Nina Lattimore, Assistant Principal

MAY/JUNE 2011 Newsletter
Donna Williman, Principal
Nina Lattimore, Assistant Principal
Dear Families,
We still have 6 more weeks of learning this school year. Our teachers are working
diligently to have our students meet the rigors of learning that are required for their
success in meeting the State Standards. We ask that you also encourage your child to
continue their dedication to learning throughout these last weeks of school. It is
important that no one falls behind!!
As you make plans for your summer, please include a routine for reading. When
students fail to read during the summer, they frequently regress in their reading levels.
We don’t want that to happen for any of our students!! The more a child reads, the
stronger reader he or she becomes. Strong reading skills are essential to a child’s
success in school and life. Children are more likely to read books that they personally
choose. A wide variety of books can be found at your local library. Join our staff for
Library Night on June 6th at 6:30 p.m. to learn more about the public library’s
Summer Reading Program. A recent study revealed that students participating in a
summer reading program are more likely to read at or above their grade level than their
non-participating peers. Please register your child for this worthwhile program! I hope
your family makes reading a big part of your summer fun.
In addition, I encourage every family to purchase mathematics flash cards for their
child. Help your child memorize their math facts by assisting them to set goals and
supporting them to master their facts. Start a sticker chart and offer simple rewards for
progress (i.e., a trip to the pool, a snowball, an ice cream, etc.) Once students have
memorized their math facts, learning math concepts becomes much easier for them.
Summer time provides the perfect opportunity to focus on this learning.
As I have mentioned throughout the year, our students achieve more when the school
and families work together. We will continue to do our part to maximize your student’s
learning through the last day of school. Then, we will turn over the summer learning to
our dedicated families. Please schedule daily reading and math facts practice into your
summer calendar. Both you and your students will be very glad that you did!!
Happy Summer!
Mrs. D. Williman
Queridas Familias,
Todavía tenemos 6 semanas de aprendizaje este año escolar. Nuestras maestras están
trabajando diligentemente para que los estudiantes consigan llegar a obtener el éxito de
los Reglamentos Legales del Estado. Les pedimos que animen a sus hijos a continuar la
dedicación en el aprendizaje a través de estas últimas semanas de escuela. ¡Es
importante que nadie se quede atrás!
Tal como hacemos planes para el verano, por favor incluyan en su rutina la lectura.
Cuando los estudiantes dejar de leer durante el varano, ellos normalmente bajan en el
nivel de lectura. Nosotros no queremos que esto pase a nuestros estudiantes. Cuanto
más el niño lea, cuanto mejor lector se hace. Las buenas habilidades de lectura son
esenciales en el éxito en la escuela y en la vida. Los niños prefieren leer los temas que a
ellos les interesa. Una buena variedad de libros pueden encontrarlos en la Biblioteca
Pública. Únanse con nosotros para Una Noche en la Biblioteca a las 6:30pm
para aprender más sobre el Programa de Lectura de Verano. En estudio reciente, revela
que los estudiantes que participan en el programa de lectura de verano son más
dispuestos a leer en nivel ó por encima del nivel comparado con los compañeros que no
participan. ¡Por favor registren a sus hijos a este valioso programa! Espero que su
familia tome la lectura como parte de la diversión en el verano.
Asimismo, animo a las familias a que compren tarjetas de matemáticas para sus hijos.
Ayuden a sus hijos a memorizar los factores de matemáticas, asistiendo con las metas y
apoyándoles a dominar los factores. Comiencen con un gráfico de calcomanías y ofrezca
premios simples conforme progrese (ejemplo un viaje a la piscina, un helado, algo
especial) Una vez que los estudiantes aprenden los factores de matemáticas,
aprendiendo los conceptos de matemáticas se hacen se hacen más fáciles para ellos. El
verano es el momento perfecto de enfocarse en el aprendizaje.
Tal como he mencionado durante el año, nuestros estudiantes logran más cuando la
escuela y las familias trabajan juntos. Nosotros continuaremos haciendo nuestra parte
garantizando el aprendizaje hasta el último día de escuela. Después, el aprendizaje en el
verano pasará a nuestras dedicadas familias. Por favor, tengan en su calendario el
horario para practicar la lectura y los factores de matemáticas en el horario de verano.
¡Tanto ustedes como los estudiantes estarán orgullosos que lo hicieron!
