The War With Mexico 1846-1848

12/5/2008 2:18:00 AM
The fateful election of 1844
 James polk (D) from TN “Dark Horse”
o Platform- lower tariff, no internal improvements, annex TX,
and all of Oregon
 Texas Territory annexed under Tyler becomes a state in Dec of
 Oregon
o Monroe Doctrine end joint occupation (1846)
o British conceded 49th parallel border June (1846)
The War With Mexico 1846-1848
 Called Mr. Polk’s War
o Zachary Taylor (rough and Ready) fought the war in the north
o J.C Fremont (path Finder) fought the war in California
o Winifield Scott (Fuss n’ Feathers) war in the South
 Democrats don’t want to make any war heroes because
they become presidents
 Both armies were unprepared
 Called the War of First due to
o Amphibious landing
o Invading of foreign capitals
o West Pointers
o War of Conquest
A Divisive Victoryo Treaty of Hildalgo
 Texas with the Rio Grande border
 CA and NM will pay 15 million in claims
Legacy is the Gadsen Purchase
Slavery in the Territories
 Wilmont Proviso called for no slavery in the new territories
o Killed the Gag rule in congress
o Leads to civil war
o It was never adapted in congress
o Southerners though they could have slaves in the territory
o Oregon couldn’t support slavery because of the land and
didn’t want it
Popular Sovereignty- popular vote also call squatters sovereignty
Free Soil Coalition
o Rebellious democrats
o Anti Slavery Whigs (conscience)
 They didn’t believe in slavery and later turn into the
Republican Partu
o Abolitionist Liberty Party
1848 Election
Zachary Taylor (wins) –dies in office
Lewis Cass (D)
Martin Van Buren (free soil)
Millard Fillmore wins
1850: Crisis and Compromise
 California and the Gold Rush
o Population was ready for statehood
o Statehood- wanted to come in as a free state
o If they were to come in free they would end the balance
between free and slave states
Compromise of 1850
o Debates Clay Douglas Calhoun Webster
o Omnibus bill (5 parts)- Douglas
o New Fugitive Slave Act
 Caused “fire eaters” – people who were ready for
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12/5/2008 2:18:00 AM