Math 8 Syllabus 2015-2016 Meadowdale Middle School Course Information & Requirements Cari Cummins (425) 431-3466 Debbie Dunne (425) 431-4115 Kate Fain (425) 431-4343 Welcome to Math 8! We look forward to being your teachers for an exciting year of learning and exploring our world through mathematical concepts. This letter is designed to introduce you to the Math 8 curriculum and to give you some tips on how to be successful. We will be using the 8th grade Glencoe Math curriculum which is aligned with the new Common Core State Standards for math and is supported by wonderful online resources. A focus on “real world” application of math concepts should make learning fun for students and improve understanding. Topics covered in the curriculum include the number system, expressions and equations, functions, geometry, and statistics and probability. Math Goals Conceptual Understanding - Comprehending mathematical concepts, operations, and relationships. Computation- Carrying out mathematical procedures accurately, flexibly, efficiently, and appropriately, showing perseverance when challenged. Application - Being able to formulate problems mathematically and develop strategies for solving them using appropriate concepts and procedures. Reasoning - Using logic to explain or justify a solution to a problem. Engagement- Seeing mathematics as fun, relevant, useful and worth personal effort. Collaboration – Working together with other students to analyze and solve mathematical challenges. Communication – Using math vocabulary to share mathematical ideas both verbally and in written format. Required Materials •Pencil (all classwork and homework must be in pencil!) •Glencoe Textbook (issued by the school) •Graph Paper Composition book (Extremely important!!! Please make sure it is a Composition Book as it will hold up the best for the entire year.) •Paper and graph paper •Scientific calculator •Chromebooks: I will share our expectations for their use once we have them in hand. Classroom Expectations In the class, as in the school, our rules are the 6 P’s. Students should be; Prompt, Polite, Productive, Prepared, Positive and Proud. We will follow the discipline plan as stated in the planner and as discussed in class. Grading Policy A 93-100% A90-92% B+ 87-89% B BC+ 83-86% 80-82% 77-79% C CD+ 73-76% 70-72% 67-69% Grades will be based on the following components: •Assessments (tests, quizzes and projects): 80% D F 60-66% 0-59% •Homework/In-Class Work: 20% Monitoring Your Progress You may always access current grades by visiting the Skyward. Grades are updated on almost a daily basis so plan on checking your grade regularly. This should eliminate any surprise grades and enable all students the time and opportunity to get additional help for learning and thus change undesirable grades before it is too late. Attendance Attendance is critical to your success in this class. It is very difficult to gain the same experience working alone on material, which is designed to be learned and completed as a group. If you miss a class it is your responsibility to find out what material was covered during your absence. Assignments will be updated on-line on our websites, in Google Classroom and/or should be listed in your school planner. Three Critical Guidelines for Success ASK FOR HELP if you don’t understand. Don’t just skip it or copy from a friend. Copying is NOT learning! You must take the initiative for your own learning, but we will be there to assist you at every step. COME TO CLASS – Absences are a huge barrier to learning! Math 8 is designed around hands-on activities and group learning. If you are absent it is nearly impossible to make up the experience by yourself. FOCUS ON LEARNING! Learning the math is the goal. Completing assignments and being involved in classroom activities is only the process. Just because all your homework is complete does not mean you have learned how to do it. Homework (Mrs. Cummins) Homework will be assigned regularly to practice and build upon the skills and concepts learned in class. As with any new learning, practice is essential to mastery. All homework will be checked for completion (*) at the beginning of each class period and will be worth 10 points. Since homework is practice and preparation for future assessments, you will have the opportunity to correct your assignments and ask questions. It is your responsibility to go back over the problems missed to make sure you can do them correctly. Some of these problems appear on assessments. Homework can be done late as an exception but it will only be worth 7 points when completed. Late work must be done by the end of each unit. *If you are unable to complete a problem(s) on your homework (and you’ve asked a friend or family member for help), make sure you mark the problem so that I know the ones that were difficult for you. Test Retakes (Mrs. Cummins) You may retake any test that you score below an 80% throughout the semester (excluding quizzes and the semester final) only if you have no missing assignments from that unit. To be eligible, you must submit test corrections to me for approval before re-testing. Exam retakes can be scheduled before or after school on Tuesdays or Thursdays. On test scores higher than 80%, test corrections can be done for half credit with the test correction form.