THE SKELETAL SYSTEM I. BONE STRUCTURE & FUNCTION A. There are 206 bones in the body. A. FUNCTION 1. Support 2. Protection 3. Movement due to muscles 4. Blood formation 5. Electrolyte Balance 6. Acid Base Balance aka hematopoesis stores and releases calcium and phosphate Buffers blood by storing and releasing alkaline salts Skeletal system is divided Into 2 parts: Axial Skeleton Appendicular Skeleton Parts of the skeletal system include: bones (skeleton); joints, cartilage, & ligaments A. blood by storing and releasing alkaline salts IV. The Skeleton A. Organization 1. Axial Skeleton – Skull – Vertebral Column – Vertebrae – Ribs 2. Appendicular Skeleton – limbs – girdles Two types of Bone Spongy (cancellous) Compact Bone B. Microscopic Anatomy 3. Mature Bone Osseous Tissue 3. Mature Bone • Called Lamellar bone •Two kinds of bone Compact Spongy (cancellous) • Spongy (cancellous) • contains trabeculae • contains spaces 3. Mature Bone Compact Bone • Dense, few spaces • Haversian canals • Concentric Lamellae Osseous Vocabulary & Anatomy • Osteon (Haversian System) is a unit of bone. • Central (Haversian) Canal is an opening in the center of an osteon that carries bloodvessels & nerves. Osseous Vocabulary & Anatomy • Perforating (Volkman’s) Canal runs perpendicular to the central canal & carries blood vessels & nerves. Osseous Vocabulary & Anatomy • Lacunae are cavities holding the mature bone cells (osteocytes). Arranged in concentric rings.. • Lamella are the concentric rings around the central canal that holds the lacunae Osseous Vocabulary & Anatomy • Canaliculi are the tiny canals radiating perpendicularly from the central canal through the lamella creating a transport system from nutrients. Osseous Vocabulary & Anatomy • Osteoblasts are young bone forming cells that cause the hard extracellular matrix to form. • Osteoclasts are bone dissolving cells • Osteocytes are mature bone cells. Osteoblasts Osteocytes Osteoclasts Osteoclasts Osteoblasts Osteocytes Name C, D & E C = Osteoclast D = Osteoblast E = Osteocytes I. BONE STRUCTURE & FUNCTION 4 Shapes of Bone: –Long bones Have a shaft with heads at both ends & Contain mostly compact bone. –Short bones Generally cubeshape & contains mostly spongy bone. –Flat bones thin, flattened, usually curved & has thin layer of compact bone surrounding spongy bone. –Irregular bones Do not fit into other bone classification categories Long bones Short bones Flat bones Irregular bones Classify the bone types to the left B. Structure Parts of Long Bone – Epiphyses AKA: head • Contains red bone marrow • Spongy bone and compact bone B. Parts of a Long Bone Diaphysis: • Shaft of bone • Contains yellow bone marrow w/in medullary cavity • Spongy and compact bone Diaphysis of Long Bone • Medullary cavity contains yellow marrow (fat & minerals) in adults. B. Parts of a long bone Epiphyseal plate Allows for growth in bone Found only in children Articular Cartilage: Covers the epiphyses Made of hyaline cartilage Decreases Friction @ joint surfaces B. Parts of a long bone Periosteum: outer covering of diaphysis Fibrous connective tissue membrane Sharpey’s Fibers: Secure periosteum to underlying bone Arteries: Supply bone cells w/nutrients D. Membranes 1. Periosteum: a. The external covering of bone 2. endosteum: a. Found on internal bone surface b. covers trabeculae of spongy bone c. in marrow cavities II. BONE GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT A. Two Patterns of Bone Formation 1. Intramembranous bones – originate between sheet-like layers of connective tissues II. BONE GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT A. Two Patterns of Bone Formation 2. Endochondral bones – begin as masses of hyaline cartilage that bone tissue later replaces. II. BONE GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT B. Growth in Long Bones 1. grow by interstitial growth at epiphyseal plates a. rate of cartilage growth is balanced by replacement with bone b. end of growth as cartilage cells slow down division Bone Growth in Long Bones II. BONE GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT B. Growth in Long Bones 2. bones grow in width by appositional growth a. Osteoblasts in periosteum: secretes bone matrix b. Osteoclasts in endosteum: