Westward Expansion Map Project Create a US Map with each of the

Westward Expansion Map Project
Create a US Map with each of the following sections:
1. Make a key and color each section of the map according to the colors on your key:
The United States in 1783
The Louisiana Purchase 1803
Florida 1819
Texas Annexation- 1845
The Oregon Territory 1846
The Mexican Cession- 1848
The Gadsden Purchase 1853
2. Write the name and date for each of the colored sections of the map on the key
3. Each section will have 3 to 5 pieces of information about borders, treaties, slavery etc.
In your book you will find most information that you will need. If absent google it. Please
be sure to include the 5 W’s. Who did we get the land from, What happened, When did we
get it, Why did we get it and Where were the borders/treaties etc..) Staple the information
page to your map and turn it in.
Additional information that can be used in the Facts Section of your
War for independence fought- The US established by Treaty of Paris in 1783. Slavery allowed by
constitution, individual states hose to end slavery gradually until the Civil War
Treaty of Paris gave area to US from Great Britain.
Adams-Onis Treaty with Spain in 1819 transferred Florida to the US
Louisiana Purchase from France in 1803, Jefferson was President
Missouri Compromise of 1820 did not allow slavery above 36°, 30’ line
Dred Scott decision 1854 opens territory to slavery
Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 votes for slavery in those territories
Northern boundary Convention of 1818 with Great Britain ceded the Red River Basin colony to US
Texas won independence from Mexico in 1845. Slavery Allowed.
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 with Mexico
Texas and Mexican Cession
Texas border dispute settled as Part of Compromise of 1850
Area acquired by Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 with Mexico
California- Compromise of 1850 closed territory to slavery
Utah Territory opened to slavery by popular sovereignty as part of the Compromise of 1850
Gadsen Purchase acquired from Mexico in 1853
Oregon territory jointly occupied by US and Great Britain 1816-1846
US acquires Oregon in 1846 from Great Britain
Oregon Act of 1848 declares no slavery in Oregon
Oregon opened to slavery by the Dred Scott Decision in 1857