Information for Candidates for the post of Chief Executive Summary Extracts of: Strategic Plan 2014 - 2024 Business Plan 2014 – 2017 Contents Page Planning Cycles and Involvement 2 Strategic Plan 2014 – 2024 Organisation Status 6 Charitable Objects 6 Charity Beneficiaries 7 Vision, Values and Mission 7 Strategic Aims 12 Long Term Financial Outlook 13 Business Plan 2014 – 2017 PESTLE Analysis 15 SWOT Analysis 18 Aims, objectives and actions 20 1 Planning cycles and involvement York CVS is a complex organisation, with many and varied stakeholders, which aims to make significant and lasting change. Strategic planning (long term) – the next 10 years The Strategic Plan is underpinned by a clear vision of where we want to get to, our values, mission and strategic aims. Led by the Board, our Strategic Plan should have input from all our stakeholders. Success is likely to be qualitative in nature; judged against our vision, values and mission statements. Impact statements will be developed to show progress. Business planning (medium term) – the next three years Our Business Plan sits within this strategic context and sets out our objectives for the foreseeable future, giving a shared sense of what we will do, who will be involved, what resources will be applied and what we expect to happen as a result. Led by the Chief Executive and Senior Managers, our Business Plan will have strong input from managers and delivery staff and volunteers. Key stakeholders should be engaged in relevant aspects of the plans, including partners, funders and importantly service users or beneficiaries. Implementation planning - annual Our Implementation Plans outline each team’s actions for the coming year, with resources, timescales and clear outputs. They ensure coherence within and between teams. Implementation Plans clearly show where every member of the team fits into the planning process. Led by team managers, each team will work together to develop its own Implementation Plan. Managers will ensure coherence across their Implementation Plans and determine how shared staff and resources will be used. Implementation Plans will mirror annual budgets in detail. 2 The Planning Cycle with our current position highlighted Strategic Plan Business Plan Annual Implementation Plan 2014 - 2024 2014 - 2017 2014 - 2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2020 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2024 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 3 Planning Cycle Diagram STRATEGIC PLANNING Generate vision, values, mission and aims to which everyone is committed in the long term (10 years) Implement exit strategy Use assessment to inform continuation of the work Evaluate and assess impact Monitor activities Implement action plan for which resources are available BUSINESS PLANNING Evaluate, assess and research to gather information within the broad vision, values and mission (repeat every 3/4 years) Generate/review objectives based upon the evaluation, assessment and research IMPLEMENTATION PLANNING Draw up annual plans of what is required to achieve the aims and objectives; determine resources Source staff, volunteers, expertise, equipment, materials, space, or revise plans accordingly 4 Involvement in Planning Stakeholders include: Board of Trustees Staff Volunteers Members Non-member VCSE organisations, especially potential members Funders Statutory partners, especially City of York Council VCSE Sector Partners eg York Cares, Your Consortium Neighbouring CVSs / infrastructure organisations and NAVCA York CVS will use a variety of forums and methods to support participation in the planning process. Key opportunities include: Board meetings Trustee and staff away days Managers’ meetings Full staff meetings Team meetings Staff and volunteer surveys Staff supervision or individual meetings Customer/beneficiary surveys and/or focus groups Partner/funder surveys or meetings 5 Strategic Plan 2014 - 2024 Organisation Status York Centre for Voluntary Service (York CVS) is governed according to our Articles of Association (single governing document adopted November 2013), by an unpaid Board of Charity Trustees (also Company Directors) drawn from our membership or co-opted for their specific skills or experience. York CVS is a Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in England (no. 493550) which must report annually to Companies House. The Company Secretary role is currently undertaken by the Chief Executive. York CVS is also a Registered Charity (no. 225087) which must report annually to the Charity Commission. We comply with the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) 2005 for financial reporting purposes and must undergo an independent audit of our accounts each year. We are bound by a number of other local and national authorities covering a range of legislative and regulatory functions including Health and Safety, Safeguarding, Data Protection, Environmental Protection, Employment Law, Financial Regulations and Equalities Legislation. These requirements are managed through a set of policies and procedures agreed by the Board of Trustees and implemented by the staff and volunteer team. Charitable Objects The charitable objects of York CVS have not been significantly updated since the organisation formed in 1939. They currently stand as follows: (a) To work for the benefit of the City of York