CCA Revision DRUGS Analgesics Opioids Non-Opioids (NSAIDS) Paracetamol BONE DISORDERS Most hardest part – Compact Bone Epiphyseal Plate Hyline Cartilage for Joint Spongy bony always in the middle of compact bone. Contain trabeculae with marrow space. 4 TYPES OF BONE CELLS - Osteogenic (stem cell for bone) Osteoblasts (secrete Collagen therefore build EC Matrix and initiate calcification – Building cells) Osteocytes – Matured Osteoblasts (Maintain daily metabolism) Osteoclasts – Big cells which have lysosomal properties which reabsorbs the bone itself - GENETIC DISORDERS OF BONE - Achondroplasia (Only Affects Long Bone Pituitary Dwarfism Osteogenesis Imperfecta – Type 1 Collegen Defect (Brittle Bones) Marfans INFECTION - Osteomylitis (At risk if had surgery or graze to the knee) Tuberculosis Osteomylitis (Usually affects TSp – Presents like Shermanns Disease) Chronic Myelitis - Pagets Disease - (Excessive proliferation – Rapid destruction and rapid regrowth New bone is weaker). Affects Pelvis tibia and lower vertebra (may have bowing of legs). UK has highest prevalence 50% go on to get osteosarcoma. Can cause ENCROUCHMENT, THORACIC OUTLET SYMPTOMS ETC... METABOLIC BONE DISEASE - Rickets & Osteomylasia Vitamin D deficiency or calcium deficiency. Weak bones and deformed Swelling of costochondral joints Pigeon Chest Muscle weakness and lax ligaments. TTT by VIT D Injection Affect bone mineralisation reduced bone density - - Osteoporosis Risk Factors include being inactive, smoking and poor diet. Post menopause in women due to decrease in Oestrogen levels Oestrogen maintains bone density. Treatment = HRT Bone pain Fractures of hip and distal radial head can occur. STEROIDS – Decrease bone turnover, inhibit osteoblasts and decrease calcium absorbtion. TTT = Calcium injections, Floride and Vit D & Calcium, HRT (In post menopausal women) BONE TUMORS - Most are secondary coming from glandular tissues such as epithelium, breast, prostate, kidney and lung. Metastasis settle in marrow spaces and result in erosion of trabeculae and cortex Fracture. Common Symptoms include bone pain not related to movement, anaemia, hypercalcimea, nerve and spinal compression, fatigue. - BENIGN TUMORS - Osteochondroma Usually under 20yrs old. Pain when tumor expands and compresses connective tissue. - Chondromas 20-50yr olds Affects small bones of hands and feet Multiple tumors chondrosarcoma malignancy Osteosarcoma predisposed by Pagets Disease. BORDERLINE TUMORS Can often reoccur - Giant Cell Tumor Aggressive to epiphysis Common above and below knee - Osteoblastoma Children and young adults usually affects Can be in the vertebra or the extremities It is a large singular tumor MALIGNANT TUMORS - Osteosarcoma 10-20yrs of age Peaks at 50years+ with Pagets Disease Arises in Medullary cavity Close to Epiphyseal plate Metastatises early to lungs via blood - Chondrosarcoma Slow growing Peripheral or central end bone Late metastasise Can be primary or from a chondroma Males more than females 30-60yrs of age BLOOD DISORDERS - Anaemia Reduced Haemoglobin Physiological Menopause, Pregnancy etc… Pathological Functional Classification of Anaemia - Increase in destruction of RBC’s (Haemolytic) - Decrease Production of RBC’s o Deficiency of requirement (E.g, B12, Folic Acid and Iron) o Iron Deficiency (Brittle Nails, Kolinikhia, Angular Stomatosis) o B12 Deficiency (Pernicious Anaemia) B12 transported via Intrinsic Factor (prod in stomach). Can cause peripheral neuropathy, Crohns and Tabes Dorsalis o Folic Acid Deficiency (Folic Acid makes new cells) Can be involved in Coeliac Disease. o Anaemia of Chronic Disease Secondary to underlying pathology 2nd Most Common cause Renal Disease – Dysfunction of kidney (Erythropoietin) o Sideriblastic Anaemia o Aplastic Anaemia Aplastic anemia is a condition where bone marrow does not produce sufficient new cells to replenish blood cells Blood Loss (Haemorrhage) - Types of Haemolytic Anaemia (Increase Destruction of RBC’s) - - - Sickle Cell Anaemia Thalassemia o Alpha & Beta o Generally Inherited o Not producing RBC’s efficiently o 300+ types of Thalassemia G6PD Deficiency (Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase) Hereditary Spherolytosis Immune Haemolytic Anaemias o Haemolytic Disease of newborn o Blood Transfusion Non- Immune Haemolytic Anaemias o Maleria, Toxins, Chemicals Myeloproliferative Disorders - Polycythaemia Rubra Vera “Erythrocytosis) o 50-70 years o Asymptomatic o Erythropoiasis is not normally controlled by its normal mechanism o Producing RBC’s outside of where theyre normally supposed to be produced produced in the spleen (Splenomegaly) o Tiredness, Lethargy, Rusty skin appearance, Thrombosis due to increase viscosity DVT, Embolism o Pruritis (Itchy Skin) - Myelofibrosis o Mylosis of Fibroblast Cells Reduced function of bone Marrow Lethargy, Weight Loss Essential Thrombocythaemia o Proliferation of thrombocytes in bone marrow o CV Symptoms o HA’s o Neurological Symptoms o Bleeding and bruising in GIT Mutiple Myloma o Elderly Disease o Most common in men o 60yrs of age o Proliferation of plasma cells in bone marrow o Plasma cells produce…? o Bone pain o Bone Erosion o 60-70% LBP as it affects LSp Vertebra Fracture Vertebral Collapse o Hypercalcaemia Constipation, Thirst, Nausea, Confusion - -