¡Feliz Verano!
Sra. D. Williman
EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE AWARDS DINNER: Your Workforce Quality committee and I
are pleased to announce that Mrs. Debra Mundell has been selected as Marley
Elementary School’s nominee for this award. Her service to students in grades Pre-K
through grade 5 is making a difference for many students!! This special event provides an
opportunity to celebrate educational excellence in our county. It also gives the business
community a way to thank all dedicated education personnel and recognize those who
have significantly affected the students in their individual schools.
Come listen to our students make music on Tuesday, May 3 rd. Our chorus,
instrumental and string students have worked hard to prepare for this concert. Family
members are encouraged to attend to support their student.
Vengan a escuchar a nuestros estudiantes en hacer música el martes, 3
de mayo. Nuestro coro, instrumento y banda ha trabajado duramente para
preparar este concierto. Se anima a los miembros de familia a atender y
apoyar a los estudiantes.
As the weather gets warmer some outfits are not appropriate for school. All clothing
must cover the body from the shoulders to mid-thigh. No matter how young the student,
they are not allowed to wear midriff tops, halters or tops that expose cleavage. As
always, be careful of messages on t-shirts; many are not appropriate. If you have any
questions, the dress code is in the Home School Connection that was sent home at the
beginning of the school year.
Conforme el clima llega a ser más caluroso algunas de las ropas no son del
todo apropiadas para las escuelas. Lo más importante que deben saber es que
no lleven vestidos muy cortos que enseñen la ropa interior si se mueven ó se
sientan al suelo, ni ropa que esté provocativa. También lleven cuidado con los
mensajes de las playeras, muchas son inapropiadas.
It is time to remind our students and families that electronic devices such as
iPODs, portable CD players, etc. are not permitted in school. There is no time during the
school day for students to use them nor is there a secure place to store them during the
instructional day.
In addition, school policy for cell phones is that they be off and out of sight during
the school day. Students with cell phones must abide by these rules or face sanctions in
the Student Code of Conduct.
Please monitor your child and guide him/her to make good decisions with regard
to these electronic devices. Thank you for your support!
Les recordamos a los estudiantes que los equipos electrónicos como
POD’s, portables CD, etc. no son permitidos en la escuela. Así como los celulares
deben ser apagados durante la instrucción del día.
In addition, school policy for cell phones is that they be off and out of
sight during the school day. Students will cell phones must abide by these rules or
face sanctions in the Student Code of Conduct.
Please monitor your child and guide him/her to make good decisions with
regard to these electronic devices. Thank you for your support!
The deadline for applying to Marley Elementary School for continuation of Out-ofArea placement was April 29, 2011. Families who met this deadline will be notified about
the status of their application in the near future.
All additional applications for Out-of-Area placement at Marley Elementary
School must be submitted directly to the Office of Student Services. Decisions about
applications sent to the Office of Student Services will be made later this summer.
La fecha para presentar la aplicación Fuera del área fue el 29 de abril,
2011. Las familias que aplicaron con tiempo serán notificadas si fueron
Aplicaciones adicionales de Fuera del área para la escuela Marley, deberán ser
sometidas directamente a la Oficina de los Servicios al Estudiante. Las decisiones
sobre las aplicaciones serán tomadas durante el verano.
The week of May 2nd is Teacher Appreciation Week. Encourage your child to write
a note, send a card or draw a picture to express their gratitude for the many things their
teacher has done for them. This is an opportunity for every child to learn the importance
of expressing gratitude. This is also a chance to reinforce that simple gestures of kindness
do not have to cost money. Sincere words and kind deeds are often much more
powerful than what money can buy! Family members are essential instructors of these
important social skills.
La semana del de mayo es semana de apreciación a las maestras.
Animen a su hijo a que escriba una nota, mande una tarjeta, haga un dibujo
para expresar la gratitud por todas las cosas que la maestra ha hecho por ellos.
Esta es una oportunidad de que cada niño aprenda de la importancia de
expresar gratitud. Asimismo, refuerza que la amabilidad no cuesta dinero.
Palabras sinceras y pensamientos nobles son más poderosos que el dinero
pueda comprar. Los miembros de familias son los instructores fundamentales es
estas prácticas sociales.
