FACULTY OF HUMANITIES, Charles University in Prague

Charles University
in Prague
U Kříže 8, Prague 5-Jinonice, 158 00
Erasmus-LLP coordinator
Magdaléna Tošovská
International Office, FHS: Jinonice building
(6th floor, room 6018)
Office hours: WE: 10.00-11.30 am and
THU: 10.00-13.30 am
E-mail: Zahranicni@fhs.cuni.cz
Academic calendar of FHS
12.2. Orientation at FHS (12.00 am)
13.2. UPCES Opening Reception (16.30 pm)
16.2. UPCES Courses start (CERGE-EI)
20.2. End of UPCES course registration
23.2. FHS Course (JINONICE, HŮRKA)
15.3. End of FHS courses registration
Summer term:
Exams time: 25.5.-30.6.2009
Faculty campus: JINONICE
• U Kříže 8, Prague 5, 158 00
• Line metro B, direction Zličín, Jinonice station
Faculty campus: HŮRKA
• Husníkova 2075, Praha 13, 158 00
• Metro B, direction Zličín, Hůrka station
Faculty campus: CERGE-EI
CERGE-EI is located at
Politických Vězňů 7 in
the center of historic Prague
(Prague 1), one block from
Wenceslas Square
(Václavské náměstí).
The main post office on
Jindřišska provides a good
orientation point –
we are located just around
the corner from the main
The nearest metro stations
are Můstek (transfer station
for the green A and the
yellow B lines)
and Muzeum (transfer
station for the green A and
red C lines).
Academic Calendar: CERGE-EI
UPCES Opening Reception Friday, 13 February
Classes Begin on Monday, 16 February
Last Day to Drop/Add courses Friday, 20 February
Litoměřice Wine Tasting Trip Friday, 27 February
Weekend Trip – Berlin, Germany Thurs. -Sun., 19-22 March
Day Trip – Kutná Hora Friday, 3 April
Semester Break + Easter Holiday Monday-Friday, 13-17 April
Overnight Trip – Český Krumlov Friday -Saturday, 24-25 April
Labor Day Holiday Friday, 1 May
Commemoration of the end of WWII (V-E Day) Holiday Friday, 8 May
Last Day of Classes and Evaluations Thursday, 14 May
Final Exams Monday-Thursday, 18-21May
Farewell Dinner Friday, 22 May
Studying at FHS:
at our faculty you can study for bachelor, master or PhD degree
for bachelor degree there is only one field of study-humanities science
what does it mean?
At our faculty humanities mean to get basic knowledge about all
humanities subjects like:
• During first year at our faculty students have to pass introductory exams
from all of these subjects and till the end of their studies they have to pass
final exams from all of these subjects
Student ID Cards:
Why you need them?
-ID number (below picture) is necessary in order to log into our network (SIS)
-student's cafeteria/menza (you can charge your card downstairs in Jinonice
-copy, printing (you can charge your card in the building B, 2nd floor, room
next to the computer lab)
-travel passport (together with the attachable coupon)
Where to order student ID?
-in Celetná 13, Prague 1
-Office hours: Mo-Thu: 9.00-18.00. Fri: 9.00-16.00
What you need?
-faculty coupons (attachable stamps)
Types of cards:
a) a standard CU student card
b) a CU student card combined with the international ISIC card (the CU-ISIC
card) is charged by a fee 160,- CZK
Further information:
Student Network (SIS)
Login: the number below your picture on your
student card
Password: the one you got together with the
student card (in another case you can make
your password on the following website:
Types of courses (beginig of registration):
UPCES courses
(Registration has started on February, 1)
FHS courses
(Registration has started on February, 1)
External courses (offered by other faculties)
(Registration is going to start on February, 23)
Master Mundus courses
(Registration has started on February, 1)
-You should visit at least 50% of your courses at FHS (UPCES
courses belong to FHS courses)
1. UPCES courses (they are held in cooperation
with our American partner-they belong to FHS
-the code starts with YBAU
-begining: February 16, 2009
-Most of them are held in CERGE-EI institution (Politických
Vězňů 7, Prague 1)
-schedule and syllabus of the courses are available in FHS
network SIS or on the following website: http://www.cergeei.cz/abroad/calendar/scheduleSpring%2009.pdf
-6 ECTS credits
-Two registrations!
1.) in FHS network (SIS)
-What to do if the course is already full?
Write an e-mail to Magdaléna Tošovská:
zahranicni@fhs.cuni.cz (at first you have to discuss the
possibility of your attendance with Pavlína Venclová)
2.) in CERGE: it is necessary to be present on first lecture)
2. Course offered by Faculty of Humanities
-the courses start on February 23, 2009
-most of them are held in Jinonice building, some of them are held in Hůrka
-schedule and syllabus of the courses is available in FHS network:
-offer of courses (+ schedule):
a) Regular courses in English:
-In SIS choose english and summer semestr or both semesters
b) Regular course in “Czech“:
-Choir singing, Introduction to choir singing , Running, Aerobic,…etc
c) Language courses:
-Czech Language Course for Beginners (Mo+WE: 11.00-12.20, room 6020,
d) Independent study courses
-Important books (writing essays about them+colloquium)
e) „Block courses“
-registration: in FHS network (SIS)
-What to do if the course is full?
Write an e-mail to the teacher of the course (you will find her/his e-mail in
SIS) if s/he can register you.
3. External courses (courses of other
-the courses start on Febraury 23, 2009
-The list of the courses can be found in our network
SIS (it is neccessarry to choose another faculty)
-it is necessary to discuss the possibility of your
attendance with the teacher of the course (visit
the first lecture or contact the teacher by an email-you will find his/her e-mail in SIS)
-registration: in SIS
What to do if the course is full?
Write an e-mail to the teacher of the course if s/he
can register you
Coordinators at other faculties:
• Faculty of Philosophy and Arts:
-Daniela Bittmanová:
-Barbora Špronglová:
• Faculty of Social Sciences:
-Eva Šiprová
4. Master Mundus courses
-the code starts with YMFP
-the courses start on February 23
-the language:
• German
• French
-they are held at FHS (Jinonice, Prague 5), at FF
(Náměstí Jana Palacha, Prague 1), at PřF
(Viničná 7, Prague 2)
-registration: in SIS
-the list of courses is available in SIS
Learning Agreement, Changes in LA
• LA: only preliminary
• Changes in LA:
– Tilll March, 15 (FHS courses)
– Till February,20 (UPCES courses)
• Institutional code: CZPRAHA07
Final transcript:
-The registration deadline is on March 15
-Till March 15 you can sign off the courses
(except UPCES courses-you have to decide
during first week)
-after March 15 you have to attend all the
registered courses otherwise you will fail the
-the final transcript will be send to your home
university after the end of exams time
PC lab
-is situated at building B, on 2nd floor
-In order to get access to school computers you
need your ID student card.
-You will get a login and passport in the office
next to the computer room
-University library, study room (you can borrow
books in order to study here but you can`t
take them home)
• Movie club (Monday evening in Jinonice)
Further problems
• 1.) ask your tutor for help
• 2.) contact me by e-mail
(zahranicni@fhs.cuni.cz) or in my office hours