MAYOR’S OFFICE FOR EDUCATION & CHILDREN PEAK PERFORMANCE REVIEW JANUARY 24, 2013 FOR THE PERIOD COVERING: SEPTEMBER 2012 – DECEMBER 2012 Vision/Mission Vision: – Deliver a City where all children, youth and their families have the opportunity to succeed. Mission: – Ensure that Denver’s children and youth have their basic needs met, are ready for kindergarten, and prepared for academic and professional success. Peak Performance -2- Strategy for the Office of Children’s Affairs • The Office is dedicated to ensuring Denver’s children and youth have their basic needs met, are ready for kindergarten, and prepared for academic and professional success. • By increasing access, participation and quality for all families in Denver, this mission can be accomplished. • The strategy is centered on an aggressive continuous improvement process that effectively leverages data, convenes diverse stakeholders, builds strategic partnerships, and funds highly innovative and effective programs. Peak Performance -3- Summarizing the Approach We are evaluating and assessing results Understand We are collecting and analyzing data effectively Execute and Evaluate We are executing investments in projects, system changes Listen, Learn, and Share Invest Advocate and Partner We are sharing information and learning from communities We are prioritizing and designing investments Peak Performance -4- Specific Strategic Objectives with a Specific Activity Designed to Improve Team Performance Effectively Use Data to Inform Decisions and Elevate Effectiveness Implement and Evaluate Innovative Initiatives Implement a High Performing and Accountable Culture Design and Invest in Innovative Initiatives Peak Performance Convene Diverse Stakeholders to Listen, Share and Learn Leverage Strategic Partnerships to Influence and Support Effective Programs and Services -5- Key Areas of Focus Education Compact Children’s Cabinet Children’s Affairs • All kids ready for kindergarten • Students graduate prepared for a postsecondary pathway • Students can access and complete a postsecondary pathway • Align publicly funded early childhood programs • Reduce the number of disconnected youth • Reduce childhood obesity • School readiness • Education • Youth success • Health Peak Performance -6- End of 2012 Focus 1. Identify baseline measures for key initiatives – near completion 2. Begin to implement tracking mechanisms – 2013 underway 3. What’s new: Infrastructure Programmatic New Strategic Plan Head Start data collection system revision New Organizational Structure – TBA Data-driven advocacy (gaps inform strategy) Goal-driven work plans for everyone Wallace Foundation Grant – Out of School Time (OST) New Education Compact Director Walmart Foundation Grant – At-risk afterschool meals Contracting financial management to Controller’s Office Children’s Cabinet work groups developing action plans Peak Performance -7- Denver Children’s Cabinet Established through Executive Order 139 – Develop and provide policy guidance – Coordinate and integrate services across City agencies and key partners – Develop strategies to take advantage of opportunities and remove the barriers for Denver children and youth – Variation of the Collective Impact Model • Common Agenda: Reduce obesity, reduce the number of disconnected youth, and align early childhood programs and services • Shared Measurement: Collect data and measure results, shared accountability • Infrastructure: Office of Children’s Affairs Peak Performance -8- Support Working Families Support working families by increasing the number of children who have access to quality child care by xx% by xx year. Goal will be set by the work group Preschool Attendance by Denver Neighborhood Strategically align publicly funded child care programs (includes Early Head Start, Head Start, CCAP, CPP, DPP, and DPS ECE) 3- and 4-year old children attending preschool 0% - 20% 20.1% - 40% 40.1% - 60% 60.1% - 80% 80.1% - 100% Denver_Neighborhoods No Data U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 5-year averages. 