Patient Organizations working In National Coalitions The Experience of Lithuania Ugnė Šakūnienė EPF Autumn Regional Advocacy Seminar, Budapest, 26-10-2010 I am the president of Lithuanian Kidney Patients’ Association GYVASTIS and a member of the board of The Council of Representatives of Patients’ Organizations of Lithuania WHAT IS GYVASTIS? Association GYVASTIS unite people who live after transplantation of: – – – – – – kidney heart liver lung heart-lungs complex kidney-pancreas complex And those who are on waiting list for transplantation Dialysis: patients with no kidney function Council of Representatives of Patients’ organizations of Heamodialysis procedure « Gyvastis » – people who live with transplanted organs or wait for transplantation COUNCIL OF REPRESENTATIVES OF PATIENTS’ ORGANIZATIONS OF LITHUANIA • HOW and WHY this coalition was set up in Lithuania • HOW we work together • The benefit for a patient organization to be a member of a national coalition The coalition was set up in 2002 What was the situation earlier? Council of Representatives of Patients’ organizations of In union there is strength. Aesop Council of Representatives of Patients’ organizations of But did we have it? The period before 2002 • Very few active patients organizations • Many passive patients organizations • A lot of patients who did not belong to any organization ACTIVE ORGANISATIONS • Represented patients’ rights • Crusades for better treatment and quality of life Lithuanian Diabetes Association - one of the most active organizations that time The head of Association Vida Augustinienė PERSPECTIVE OF GOVERNMENTAL HEALTH CARE INSTITUTIONS: “You are not the only one. There are a lot of other patients who need treatment too. We cannot do everything only for yours patients” The necessity to create a coalition became obvious. Council of Representatives of Patients’ organizations of IMPULSE TO CREATE COALITION: decision of the Health officials’ which was literally deadly dangerous to lots of patients. • They decided that all medications for chronically ill patients had to be prescribed by a GP but not a specialist, • The other decision was to make a limit for prescriptions. At the first month of this “reform” a lot of patients did not receive vital medications. VIDA AUGUSTINIENĖ WAS THE FIRST WHO JOINED ACTIVE PATIENTS‘ ORGANISATIONS: • Free phone number for patients who have got medical complaints; • Complaints and cases when patients did not receive medications and their health condition became worse were analyzed; • Collective press-releases for media. The first time when several patients’ organizations were working together and we were successful At the beginning, we worked informally. Joint work became more common day after day. In 2002 Council of Representatives of Patients’ Organizations of Lithuania was set up. of • Only 8 patients organizations became members at the beginning • Today there are 26 patients’ organizations consolidating people with various chronic diseases (arthritis, asthma, diabetes, kidney, heart, liver and other organs insufficiency, mental, onco-heamatological diseases and others). • These organizations have 18 thousands members and represent rights of around 1 million patients. WHAT WE HAVE ACHIEVED DURING THESE 8 YEARS? Our representatives integrates almost in all working groups of decision makers, committees and other structures. IN 2005 • Council of Representatives of Patients’ Organizations of Lithuania became a member of International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations of Representatives of Patients’ organizations of IN 2007: Became a member of European Patients’ Forum IN 2009: Vida Augustinienė – the head of the Council of Representatives of Patients’ Organizations of Lithuania – became a member of the board of EPF HOW WE ARE WORKING TOGETHER? • We do not have office, staff, computers, etc. • Coalition is registered in the office of Lithuanian Diabetes Association • Every member of our coalition uses his own workplace, computers, etc. When IT technologies are used propely it is possible to work very successfully even in such conditions. WHAT ARE THE MAIN THINGS TO BE SUCCESSFUL? 1. The “right” leader (active, strong, to have diplomatic features and experience). 2. Collective work and one formal opinion. 3. Good team. Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. But working together is success. Henry Ford WHAT IS THE BENEFIT OF BEING A MEMBER OF A NATIONAL COALITION? 1. Information As we are members of various structures of decision makers, we can receive information which we need and react in right time. We can influence the decision makers. Council of Representatives of Patients’ organizations of 2. Possibility to work together with organizations whose purposes are similar to your organization. 3. Possibility to learn from each other. 4. Possibility to support each other. • of THE MOST IMPORTANT: Together we are much stronger and can achieve much more than working separately. If we are united like brushwood roped in this broom – nobody can win against us If we are separate, everybody can break us THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION AND PATIENCE