January 7, 2015 - Cory-Merrill Neighborhood Association

CMNA Meeting Minutes, 1/7/15
Start: 6 pm
LT. Deb Foreston (Marti please check this against her card), Denver Fire - Fire prevention and public instructor, 20 years w/ Denver Fire
- Closest fire station to CM - Franklin & Virginia (NE corner WP)
- Response time goal is 4 min
- If you have a code to your home lock or instructions for finding a key, you can enter it at
denvergov.org - 911 to enable fire to get into your house more easily if needed
- Smoke detector life: 8-10 years
- Fire extinguisher life: take to extinguisher company every 5 years to check and re-charge,
even if gauge says it's good. If disposing, don't throw it away pressurized, take it outside and
extinguish on ground to empty pressure. CO2 extinguishers don't leave a mess, comes out as
fog, can use as squirrel mitigation!
- Refuge in high-rises in case of fire: stairwell, often pressurized, can withstand fire for 4 hours
- You should go 300 ft away from the building when evacuating
- Fire sprinklers: set off by heat not smoke, only the ones that get hot go off, 90% of fires can
be put out completely or held to the room of origin by a single sprinkler, they are very
effective!, cost = $1.50/sq ft
- Shooter response: best is to run, if can't get away, get to a room, lock door, turn off lights and
phone ringer, get behind something big (bullet won't penetrate), distract and whack
- Idea: add online resources to help people change out detector batteries (high ceilings)
- Top Home Fire Causes:
1) Cooking: fires usually happen in first 10 min (grease/oil fire) - put a lid or cookie sheet on the
pan to put fire out
2) Smoking: especially if smoking on oxygen, against Denver Fire Code to smoke on oxygen
in a residence
Free Citizens Response Emergency Training provided by Denver (FEMA course, 16 hrs), go
to: denvergov.org
Marti Thank you to Christine & Frank Baier for hosting Halloween event
Thank you to Krissa Murphy for hosting Holiday Tree Lighting event
NextDoor.com is great neighborhood resource for news, referrals and to connect with the
community. Everyone is encouraged to join.
- It can be used to get group discounts on services, ex: tree trimming
Neighborhood picnic will be in May/June (date TBD) - please send a note through the CMNA
website if you are interested in helping with this event
Christmas tree recycling - put tree next to dumpster, pick-up will be this week or next week
Denver Digs Trees - tree sale $35/tree
Office of Sustainability additional Q/A from presentation at last meeting
- Denver recycling revenue: $1M - 1.2M/year
- You can put leaves and branches up to 4 ft length, 4 in diameter into compost bins
Vote: quarterly meeting schedule:
- move back one month - Feb, May, Aug, Nov? - yes (unanimous)
The next board meeting is Wed, Feb 4, 6 pm, location TBD, all are welcome, provide your
email address if interested in attending
The next neighborhood meeting is April 1, 6 pm, Kirk of Bonnie Brae
The following neighborhood meeting (according to the new schedule) will be August 5
Bicycle and pedestrian bridge installation, Colo & Evans - 25 closed Fri 8 pm - Sat 10 am
Issues to be addressed by the BOD:
- request 4-way stop sign @ Milwaukee & Arizona - go through Public Works or go through
City Council
A survey on the newsletter was distributed.
Adjourn: 7 pm