and its neighbourhood, and, in particular, by quickening the spirit of fellowship and social service and undertaking and assisting in social work and activities, and the promotion of social welfare of every kind in the said City and its neighbourhood. (b) To initiate, promote and assist any schemes, enterprises or activities for the benefit of the inhabitants of the said City and its neighbourhood, or otherwise calculated to advance the practice of good citizenship. (c) To promote assist and encourage the advancement of education in the City of York and its neighbourhood and especially on matters concerning social welfare. (d) To assist and collaborate with national, municipal, regional, local and other authorities, bodies, persons or agencies doing work for the public welfare or benefit, to facilitate co-operation and co-ordination between 6 such authorities, bodies, persons or agencies, and to act, on request, as the local representative or agent of, and to provide office accommodation and clerical assistance for, any such authority, body, person or agency. (e) To procure train and supply voluntary workers for social work of all kinds, and to assist them in doing such work, and to act as a focus for personal service for the public good. (f) To provide information and advice for those who may be in need of it and to act as the neighbourly counsellor and helper of any persons who may be in difficulty or distress. (g) To undertake and execute any trusts or obligations for the furtherance of the foregoing objects or any of them. Charity beneficiaries The defined beneficiaries are those most broadly encapsulated by the objects as being any person within the City of York and its neighbourhood. Our vision York will be a place where happy, healthy, creative, diverse and inclusive communities flourish. York CVS as a workplace will reflect this. Our mission York CVS will enable people to make a difference to themselves and others through community action, voluntary organisations and social enterprise. Our values Local: We believe that local decision making and delivery is generally best Empowerment: We believe that people are best placed to positively influence the decisions which affect their own lives and the communities in which they live Learning: We believe all people are capable of growing, learning and developing throughout their lives Working together: We believe that people working together have greater potential to achieve their goals Diversity: We believe that our society is enriched by diversity Sustainability: We believe in living well today without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same 7 Interdependence: We believe in the interdependence of voluntary and community organisations In 2014 Staff and Trustees developed our Values statements further as follows: Local We believe that local decision making and delivery is generally best. Local knowledge, experience, resources, relationships, accountability and established trust make local decision making better and local delivery more successful, more often than not. However, the needs of the community should be taken into account and some services do benefit from a wider geographical notion of ‘local’ to meet the demands of communities of interest as well as communities of place. In general we believe local means York and Yorkshire, but some services are appropriate to offer across the whole of England. York CVS expresses its commitment to ‘local’ every day: Membership of York CVS, and therefore free support and subsidy, is focussed on local organisations working in and around York. 40% of the Priory Street Centre customers are from York and we always source our catering from local independent caterers. York CVS advocates for local funding to recognise the value of local knowledge, relationships and trust as part of the scoring criteria. Empowerment We believe that people are best placed to positively influence the decisions which affect their own lives and the communities in which they live Empowerment applies both within the organisation and to the work we undertake with members and customers; and sometimes these two can be in a delicate balance. Empowerment is about respecting, trusting and giving confidence to people to make their own decisions based upon their own knowledge, experience and skill. To do this effectively we also believe in having a solution focussed approach which builds on individuals / organisational strengths, whilst providing clear and well communicated parameters, roles, defined boundaries and the right support to maximise success for the individual and the collective. With empowerment comes responsibility for the consequences of your own decisions upon others, and a commitment to take that impact into account when making your decisions. York CVS expresses its commitment to ‘empowerment’ every day: 8 Our Advice and Learning team aims to give others the skills to help themselves rather than repeatedly charging people for us to do all the work for them and making them more dependent on our ‘expertise’. Through our thematic forums we empower representatives to speak on behalf of the sector, rather than relying on York CVS staff to have to do it for them. The York Independent Living Scheme has been hosted and supported by York CVS for over 20 years; helping hundreds of individuals to take control of their own support. Through