When reading this document if you have any questions

Street Executive’s Handbook
When reading this document if you have any questions please do the
1. Contact your employment agency on (agency to supply contact details here)
2. Contact Lee Mellor at Hidenda on 0845 345 0466. Alternatively call mobile 07968 113
584 or direct line 01332 815 421. You can also email lee.mellor@hidenda.com
If you email please make sure you include a contact number in your correspondence.
This document remains the sole property and copyright of Txtwin Limited (t/a Hidenda) and is not to be shown to any third
party without the companies express written permission. 2012
Hidenda: who we are and what we do
Hidenda are a leading claims management company operating nationwide. We specialise in
reclaiming mis-sold Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) and currently have in excess of
10,000 clients. Over the last 20 years PPI has been mis-sold with many financial products
including all types of loans, credit cards and mortgages. There is now £8-10 billion to be
refunded with potentially 10-15 million people affected. Therefore most of the people you meet
in your daily lives are potential clients. This is why working for Hidenda as a ‘Street Executive’
can be very lucrative.
This section applies to newly-employed ‘Street Executives’ who have
received the Hidenda marketing package. (If you have not been employed yet
please move onto the next section called ‘What to do next’)
When you get the Hidenda marketing package please do the following:
Check that you have at least 50 ‘Client Packs’.
Check that you have at least 20 Hidenda envelopes which each contain a ‘Client pack’
and a ‘Freepost Hidenda’ envelope.
Check that you have at least 50 extra ‘Letter of Authority For Reclaiming Loan PPI’
Check that you have at least 50 extra ‘Letter of Authority For Reclaiming Credit Card
Charges/PPI’ forms.
Check that you have at least 50 extra ‘Letter of Authority For Reclaiming Mortgage PPI’
Check that you have at least 80 black and white ‘Letter of Engagement’ copies with the
‘Notice of Cancellation Rights’ document stapled to the back of each one.
Check that you have a clipboard and pen.
Take the advertising placard out of the box. The top section of the pole has already been
attached to the placard. The bottom section of the pole needs to be joined to the top
section by pushing the two pieces together until they are both completely attached to the
black plastic joiner section.
This document remains the sole property and copyright of Txtwin Limited (t/a Hidenda) and is not to be shown to any third
party without the companies express written permission. 2012
Image 1. Hand held placard. Double sided 610x812 with 1.8m pole
What to do next
Watch the latest TV ad from Hidenda by visiting our YouTube channel at:
Visit our website at www.hidenda.com and read all of the sections.
Read all of the forms contained in a ‘Client pack’. They are as follows:
o Instruction Sheet: Mis-sold PPI.
o Letter of Authority For Reclaiming Loan PPI.
o Mis-sold PPI Questionnaire.
o Letter of Authority For Credit Card Charges/PPI.
o Letter of Authority For Reclaiming Mortgage PPI.
o Letter of Engagement (both sides).
o Key Facts Document
o Notice of Cancellation Rights Document
If you have not got the Hidenda marketing package yet you can access the forms listed above
by visiting http://www.hidenda.com/clientpack/ It is these forms that you will be getting people in
the street to complete.
Where to begin work
You will be required to work at (agency to contact Lee Mellor at Hidenda on 0845 345 0466
or 07968 113584 or email lee.mellor@hidenda.com for the specific area within the city
centre). Our research indicates this is a very busy area. It is important to work within the busiest
areas because the more people that see your advertising placard the more you will sign-up on a
daily basis. A good street executive will average around 6-8 new clients per day.
This document remains the sole property and copyright of Txtwin Limited (t/a Hidenda) and is not to be shown to any third
party without the companies express written permission. 2012
Your agency will supply you with an official Hidenda badge. You must not work unless you have
this badge and it must be worn at all times by attaching it to your clothing and having it visible to
the public.
Hours of work
Each day that you are scheduled to work during the winter months we require you to do so from
9am – 5pm. You get paid for 7.5 hours per day meaning you get 30 minutes off for lunch.
