University of Colorado REACH 2012 CONDUCTING A COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT & POLICY SCAN Angela G. Brega, PhD Program Evaluator Overview & Acknowledgments Overview Objectives of Community Assessment & Policy Scan (CAPS) Review the recommended process Provide guidance on reporting your results Acknowledgments Venice Ng & Cory Sedey-Seitz UCLA REACH 2012 Team Community Assessment & Policy Scan Required component of your projects Due 60 days from execution of subcontract Objectives To evaluate the current state of “PSE” in your community Policies, Systems, and Environmental factors that influence nutrition, physical activity, and ultimately obesity Provides a foundation for identifying areas to target in your final Work Plans Refresher: Definitions Policy: Laws, regulations, rules, protocols, and procedures that influence health-related behavior. Taxes on tobacco products Affordable Care Act – menu labeling provisions Systems: Features of an organization, institution, system that influence health behavior District-wide school physical activity policies National School Lunch Program in state school system Environment: Physical, social, or economic factors that influence people’s behaviors Availability of healthy food and safe walking paths Categories can overlap. Conducting Your CAPS Community Health Assessment aNd Group Evaluation (CHANGE Tool) CDC Provides a snapshot of PSE factors in your community Strengths and weaknesses Weaknesses represent areas for PSE improvement Follow some of the recommended steps Suggesting a simplified process Selected CHANGE Steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Assemble the Team Develop Team Strategy Review CHANGE Tool Process Gather Data Review Gathered Data Step 1. Assemble the Team Kelly Moore’s webinar on coalition building /research/centers/CAIANH/REACH/Pages/ResourceLibrary.aspx Coalition should participate in this work Partners from different sectors will bring different skills, knowledge, and perspectives to the process Develop buy-in from your coalition partners First opportunity to work together – accomplishment Shared understanding of the problems Awareness of opportunities to improve PSE Build a strong foundation for implementing Work Plans Step 2. Develop Team Strategy Work with coalition to identify best approach to collecting and reviewing community data Should coalition work as a whole or “divide & conquer” Decide on decision-making process Divide the assessment by sector If coalition is divided, each subgroup should includes 2+ people collecting/reviewing data and reporting back to the full group 100% agreement, majority rules Define what is meant by “community” County, city, town, zip code, school district, etc. Jurisdiction wide; not just the American Indian population Step 3. Review CHANGE Tool Process Review the process of conducting the Community Assessment and Policy Scan with coalition Early meeting of the coalition Steps 3a. Review CHANGE Sectors 3b. Review Assessment Process 3c. Review Excel Workbooks Step 3a. Review CHANGE Sectors 1. 2. Community-At-Large Sector School Sector 3. Worksite Sector 4. Preschool, elementary/middle/high school, afterschool programs Any place of employment Community Institution/Organization Sector Childcare settings, churches, senior centers, YMCA, colleges/universities, boys and girls clubs, etc. Step 3b. Review Assessment Process Assessment of 4 sectors in your community Community-At-Large Sector School Sector (≥3 sites) Worksite Sector (≥3 sites) Community Institution/Organization Sector (≥3 sites) Identification of Sites Identify sites that involve a higher concentration of American Indians or that serve Native people Community organizations – specific or varied types Step 3c. Review Excel Workbooks Excel Workbooks for each Sector Developed as of the CHANGE Tool Guide your assessment Outline the questions to ask Colorado REACH 2012 team has revised Limited the number of questions to be asked You are welcome to add additional questions Appendix C of the CHANGE Tool provides recommendations Each Workbook contains Demographics Physical Activity Nutrition School Sector Workbook also contains District spreadsheet Step 4. Gather Data Complete Excel workbook for each sector Complete one workbook for each site assessed Approaches to collecting data Key informant interviews Online data sources Key Informant Interviews Key informants are people in your community who have expertise in PSE factors Interviewing key informants can: Provide knowledge and documentation Point you to other resources and informants Make connections with key stakeholders Can become partners in implementation of Work Plan Not a formal interview Identification of Key Informants Coalition members can assist in identification Other organizations/programs can help Community Transformation Grants Other programs focused on PSE efforts Who is likely to have expertise? Department of Transportation Health Department State Legislature, City