Please help your children arrange to have a grandparent or special friend attend
school with them on Friday, May 6, 2011, from 9:00 – 11:00 A.M. This is a wonderful day
when both generations enjoy learning together. Students will have the opportunity to
have their pictures taken with their grandparent/special friend and to make a purchase
at the Book Fair.
Ms. Ward’s afternoon Pre-K class will welcome grandparents and friends in the
afternoon. Please mark your calendar for this exciting day.
Por favor ayuden a sus hijos a que los abuelos ó un amigo especial
atiendan nuestra escuela el viernes, 6 de mayo, 2011, de 9:00 – 11:00 A.M. Este
es un hermoso día para que ambas generaciones disfruten aprendiendo juntos.
Los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de tomarse fotografías con los abuelos ó
amigos especiales y de hacer cualquier compra en la Feria del Libro.
La clase de la tarde de Pre-K , de la Srta. Ward, tendrán este evento en
la tarde. Marquen en su calendario este excitante día.
Interim reports will be sent home on Friday, May 13 th. Report cards will be sent
home with students on June 14th which is the last day of school.
Los reportes interinos serán enviados al hogar el viernes 13 de mayo. Los
reportes de calificaciones serán enviadas al hogar el 14 de junio, lo cual
coincide con el último día de escuela.
Come join our PTA Executive Board at the last General Membership meeting of
the 2010-2011 school year at 6:30 pm. Officers for the 2011-2012 school year will be
elected during this meeting. This is the perfect time for you to vote for the candidate of
your choice and to share your ideas for next year.
Please join us for our annual Nursery Rhyme Night on Wednesday, May 4th from 6:30-7:30.
This evening is for kindergarteners and first graders and their parents. We have some
new and fun interactive activities planned for you and your children. Some of Marley’s
teachers will be here to teach you and your child nursery rhymes and play some fun
games. The book fair will be open too.
Este evento tendrá lugar el miércoles, 4 de mayo de 6:30 a 7:30. Esta invitación
es solamente para los padres y estudiantes de kindergarten y primer grado.
The theme for this spring’s Scholastic Bookfair will be “Book Fair Carnival, Your
Ticket to Read”. It will be held on Monday, May 2, 2011 through Friday, May 6,
2011 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. The Bookfair will also be open during Nursery
Rhyme Night on Wednesday, May 4, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm and on
Grandparents and Special Persons day on Friday, May 6 from 9:00 am to 11:00
We hope to see you at the North County Public Library from 6:30 – 7:30 pm. Families will
learn strategies to support their child’s independent reading and will hear an overview of
the Summer Reading Program. In addition, all family members will have an opportunity to
register for a library card. Help your child learn the importance of reading in their journey
toward college! We hope to see you there.
Esperamos verles en la Biblioteca Norte de 6:30 a 7:30pm. Las familias
aprenderán sobre el programa de lectura de verano y podrán registrarse para
la tarjeta de membrecía.
We hope to see all families at Pizza Hut on Wednesday, May 11th for this
popular fundraiser. In addition to raising funds to support Marley Elementary, we
enjoy the opportunity to have time to socialize with students and their families.
Please mark your calendars.
Our last fundraiser of the school year will be held on Wednesday, June 8 th. This is a
wonderful time for families to enjoy each other’s company before the long summer
break. Funds earned at this event will support our school programs.
If you have a student entering kindergarten next year, please plan to attend our
Kindergarten Orientation on Monday, May 16th from 2:15 – 3:15 p.m. Come meet school
staff and learn about the exciting opportunities that await your child. While you learn
about the kindergarten experience, your child will spend time in the first grade
classroom. All students benefit from being in their classroom and meeting their teachers.
This visit will provide a positive foundation for many summer conversations with your child.
Field Day will be held on Friday, June 3rd for all students. Ms. Mueller is currently
recruiting volunteers to help with the many events. Please send her a note or give her a
call if you are able to help on that day.
Mrs. Williman will be hosting the final Good Citizens’ Lunch of the year on
Tuesday, May 31st . All Good Citizens’ for the month of May will eat with Mrs. Williman on
the stage during their lunch periods. Congratulations to these students for earning this
special honor.
The Fourth Marking Period Awards Assembly will be held at 9:15 am on Friday, June 10 th.
Our students will be acknowledged for their academic accomplishments and perfect
attendance, as well as for good citizenship. Please feel free to join us.