Each day that you are scheduled to work during the summer months we require you to do so
from 10am – 6pm. You get paid for 7.5 hours per day meaning you get 30 minutes off for lunch.
It is important to note that we do have surveillance operatives employed to make sure you are at
work. Your employment will be terminated immediately if it is discovered that you are not
working when you should be.
Important points to remember when preparing yourself for a day’s
Make sure you have the following:
10-15 ‘Client packs’.
5 Extra ‘Letter of Authority For Reclaiming Loan PPI’ forms.
5 Extra ‘Letter of Authority For Reclaiming Credit Card Charges/PPI’ forms.
5 Extra ‘Letter of Authority For Reclaiming Mortgage PPI’ forms.
5 Envelopes containing ‘Client packs’.
10-15 Black and white ‘Letter of Engagement’ copies which have the ‘Notice of
Cancellation Rights’ document stapled to the back of each one.
Place them in the clipboard provided and make sure you have a pen and pencil.
Once you arrive at your designated location in the city centre area you will be required to
position yourself in the busiest part of the street. Then hold your advertising placard in the air
and people will begin to read it. (Please view the following 2 images. They show two of our
street executives working in Birmingham and Derby. We currently have street executives
operating in many major cities throughout the UK including London, Birmingham, Leeds,
Sheffield, Leicester, Derby and Nottingham to name but a few.)
Work Dress Code
As a ‘Street Executive’ you are required to follow a dress code in order to convey a professional
image to the public. Please make sure you dress smart and are at all times presentable like the
two executives in the images below i.e. smart shoes (not trainers, flip flops or other casual type
shoes), trousers for men or trousers/skirt for woman, a shirt/blouse and an optional smart
jumper and/or Hidenda jacket if weather requires. If you have not been supplied with a Hidenda
jacket a smart alternative will suffice (preferably black or dark blue.)
This document remains the sole property and copyright of Txtwin Limited (t/a Hidenda) and is not to be shown to any third
party without the companies express written permission. 2012
Image 2. Joseph working in Birmingham city centre
Image 3: Yasmin working in Derby city centre
This document remains the sole property and copyright of Txtwin Limited (t/a Hidenda) and is not to be shown to any third
party without the companies express written permission. 2012
Important points to remember when you sign-up new clients in the
When speaking to people face to face you must make sure they approach you first and initiate
the conversation. You must not approach them because cold calling in person is prohibited
by the regulator. This is why you are provided with the advertising placard that you must keep
with you at all times. When someone approaches you in the street and enquires about our
services or what the message on the advertising placard means we require you to ask them the
following question:
‘How many loans, credit cards and/or mortgages have you taken in the last 15 years?’
If the client is unsure simply ask them to give you an approximate answer. Then ask them if any
of these had Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) on. If they are unsure you should still sign-up
the client as experience shows in most cases they will have. Please also inform the client that
we can make a claim on every loan, credit card and/or mortgage they have taken in the last 15
years. This includes those they have paid off as well as those they are still paying for now.
If the client for whatever reason cannot remember the name of the company(s) they took their
loan(s) and/or credit card(s) and/or mortgage(s) with simply assure them that it doesn't matter.
Hidenda can still register them onto the system ready for the claims process to begin. The client
can provide all the required information at a later date as many other clients do. Hidenda will
write to the client with detailed instructions regarding what information they need to supply and
how to get it. Once the client has provided this (which is simple to do and completely free) all of
their claims will be processed and the due refunds paid to them.
If required remind the client that the service offered is NO WIN NO FEE. If nothing is refunded
then nothing is ever charged provided that they see their claim through to conclusion. It really is
that good a service. Furthermore Hidenda only receive 25%+VAT of what is refunded as their
As a ‘Street Executive’ it is your job to make the public aware of the fact that millions of people
are potentially owed thousands of pounds. This is achieved by holding up your advertising
placard in the street. Once somebody approaches you it is then your job to ask them the above
question. You should also point out to clients that unless they do this for themselves it is
ridiculous for them not to allow Hidenda to do it for them. Otherwise the money they are
rightfully owed may never be refunded and the banks will quite literally get away with it.
