Updated RFP - Higher Education Commission


Request for Proposal

Supply and Commissioning of Laptop Computers

Under the Scheme

“Prime Minister’s (National) Program for Provision of Laptops to

Talented Students”

Last Date for Submission: March 25, 2014 at 2:00 PM

Bid Opening Date: March 25, 2014 at 2:30 PM



Website: www.hec.gov.pk

Tele no. +92 (51) 90402200-01 Fax no. +92 (51) 90402202

(Rs. 10,000/-)


Invitation to Bid................................................................................................................................ v

Tender Notice ................................................................................................................................. vi

Definitions ...................................................................................................................................... vii

CHECKLIST FOR ENCLOSURES ......................................................................................................... ix

Additional Notes ............................................................................................................................ xii

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1

2 Vision and Objectives .............................................................................................................. 3

3 Scope of Work ......................................................................................................................... 3

4 Project Methodology .............................................................................................................. 4

5 Deliverables ............................................................................................................................. 5

6 Instructions to the Bidders ..................................................................................................... 6


GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................... 6


LANGUAGE OF THE BID: ................................................................................................. 6


BID CURRENCY: ............................................................................................................... 6


LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION: ......................................................................................... 7


CLARIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENTS: .......................................................................... 7




FORCE MAJEURE: ........................................................................................................... 8


ARBITRATION: ................................................................................................................ 9

7 Bid Cost and Earnest Money ................................................................................................... 9


COST OF BID ................................................................................................................... 9


REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL DOCUMENT FEE.................................................................. 10


EARNEST MONEY (EM) ................................................................................................. 10

8 Bid Submission Requirements .............................................................................................. 10


TECHNICAL PROPOSAL (ENVELOPE – A) ....................................................................... 11


FINANCIAL PROPOSAL (ENVELOPE – B) ........................................................................ 12



OUTER COVER .............................................................................................................. 14


MODE OF SUBMISSION OF BIDS .................................................................................. 14


MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS .............................................................. 14

9 Bid Opening and Selection Procedure .................................................................................. 14


TECHNICAL PROPOSAL OPENING ................................................................................. 14


BID VALIDITY ................................................................................................................. 15


INITIAL SCRUTINY ......................................................................................................... 15


CLARIFICATIONS BY THE HEC ....................................................................................... 15

10 Evaluation Criteria................................................................................................................. 16


Technical Evaluation ..................................................................................................... 16


Financial Evaluation...................................................................................................... 30


Combined Evaluation for declaring Lowest Evaluated Bid .......................................... 30

11 Sufficiency of Bids ................................................................................................................. 31


SUPPRESSION OF FACTS AND MISLEADING INFORMATION ........................................ 31


TECHNICAL PROPOSAL EVALUATION ........................................................................... 31


FINANCIAL PROPOSAL EVALUATION ............................................................................ 31


AWARD OF CONTRACT ................................................................................................. 32


HEC, RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ..................................................................................... 32

12 EXECUTION OF WORK ........................................................................................................... 33


ACCEPTANCE OF THE BID ............................................................................................. 33


LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE (LOA) .................................................................................... 33


PAYMENT OF PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE (PG) ......................................................... 33


EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT ........................................................................................ 34




REFUND OF EARNEST MONEY (EM) ............................................................................. 34


DELIVERY SCHEDULE .................................................................................................... 34


RELEASE OF PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE (PG) ........................................................... 35



TERMINATION OF CONTRACT ...................................................................................... 35

13 SUPPLY AND COMMISSIONING............................................................................................. 36


PRE-SHIPMENT INSPECTION ........................................................................................ 36


PACKING AND STORAGE ............................................................................................... 36


DELIVERY OF THE LAPTOP COMPUTERS ...................................................................... 37


INSURANCE ................................................................................................................... 38


ACCEPTANCE ................................................................................................................ 38


BILLING ......................................................................................................................... 38


SERVICE CENTERS ......................................................................................................... 38


SUPPORT SERVICES ...................................................................................................... 39

14 WARRANTY............................................................................................................................ 39

15 TRACEABILITY OF LAPTOP COMPUTERS SUPPLIED ............................................................... 40

16 PAYMENT TERMS .................................................................................................................. 40