We encourage the parents/guardians of 5th graders to make plans to be present
for the Promotion Ceremony that will be held on the morning of June 14th at 9:30 a.m.
Other family members and friends are encouraged to attend. Details about the
promotion will be sent home closer to the event.
Student supply lists for next school year will be included in the June report card
and will be posted on our school website. Please keep these lists in a safe place and use
them for your summer shopping. Please notice that our teachers have requested specific
colored folders for classes. We hope that our families will make their best effort to support
their child in purchasing the items that are on their class list.
La lista estará incluída en el reporte de calificacines en junio.
2011 – 2012 SCHOOL YEAR
Please mark your calendars. The FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL for the 2011-2012 school
year will be Tuesday, August 23, 2011. As new neighbors arrive during the summer, please
encourage them to come to register their students as early as possible during the
summer moths.
2011 – 2012 AÑO ESCOLAR
Por favor marquen en su calendario que el PRIMER DIA DE ESCUELA PARA
EL AÑO 2011-2012 será el martes, 23 de agosto, 2011. Recuerden que no hay
intérprete disponible en el verano, así que avisen a sus familias, vecinos, amigos
de registrar lo antes posible.
Employees will work extended days from Monday through Thursday, and
all AACPS schools and offices will be closed on Fridays during the
modified schedule period, which runs from Wednesday, June 22, 2011,
through Tuesday, August 9, 2011. excluding holidays
During this seven-week period, our school’s office hours will be 8:00
a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
During the other weeks of the summer, Thursday, June 16 through
Tuesday, June 21 and Wednesday, August 10 through Monday, August 15,
our school’s office hours will be 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through
If you need to register or withdraw a child, please do so as soon as
you have the necessary information. You may register children from 9AM
to 3PM when the office is open. If you have any questions you may call
the school at 410/222-6414.
June 2011
Dear Parents,
If you are planning a move, or know that your child will not attend
Marley Elementary for the coming school year, please fill out this form and
return it to school. We will then prepare a transfer form and you may pick
it up at the school prior to your leaving. Having this information will ensure
adequate staffing for the coming school year.
Child’s Name
Teacher’s Name
Grade for School Year 2010-2011
New Home Address and Phone Number
School Name Your Child Will Attend For The School Year. 2011-2012
(Date) Last day my family will be in the Marley Elementary area.
Parent Signature
*If your plans change after school is out for the summer please call
the school at 410-222-6414 to obtain a transfer form. The school office is
open all summer, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00p.m.
We thank you for your cooperation…………Have a Safe Summer!!!!!!
At Marley Elementary School, we
believe in success for all by creating the mindset,
“I can and I will.”
The Anne Arundel County Public School System does not discriminate on the
basis of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability sexual orientation
or familial status in matters affecting employment or in providing access to
Schools Superintendent Dr. Kevin M. Maxwell announced on March 9 that
county schools and school system offices will operate on a four-day work week for
seven weeks this summer, saving approximately $215,000 in operating and
transportation costs without any decrease in productivity.
Employees will work extended days from Monday through Thursday, and all
AACPS schools and offices will be closed on Fridays during the modified schedule
period, which runs from Wednesday, June 22, 2011, through Tuesday, August 9,
2011. Employees will continue to be responsible for working the mandatory number
of weekly hours as stipulated by their job group and/or negotiated agreement.
Unless rare exceptions are granted, school buildings and central offices
will be closed on the following Fridays: June 24, July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, and
August 5. This means that during these weeks, programs that use schools
such as summer school and Department of Recreation and Parks programs,
will operate on four-day schedules. If your child is enrolled in a program that is
scheduled to use our school during this period, please check with the
sponsoring agency to make sure you know the correct schedule.
During this seven-week period, our school’s office hours will be 8:00 a.m. to
4:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. During the other weeks of the summer, our
school’s office hours will be 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding
If you have any questions about hours of operation, please call the school
As the school year comes to a close we are still working hard in kindergarten to make
sure each student is ready for first grade. We are sticking with our routines in hopes to prepare
each student for the increase in rigor that comes along with being promoted to first grade. It is
very important that each student continues to read and write in a fun and casual atmosphere
over the summer. We want each student to feel that reading, writing, and math are fun and not
just something we do in school. Each kindergarten teacher can give you ideas about fun ways to
include academic concepts in your summer plans. Your child will need his/her book bag
until the very last day of school.