flexitime working arrangements we trust our staff to manage their own workload. Learning We believe all people are capable of growing, learning and developing throughout their lives Again our values apply both within the organisation and in respect of those we work with and for. We believe learning to be dynamic and ongoing; it does not stop when you leave school or college, and we believe this is a good thing. We aim to foster a learning environment where it is encouraged to try things you have not done before and learn from the experience even when that sometimes involves making a mistake. We have systems and processes that support this and feedback and reflection is made time for. That said, we have to balance learning with high demand, constrained resources and an expectation of a certain level of pre-requisite expertise. York CVS expresses its commitment to ‘learning’ every day: We support individuals and groups to become active in their community by learning the skills they need to achieve their dreams. We support our own volunteers to grow their skills and confidence. We have established a staff development budget for all staff on top of mandatory training. Several staff joined York CVS in one role but have developed into another. Diversity We believe that our society is enriched by diversity Diversity can be interpreted in many ways including references to what are usually called ‘protected characteristics’ (gender, age, race etc) as well as wider diversity of culture, ability and experience. We are all different, therefore diversity includes us all. 9 York CVS recognises the diversity of wider society as a given and a positive feature, that enriches the cultural and personal experience of life; requiring greater understanding, tolerance and acceptance of difference than has historically been the case in our society in general. York CVS seeks to reflect this diversity of wider society in its workplace whilst balancing the primary need for specific skills, experience, knowledge, capacity, integration and teamwork in its workforce; which will include seeking agreement and unity, as well as valuing the differences already committed to. York CVS expresses its commitment to ‘diversity’ every day, for example: Offering opportunities to volunteers with additional support needs, some of whom have gone on to volunteer with us independently. Working with partners in the city including YREN, Dementia Action Alliance, the LGBT Forum, and Joseph Rowntree Foundation to improve access to all. Making our building accessible and constantly improving this, for example making it more Dementia Friendly. Working together We believe that people working together have greater potential to achieve their goals York CVS came into being when a group of people got together to help each other. We recognise the social nature of human beings and our connections and interpendence upon one another for almost every aspect of our existence. Everything we do involves working together to better the outcomes for all involved. In particular we recognise that working together we can come up with solutions to problems, we can learn and we can develop new knowledge and understanding, that would not happen working alone. York CVS expresses its commitment to ‘working together’ every day: Running four thematic forums, the Voluntary Sector Forum and the VCSE Leaders Group to bring together our members. Running the Healthwatch partners programme, recognising the important role of member and service user led organisations and patient representative bodies. We only work with organisations looking to form an organisation, involving local communities and other stakeholders; we don’t work with sole traders who don’t want to develop into a social business. 10 Interdependence We believe in the interdependence of voluntary and community organisations York CVS recognises that in the round, it can only achieve its vision as outlined, through working with other organisations and wider society. We believe this to be true for the majority of the voluntary sector and public sector and some parts of the private sector also. This makes us ultimately interdependent upon each other and that working in partnership or collaboration is the right thing to do. Within this overall context we should sometimes act independently, including at times with a strong and challenging voice. We should also sometimes act with varying levels of dependence on others, with whom we may collaborate. The importance thing is to act appropriately to the circumstances and not allow that action to compromise our ability to act differently in other circumstances when required, even in some cases applying a different sort of relationship at different times with the same partnering organisation. York CVS expresses its commitment to ‘interdependence’ every day, for example: We work closely with City of York Council, in particular through our secondment into the Rewiring Pubic Services team; as well as other local public sector bodies such as NHS partners. We work closely with other VCSE organisations, especially York Cares on Strategic Volunteering issues and Your Consortium on Strategic Funding issues. We hold regular team, managers and whole staff meetings recognising the interdependence of our respective roles at York CVS. Sustainability We believe in living well today