East Sussex CVS Partnership Basis 2 Project Date East Sussex CVS Partnership Funding and Financial Support Organisational Health Check for voluntary and community groups When a group is applying for funding, there are often criteria they need to meet to be eligible for consideration. This could include having a robust governing document (e.g. constitution), a decision-making body (e.g. management committee) and clear financial management systems. To help us assess what stage of development your group is at, please complete the following questions with your funding adviser. We will use your answers to create an action plan so that we can support you in the most effective way. Name of Contact: Name of Group: Address: Tel Number: Email: Is your group a member of the local CVS? Action: Yes/No Is your group a member of the local Community Network? Action: Yes/No About Your Group’s Governance Does your group have a governing document (e.g. constitution, rules, terms of reference)? Yes/No Action: What kind of group are you? Unincorporated group Registered Charity Co Ltd by Guarantee Community Interest Company Branch of a national org using their legal entity Unconstituted Other (please specify) Action: East Sussex CVS Partnership Basis 2 Project Does your group have a clear understanding of its aims and objectives and the activities/services it provides? Yes/No Action: Has your group clearly identified its members/users/beneficiaries? Action: Yes/No Does your group have a decision-making body (e.g. management committee, Board of Directors) that understands its legal responsibilities? Yes/No Action: Does your decision-making body have clear officer roles e.g. Chair, Treasurer, Secretary? Yes/No Action: Are regular, quorate committee meetings held to agree and review group actions? Yes/No Action: Do you keep minutes of all committee meetings that are formally agreed and signed? Yes/No Action: Do you have an AGM where you have an open election process and inform your members of the work you do ? Yes/No Action: About Your Group’s Finances and Policies Do you prepare an annual budget against which the decision-making body regularly reviews income and expenditure? Yes/No Action: Does your group have a bank or building society account, in its own name, with at least 3 signatories who are unrelated? Yes/No Action: Do you have clear systems in place for handling and banking income? Yes/No Action: Do you have effective systems in place for recording income and expenditure? Yes/No Action: Do you produce annual accounts that are independently examined or audited? Yes/No Action: East Sussex CVS Partnership Basis 2 Project Do you have relevant policies e.g. Health and Safety? Equal Opportunities? Child Protection and/or Vulnerable Adults Policy? Action: Yes/No/NA Yes/No/NA Yes/No/NA Do you have relevant employment policies in place or policies for recruiting and managing volunteers? Yes/No/NA Action: Does your group have insurance to cover its legal responsibilities? Do you have public liability insurance? Yes/No Yes/No Action: About Your Group’s Fundraising Do you have a fundraising plan? Action: Yes/No Do you have a person responsible for fundraising or a fundraising group? Action: Yes/No Do you keep a record of your funding applications and any correspondence (good or bad) with funders? Yes/No Action: Does your group identify a named person to act as a point of contact when submitting funding bids and if necessary an independent referee? Yes/No Action: Do fundraising activities through events, raffles etc. meet legal requirements? Yes/No Action: About Planning and Monitoring Your Group’s Project/Service How do you know if there is a need for your project/service? processes for evidencing this need? Action: Do you have Yes/No How do you know you’ve done a good job? Do you monitor and evaluate the differences you’ve made? Yes/No Action: How do you ensure that your project/service compliments rather than duplicates other provision? Do you have any joint working relationships with other groups or networks? Yes/No Action: East Sussex CVS Partnership Basis 2 Project About Your Group’s Training Needs What training opportunities does your organisation take part in? None Training from CVS Training from another organisation. In-house training Please state main training provider Please state type of training Is there any specific training members of your organisation would like to take part in? None Preparing a budget Committee roles and responsibilities Bookkeeping Charity Law and accounting practice Financial Controls Fund raising sources/ideas Employing and paying staff Writing funding bids Recruiting and managing volunteers Contract law and negotiation Meeting quality standards Writing a fundraising plan Writing an Equal Opportunities policy Writing a business plan Writing a Health and Safety Policy Social Enterprise – legal structures Writing a Child Protection or Vulnerable Adults Policy Providing evidence of need for funding Monitoring and evaluating the difference your group has made Social Enterprise – generating income Risk management Please specify any other training needs …………………