**Our zoo field trip will be on May 24, 2011 – information coming soon!**
**Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held May 26 – May 27, 2011 – more
information to come! **
Thank you for your support throughout the year.
Happy Summer!
Kindergarten Team
It's been a wonderful year in first grade! Our students are almost ready for second grade. They
have been working hard and learning a lot. Thank you so much for all the support you have
given us this year.
For the remainder of the year, we will be reading about homes. Please have your child bring in a
picture of his/her home. We will also be discussing animal homes. Ask your child about the
difference between animal homes and where people live. To help prepare your child for second
grade, she/he should be reading for at least 20 minutes a night. They can read library books,
magazines, newspapers, and menus.
In math we will be practicing addition and subtraction strategies as well as adding and
subtracting two digit numbers. Please have your child practice the math facts that
were previously sent home.
In science and social studies, we will continue learning about how to care for our earth. We will
observe and record the stages of the life cycle of a butterfly. As a culminating activity, the
students will release the butterflies into their natural habitat.
Thank you to all the families that participated in the Flat Stanley activity. The children were
really excited every time a new Flat Stanley arrived!
Have a Happy, Healthy Summer!
The First Grade Team
2nd Grade News May/June
This year has gone by with the blink if an eye! Our students are almost ready for third
grade! We’ve enjoyed working with your children and watching them grow. While you are
enjoying your summer vacation with your family, we would like to suggest some summer
activities while having fun.
~READ!!! The Anne Arundel County Public Library runs a summer reading program. Sign
up at your local branch or visit for more information. This will help your child
maintain all the hard work that he/she has been doing throughout the year.
~KEEP ON WRITING!!!~ Keep a summer journal with all of your summer adventures by
writing about them at the end of the day or the end of the week. What a great way to record all
your fun memories!
~VISIT!!!~ There are many parks and museums in our area and many offer free
admission or specials throughout the summer. Some suggestions are The Walters Art Museum,
The Museum of Industry, and Port Discovery.
It has been a pleasure working with each one of your families. We thank you so much for
a successful year and your continued support. Have a safe, relaxing, and enjoyable summer!!!
~2nd Grade Teachers
Mrs. Escobar, Mrs. Fox, Ms. A. Ward
May and June Grade 3 News
In May the third grade will be busy! The students have a field trip to the Smithsonian Environmental
Research Center (SERC) on May 31st. We will be sending home the permission slips after Spring Break.
Permission slips and money should be returned by May 13.
In Science we will be studying landforms and making dioramas. In Social Studies, students will learn
about the US Government. In Math, we will be reviewing concepts students have already learned, as well
as preparing for 4th grade curriculum. Please continue to practice your multiplication facts- it is very
The third grade teachers would like to thank all parents for their participation and support which made
this year great! We are proud of all students’ accomplishments this year. Thanks again and have a great
Grade 3 Team
4th Grade News- Pre-Summer Edition!
The year has gone by incredibly fast! We’ve enjoyed working with your
children and watching them grow!
We do still have quite a bit of work ahead before we can relax. In Math we
will continue working with fractions and decimals as well as revisiting some
geometry topics. In Science we will wrap up our study of ecology and move
on to matter and energy. In Social Studies we will continue our Study of
Maryland. Don’t forget our trip to Annapolis Wednesday May 4th! Also
don’t forget to continue to check homework planners and keep up with daily
homework- we’re not on vacation yet!
Looking ahead to summer break…while you’re enjoying some summertime fun
with your children keep some learning in mind. Some fun activities we’d like
to suggest:
~ READ!!!!! The Anne Arundel County Public Library runs a summer reading
program. Sign up at your local branch or visit for more info.
~Keep a summer journal- chronicle all of your summer adventures by writing
about them at the end of the day or for a little quiet time.
~ Visit local attractions like the Inner Harbor, the Annapolis City Docks, The
Walters Art Museum (free admission to the permanent collection; visit for more info.) or any of the countless area museums
and parks
~ Get moving!!! Get out and enjoy some physical activities like riding or
walking on the bike trail or swimming. It won’t be long before another winter
has us stuck inside - so why not enjoy the weather while we have it?
Thanks so much for your continued support this year. Have a safe,
educationally fun and relaxing summer!!!