without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same Sustainability means environmental sustainability but also economic and social sustainability. These three are intrinsically linked and often in conflict with one another. Sustainability for ourselves and for our beneficiaries are also interdependent. In the past York CVS has focussed on social issues of sustainability. In more recent years we have needed to focus internally upon economic sustainability. In general we have not focussed very much on environmental sustainability. York CVS now seeks to find a balance or compromise between the conflicting factors as outlined in the diagram below: 11 Social Environmental Economic York CVS expresses its commitment to being ‘sustainable’ every day, for example: Making our budget balance in the long term and avoiding boom and bust economics Maximising the recycling at Priory Street Centre Having family friendly and good practice employment policies to sustain our own workforce Strategic Aims In order to achieve our vision, operating within our values and carrying out our mission we have generated five Strategic Aims: Aim 1: Providing Local Leadership Aim 2: Delivering Support and Development Services Aim 3: Enabling Voice and Influence Aim 4: Investing in People Aim 5: Being a Sustainable and Well Run Organisation 12 Long Term Financial Outlook York CVS was significantly restructured during 2013-2014 with long-term financial sustainability as a key driver of change. The total collapse of central government funding for voluntary sector infrastructure services from late 2013 after 10 years of sustained investment (£30m per annum), alongside ongoing pressures on traditional sources of local funding from local authorities and the NHS has had a major impact upon infrastructure across England. National trusts and foundations, notably The National Lottery, have mirrored this decline, reducing the total value of funding programmes from £150m (BASIS) to £6m (Big Assist). Behind the funding arrangements sit national government policies that directly and indirectly influence our work. In particular a policy of marketisation (which is mostly closely associated with the Conservative Party) that seeks to apply the more general principles of market forces to our sector; an opening up, sometimes through deliberate market shaping and intervention, of CVS-like services with spending power placed in the hands of the recipient ‘customer’ instead of with the provider. Labour and Liberal Democrat policies are less clear, but historically have been more favourable. Unfortunately there has been relatively little research undertaken to backup this policy driver (see ‘A brave new world for voluntary sector infrastructure...’, Walton and Macmillan, Third Sector Research Centre, March 2014 for the latest research). NAVCA has initiated, funded and is administering an Independent Commission on the Future of Local Infrastructure which it is hoped will give a clearer evidenced based approach to national policy. There is little indication that the policy will change in the next few years, even with a change in government. Given that the actions we must take as a result are in general sound and stabilising, we should plan for the worst, whilst hoping (and lobbying) for better. Our long-term Financial Strategy can be summarised as: Ground and strengthen existing sources of local income from City of York Council and local NHS. Aim for no further cuts. Increase income from existing self-generated sources such as the Priory Street Centre and current Pay-for services. Develop new Pay-for services and sell them to beneficiaries. 13 Develop unrestricted income from major donors, both corporate and individual to continue to subsidise and offer free services to those in need. Explore and develop new restricted income being channelled through LEPS and city regions 9and associated funders such as Big lottery, LA Transformation Funds etc). Control and manage costs to balance spending of reserves between meeting the income deficit and investing in the future. The shift in proportions of funding over the next ten years might look like this: Local Statutory Sources Self Generated Other Income eg. Donations 2014 40% 40% 20% 2024 10% 55% 35% 14 Business Plan 2014 – 2017 PESTLE Analysis What are the political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors that are most relevant to York CVS over the next few years, at a local, regional and national level? Political Long standing informal links with local Labour party through former employee, trustees and council observers. Links with other parties weaker. Local government is supportive in general, including financially, but local government finance pressures probably mean more funding cuts from 2016-2019. Alongside this we expect a disintegration of traditional council services; transferring to a plethora of separate organisations, some of which will enter the VCSE sector – Rewiring Public Services programme. Some elected members supportive; but few fully aware of CVS services. Wider relationships through HWBB and WOW Board stable but largely untested. Economic Facing structural deficit due to collapse in central government and reduction in local funding. Reserve position good; giving 3-4 years to address deficit if other funding remains stable (see Strategic Plan). Local economy better than average; with some