When someone decides they want to sign-up and become a new client all that remains for you
to do is complete the paperwork with them. It is fine for you to enter the information onto the
forms for the client. Doing it this way will save both of you time. The only field on any forms the
client has to fill in themselves is the signature field. You cannot sign their name for them as this
is illegal. If it is ever discovered that you have forged a client’s signature then you may be
subject to instant dismissal.
This document remains the sole property and copyright of Txtwin Limited (t/a Hidenda) and is not to be shown to any third
party without the companies express written permission. 2012
Bogus Client Packs (Very Important please read carefully)
If a bogus client pack is submitted by a street executive then the potential for instant dismissal
applies. Furthermore if a bogus client pack has been supplied then any hours worked by the
relevant street executive which have not yet been paid to them will not be paid. We will also
legally pursue, when warranted, all the monies already paid including any commission
payments. We also have an in house detection team whose job it is to check all client packs
submitted for any fraudulent activity.
This will not apply if the street executive can prove that they have not supplied a bogus client
pack i.e. forged signature. For the avoidance of doubt a bogus client pack can only exist if the
signature is forged. Txtwin Limited trading as Hidenda is at liberty to show discretion on an
individual case basis.
The forms we require to be completed in the street
1. Loan forms
When a client informs you that they have taken a loan then the following loan form needs to be
completed: ‘Letter of Authority For Reclaiming Loan PPI’
You do not need to complete all of the fields on this form. The fields that we do require are listed
below. Failure to complete these fields will mean you will not receive the £5 commission paid for
each new client you sign-up. The fields we require to be completed are as follows:
‘Policy holders full name’.
‘Policy holders date of birth’
‘Joint policy holders full name’.
(Only complete this section if the client definitely knows it was a joint loan, otherwise
always leave it blank.)
‘Joint policy holders date of birth’.
(Only complete this section if the client definitely knows it was a joint loan, otherwise
always leave it blank.)
‘Who is the loan with?’
‘Policy holders full address’.
‘Full postcode’.
‘Policy holders full address when the loan was taken out’.
(Only complete this section if it is different from the client’s current address.)
‘Very Important – Please Remember To Print Your Name, Sign & Date below’.
(If the loan was a joint loan and the joint holder is not available to sign the form simply
make a note of this at the very bottom of the form. Try and do this in pencil so we can
rub it out later. Once we receive the form from you we will then chase up the joint holder
for their signature.)
This document remains the sole property and copyright of Txtwin Limited (t/a Hidenda) and is not to be shown to any third
party without the companies express written permission. 2012
A separate loan form has to be completed for each loan the client has taken. We supply two of
these loan forms in each ‘Client pack’. If the client has more than two loans simply take as many
loan forms as you require from the extra forms that you are carrying on your clipboard.
2. Credit card forms
When a client informs you that they have taken a credit card then the following credit card form
needs to be completed: ‘Letter of Authority For Reclaiming Credit Card Charges/PPI’.
You do not need to complete all of the fields on this form. The fields that we do require are listed
below. Failure to complete these fields will mean you will not receive the £5 commission paid for
each new client you sign-up. The fields we require to be completed are as follows:
‘Credit card holders full name’.
‘Credit card holders date of birth’.
‘Joint credit card holders full name’.
(Only complete this section if the client definitely knows it was a joint credit card,
otherwise always leave it blank.)
‘Joint credit card holders date of birth’.
(Only complete this section if the client definitely knows it was a joint credit card,
otherwise always leave it blank.)
‘Your credit card provider’.
‘Credit card holders full address’.
‘Full postcode’.
‘Credit card holders full address when the credit card was taken out’.
(Only complete this section if it is different from the client’s current address.)
‘Full Postcode’
(Only complete this section if it is different from the client’s current postcode.)
A separate credit card loan form has to be completed for each credit card the client has taken.