Council, Mayor’s Office School Board, school principal Appendix to Slides: Suggested starting places Appendix B of CHANGE Tool Online Data Sources Provide information in specific areas Demographic data Policies Suggested resources You may know of others – we would be happy to hear about them! Ensure data are up-to-date Community at Large: Demographics Census Data Population Finder – Areas within ex.xhtml Community Facts County Health Rankings and Roadmaps Find Your County Other Sectors: Demographics School Sector School District Demographics System School District/School websites State Department of Education website Key informants Worksite and Institutional/Organizational Sectors Worksite or organization websites Key informants Policy & Other Websites CDC Chronic Disease State Policy Tracking System ENACT Local Policy Database State-level, health-related policies with status (e.g., enacted) Nutrition and physical activity at multiple levels (city, county, school district) Community Garden Locator Locate community gardens in area, including at schools Completing Workbooks Complete Excel workbook for Community-at-Large Sector Each site from the other sectors For each question, rate policy & environment Has policy been developed Has implementation happened Don’t leave items blank All questions are required 99 if not applicable Rating Scale Example Step 5. Review Gathered Data Review Data with Sector-Specific Subgroups Discuss findings related to each item Decide on final scoring – Enter into workbooks Identify strengths and weaknesses in sector Review %s the “Module Score Summaries” combine the ratings for all applicable items Take detailed notes Why did you decide on the scores you chose What was the rationale for the areas you identified as strengths and weaknesses Step 5. Review Gathered Data Review Data with Whole Coalition Subgroups present their findings to the coalition Coalition decides on any refinements to scoring Enters changes Identify strengths and weaknesses in community Review the “Module Score Summaries” What areas should be targeted for improvement? Take notes regarding findings and decisions Consultant Assistance Involving a consultant in conduct of the CAPS Consultant can conduct and write up the scan Coalition should review all results with the consultant and identify areas to target in the Work Plan Consultant should follow the process outlined here Can go beyond this, but must include these elements at a minimum Reporting Your Results Report Outline Introduction II. Community Assessment and Policy Scan Methods I. A. Sites reviewed B. Data collection process and sources Key informants and other resources C. Coalition review and decision-making process Report Outline (cont.) III. Findings A. Sector-Specific Findings Community-at-Large Sector School Sector Worksite Sector Community Institution/Organization Sector In each sector, describe: Demographics PSE factors related to physical activity & nutrition B. What policies are in place? What PSE approaches have already been implemented? What weaknesses did your coalition identify? Across all sectors, where were the greatest needs identified? Report Outline (cont.) IV. Conclusions A. Discuss the implications of your Community Assessment and Policy Scan B. What PSE strategies would address the weaknesses your coalition identified? C. Provide initial thoughts on how your Work Plan could be refined to address these areas V. Appendices A. Copies of your final workbooks B. Copies of other data gathered Resources CDC CHANGE Tool /change/downloads.htm Sector-Specific Excel Workbooks Will be uploaded to UCD REACH 2012 website REACH Kick-off Training 7th & 8th Come prepared with thoughts and questions May What has worked well? What barriers are you facing? Contact Information Tim Noe – Co-Principal Investigator Kelly Moore – Co-Principal Investigator Angela Brega – Program Evaluator Angie Generose – Project Manager Venice Ng – Evaluation Specialist Cory Sedey-Seitz – Professional Research Assistant Questions? Appendix Identification of Key Informants Possible Starting Places Community-at-Large Sector Government: Director of specific programs Parks and recreation Community and economic development Health department Transportation Community Assembly Groups Farm or neighborhood representatives City district representation Community food groups Minority Health Council: Chairman, Project Coordinator School Sector District: Superintendent program coordinator Chairperson of health services or School Board Food service director School: Principal or Administrator School nurse Director of child nutrition PE Instructor Worksite Sector Owner/CEO General manager Board member Human Resources Director or benefits coordinator Institutional/Organizational Sector Community center/Community action organization: Director, program staff University/College: Senior administration, Professor Church: Pastor Head Start Agency: Executive Director Food bank/Youth center/Family center: Director of programs