Explore with Guerrilla Geography!! Ruth Potts In partnership with the Geography Collective. Friday April 13th. Who are the Geography Collective? We are a collective of Geography activists, teachers, therapists, academics, artists and guerrillas. We’ve come together to encourage (young) people to see our world in new ways. What is Mission Explore? Mission:Explore has a purpose. We think that the world is awesome and that making sense of it is important. We do this through an approach to exploring, questioning, playing, experimenting and experiencing our planet we call guerrilla geography. Our children’s activities are developed to encourage creative and critical thinking about the world in which they live while having a great deal of fun. The books Hay Festival and National Trust Outdoors Outdoors Book Book of the Year Year 2011 2011 http://www.missionexplore.net/ How can these be used in schools? Find a mission and adapt it for use in school. Fit into the curriculum – lots of mapwork Eg - Create a river story – link to river project or the river Nile. “Geography without fieldwork is like science without experiments…” River journey Collect A- Z Finder Poets Write a poem about the things you find while exploring outdoors.. http://www.missionexplore.net/mis sion/ID-a-problem Identify a problem that faces young people in your area: homelessness, kids without school supplies, lack of playgrounds or another issue. Research the problem you are interested in and write up and submit a plan for how you would go about trying to fix or reduce the problem. See if there is a related organization you can volunteer with. If not, organize a campaign to try to change things and raise awareness of the problem. Use TES website for brilliant ideas for Key Stage 1 – 3. Your turn!!!! Form an Air Band In groups can you form an air band to produce a piece of music to the others? http://www.missionexplore.net/mission/Form-an-air-band Furthest and closest http://www.missionexplore.net/mission/Fu rthest-and-closest Speak to five people in a public place. Who is furthest from you and who is closest to you in terms of: where they live, their age, their taste in music and their opinions on something that's important to you? You can be close to someone who is very far away. You can also feel distant from someone sitting next to you. Consider creating a map to show the different relationships you discover. Tip: Take your time to have a good chat during this mission. As you talk you may become closer to the people you speak to. Where is the Geography? Play is deeply linked to geography. From being immersed in deep play and imagining alternative worlds to evading capture in foreign territories while playing hide and seek, play is one of the most enjoyable engagements we ever have with our world(s). It’s also an immensely powerful way to learn about people, social interactions, communication, risk-taking, management, fear, love, worms, trees, strangeness, experimenting, science, being creative and so much more. Despite all of the known advantages of outdoor play many children do not have the opportunity experience it as much as they should do.. and would want to. Hide a……………….. http://www.missionexplore.net/mission/Hide-a Buy a simple old jigsaw from a charity shop, put it together and draw a map on its back that leads someone to something or somewhere special. Post or plant the pieces so that the person finds them over a long period of time. Make sure you're around when they find the final piece of the jigsaw and work it all out! Walk your footprint http://www.missionexplore.net/mission/Walkyour-footprint Estimate the size of your ecological footprint. How long does it take you to walk from its centre to its edge? What is the total ecological footprint of your household? school? community? Create a piece of art to demonstrate what you discover by doing this mission. Cartoon removed for copyright reasons How to fit into school life. Hold a “Mission Explore” club after school. Hold Mission Explore whole school days/weeks. Have a challenge board up in school, change the missions regularly. Trash Art (mission explore club) Say Cheese!!! The Future Become one of the Mission Explore Challenge groups. Become a private group where you and other teachers you invite, can create your own missions and badges. Only your pupils can view them. Find resources on TES – Latitude festival Go out there and get exploring with your children !!!! Go the mint stint http://www.missionexplore.net/mission/G o-the-mint-stint How far can you travel while sucking the same mint? Create maps of your attempts; you can use the space in your Mission:Explore book, or another notebook or journal, to record your efforts.