We supply two of these credit card forms in each ‘Client pack’. If the client has more than two
credit cards simply take as many credit card forms as you require from the extra forms that you
are carrying on your clipboard.
3. Mortgage forms
When a client informs you that they have taken a mortgage then the following form needs to be
completed: ‘Letter of Authority For Reclaiming Mortgage PPI’
You do not need to complete all of the fields on this form. The fields that we do require are listed
below. Failure to complete these fields will mean you will not receive the £5 commission paid for
each new client you sign-up. The fields we require to be completed are as follows:
‘Mortgage holders full name’.
‘Mortgage holders date of birth’.
‘Joint mortgage holders full name’.
This document remains the sole property and copyright of Txtwin Limited (t/a Hidenda) and is not to be shown to any third
party without the companies express written permission. 2012
(Only complete this section if the client definitely knows it was a joint credit card,
otherwise always leave it blank.)
‘Joint mortgage holders date of birth’
(Only complete this section if the client definitely knows it was a joint credit card,
otherwise always leave it blank.)
‘Who is the mortgage with?’
‘Mortgage holders full address’.
‘Full postcode’.
‘Mortgage holders full address when the mortgage was taken out’.
(Only complete this section if it is different from the client’s current address.)
‘Full Postcode’.
(Only complete this section if it is different from the client’s current postcode.)
A separate mortgage form has to be completed for each mortgage the client has taken. We
supply one of these mortgage forms in each ‘Client pack’. If the client has more than one
mortgage simply take as many mortgage forms as you require from the extra forms that you are
carrying on your clipboard.
4. Letter of Engagement form
Make sure every new client you sign-up completes the following form: ‘Letter of Engagement’.
You do not need to complete all of the fields on this form. The fields that we do require are listed
below. Failure to complete these fields will mean you will not receive the £5 commission paid for
each new client you sign-up. The fields we require to be completed are as follows:
‘Home telephone’.
(If the client does not have a home landline then we will accept this not being
‘Work Telephone’.
(If the client does not have a work telephone then we will accept this not being
(If the client does not have a mobile then we will accept this not being completed.)
Failure to acquire at least one of the three contact fields listed above will mean you
will not receive the £5 commission paid for each new client you sign-up.
This document remains the sole property and copyright of Txtwin Limited (t/a Hidenda) and is not to be shown to any third
party without the companies express written permission. 2012
‘Very Important – Please Remember To Print Your Name, Sign & Date below’.
(You must also acquire the client’s signature on this form.)
5. Mis-sold Questionnaire form
It is not essential for the client to complete this form with you. If required Hidenda can contact
them once we receive their pack to discuss the options on the questionnaire. Due to the fact
most of our clients tend to select one of the following two options, we advise you to at least run
these by the client you are signing-up.
The two most commonly ticked options on the ‘Mis-sold Questionnaire’ are as follows:
1. ‘PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) was added to the loan without my knowledge’.
2. ‘I was informed by the salesperson who sold me the loan that I had to take PPI to get the
If the client agrees that one of the two statements listed above does apply to them please
remember to tick the relevant box on the questionnaire. Doing this takes a lot of work off our call
centre staff whose time can then be put to better use. It may also improve your chances of
winning the ‘Best Street Executive’ competition.
6. Key facts document and Notice of Cancellation Rights
You must present the key facts document to the client, allow them to read through it and keep a
copy, and then ask them to sign the other copy and give it back to you.
You should accurately answer any questions which the client has as a result of reading the key
facts document before they sign it.
You must also give each client a Notice of Cancellation Rights.
Failure to complete this process correctly will result in your commission for the client not being
Additional Requirements
If there are any unused forms remaining in a ‘Client pack’ please ask the client to sign these as
well. They only need to sign them – nothing else.
This is because the banks sometimes request extra signed forms in order to process the claim.
Therefore by having the extra signed forms it simply prevents the banks from delaying the claim
process and as a result the client gets their refund much quicker. If the banks never request
them then they are destroyed once the claim is completed.