removes bone matrix (a little slower) Appositional Growth – New bone forms at ridges around blood vessels – Periosteum becomes endosteum Appositional Growth – New lamella formed – More bone added forming osteon II. BONE GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT C. Hormones 1. growth hormone from pituitary: stimulates growth in childhood a. Gigantism: excessive growth hormone b. dwarfism: not enough growth hormone or thyroid hormones II. BONE GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT C. Hormones 2. thyroid: regulates activity of growth hormone 3. sex hormones: promote growth spurt, induce epiphyseal plate closure estrogen: maintains bone density III. Bone Maintenance & Repair A.Bone remodeling: 1. Life long process 2. Local areas of bone are destroyed and rebuilt 3. Repairs microdamage caused by normal wear and tear B.Fractures 1. Simple bone breaks cleanly, does not break through skin B.Fractures 2. Compound broken ends protrude through the skin, risk of bone infection B.Fractures 3. Greenstick Does not break completely Greenstick: (children) Impact Fx of distal radius & ulna @ Epiphyseal Line Facial Comminuted Fx Tibial Oblique Fx III. Remodeling and Repair C. Repair 1. Hematoma forms 2. Spongy bone forms in area of hematoma forming a soft callus C. Repair 3. Osteoblasts lay down new bone matrix converting the soft callus into a hard callus of spongy bone 4. The boney callus is remodeled to form a permanent patch III. Types of Bone Repair • Bone healing occurs in stages: –fracture –granulation –callus –lamellar bone –normal contour III. Calcium Homeostasis A. Blood Ca2+ Level 1. Has a very narrow range 2. Ca2+ Required for – For normal muscle contraction – Nerve impuses III. Calcium Homeostasis A. Blood Ca2+ Level 3. Abnormal levels – Hypocalcemia causes marked jitteriness and convulsive seizures III. Calcium Homeostasis A. Blood Ca2+ Level 3. Abnormal levels – Hypercalcemia the most common lifethreatening metabolic disorder associated with cancer III. Calcium Homeostasis B. Bone’s Role 1. Major storage site for calcium 2. Calcium moves – Into bone as osteoblasts build new bone – Out of bone as osteoclasts break down bone III. Calcium Homeostasis C. Bone, Calcium and Hormones 1.Parathyroid Hormone – Increases blood Ca2+ levels 2. Calcitonin Decreases blood Ca2+ levels III. Calcium Homeostasis D. Homeostatic Imbalances • Osteopenia – Inadequate ossification • Osteoporosis – Bone absorption outpaces deposition – Fractures common – More common in elderly women D. Homeostatic Imbalances • Rickets – Lack of vitamin D or calcium during growth – Bowed legs – Deformed pelvis Rickets D. Homeostatic Imbalances • Osteosarcoma – Bone cancer – Usually between ages 10-25 – Survival rate is about 50% with amputation D. Homeostatic Imbalances • Bone spur – Abnormal projection at one site of bone due to overgrowth – Common in aging bones Bone Markings • Bony markings are the surface features of a bone. • They are sites of attachments for muscles, tendons & ligaments. • They can serve as passage ways for nerves & blood vessels. • There are 2 Categories of Bony Markings – Projections & processes – outward growths on the bone surface. – Depressions or cavities – indentations on the surface of the bone. C.Bone Markings – 1. Kinds 1. Kinds • Articulating Surfaces For formation of a joint •Openings • Depressions & Enlargements For muscle attachment To allow blood vessels or nerves to pass through C.Bone Markings – 2. Articulating surfaces Head A rounded projection set off from the body of a bone by a constriction (the neck) ex. head of femur C.Bone Markings – 2. Articulating surfaces Any large articulating surface, may be concave or convex Condyle C.Bone Markings – 2. Articulating surfaces A smooth, flat surface, generally small Facet C.Bone Markings – 2. Articulating surfaces Fossa A shallow depression C.Bone Markings – 3. Enlargements & Processes Process generic term for bone projection that serves as a point for attachment of other structures C.Bone Markings – 3. Enlargements Epicondyle projection or swelling to the side of or above a condyle C.Bone Markings – 3. Enlargements a sharp, slender projecting process Spine C.Bone Markings – 3. Enlargements a small rounded