2007-2011 Peak Performance -9- Disconnected Youth Sub-populations of disconnected youth can include youth who are: • Young unmarried parents • Immigrants • Homeless • Incarcerated • In foster care • High school dropouts • Disabled Reduce the number of disconnected youth in Denver to no more than 8 percent by 2017 (from 11 to 8 percent in 5 years) In 2011, 3,000 Denver teens (ages 16-19) were not in school or working. Teenagers Ages 16 to 19 Who Are Not In School And Not Working Denver Neighborhoods 0% - 6% 7% - 17% Denver 18% - 33% 34% - 61% Colorado 15% 11% Low Number of Events Percent 62% - 87% 10% 8% 5% 0% 2008 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2006Peak Performance 2010, 2011 2009 2010 2011 Year - 10 - Garfield Eagle Summit Teller Larimer Douglas Broomfield Boulder Jefferson Mesa Fremont Arapahoe Routt La Plata Montezuma Elbert Montrose Delta Weld Adams El Paso Pueblo Overweight or obese children 17% 17% 17% 18% 18% 19% 19% 19% 24% 24% 24% 24% 26% 26% 26% 26% 27% 27% 28% 29% 29% 32% Denver 34% Morgan Logan 40% 40% County Healthy Kids Goal: Reduce the number of overweight and obese children in Denver by 5 percent by 2017 (from 34 to 29 percent in 5 years) 34% of Denver children were overweight or obese. (3 year average, 2008-2010) Being overweight or obese can be closely related to poverty. Source: 2012 Kids Count in Colorado! Report, Data from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Health Statistics Section, 2008-2010 Peak Performance - 11 Child Health Surveys School Readiness: Denver Great Kids Head Start Denver Great Kids Head Start is a quality early learning program that prepares children to enter kindergarten confidently with the social, physical, emotional, and cognitive skills and competencies necessary for continued school success. Children Served in Denver Great Kids Head Start 1,600 The City of Denver is a federal Head Start grantee that: • Manages $8.8 million • Oversees 6 community providers • Serves 1,153 children and their families 1,400 1,200 Number of Children • 1,000 Over Income Homeless 800 Foster Children 600 Public Assistance Below Poverty 400 200 0 2008-2009 Peak Performance 2009-2010 2010-2011 School Year 2011-2012 - 12 - Denver Great Kids Head Start Fall 2012 Baseline Student Assessment Data: Teaching Strategies Gold Percent Preschool- Age 3 Meeting or Exceeding Expectations The total number of children included in these assessments in the fall was 802. •329 (41% of those tested) were 3-yearold children •465 (58% of those tested) were 4-yearold children 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Development and Learning Dimensions Measures the knowledge, skills and behaviors that are most predictive of school success. Percent Preschool - Age 4 Meeting or Exceeding Expectations 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% DGKHS Goal: 1.25% growth for all Head Start children from fall 2012 to spring 2013. Development and Learning Dimensions Peak Performance - 13 - Denver Great Kids Head Start Quality Measures: Teacher Qualifications Goal: Ensure that each delegate agency has a least 70% of classroom teachers with a bachelors degree or higher DGKHS Teachers with a BA or Higher Delegate Agency Teachers with a BA or Above: 2012-2013 100% 100% 90% 80% 80% 70% 70% 60% 60% Percent Percent of Teachers 90% 50% 40% DGKHS Goal: 70% 50% Head Start Requirement: 50% 40% 30% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0% 2008-2009 Peak Performance 2009-2010 2010-2011 School Year 2011-2012 Delegate Agency - 14 - Denver Great Kids Head Start Data System: Revision Timeline January 2013 • Assess current data system: • data collection and report timeline • indicators and definitions • delegate and DGKHS staff needs • applicability to DGKHS goals Peak Performance February 2013 • Compile feedback from DGKHS staff, delegate agencies, and consultant. • Define DGKHS goals • Align goals with data collection and timeline and PIR • Propose updates to current system March 2013 • Plan implementation • Report progress of project to Management Team. • Begin contract negotiations April, May, June 2013 • Implement • Develop staff and delegate training of updated system Goal: Functional system by July 1, 2013 - 15 - School Readiness: 5 By 5 Program The goal for the 2012-2013 program year (October 1 – August 31) is 40,000 visits. Are we on track? 8,817 cultural visits so far this school year! Number of Visits to Cultural Venues 45,000 45,000 40,000 40,000 35,000 35,000 Number of Visits Visits 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 School Year Peak Performance Month - 16 - MY Denver Card – Starting in the fall of 2012, Denver Public School 6-12th grade students can apply to use their DPS student ID to gain free access to all Denver Parks and Recreation Centers, and use it as their Denver Public Library Card. Challenges: • Late start – couldn’t take advantage of summer school registration to promote • DPS does not have a centralized ID system • Process takes too long • Did not know about 2A when idea was born Next Steps: • Explore city issuing (separate from student ID) • Develop web-based application system • Incorporate program levels (K-5, 6-12) Peak Performance - 17 - Out of School Time: Wallace Foundation Grant Mission – Have a sustainable, citywide OST system