FACULTY OF HUMANITIES, Charles University at Prague

Charles University
in Prague
U Kříže 8, Prague 5-Jinonice
Erasmus-LLP coordinator
Magdaléna Tošovská
International office, FHS
Jinonice building (U Kříže 8, P5) 6th floor,
room 6018
E-mail: Zahranicni@fhs.cuni.cz
Tel.: + 420 251 080 334
Academic calendar of FHS
12.2. Orientation at FHS (12.00)
13.2. UPCES Opening Reception (16.30)
16.2. UPCES Courses start (CERGE-EI)
20.2. End of UPCES course registration
23.2. FHS Course (JINONICE, HŮRKA)
15.3. End of FHS courses registration
Summer term:
Exams time: 25.5.-30.6.2009
Studying at our faculty:
• at our faculty you can study for bachelor, master or PhD degree
• for bachelor degree there is only one field of study-humanities
• what does it mean?
• At our faculty humanities means to get basic knowledge about all
humanities subjects like:
• During first year at our faculty students have to pass introductory
exams from all of these subjects and till the end of their studies they
have to pass final exams from all of these subjects
Student ID Cards:
Why you need them?
-ID number (below picture) is necessary in order to log into our network (SIS)
-student's cafeteria/menza (you can charge your card downstairs in Jinonice building)
-copy, printing (you can charge your card in the building B, 2nd floor, room next to the
computer lab)
-travel passport (together with the attachable coupon)
Where to order student ID?
-in Celetná 13, Prague 1
-Office hours: Mo-Thu: 9.00-18.00. Fri: 9.00-16.00
What you need?
-faculty coupons (attachable stamps)
Types of cards:
a) a standard CU student card
b) a CU student card combined with the international ISIC card (the CU-ISIC card) is
charged by a fee 160,- CZK
Further information:
Student Network (SIS)
Login: the number below your picture on your student card
Password: the one you got together with the student card (in another
case you can make your password on the following website:
Types of courses:
1. UPCES courses
2. FHS courses
3. External courses (offered by other
4. Master Mundus courses
1. UPCES courses (they are held in
cooperation with our American partner)
-the code starts with YBAU
-They have already started on September 22, 2008
-Most of them are held in CERGE-EI institution (Politických Vězňů 7,
Prague 1)
-schedule and syllabus of the courses are available in FHS network
-6 ECTS credits
-Two registrations!
1.) in FHS network (SIS)
-What to do if the course is already full?
Write an e-mail to Magdaléna Tošovská:
zahranicni@fhs.cuni.cz (at first you have to discuss the
possibility of your attendance with E.Dubas)
2.) in CERGE: it is necessary to send an e-mail with courses you
want to attend to E. Dubas till this evening)
2. Course offered by Faculty of
-these courses start on October 6
-It is necessary to register in FHS network (SIS)
-most of them are held in Jinonice building (U Kříže 8, Prague 5), some of them are held in Hůrka
-schedule and syllabus of the courses is available in FHS network
-offer of courses (+ schedule): http://is.cuni.cz/eng/studium/predmety/index.php
a) Regular courses in English:
-Psychology of Language (from November)
b) Regular course in “Czech“:
-Choir singing, Introduction to choir singing
-Running (Run competition around Vysehrad fortification), the capacity is unlimited, 2 ECTS)
-Aerobic, Aerobic B
c) Language courses:
-Czech Language Course for Beginners (Tue + We. 11:40-13:10, room 1035 Jinonice)
-Academic reading and Writing in English (3 room from 11:40 and 2 room from 13:20 on Friday)
d) Independent study courses
-Important books (writing essays about them+ colloquium)
e) „Block courses“
-Introduction to e-commerce: Internet and Mobile Marketing-program Anthropology and Management of Tourism
-usually among 2-4 ECTS credits (take a look at syllabus of the course)
-registration: in FHS network
-What to do if the course is full?
Write an e-mail to the teacher of the course
3. External courses (courses of
other faculties)
-the courses start on October 6
-The list of the courses can be found in our network
-Acting with the inner partner (DAMU)
-Language and Literacy Development (Pedf)
-it is necessary to discuss the possibility of your attendance
with the teacher of the course (visit the first lecture or
contact the teacher by an e-mail)
only the teacher can register the course
4. Master Mundus courses
-the courses start on October 6
-the language:
-they are held at FHS (Jinonice, Prague 5), at FF (Náměstí
Jana Palacha, Prague 1), at PřF (Viničná 7, Prague 2)
-registration: contact the teacher weather your attendance
is possible and if the reply is positive send me an email: zahranicni@fhs.cuni.cz and I will register you
-the list of courses is available in my office
Final transcript:
-The registration deadline is on October 15
-Till October 15 you can sign off the courses
(except UPCES courses-you have to decide till
this evening)
-after October 15 you have to attend all the
registered courses otherwise you will fail the
-the final transcript will be send to your home
university after the end of exams time
PC lab
-is situated at building B, on 2nd floor
-In order to get access to school computers
you need your ID student card.
-You will get a login and passport in the
office next to the computer room
-University library, study room (you can
borrow books in order to study here but
you can`t take them home)
-E-libary/podatelny: soon at:
Welcome reception in UPCES
Dear Students,
Come and meet your
fellow American students!
You are invited to join us
for the UPCES welcome
February 13 at