RETAINED MONEY ........................................................................................................ 41

17 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES ......................................................................................................... 42

18 Meet or Exceed Specifications .............................................................................................. 42

19 Clarifications ......................................................................................................................... 42

20 Annexures ............................................................................................................................. 44


Invitation to Bid

The Higher Education Commission, Pakistan invites bids for procurement of one hundred thousand (100,000) Laptop Computers during the Financial Year 2013-14, directly from the interested manufacturers/ principals (Original Equipment Manufacturers – OEMs) under the scheme “Prime Minister’s (National) Program for Provision of Laptops to Talented Students”

The bidder must:

1) Be a registered body duly recognizable in Pakistan.

2) Be registered with FBR for Tax purposes.

3) Have registered suppliers/ partners with sufficient financial, technical and human resources OR own arrangements to complete the project within prescribed time limit on the finalization of contract.

Though the prime objective of the project is provisioning of laptops to talented students, however bidders are required to give firm written commitment (on legal instrument) to establish local Assembly Line for the future procurement(s) of laptops by Federal Government under the same scheme. Bidders who do not provide the written commitment shall not be eligible to participate in this and future tender(s) under same scheme.

Interested OEMs are requested to obtain the detailed RFP on payment of Rs. 10,000/- (nonrefundable) from the Accounts Section, Finance Division, Higher Education Commission, Sector

H – 9, Islamabad – Pakistan on any working day prior to submission date. Last date for submission of the bid is March 25, 2014 at 1400 hrs and tender will be opened on the same day at 1430 hrs in HEC, Sector H – 9, Islamabad, in the presence of bidders who chose to attend. Pre-bid meeting will be held on Thur sday th e F ebr uar y 13 , 2 014 at 2.00 pm in the Video Conference

Lecture Hall, Higher Education Commission, Sector H – 9, Islamabad. The bidders should submit a bank draft (from scheduled bank) equal to 2% of the bid value, which must accompany the bid as part of financial proposal as earnest money drawn in favor of D.G. (Finance), Higher Education

Commission, Islamabad. This tender is being executed under PPRA rule 36(b) “Single Stage – Two

Envelope”. HEC reserves the right to accept/ reject any or all the bids/ tenders at any stage. Copy of RFP is available at both HEC ( http://www.hec.gov.pk/ ) and PPRA ( http://www.ppra.org.pk/ ) websites.

Project Director (PMNLS)

E-Mail: pmnls@hec.gov.pk

Phone: 051 – 90402200-01


H-9 Islamabad, Pakistan v

Tender Notice



Acceptance: Acceptance means Receipt by the Authorized person/ institution/ authority of the specified quantity or package of laptop computers and accessories at the indicated site, place or institution.

Account Manager: Project or Task Manager; who has the prime responsibility of the project/ task execution.

Authorized Service Center: Authorized Service Center means a Service Center run by the

Bidder through another party by entering into a valid commercial agreement.

Bidder: Bidder means legally registered Original Equipment Manufacturer of Laptop Computers

OR a Consortium/ Partnership with local company under the relevant law who makes a formal bid in pursuance of Invitation to Bid. In case of Consortium/ Partnership, Prime Bidder should be

Original Equipment Manufacturer.

BOC: Bill of Costs

BOQ: Bill of Quantities

Call Center: Call Center means the Center or the Place wherein the Bidder shall make arrangements to receive complaints/ service calls from the customer/ students and institutions.

Commissioning: Commissioning means the Laptop would have to be switched on and the functioning and specifications as per criteria and standards mentioned in the RFP Document.

Contract: Contract means an agreement signed between the HEC and the Selected Bidder.

Day: Day means a working day (if not stated otherwise)

Delivery: Delivery means supply of the specified quantity or package of laptop computers and accessories at the indicated site, place or institution

Direct Service Center: Direct Service Center means a Service Center owned and operated by the bidder itself

End user: End user means the person/student to whom the Laptop is actually delivered for use and who will be entitled to demand after sales services as per Contract.

First Party: Higher Education Commission

FY: Financial year

HEC: HEC means Higher Education Commission, Government of Pakistan vii

HEI: Higher Education Institution (HEI) means recognized institution by the Higher Education

Commission, Government of Pakistan.