signs of recovery from recession. Low unemployment, including youth unemployment. Openness to ‘good growth’ agenda but remains focussed on attracting large employers in specific sectors and local development based growth, with ambitious Local Plan. Role for VCSE sector is recognised, mostly through skills agendas at LEP level in both Leeds City Region and YNYER. Need to maintain pressure and increase engagement in SME agenda. More insight to local VCSE economic contribution is needed. Local NHS supportive; but also likely to Role for social enterprise in growing selfface cuts. Also health integration with employed and SME sectors nationally Social Care impacts. significant. Police and crime Commissioner relationship at early stages. Regional connections weak but do exist particularly via Involve and Your Consortium. 15 Central Government support unclear; direct funding collapse, push for marketisation; or more benignly disinterest in local VCSE sector outside of OCS. NAVCA Commission outcome unclear. Social Established staff and volunteer base, with generally good working relationships. Some instability since departure of longstanding Chief Executive in 2010 with several changes in senior management since. York CVS remains city centre based and has limited visibility in neighbourhoods. This also limits our connections to the grass roots of the sector, with strongest links in established citywide organisations and new starts that have found us. York has a large and diverse VCSE sector with deep and broad roots most noted through the Rowntree connection. This somewhat hides weaknesses in individual sub-sectors and geographical inequity. We do have the data or potential to gather data to focus efforts accordingly. Key social trends such as people living and working for longer do change the demographic of those engaged in civil society; with more opportunities for whole family and short-term participation needed and less interest and commitment to traditional committee structures. Technological Historically we have not maximised our investment in and effective use of technology. There is an appetite to try out new technology, but this tends to be driven by individuals, and not coordinated or supported across the organisation. More recently we have invested in new hardware, software and online platforms; this will need to continue on an ongoing basis. The blurring of work and personal in both physical devices (eg. Smartphones) and online identities (Twitter, facebook) is a significant potential risk. There are significant citywide efforts to make York a more digitally inclusive city including expansion of public wi-fi zones and superfast broadband. In general, access to support via web based media continues to free potential civic participation from engaging with their local CVS. Although this is empowering it also presents challenges for the connectedness, consistency, quality and efficiency of social action. An increase in interest in social enterprise continues with both principled and pragmatic desires to 16 earn a living and do good simultaneously. Legal York CVS operates in a well established legal framework (charitable company) that is not expected to change or present any issues in the foreseeable future. We also operate according to accounting standards, in particular the Charity statement of recommended practice (SORP), which is not expected to change but is relatively complex. HMRC regulations in particular relating to Pay As You Earn (PAYE) income tax, VAT, Corporation Tax and Gift Aid are equally complex and more subject to change. We have become more aware and proactive of our legal responsibilities in other areas such as Employment Law. We plan to review our responsibilities under data protection and Health and Safety rules during this plan period. As we embark upon more paid for services our legal liability may change with regard to professional indemnity. Environmental We have a well established home at the Priory Street Centre and good systems for management of waste and recycling, energy use etc. However, the building remains a refurbished Victorian school, so has fixed limitations and some potential long-term issues. York is an historic city with well established built environment and conservation credentials. It also has well established public transport and high levels of cycling for example. It is probably weaker than expected in wider sustainability matters including community energy and nature conservation. During 2014 a new Local Plan will set out a long term vision for the expansion of York, by up to 20,000 dwellings creating two or more entirely new settlements. This will have a significant impact on our role in the city. With two rivers flowing through the city, York remains an area prone to flood risk. Climate change impacts make this more We have some concerns regarding likely and although a lot has been third party liability as it relates to our invested in flood defences in recent role in the Safeguarding Children(and years, flooding has to remain one of the soon to be Adults) Boards which needs most likely civil contingency risks for the clarifying early in this plan period as city. both Boards are reviewed. 