projection Tubercle C.Bone Markings – 3. Enlargements Turberosity a large rounded roughened projection C.Bone Markings – 3. Enlargements a large blunt projection Trochanter C.Bone Markings – 3. Enlargements a prominent border or ridge Crest C.Bone Markings – A major 3. Enlargements branch or division off of the main body of a bone Ramus C.Bone Markings – 4. Openings C.Bone Markings – 4. Openings Meatus Canal like opening C.Bone Markings – 5. Depressions Sulcus A shallow groove C.Bone Markings – 5. Depressions Fovea A very shallow groove C.Bone Markings – 5. Depressions Fissure A deep groove Axial Skeleton • • • • • Forms the longitudinal part of the skeleton. Divided into 3 parts: Skull Vertebral Column Bony Thorax The Skull • • • • • The skull is divided into 2 parts: Cranium Facial Bones The cranial bone joints are called sutures. Only the mandible is attached by a freely movable joint. Lateral view of the Skull Frontal view of the Skull Transvers section of Inferior, Internal Skull Inferior, External view of Skull Sinuses The sinuses are hollow portions of bone within the skull surrounding the nasal cavity. They lighten the face/skull, act as resonance chambers & amplify the voice. The Hyoid Bone The only bone in the body that does not articulate w/another bone. It serves as a moveable base for the tongue. The Fetal Skull • The fetal skull is large compared to the infant’s total body length. • Fontanels are fibrous membranes connecting the cranial bones • The fontanels allows the brain to grow. • The fontanels converts to bone within 24 months after birth. The Vertebral Column The Vertebrae are separated by intervertebral discs made of fibrocartilage, connective tissue. The spine has a normal “S” curvature. Each vertebrae is given a name according to its location. Bony Thorax Made of 3 parts: Sternum Ribs Thoracic vertebrae The bony thorax forms the rib cage that protects the thoracic internal organs. The Appendicular Skeleton Includes the: Appendages (limbs) Pectoral Girdle Pelvic Girdle Pectoral – Shoulder Girdle Made of 2 bones: Clavicle aka collarbone Scapula aka shoulder blade The pectoral girdle allows the upper limb to have free range of movement Pectoral – Shoulder Girdle Pectoral Girdle – Posterior View Upper Extremity Bones Includes the: Humerus (upper arm bone) Radius (thumb side of forearm) Ulna (pinki side of forearm) & the Hand Anterior Humerus Posterior Humerus Upper Extremity Bones The distal head of the radius is larger than the proximal The proximal head of the Ulna is larger than the distal. Upper Extremity Bones The Hand includes: Carpals – short bones of the wrist. Metacarpals – long bones of the palm of the hand. Phalanges (Digits) – Proximal, Middle, Distal fingers. Upper Extremity Bones - Carpals 1.The Trapezium is the lateral carpal bone that is proximal to the 1st metacarpal. 2.The Schaphoid is the proximal carpal bone that is distal to the radius. 3.The Lunate is a proximal carpal bone that articulates w/the ulna. 4.The Trapezoid is a carpal bone that is proximal to the 2nd metacarpal. 5.The Capitate is the largest distal carpal bone that is proximal to the 3rd metacarpal. 6.The Hamate is a distal carpal bone that articulates w/the 4th & 5th metacarpals. 7.The Triquetral bone is a triangular shaped carpal bone later to the hamate. 8.The Pisiform is the smallest carpal bone lateral to the triquetral bone & feels like a hard bump at the base of the wrist. Pelvic Girdle Made of the Coxal Bone (hip) which is 3 bones fused together: Ilium Ischium Pubic Bone The total weight of the upper body sits on the pelvis. The pelvis protects the reproductive organs, urinary bladder, & part of the large intestine Lateral View of Pelvis B. Male vs. Female Skeleton - Pelvis a. spines farther apart in male b. hole in ischium: smaller and triangular in female c. angle across pubic symphysis = pubic arch: less d. distance between than 90° and ischia larger in more sharply female angled in male Male & Female Pelvic Differences Lower Extremity The lower extremity is made of: Pelvis Femur (thigh) Tibia (shin) Fibula Foot Anterior Femur View Posterior Femur View Lower Extremity The flat superior portion of the tibia is called the Tibial Plateau. The distal head of the tibia is called the medial malleolus while the distal head of the fibula is called the lateral malleolus Lower Extremity The Foot is made up of the : Tarsals – short bones of foot Metatarsals – long bones of foot Phalanges (Digits)long bones of the toes Lower Extremity - Tarsals 1. The Medial Cuneiform(1) is proximal to the 1st metatarsal. 