self reflective

Self Reflective Letter
MinSil Mun
English 2010
Professor Miner
Self Reflective Letter
The following pieces are some of the written works I have accomplished, addressing on
the various categories in writing. It is meant to show my progress and growth in writing, despite
the challenges faced during this writing experience.
Profile Draft: Lupita Nyong’o Take On Teen Abusive Relationships
Writing this profile draft of one of the rising stars in Hollywood film making industries
gave me an opportunity to explore on what famous people within society are doing in addressing
the issue if violence in teenage relationships. I loved the paper since it had a more reporting take
on it, and made me feel like a journalist, enhancing my skills in research and composing literary
information that could influence a reader’s opinion or objectives with concern to the topic of
abuse within teen relationships. This paper gave me an opportunity to utilize the skills of
research and ensure that there was no aspect of emotional attachment with the topic at hand. In
addition to this, it enhanced the fact that one is able to associate famous people’s take and actions
towards such vices affecting the teenagers of today’s time.
Report Peer Review: Violence in School
The paper had a more personal touch in it since it covered a more sensitive topic that
affects students within schools. I really liked compiling this paper since it portrayed more as a
voice or statement, since I could relate with the topic at hand. Having known some of my peers
who have had to undergo various ordeals dealing with violence within schools, I did like airing
out my views within the paper, indicating the stand I made concerning the topic. The man aim of
this paper was to influence the readers thought on how violence within schools has been an issue
and needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. I believe that such kind of information is meant to
be in blogs or newspaper articles.
Report Draft: Abuse in Teen Relationships
The simple paper was included in my piece since it gave an insight in my reporting skills.
My applications of this knowledge help come up with information that would shed light on
certain issues within the society. In addition to the above, it enhanced my readers to have a link
to some of the various papers I had previously done, thus bringing out the magnitude of the topic
at hand. It helped me provide feedback and opinions to my capability.
Evaluation Draft: “Cadbury Wispa” Advert
This is one of my favorite papers, since I think it is one of the main papers that quite
enhanced my comparison and evaluation skills on certain issues. This knowledge I help me in
my future studies, and evaluation papers were easy to compile. The “Cadbury Wispa” evaluation
paper demonstrated that I was capable of knowledge application wit relation to writing
comparison reports. This helped me produce a paper, which did create an impression and made a
connection for the reader and the advert. It also showed my flexibility when it comes to
evaluation and comparison, and with the help of my writing skill, presentation was also a key
factor that was enhanced.
Through the various works already accomplished, I am confident to say that my
experience as a writer has been enhanced. As per the above portfolio, it is evident that the
presences of the broad categories have made it possible for me to improve my skills in writing. It
has made me able to connect with certain issues on a different level. I am capable of basing my
opinions on facts and not emotions, and eventually influence readers as to where their opinions
stand. It has been challenging, taking into account how most of my papers had been rejected due
to poor English or biased opinions. However, such factors did not deter me from expressing my
opinions and thoughts through pen and paper. My strengths have become stronger, and my
weaknesses in writing have been addressed. Truly, I am proud and capable to say that this
writing experience has been a journey within my personal development.