that increases access and participation in quality OST programs for all Denver children and youth in order to promote positive youth development, ensure student success, and achieve post-secondary preparation. Year Two Goals – Post a 20 percent increase in number of new OST Program sites that will participate in the Youth Program Quality Intervention. • Year 1 baseline was 34 sites - Year 2 goal is 41 sites – 125 OST agencies that serve Denver Public Schools (DPS) students and participate in the Community Partner System (CPS) will have a DPS Partnership Agreement and/or Data Sharing Agreement as determined by data needs and usage of data in place by 8/2013. – 125 OST agencies providing services within a Denver Public School will have completed profile entered into the Community Partnership System (CPS) by 8/2013 Peak Performance - 18 - Youth Success: Drop In Denver Source: Colorado Department of Education DPS Dropout Rate Dropout Rate In 2011, 2,292 (6.4%) students dropped out of Denver Public Schools. 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year “Drop in Denver” is an initiative spearheaded by Colorado Youth for a Change (CYC)—a non-profit organization dedicated to solving Colorado’s dropout crisis. This pilot program is being launched in partnership with the Office of Children’s Affairs. Other partners include Denver Public Schools, Colorado Public Television and Donnell-Kay Foundation. Peak Performance - 19 - Youth Success: Youth Commission Mayor’s Youth Commission – In December 2012 the Commission presented a draft action plan to address the mental health needs of Denver youth to Mayor Hancock. The plan consisted of three main components: 1. PR/social media campaign – Make 3,400 connections (10% of DPS middle and high school students) between February and June 2013. 2. Youth Conference – Reach 250 youth by participating in a youth conference in the spring of 2013. 3. School specific strategies to increase the use of mental health resources – Focus on Abraham Lincoln High School (survey, action plan to address results) Mayor’s Youth Awards – The Mayor’s Youth Award honors teenagers between the ages of 13 and 19 who have overcome adversity to achieve person success. – 88 nominations were received through December 15, 2012. – 30 awards will be issued. – The Community College of Denver will again provide scholarships to the MYA seniors. Peak Performance - 20 - Health: Food and Nutrition Summer Food Service Program Meals Served per Month Breakfast Lunch Snacks and Supper Meals Served in 20 Rec Center Sites Snack 35,000 Number of Meals 30,000 Monthly Average Goal = 4,800 5500 25,000 5000 20,000 4500 15,000 4000 10,000 3500 5,000 3000 0 June (4th30th) July (1-31st) August 2500 2000 Year 14 city-sponsored food distribution sites served over 60,800 meals to Denver children during the summer. 1500 1000 500 0 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 7 month (November – May goal = 33, 600 meals Peak Performance - 21 - Community Outreach Efforts The Office of Children’s Affairs provides information to the community through trainings, presentations, and events with students, parents, teachers and community members at-large. –The Activity Tracking Spreadsheet is designed to capture the important work our staff conducts in the community. Through activities from October – December 2012, the Office engaged 1,365 students, parents, teachers and community members. Participation in Trainings: 274 –Tracking began in October, 2012. –We will continue to track community outreach through the Springs of 2013 to establish a baseline of measurement. Participation at Presentations: 101 Event Participation: 990 –Once the baseline is identified, we will set goals to improve the number and quality of outreach efforts in the Denver community. Peak Performance - 22 - A Strong Foundation We have been asked to innovate – be bold. – Must have a strong foundation Spent the last year, assessing and starting to repair the foundation and set the vision. We are a few months away from standing on solid ground – operationally and programmatically. We will then be able to truly be innovative and transformative within our agency and with our city and external partners. Peak Performance - 23 - Next Review Next Performance Review: May 23, 2013 Strategies and Tactics of focus for next meeting – – – – Education Compact goals and strategies Children’s Cabinet action plans Summer Food goals Strategies for increasing number of students served in OST programs through 2A investment Update on projects and opportunities – – Officially launch the MY Denver Card program – March/April – Pilot summer STEM academy Peak Performance - 24 -