2. The Intermediate Cuneiform(2) is proximal to the 2nd metatarsal. 3. The Lateral Cuneiform(3) articulates w/the 3rd & 4th metatarsals. 4. The Talus is superior to the calcaneus & articulates w/the Navicular/Schaphoid bone. 5. The Calcaneus is the largest tarsal bone also known as the heel bone. 6. The Navicular/Schaphoid is a medial tarsal bone that is proximal to the cuneiform bones. 7. The Cuboid is the most lateral tarsal bone that articulates w/the 4th & 5th metatarsals. The Arches The bones of the foot make up 3 arches. The 2 long arches are the lateral & medial longitudinal arches. The arch across the foot is the transverse arch. Joints Joints are where 2 or more bones come together. Joint Functions: Holds bones together. Allows for mobility. Classified either Functionally or Structurally. Joint Functional Classification Synarthrosis – immovable joints These joints permit no movement. Certain fibrous joints fall into this category. Amphiarthrosis – slightly moveable joints. These joints permit only a little bit of movement. Some cartilaginous and fibrous joints are in this category. Diarthroses – freely movable joints. These joints permit a variety of movements. Synovial joints fall into this category. Joint Structural Classification Fibrous Joints – immovable joints. Formed by dense fibrous connective tissue Cartilaginous Joints – slightly moveable joints. Formed by cartilage Synovial Joints – freely movable joints. Formed by a synovial capsule Joint Structural Classification Fibrous Joints Exaples: Sutures of Skull Syndemoses – Allows slightly more movement than sutures Medial Mallelous Lateral Mallelous Joint Structural Classification Cartilaginous Joints Examples: Pubic Symphysis Intervertbral joints Joint Structural Classification Synovial Joints: Bones are separated by a joint cavity & surrounded by a fibrous capsule. Synovial fluid fills the joint cavity/capsule. Ends of bones covered w/hyaline cartilage. Ligaments reinforce these joints. Structures associated w/ Synovial Joints Bursa – flattened fibrous sacs filled w/synovial fluid. Tendon Sheath – Elongated bursa/membrane that wraps around a tendon to hold it together & protection. Types of Synovial Joints Ball-and-socket joint Hinge joint Pivot joint Gliding or Plane joint Saddle joint Condyloid or Ellipsoid joint Types of Synovial Joints Gliding or Plane joint –allows a wide range of side-to-side movements. Ex. Carpals & Tarsals Hinge joint - permit an angular motion along one plane, which is similar to the opening and closing of a door. Ex. Knee, elbow, PIP, MIP, DIP joints. Pivot joint – This allows a rotation similar to the turning of a dial. Ex. Radius pivots w/ulna. Types of Synovial Joints Ball-and-socket joint –produce a wide array of movements. Ex. Hip & shoulder Saddle joint – joints resemble a saddle in which one bone’s articular surface rocks back and forth upon another. Ex. Metacarpal & carpal or Metattarsal & tarsal. Condyloid or ellipsoid joint –a ball-like articular surface rests against the curve-shaped end of another articular surface. This articulation allows a circular or elliptical pattern of motion. EX. Metacarpal & phalange Joint Homeostatic Imbalances Bursitis – inflammation of the bursa usually due to trauma or friction Tendonitis – inflammation of the tendon usually due to overuse. Joint Homeostatic Imbalances Arthritis – inflammation or degeneration of a joint. It’s the most widespread & crippling disease in the US. There are over 100 different types. Osteoarthritis - Most common type, due mostly to aging. Joint Homeostatic Imbalances Rheumatoid Arthritis – an autoimmune disease where the body sees it’s joints as a foreign threat & will try to destroy them. Symptoms are bilateral joint pain & can lead to deformities. Gouty Arthritis – inflammation caused by deposits of uric crystals from the blood. Typically occurs in big toe. Usually due to diet. That’s All Folks!