China Economy

• Copy HW
• Please grab a packet and green book from the front desk
• Please make these page 24-26.
• Ignore the “preview instructions”…Instead, please write one
the following vocabulary terms in each box on page 23 and
define it
• Economy
• You may want to use chapter 16 in your book for help!!!!!!!
• Please be prepared to share your answer in 4 minutes
Essential Questions
• How do societies stabilize in the face of
• How can societies use what they learn from
the past?
• Economy- a system of managing the wealth
and resources of a community
• Commerce -the buying and selling of goods
• Currency- a form of money
• Urbanization- the growth of cities
Farmers moved
to the south, a
good region for
growing rice
A new type
of rice was
Improved plow
and harrow
fertilized their
Crops were grown on terraced hillsides
Chain pumps were used for irrigation
Water buffaloes pulled plows
Rice plants began to be grown in seedbeds
Rice growing took a lot of work by many people rice was transplanted to paddies
Cotton, sugar, tea, and mulberry trees were grown
A new kind of fast-growing, drought-resistant rice was grown
Improved plows and harrows were used.
Increased food production: abundance of food helped support a larger population
Peasants could take time away from farming to make products to sell or trade
Rich landowners could buy luxury items
These changes encouraged the growth of trade and commerce
Trade and Commerce
Many rivers
and canals
in navigation
The rich
more goods
helped trade
Goods were moved along canals on barges
Junks were used for trade with foreign countries
Peasants sold surplus crops, animals, and goods they made at home
Oxcarts and pack animals moved products along roads
Small shops lined streets and bridges
People used paper money and traded in copper coins at deposit shops
Indigo, spices, silver, ivory, and coral were imported
Growth of the merchant class
Increased prosperity gave China the highest standard of living in the world
Commercial centers grew into big cities
The Grand Canal
People came to the
cities to trade as
commerce increased
Large landowners moved
to cities because they
preferred the shops and
social life there.
Cities were crowded and exciting -many types of people lived in the cities
Signs identified the many goods being sold there, such as silk
Theaters and outdoor entertainers
Urban women had less status than rural women
Chinese cities were the largest in the world
Restaurants, wine shops, and teahouses
Vendors sold food from trays carried on their heads
Vibrant centers of activity changed the way many ordinary Chinese lived
Public works projects provided employment
Artists gained a wealthy audience, encouraging the growth of arts and culture
• By 2025, China
will build ten
more New Yorksized cities.
• China has 171
cities with over
1 million people
• The U.S. has 9
• Create an advertisement promoting the aspect of society (agriculture,
commerce, or urbanization) you believe most improved the medieval
Chinese economy.
• Your advertisement can be a poster, billboard, flyer, commercial, or any other
medium used for advertising. It should meet the following requirements:
1. It should clearly state what aspect of society you believe most improved the Chinese economy.
2. It should contain a slogan and three ways in which that aspect of society improved th economy.
3. It should include an image or decorative art illustrating that aspect of medieval China.
Please complete the GOOD DRAFT of your
Advertisement for HW: Due Monday!
• Please define the following 4 terms on the back of page 25…
• Economy- a system of managing the wealth and resources of a
• Commerce- the buying and selling of goods
• Currency- a form of money
• Urbanization- the growth of cities