17 SWOT Analysis What are our internal strengths and weaknesses? Strengths Well established (75 year history). Weaknesses Structural financial deficit. Strong and growing membership base Membership and governance structure and associated mandate. can make us less agile. New fit for purpose staff structure. New structure needs time to bed in. Strong in 1:1 support. Existing training programme. Expensive delivery methods need to be reduced and less expensive ones increased. Experienced and skilled staff, volunteers and Trustees. Inexperienced and less well skilled in market driven environment: charging for services. Committed staff, volunteers and trustees. Recent instability, change and temporary staffing. New HR function can better support managers and develop staff. Restructure has contributed to some unsettling of staff team. New Trustees, Chief Executive and senior managers bring new perspectives and stability. Experience in context necessarily limited. Relationships need time to be built. Fresh new brand identity and consistency. Nationally and historically challenging to communicate what we do. Brand identity and messages only recently established, not yet internally embedded or well recognised externally. New functionality and clarity with website and VC Connect database. New skills and ways of working required to maximise success. Established home at Priory Street. Limitations of historic building. 18 External What opportunities exist for York CVS to further its mission, and what threats are there to that mission? Opportunities Political profile of VCSE in public service delivery remains high. Threats Sector independence remains under threat. Shift to voucher style funding for support services nationally (OCS £40m fund) Fragmentation of services resulting from voucher approach. Valued by City of York Council and other local partners. Rewiring Public Services programme at City of York Council. Neighbourhood working agenda. Health and Social Care integration opportunities. Local government and local NHS finance under ongoing pressure. Shift from grants to contracts continues. Likely to affect large parts of sector; time-consuming for CVS as broker. Blurring of responsibilities and services with Council. Engaged in most local partnership Boards at high level (WOW, HWBB, YEP) Resource intensive and variety of agendas challenging. Local Plan, if engaged in community infrastructure needs. Local Plan, time consuming and longterm impacts if not properly engaged. Poverty Free City agenda; links to Joseph Rowntree in the city. Living Wage city and good growth agendas. Politically sensitive. Relationship with JRF not well established. Unclear of role in good growth agenda. Local Economic Partnership / City Inexperienced at regional level. region opportunities. Growth in social Regional focus may damage localism; enterprise likely to require single large contracts. Not traditionally associated with social enterprise. Good reputation locally with members. Service considered high quality and valued by users/customers. Potential impact of reduced service capacity. 19 Affordable services: majority remain free or subsidised and thus accessible, with some willingness to pay for services from customers. Competition from variety of providers including independent consultants. Ability to pay limited. Free services sometimes less valued. Evidence base / needs basis is under developed. Some charging inevitable; some staff object in principle to this. Pay for services have greater legal liability implications. Major donor development Inexperience in major donor arena. opportunities working with University of York. Aims, objectives and actions Against each of our Strategic Aims we have developed a handful of business objectives outlining what we will do over the next three years to achieve the aims. Under each objective we have identified a series of high level actions and which teams will deliver on those actions. Aim 1: Providing local leadership 1.1 We will increase awareness of York CVS and the causes of our members. We will deliver frontline services only when we are confident that it is appropriate for us to do so without compromising our relationship with our members. Actions Develop and implement brand identity. Team/s responsible Communications Develop and embed key messages. Communications Develop and implement York CVS campaign/s Outline key external relations and review progress on a regular basis. Develop statement on frontline service delivery. Ensure delivery of a high quality and sustainable Independent Living Scheme, including compliance with existing contract. Communications (liaise with VCS Leaders Group) Communications Executive Executive ILS 20 Ensure delivery of a high quality and sustainable Priory Street Nursery, meeting all regulatory requirements. Ensure delivery of a high quality and sustainable Healthwatch, including compliance with existing contract. Executive Nursery Executive Healthwatch 1.2 We will increase our influence through working in partnership. Actions Establish key role for York CVS and the VCSE sector in City of York Council (CYC) Rewiring Adult Social Care: Specifically IAG Project and the VCSE HSC Hub concept Engage VCSE sector in Health (CCG) and Social Care (CYC) integration; initially via better Care Fund Plans. Establish key role for York CVS and the VCSE sector in CYC Rewiring - Customer Services and Resident Engagement: Specifically the development of a Funding Framework (working with Your Consortium); Community Hubs and wider Community Engagement. Establish