Trust and confidence in government have declined in recent decades.

Trust and confidence in
government have
declined in recent
By Andrew
a.) Explain how divided
government has contributed to
the decline in trust and
confidence in government. Be
sure to include a definition of
divided government in your
• Divided government- When one branch of government
or section of that branch is split between parties. Ex.
Senate is Republican and House is Democrat, Congress is
Democrat and President is Republican, etc.
• Problems of Divided Government- Slower turn out time,
gridlock, too many groups pulling in opposite direction,
unable to come to conclusion on anything. Extremes of
party running government, moderates pushed out of
policy making. Ex. Balancing the budget never occurs
because Dem and Repub cannot agree on anything.
• Divided government could also slow down confirmation
process, further decreasing confidence. If Senate cannot
even agree to put someone in office, how are they
supposed to run the country effectively? Increased
partisanship does a number on people’s confidence and
• People see these issues, lose confidence in government’s
ability to regulate and govern. Too slow, non-decisive,
• 1 point for definition of divided government and one for
b.) Explain how the increased
cost of election campaigns has
contributed to the decline in trust
and confidence in government.
• Increased cost of elections means that money is coming from
somewhere. Loads of money coming from Political Action
Committees, special interest groups, etc.
• Groups contribute money, and later on they get kickback of
bill that favors them or supports their positions. Almost like
the representatives are being bought.
• Also, candidates spend large amount of time fundraising. If
they are current representatives, this is taking away from their
time doing their job. Decreased confidence in government’s
ability to do their jobs because they are taking government
and people’s time to get their next job.
• Perception of wasteful spending in government. Ex. They
fundraise MILLIONS of dollars, and it is all gone by end of the
election. Money has to go somewhere, spending millions of
dollars in the span of a few months seems very wasteful.
• Finally, people feel that their little contributions don’t mean
much. PACs are adding boatloads of money, getting much
more influence than the representatives own constituents.
• Also feel that the little guy who may be a better
representative but doesn’t have the funds is getting screwed
out of his chance.
• 1 point for each explanation
c.) Explain two specific
consequences of the decline in
trust and confidence in
government for individual
political behavior.
• Scandals by chief government officials- Head
government officials are expected to conduct
themselves in a manner that represents the
government well. When they cause a scandal, it
decreases the public’s confidence in their ability
to do their job effectively, in their honesty, and
other issues. Causes questions about the
truthfulness and legality of government actions.
Also gives the impression that representatives
feel that they are above the law
• Decreased Voter turnout- People come to the
polls less. Apathetic attitude. Believe their voice
won’t be heard. Believe that representatives are
obsessed with self, are too big-headed, don’t
listen to constituents, believe they are above the
law, etc. Feel a disconnect between leadership of
nation and people of nation.
• Increased third-party candidates- more third
party candidates in running. Might identify
individual issues with Democratic or Republican
party. Third party candidate might be seen as
outside of the influence of the large parties, less
likely to be connected with improper conduct.
Good option besides main parties.
• Protests are possible. People don’t feel they are
being represented/protected, protest to show
their discontent. Ex. Occupy Protests
• Decrease in political activity on multiple levels.
Community political activity may decrease also.
• 1 point for each explanation