This document remains the sole property and copyright of Txtwin Limited (t/a Hidenda) and is not to be shown to any third
party without the companies express written permission. 2012
Failure to do this will mean you will not receive the £5 commission paid for each new client you
Once a client has finished signing-up, make sure you give them a black and white copy of the
‘Letter of Engagement’ form (80 of these have been included in your Hidenda marketing
Failure to do this will mean you will not receive the £5 commission paid for each new client you
What to do with your completed ‘Client packs’
At the end of each day hand these over to the relevant contact at your agency. They will then
review your ‘Client packs’ to make sure they meet the criteria.
Once your ‘Client packs’ have been validated we will authorise your agency to pay you the
commission you are owed. This commission will be paid to you in your next payment period.
Lost/damaged equipment
If you lose any of the equipment that is provided by Hidenda then it is your responsibility to pay
for its replacement. This also applies to any unreturned equipment should your employment
come to an end. If it is required payment will be deducted from your last wages. The equipment
this covers is as follows:
Any consent badges that the local council require you to wear. They typically cost £50£75 to replace.
The advertising placard and plastic pole that you are supplied with. This typically costs
£56 to replace.
Any Hidenda Fleece jacket which you are supplied with typically costs £35 to replace.
What to say regarding Martin Lewis (Very Important please read
If someone mentions that Martin Lewis from Money Saving Expert says you should not use
claims companies to reclaim PPI, then we advise you to say the following;
What your response should be:
When a member of the public reads the advertising sign and approaches a street executive it is
the street executive’s job to speak to them face to face answering any questions they have. To
our knowledge no other company offers this type of one to one service particularly at street
level. In fact Martin Lewis merely advises people to visit his website and does not give any face
to face help or telephone service. This is one of the main reasons why our clients prefer to use
This document remains the sole property and copyright of Txtwin Limited (t/a Hidenda) and is not to be shown to any third
party without the companies express written permission. 2012
Also there are people that will only ever make a claim by using a claims company like Hidenda.
These people don’t have the time or the general know-how to actually make a claim them self,
or they are people who are simply too scared to complain to the banks directly. Therefore, when
Martin Lewis tells people not to use claims companies, it means these people will potentially not
make a claim. Under this scenario only the banks win.
The main reasons people choose to use Hidenda to claim back their PPI:
1. They want the peace of mind that their claim will be handled by a professionally
regulated claims management company like Hidenda.
2. They do not have the time or inclination to deal with the paper work involved and
are more than happy to give 25%+VAT to a claims company like Hidenda to do it
for them.
3. Some clients even tell us that when they have tried to do it for themselves, as
suggested by Martin Lewis, they have been ‘fobbed off’ by the banks and have
wasted a lot of their time. As a result they have asked Hidenda to do it for them.
Point out to the potential client that if they fall into any of the above 3 points then they should, in
our opinion, use Hidenda.
How Martin Lewis makes his money
Here is an interesting fact not many people know.
When you visit the Martin Lewis website you will find many products and services which have
been reviewed by him or his team. After reading these reviews if you decide to click on a link
which has a star next to it and subsequently buy that product then the Martin Lewis company
gets paid a commission. Nothing wrong with that you could argue, however when you consider
the fact some of these products come from the same banks that he has so publicly scorned for
the mis-selling of PPI, then we at Hidenda find this very hypocritical.
The more people Martin Lewis attracts to his website, the more money he makes.
Once you have mentioned all the above points politely ask the potential client if they
would now like Hidenda to do their claim for them.
Please read the following statement and sign where indicated
I hereby agree that I have read and understood this entire document. I also agree to be bound
by it for the whole period that I work for Hidenda irrespective of whether I am employed by an
agency who supply me to Txtwin Ltd (t/a Hidenda) or by Txtwin Ltd (t/a Hidenda) directly.
Print Name…………………….................... Sign……………..……………… Date…………………
This document remains the sole property and copyright of Txtwin Limited (t/a Hidenda) and is not to be shown to any third
party without the companies express written permission. 2012