Procuring Agency: Procuring Agency means Project Directorate, Higher Education Commission,

Government of Pakistan

Prospective bidder: Bidder who intend to participate in the tender process

HEC: HEC means the Higher Education Commission, Government of Pakistan.

Region: Geographical Business domain of principal to which Pakistan belongs.

RFP: Request for Proposal

Second Party: Selected Bidder

Selected Bidder: Bidder selected for the award of tender

Service Center: Service Center means the Center or Place, wherein the Bidder, inter- alia undertakes and performs the service activities relating to the Laptop Computers indicated in the

Bid and shall include a Direct Service Center(s) or Authorized Service Center(s).

Service Level Agreement: The level of service which HEC requires from Selected Bidder in respect of the services required

Selected Bidder: Successful Bidder means the Bidder or JV or Consortium of bidders who becomes successful through bidding process

Total Bid Value/ Total Cost or Price: Total Cost means the aggregate cost of the goods and services as required by the HEC

Warranty/ Services of items/ parts: All hardware, support, repair, replacement, backups etc. and services of all software including its installation, configuration, updates, upgrades & principal online support. All patches upgrades, updates and OS images, Licensees renewal viii


(Bidders should fill up YES or NO without fail)

S. # Bid Enclosure




Whether the Bid is submitted in Two covers:

Envelope A: Technical Proposal and Envelope B: Financial Proposal

Whether both Technical and Financial Proposals are put into an outer cover.

Whether Technical Proposal (Envelope A) contains the following


Bidder’s undertaking covering letter, on the Letter Head is signed by the authority stamped and submitted. (Appendix – 2)


Signed and stamped Letter of Authorization or Power of Attorney for Signing the RFP Document on behalf of the Bidder is submitted.

(Appendix – 4)


Bidder’s undertaking on the Letter Head for the required quantity of the laptop computers, accessories offered is signed and stamped and submitted.


Bidder’s undertaking on the Letter Head to the effect that offer of

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) will have no impact on the cost/ price of the quoted laptops is submitted.


All pages of the blank RFP Document in full are signed by the authority, stamped and submitted.


Earnest Money (EM) amount as specified in the RFP Document is submitted in separate sealed cover.


Filled up Technical Proposal is signed by the authority, stamped and submitted.


All supporting documents for proving;

Yes No a) The Eligibility Criteria/ Qualification Criteria are signed by the authority and stamped. b) Bidder’s undertaking on the Letter Head to the effect that they agree to the Eligibility/ Qualification and Evaluation Criteria are signed, stamped and submitted with the relevant documents. ix

c) A certificate of assurance and guarantee on the Letter Head from the Principal Manufacturer that it will ensure production and supply of the laptop computers within the time line specified in the

Bid Documents is submitted. d) A certificate of assurance and guarantee on the Letter Head by the Principal Manufacturer that it will ensure its presence in

Pakistan through a senior level representation and an authorized office for a period of three years is submitted. e) All the undertaking/ letter heads and certificates wherever required are signed, stamped and submitted.


Supporting Documents to meet the Eligibility/Qualification Criteria. a) All the supporting documents to meet the Qualification Criteria as laid down in the Bid Documents and under Eligibility Criteria are signed by the authority and stamped. b) Bidder’s Certificate of Incorporation/ registration is signed, stamped and submitted. c) Annual Reports including Balance Sheet, Income Statement and

Profit & Loss accounts for the previous three audited years along with notes to auditors are submitted. It is further mentioned that average will be taken on the basis of three years, irrespective of the fact whether accounts are submitted for the period of three years or a lesser period. d) For laptop computer manufacturing capacity, copy of the

Manufacturing License, Capacity supported by valid documents is submitted. e) For laptop computer sales, copies of the invoices for the sales made or proof of statutory documents like Income Tax, Excise Duty

Returns or Sales Tax Returns or any other legally valid documents are submitted for the previous three years. x

f) ISO 9001: 2008 or higher certificates for the Bidder are enclosed. g) Bidder’s undertaking regarding Blacklisting is submitted. h) Eligibility/ qualification and Evaluation Criteria duly filled up is signed and stamped and submitted with the relevant attested documents.