key role for York CVS and the VCSE sector in CYC Rewiring - Children’s and Youth Services Establish key role for York CVS and the VCSE sector in CYC Rewiring - Place based services Establish role in Leeds City Region and York, North Yorkshire and East Riding Local Economic Partnership VCSE engagement Team/s responsible Executive Forums and Representation Healthwatch Advice and Learning Executive Forums and Representation Healthwatch Advice and Learning Executive Forums and Representation Healthwatch Advice and Learning Executive Forums and Representation Healthwatch Advice and Learning Executive Advice and Learning 1.3 We will strive to be a model of good practice and support others to do the same. Actions Team/s responsible 21 Review values, identify weak areas and plan accordingly. Executive (with Managers and whole staff teams) Renew the NAVCA Quality Award. Executive (with Managers and whole staff teams) HR and Staff Development Executive Continue to implement the Living Wage at York CVS and support its promotion within the VCSE sector. Aim 2: Delivering support and development services 2.1 We will make community action and volunteering accessible for all, by supporting individuals and organisations. Actions Review and establish future delivery model for Volunteering York. Team/s responsible Executive Advice and Learning Market the Advice and Learning programme generally and target. Advice and Learning Marketing and Income To develop volunteering opportunities at York CVS and embed commitment to volunteering in all CVS job roles. Executive HR & Staff Development Advice and Learning 2.2 Improvements in service provision to meet those needs. Actions Review national and city datasets for relevant needs identification. Embed regular intelligence and data collection from VCSE organisations in contact with York CVS; and feed into business planning. Work in partnership with City of York Council and other partners to identify needs and improvements in service provision. Team/s responsible Executive Executive Advice and Learning Forums and Representation Executive 2.3 We will provide and refer to quality assured advice and learning services for voluntary organisations, community groups and social enterprises (VCSEs) in response to their needs, aimed at improving their effectiveness and sustainability. 22 Actions Embed new Advice and Learning programme / delivery model. Team/s responsible Advice and Learning Develop HR Advice Service. Advice and Learning HR and Staff Development Marketing and Income Advice and Learning Marketing and Income Develop marketing service. Review and grow the payroll service. Advice and Learning Marketing and Income Grow the Independent Examination Service. Advice and Learning Marketing and Income Cost benefit analysis of new service ideas before implementation eg. book-keeping. Advice and Learning Marketing and Income Executive Advice and Learning Marketing and Income Executive Governance Develop and market the membership offer. 2.4 We will work with partners to maximise the support available to local organisations. Actions Team/s responsible Establish regular programme of joint delivery Advice and Learning with York Cares. Develop joint contracting support with Your Consortium. Review and develop working relationship with North Yorkshire Alliance of CVSs, especially Harrogate and Coasts/Vales. Also with regard to York, North Yorkshire and East Riding LEP programme delivery. Establish role in Leeds City Region consortium of infrastructure providers. Executive Advice and Learning Executive Advice and Learning Executive 23 Ensure Advice and Learning offer is made available to University social enterprise start ups at Phoenix Centre and Ron Cooke Hub in particular. Develop a VCSE Employers Group / Peer support network in partnership with. Advice and Learning HR and Staff Support Advice and Learning Develop other networking opportunities that Advice and Learning bring together needs of VCSE sector and develop usage of Priory Street Centre at nonpeak times, thus generating income. 3: Enabling voice and influence 3.1 We will facilitate effective communication, networking and collaboration amongst local VCSE organisations, supporting them to make their voices heard and to act on issues that concern them. Actions Recruit and induct new Forum Support Officer. Team/s responsible Executive Forums and Representation Review Forum Terms of Reference and Chair, Vice Chair and Forum Representative role descriptions. Analyse need for additional thematic Forums. Executive Forums and Representation Executive Forums and Representation Review working of Voluntary Sector Forum. Executive Forums and Representation Advice and Learning team Establish the Voluntary Sector Leaders Group Executive to act as strategic voice of sector. Forums and Representation 3.2 We will support VCSE organisations to influence public policy development and service design to ensure that services meet the needs of local people. Actions Review and prioritise Partnership Board engagement by York CVS and VCSE representatives. Team/s responsible Executive Forums and Representation 24 Review approach to consultation and engagement in conjunction with Healthwatch. Analyse and publish an annual ‘State of the Sector’ report. Executive Forums and Representation Healthwatch Executive Communications 3.3 We will comment on and where