need support to identify Internship slots for 2012 Internship Partnership in Place Now Symantec Corporation – In Heathrow A1Assets – In Longwood Chiropractic Position- In Longwood Network Video Sound – In Longwood Keep the Leads Coming – Next meeting March 30, 2012 @ 8 a.m. Marketing/Membership Committee New Marketing Business Plan Constant Contact agreement E-newsletter Completed 4 business partner tours to date Creating an Organization Chart to promotes the flow of Communication to involve the entire school. More to come at the summer retreat July 27, 2012. Business Partners Tours—4th Thursday of the month 2/23,4/26 8:00-9:00 a.m. Creating a marketing video to showcase BAC partnerships. BAC Action Item: Encourage TechFest registration on Croomsaoit.org website Scholarship Committee Provided Senior Workshop and presented Crooms BAC and Symantec Scholarship Information. Emailed scholarship out to all seniors, parents, and senior teachers. Deadline March 15, 2012 Need a scholarship review team. Need recipient names by April 2, 2012 Attend the Awards Ceremony –May 1 @ 6:30 p.m. Crooms Scholarship Foundation Endowment Current Balance- 27,312,30 as of June 2011 Scholarships awarded to seniors: 2004-2005--$2,000 2007-2008--$4,000 2005-2006--$2,000 2008-2009--$3,500 2006-2007--$2,500 2010-2011--$4,500 School/Business Dividend’s Application-update Business Partnership Agreement NAF Dinner Auction-March 3 at Downtown Sheraton Who would like to attend to represent Crooms BAC? Fundraising Committee Tech Fest VI progress to date • Keynote Speakers – 2 identified •Dr. Mansooreh Mollaghasemi, Chairman and CEO, Productivity Apex •Dr. Jeffery G. Wilkinson - Vice-President, Chief Scientist and Chief Technology Officer, MYMIC LLC •Session Speakers –4----40 minutes session left •Funding commitments to date: •Sponsorship– ~$11,450 to date (not including Symantec) •Ed Blacksheare is sponsoring breakfast/lunch • We need •Sponsors – ~$4000 to go •Survey prize donation (4 x ~$25) •Banner Sponsor •Day of Event volunteers •40 White linen for 6’ tables •Water supply – 200 bottles Sponsorships Needed: Teach In Day Sponsor - $500 Tech Fest VI Sponsors-various levels Tech Fest VI Banner Sponsor-$350 Tech Fest VI Luncheon Sponsor-$500 Tech Fest VI Program Sponsor - $600 BAC Appreciation Luncheon-$500 Fundraising Committee Tech Fest VI Goal - $15,000 + in-kind donations Important Dates: •Next Fundraising Committee meeting – Friday, February 10th Financial Update Business Advisory Council - Financial Report Proposed BAC Budget : Aug 2011 -June 2012 Beginning of Year Balance: Income: Donations/Pledges: Grants/Inkind Services TechFest/Sponsors: Other Income: Total Income: $ 17,087.95 $ $ $ 13,283.20 $ $ 13,283.20 Total Income Plus Balance Forward: Expenses: Business/School Liaison Curriculum Fundraising Job Shadowing/Internship Marketing/Membership Scholarships/Grants Other Expenses Reserve Account Total Expenses: $ 30,371.15 $ 106.93 $ 1,789.50 $ $ 950.75 $ 1,033.98 $ 630.11 $ $ 13,283.20 Net Income/Expenses *(This report does not reflect the $25,000.00 that is in SCPS Foundation) $ 17,794.47 $ 12,576.68 * Unfinished/New Business Discussion of Vice Chair Position Scholarship Recipient’s Letter Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS) is ranked 7th out of 67 districts on total points achieved on FCAT reading, math, writing and science scores, according to a district FCAT Rankings report released on January 23, 2012, by State Commission of Education, Gerard Robinson. Crooms AOIT earned an “A” this year. What’s Next? Save the dates: 2011-2012 BAC Meetings-4th Fridays of the month: March 16, 2012***Changed due to Spring Break May 25, 2012 June 1, 2012-BAC Appreciation Luncheon Tech Fest VI—March 2, 2012 NAF Dinner Auction—March 3, 2012 downtown Sheraton Graduation—May 30, 2012 at Bob Carr @ 4 p.m.