~4th grade team
Mrs. Dennsteadt, Mrs. G. Ward, Mrs. K. Bean and Ms. Rhodes
A Note From…The 5th Grade Team
Mrs. Kachermeyer
Mr. Peters
Mrs. Tibbetts
Dear Parents,
Can you believe that we are already starting to plan for the end of the year…the
close of your child’s time in Elementary School? It has been our privilege to watch them
blossom this year into kind, capable and hard-working learners, prepared for Middle School
AND beyond! This letter is to give you a preview of the end of our year.
Friday –Wednesday May 6th, 9th, 10th, 11th: DROWNPROOFING
Monday, May 30th: NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day
Friday, June 3rd: Field Day
Wednesday, June 8th: Promotion Rehearsal Begin during school (tentative)
Thursday-Tuesday June 9th, 10th, 13th ,14th: Early Dismissal at 1:30pm
Tuesday, June 14th: Promotion Ceremony & Reception
Also as we start our preparations for promotion we would like to take this time to
remind you about appropriate attire for the students on that special day. We recommend
dressy spring clothes. For example, the girls are encouraged to wear a dress and the boys
nice pants, a collared shirt, and maybe a tie. The girls can not wear spaghetti straps or
strapless dresses without a light sweater over it. We thought these reminders might be
helpful as you do your spring shopping!
If you have ANY other questions or concerns please let your child’s teacher know
ASAP. The school phone number is 410-222-6414. Remember to be on the look-out for
important papers, reminders and information – there will be QUITE A BIT between
now and June!
MINC –May/June News
Our final newsletter of the year! We will be celebrating our final student birthday during
these months. Cameron will turn 12 on July 16 so we will have an early birthday party
for him.
We will maintain our focus on classroom academics as the weather gets warmer.
Although we have planned motivating activities to keep our students interested, we ask
your continued support in checking homework.
May 20 is the annual Run, Jump and Throw event at Ridgeway Elementary. All students
have ordered t-shirts and we look forward to having our students’ families join us for this
special day.
We will be planning another Awards and Celebration Lunch at the end of the year for all
our students and their families in June. Since three of our students are moving on to
middle school, it will be especially meaningful for all.
I will be sending more information as the date approaches.
Our annual Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day will be on Friday, May 6, 2011
from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (afternoon Pre-K will be from 1-2 p.m.) We will meet in the
cafeteria for light refreshments and performances, then have the visitation of classes. Student
Ambassadors will be available to escort the guests to the classrooms. It will be helpful if the
guests have the name of their student’s teacher with them. We hope to see you on this special
day. Please notify the office if you will be attending so we know how many friends to expect.
Summer break will soon be here! There is so much to do with swimming, playing outside,
vacationing, and sports, yet we hear from our children: “I’m bored.” or “It’s too hot outside.”
Please do not let them sit in front of the TV, computer, or play video games all day. Look into
camps and outside activities to enrich your child’s summer. Have on hand reading and math
activities so they do not lose all of the academic growth they have made this school year.
Here are some summer suggestions: Read aloud to the little ones and encourage the
older ones to read a good book. Chapter books are great for third, fourth, and fifth grade
students. They can read a chapter or two and then pick it up later. A fun trip to the library is an
easy way to find good books.
There are chores to be done in the house or outside. This teaches them responsibility and
can be a family bonding opportunity. They could even help you plant some flowers or wash the
Cooking can be a lot of fun and following a recipe is educational. Teach your child to
make an easy, delicious treat such as cookies and the experience will be as fun as eating them in
the end. There are a lot of kid-friendly recipes on-line.
When you go to the store, ask the children to add up several items, for example: the
cereal, milk and fruit for their breakfast. When you go to a fast food place, ask them to add up
what their meal will cost and how much money they will receive for change.
When traveling in the car, make up a game where the children find different license
plates on the passing vehicles and the one who finds the most different states will win a special
treat. It will make the journey more interesting and remember that LEARNING CAN BE FUN!
Now is a good time to revisit your rules and guidelines for stranger safety. Please remind
your child to let you know where they are going and make sure there is adult supervision. Remind
them to not talk with strangers, get in the car with a strangers, don’t let callers know if parents
aren’t home, and don’t allow strangers in the home. If a child feels threatened by a stranger
remind them to notify parents and possibly the police. Other good safety topics to revisit are bike
safest, fire safety, water safety, and internet safety.
Have a safe, exciting, and activity filled summer!