necessary challenge areas of public policy and decisions, especially those affecting the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in our communities. Actions Team/s responsible Embed attendance at Cabinet and CCG Board Executive meetings in Chief Executive and Deputy work Forums and Representation programmes. Develop stronger working relationships with Involve, JRF and IPPR North. Executive 4: Investing in People 4.1 We will strive to be a high performing organisation and a friendly and supportive place to work. Actions Develop and implement a Leadership and Management framework. Develop a customer service charter. Develop staff code of conduct. Develop biannual events on Health and Wellbeing for staff. Develop internal communications including mechanisms for employee engagement and consultation. Team/s responsible HR and Staff Development Advice and Learning Executive Facilities HR and Staff Development HR and Staff Development HR and Staff Development Executive Communications HR and Staff Development 25 4.2 We will value and recognise our staff and volunteers for the contribution they make to the organisation. Actions Highlight staff and volunteer achievements, interests and activities, both work-related and personal. We will identify and apply for appropriate external recognition of our work, such as local and sector specific awards. We will publish the positive feedback of customers regarding our staff and volunteers. We will include staff and volunteer stories in our wider PR and communications campaigns where appropriate. Team/s responsible HR and Staff Development Communications Executive Communications Executive Communications Executive Communications 4.3 We will provide encouragement for learning and development, in respect of an employee or volunteer’s contribution to York CVS, and their development as an individual. Actions Develop a Learning and Development Policy with an associated budget that clearly identifies and approves individual and team development needs, linked to team Implementation Plans and our Performance Appraisal Process. Team/s responsible Governance Executive HR and Staff Development 5: Being a sustainable and well run organisation 5.1 We will be financially sustainable in order to support our vision, values and mission. We will increase our sustainability by trading with integrity, maximising the use of our physical assets and communicating the value of our work to new and existing funders. Actions Establish Reserves Investment Plan including a Fundraising Adviser role. Team/s responsible Governance Executive 26 Ensure that planning and recruitment is undertaken for replacement or additional staff resources, aligned with established organisational structure and strategic plan. Grow income from self-generated sources. Increased room hire occupancy. Governance Executive HR and Staff Development Review trading position. Cost benefit analyses of new trading ideas. Compliance with HMRC returns. Executive Marketing and Income Services Facilities Finance Improve payments up front and debtor recovery. Marketing and Income Services Research and develop fundraising case for support and implement. Executive Research and develop local consortia / neighbourhood approaches to social action. Executive Forums and Representation Advice and Learning 5.2 We will maintain Strategic, Business and Implementation Plans for the organisation that are clearly defined and understood by Trustees, staff, volunteers and other key stakeholders. Actions Plans developed and implemented. Whole staff contribution developed and widely understood through regular reporting and full staff meetings. Develop calendar of major events and milestones for all staff to see pressure points. Review Articles of Association. Team/s responsible Governance Executive Executive Communications Governance 27 5.3 We will have appropriate and effective management systems to support these plans. Actions Implement managers’ meetings. Team/s responsible Executive HR and Staff Development Embed effective team meetings including cross-cutting/virtual teams. Executive HR and Staff Development Embed Quarterly Business Reporting. Executive HR and Staff Development Support managers in role. Executive HR and Staff Development Undertake annual appraisals and job descriptions kept up to date. Executive HR and Staff Development Review use of IT. Facilities; Services Communications Advice and Learning Finance HR and Staff Development Executive Finance Budgeting and financial systems development. Review fund holding on behalf of other organisations and minimise / plan accordingly. Finance and Executive Review Health and Safety compliance. Executive Facilities HR and Staff Development Review Data Protection compliance. Executive Facilities Advice and Learning Finance HR and Staff Development Executive HR and Staff Development Review volunteer policy and handbook. 28 5.4 We will measure the impact of our work and make this evidence freely available. Actions Establish regular monitoring systems. Establish evaluation against objectives. Establish Impact Assessment. Develop the York CVS Annual Review publication. Team/s responsible Executive Advice and Learning Forums and Representation Services Healthwatch ILS Communications HR and Staff Development As above. Executive Advice and Learning Forums and Representation Healthwatch ILS Communications 29