Pennbrook Middle School Mrs. Tolar and Mr. Bowers Social Studies

Pennbrook Middle School
Mrs. Tolar and Mr. Bowers
Social Studies Department
7th World Cultures
Grading Policy 2014-2015
The grading scale that will be used in all courses will include a “plus” designation for grades of C or higher.
See below for a detailed breakdown of the grading scale.
Grading Scale for Marking Periods
A+ 96.5 – 100%
A 89.5 – 96.4%
B+ 86.5 – 89.4%
B 79.5 – 86.4%
C+ 76.5 – 79.4%
C 69.5 – 76.4%
D 64.5 – 69.4%
F Below 64.5%
A+ D
Final Course Grades
course averages parallel the marking period grades.
0 – 64% (Remediation permitted)
21% for each marking period
16% for final exam
All numeric averages will be rounded to the nearest whole number.
This class will use a total points system. Each quiz, test, project, homework assignment, etc. will be worth a
certain number of points. The points you earn for these activities will be divided by the total points possible.
The quotient of this division will determine your grade. For example, if a test is worth 64 points, and you earn a
51, then 51 divided by 64 equals .796, or 79.6%.
Textbook: You will be assigned the textbook titled, “Exploring Our World.” The textbook you are
assigned is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! If it is lost or damaged, you will be responsible for the costs of
repairing/replacing the textbook. Our textbook costs around $100, so TAKE CARE OF IT!!!
Other Materials: In addition to the textbook, I am requesting that each student acquire the materials
listed below. We will use them frequently throughout the year.
 A binder for holding and maintaining course documents. The binder can be independent (I
recommend 1” or larger), or you can create a section in a larger binder.
 A one-subject (or larger) notebook for keeping a daily bell ringer journal, as well as for taking
additional notes. You may also use loose leaf paper, as long as it is in your world cultures binder
at all times.
 A pack of 200 or more, three inch square or bigger Post-it Notes™. Feel free to get any color,
shape, etc. that you wish.
 A book cover or book sock for your textbook. You will be carrying your textbook with you
every day, so it is important that you keep it covered at all times!
Quizzes will be given regularly throughout the year and will consist of one or two sections worth of content.
All quizzes will be announced at least one day in advance.
Tests will be given at the end of each unit. Unit tests are cumulative and will include questions from ALL units
covered up to that point. You will be given at least five school days notice of any test. Tests will only be
administered on social studies testing days (C/F days).
The research project is a major assignment, and will make up a significant portion of your third and/or fourth
marking period grades. More detailed information will be given when the project is assigned. Failure to submit
a final research paper will result in an automatic failure of the course.
Homework will be given regularly in this class. You can expect to receive, on average, 20-30 minutes of world
cultures homework each night. Homework will most often be checked with homework quizzes. Homework
quizzes are assessments that you are allowed to use the homework to complete. If you correctly complete the
previous night’s homework, then you should earn full credit easily.
The class participation grade is entirely subjective in nature and will be determined by my interpretation of your
level of participation in the following categories:
 Taking excellent class notes
 Demonstration and discussion of course content
 Attitude and effort towards project outcomes
 Being present, on time, and prepared for class
 Completion of class-work assignments
 Level of participation in group work
The class participation grade will be given once at the end of the marking period.
MID-TERM EXAM – 10% of SECOND Marking Period Grade
The mid-term exam will be given towards the end of the second marking period and will be inclusive of
everything we discuss in the first half of the year.
The amount of time you will receive to complete work from an excused absence will equal the amount of time
that you were out. It is your responsibility to collect and turn in any assignments that you missed. Please see
me at an appropriate time, or check the website for any missing assignments. After your grace period for
making up assignments is over your grade will drop according to the late policy section of this document.
Any assignment that you do not receive full credit on can be turned in within ten school days of the due date for
partial credit. Each day after the due date your grade drops 10%. After five days you will have an additional
five days to receive a maximum of 50% for the assignment. Any assignment submitted after ten school days
will receive a zero. The only exception to this policy will be the research paper. A separate, final submission
date will be set when we discuss the project guidelines.
Extra credit activities will sometimes be offered throughout the course of the year, however you can ask me for
extra credit when needed and I will come up with an appropriate assignment. It is your responsibility to come
to me for extra credit; I will not come to you. You can only see me for ONE extra credit assignment per
marking period (extra credit that I offer does not factor into this count). Extra credit assignments will only be
granted if all other assignments have been turned in.
After reviewing the course guidelines with Mr. Bowers and Mrs. Tolar, please sign the section below
marked “Student.” Then, take this document home and explain it to your parent(s) or guardian(s) and
have them sign it as well. Any questions can be directed to Mr. Bowers at Please
bring this paper back when requested the teachers.
, have read the course guidelines and I understand
what is expected of me this year. I also understand that if I do not act appropriately in class and fail to submit
assignments my grade will be adjusted according to the grading policy.
(Sign Name)
, have read the course guidelines and I understand
what is expected of my student this year. I also understand that whatever grade my student receives is reflective
of the policies outlined in the course guidelines document.
(Sign Name)