Sara Scott, School Counselor
Physical Education News
Please mark your calendars for the following upcoming special event from the Physical
Education department.
 Friday, June 3rd Field Day will be for all grades Pre-K to 5th.
3rd, 4th, 5th, and AM Pre-K grades field day will be held from 9:1511:15
Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and PM Pre-K grades field day will be held from 1:153:15
Please mark your calendars; volunteers are always welcome and needed!
More information will be sent home about field day soon.
Amy Mueller, Physical Education Teacher
Boys & Girls
Please remember tennis shoes are for PE. Boots, dress shoes,
sandals, flip-flops, clog shoes are not acceptable for class.
Children must have safe shoes on in order to participate. If
students wear any other kind of shoes to school they must bring
tennis shoes in their backpacks.
Shorts under dresses and skirts will be ok.
See you at Field Day!
Ms. Mueller
Physical Education
Music Notes
Upcoming Events:
Please join us! The Spring Concert is scheduled for Tuesday, May 3, 2011 in the school
cafeteria. Performer permission slips have been sent home.
Band/ String lessons will continue throughout the month of May. Please DO NOT return rented
instruments until after May 28! There will be several class meetings in June as well, but
instruments will not be needed for these. All school instruments should remain in the BAND
ROOM as of May
Sign-ups for next year’s Instrumental Music program will begin soon. All second through fourth
grade students are eligible to sign up for 2011-2012 Marley String Orchestra. All third & fourth
grade students are eligible to sign up for 2011-2012 Marley Band. More information and
registration forms for the program will be sent home soon!
Summer Practice: If you intend to have your child keep their instrument over the summer,
please check with their respective teacher for some fun exercises that will help maintain their
playing skills. There are also many Music day camp opportunities for elementary students. Check
with your local communities, music stores, and colleges.
Need a musical activity for those rainy summer days? There are several websites that offer a
chance to practice note reading and fingerings for instruments. (Even if you are unable to keep
them over the summer!) Ask your instrumental teacher for a list. Here are some to get you started.
Note reading: Click on “New Note” if one comes up that you haven’t learned yet.
Instrument Storage: Exposure to extreme temperatures or constant changes in temperature can
damage instruments. When instruments are being stored they should be kept away from heating/
cooling vents, outside doors, windows, & anywhere that moisture collects. Please try to avoid
leaving it in cars for long periods of time as well. Proper storage will help ensure that your
child’s instrument remains in good working order.
Reminder to all parents with medication in the Health Room:
You may pick up your child’s medication during the hours of 8:30 AM3:00 PM on or before June 14, 2011. Deadline for medications to be picked
up is 10:00 AM on Tuesday, June 15, 2011. Any medications not picked up
by then will be disposed of per Department of Health guidelines.
Health Room personnel will be available next school year to accept
medication and PRAMs prior to the first day of school. HR hours will be
limited, so please call before stopping. Health forms will also be available at
this time.
With the warm sunny weather ahead, children will be spending much
more time outdoors. Exposure to the sun’s damaging UV rays increases the
risk of skin cancer and other diseases.
To protect your children from dangerous UV rays:
 Use sunscreen and lip balm with at least SPF 15 that block both UVA
and UVB rays.
 Wear sunglasses that provide 100% UV protection when outdoors.
 Wear a hat, preferably with a wide brim.
 Seek and remain in shaded areas when possible.
 Wear cover-up clothing (WEATHER PERMITTING).
The Health Room would like to wish everyone a wonderful, relaxing,
rejuvenating and memorable summer break! We look forward to seeing
you next school year!!!
The Health Room
Suzanne Barnhouse, R.N.
Kimberly Carter, C.N.A.
The first Good Citizen’s Luncheon was held on May 2nd. Each teacher selected a
Good Citizen from her class to join Mrs. Williman for lunch on the stage. Please join us in
congratulating the students below for being selected as the Good Citizen for the month
of April!
Ms. Brazier
Ms. Hutchings
Ms. Jorgensen
Ms. Serio
Ms. J Bean
Ms. Harrison
Ms. Bagley
Ms. Pumphrey
Ms. Fox
Ms. Escobar
Ms. A Ward
Cultural Arts
Ms. Quinn
Ms. McAndrew
Ms. Klug
Ms. G Ward
Ms. K Bean
Ms. Phodes
Ms. Dennsteadt
Ms. Tibbetts
Mr. Peters
Ms. Montgomery
Reminder to all parents with medication in the Health Room:
You may pick up your child’s medication during the hours of 8:30 AM3:00 PM on or before June 14, 2011. Deadline for medications to be picked
up is 10:00 AM on Tuesday, June 15, 2011. Any medications not picked up
by then will be disposed of per Department of Health guidelines.
Health Room personnel will be available next school year to accept
medication and PRAMs prior to the first day of school. HR hours will be
limited, so please call before stopping. Health forms will also be available at
this time.
With the warm sunny weather ahead, children will be spending much
more time outdoors. Exposure to the sun’s damaging UV rays increases the
risk of skin cancer and other diseases.
To protect your children from dangerous UV rays:
 Use sunscreen and lip balm with at least SPF 15 that block both UVA
and UVB rays.
 Wear sunglasses that provide 100% UV protection when outdoors.
 Wear a hat, preferably with a wide brim.
 Seek and remain in shaded areas when possible.
 Wear cover-up clothing (WEATHER PERMITTING).
The Health Room would like to wish everyone a wonderful, relaxing,
rejuvenating and memorable summer break! We look forward to seeing
you next school year!!!
The Health Room
Suzanne Barnhouse, R.N.
Kimberly Carter, C.N.A.
From Your PTA May/June 2011
Your PTA would like to wish everyone a fun and safe summer break.
Elections at Spring General Membership meeting this month.
Spring is finally here! The flowers are blooming, birds are singing, and it’s time to elect PTA
officers. Nominations are currently being accepted. If you are interested in running for a position
you must be a member. Memberships are still available with payment of the $5.00 dues. You must
also be a member to vote. But never fear, you can join right before the meeting and be eligible to
vote. This is a very important chance to shape your PTA direction. We already have some interest
in running for positions. The Board of Director Positions are President, Vice President, Treasurer
and Secretary. Please submit the attached nomination form. Elections will be held during the
General Membership Meeting which is held prior to the Spring concert.
Family Dance Friday May 20th.
Hope to see everyone at the Family Dance Friday May 20 th 6:30-8:30pm. This will be a fun
time for the whole family to celebrate the end of the school year.
Paper Drive
We are asking you to help us reach our paper recycling goals. Please bring your newspapers,
catalogs, magazines, school and office papers and old mail to the Green and Yellow Paper
Retriever bin located in our parking lot behind the bus loop. With your help we will surpass
last years recycling efforts.
Thanks for your participation and support!!!!
Market Day Fundraiser
Market Day paper order cut off is Tues. 5/17. Online orders need to be in by Thurs. 5/19.
Pick-up is Wed. 5/25. Please pass the order forms on to your family, friends and neighbors.
The cutoff for June orders is Tues 6/7. Online order deadline is Thurs. 6/9. Pick-up is
Wed. 6/15. It’s easy to order right on line, or you can fill out the order form and send it in
to the PTA. Online orders can be submitted as C.O.D. or pay with your credit card. C.O.D.
payments can be made on delivery day with Cash, Check or Independence Cards. Thanks for
your support.
Teacher & Staff Appreciation
We will celebrate Teacher & Staff appreciation Week in May. In preparation, we would like
to get feedback from you about our great teachers and staff. Many times they do
something that makes us say to ourselves, “WOW! That was really special“. Then we go
about our day feeling good that we have left our children in capable hands, but we do not
always share those moments with the teachers and staff. This is your opportunity to make
someone feel good about the great work that they do. An opportunity to share with them
how important they are to us, and how much they really do affect our community in a
positive way. Please fill out the form below and return it to your PTA, or send us an email to We will compile your feedback to be presented to
the teachers and staff. Submit as many as you would like. Your input is very important. We
cannot do this without you. Thanks for your participation.
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Kudos
Your Name___________________
Students Name & Grade____________________
Name of Teacher/Staff member you are honoring_____________________
Tell us what makes this Teacher/Staff member stand out.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Teacher and Staff Appreciation Kudos
Your Name___________________
Students Name & Grade____________________
Name of Teacher/Staff member you are honoring_____________________
Tell us what makes this Teacher/Staff member stand out.
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Kudos
Your Name___________________
Students Name & Grade____________________
Name of Teacher/Staff member you are honoring_____________________
Tell us what makes this Teacher/Staff member stand out.