Whether Financial Proposal (Envelope B) contains the following;


Filled Financial Proposal with signature and stamp on all pages is submitted.


Whether corrections or overwriting if any are attested? xi

Additional Notes


This Bid Process will be governed under Public Procurement Rules, 2004, as amended from time to time and instructions of the Government of Pakistan received during the completion of the project.


Bidders must ensure that they submit all the required documents indicated in the RFP Document without fail. Bids received without undertakings, valid documentary evidence and supporting documents and the manner for the various requirements mentioned in the RFP Document are liable to be rejected at the initial stage. The valid documentary evidences for the critical components as detailed hereinafter should be submitted by the Bidder for scrutiny. The Bidders are required to read the RFP Document and applicable laws and submit any objection thereof in writing in the pre-bid meeting; failing which no objection shall be entertained regarding the terms and conditions of the RFP Document and the Bid Process at the later stage.


The purpose of this document is to share/ present the macroscopic view of the project objectives and requirements while giving its background. Vision & Objectives, Scope of Work, Project

Methodology as per HEC requirements, Bids Submission requirements, Selection Procedure and

Criteria, Terms & Conditions, Payments Terms, and Warranty Support/ Services are also elaborated in this document to provide necessary information about this tender for potential bidders. Bidders are required to provide the required information by filling up the Bid Submission

Forms while strictly following the format given at Annexure – 6. xii

1 Introduction

It is an established fact that there is a direct correlation between knowledge capital and economic development. Pakistan to become an emerging power needs to enhance its intellectual capital and transform into a knowledge-based economy. The strategic framework for meeting the contemporary and future challenges as defined in “Vision 2030” of Government of Pakistan, acknowledge the importance of globalization and dispersion of information and technology, which are likely to dramatically change the scale and character of human enterprise. Universities and institutes of higher learning are envisioned to build economies through providing knowledge capital. HEC adopts the strategy targeted at the provision of an environment conducive to quality education in all the higher education institutions through faculty and infrastructure development.

One of the major challenges being faced by the higher education sector across the country, is access opportunities to higher education and so to increase the enrolment in higher education from 5.8% to 10% by 2015 and 15% by 2020, as per National Education Policy 2009. HEC encourages cost-effective and widespread dissemination of knowledge through the use of educational technologies and distance education so that far-flung areas are covered while simultaneously ensuring that quality standards are not compromised. The demographic transition being experienced, poses another challenge to equip our youth with the knowledge and skills necessary for development in the 21 st century. The fact that Pakistan is on a favorable portion of the demographic transition can prove to be a demographic dividend, however if left alone, poses serious threats in form on an illiterate and intolerant population.

A good progress has been made in higher education sector in Pakistan, and significant transformations have taken place as to come out as one of the dynamic sectors which is rapidly evolving and developing the capacity of HEIs to serve as engines of growth in country’s socioeconomic development. Despite of these progress and positive change as well as potential which is widely acknowledged, the higher education sector of Pakistan faces numerous challenges and issues, like poor university – industry interactions, poor university – community relationship, low enrolment, lack of capacity for continuous faculty and staff development, are amongst the few.

Strategic vision of HEC for higher education realizes that key to overcome many of the current and future challenges, is to invest significantly in the Information and Communication

Technologies (ICTs), as witnessed in many emerging economies around the world. Modern information and communication technologies are key to enhancing efficiency, efficacy and impact of programs of development in the higher education sector. Using distance education and open learning, affiliating universities must leverage ICTs to play a major role in improving quality and widening access to higher education in Pakistan.

Realizing these challenges and the opportunities and strengths this country possesses, the

Government of Pakistan as per the directives of the Prime Minister intends to launch National

Program for Provision of Laptops for the bright and talented young students studying at any of the public sector higher education institute or Government Polytechnic Institutes across the country. The scheme is envisioned to promote outreach of youth to information and communication technologies (ICTs) as to bridge the digital divide not only within the higher education sector but across other sectors as well, and to the communities throughout the country. Under this scheme, Laptops will be provided to talented students acquiring higher education at any of the public sector higher education institutes (HEIs) and Government

Polytechnic Institutes. The Higher Education Commission has been given the responsibility of program designing, implementation of scheme, and execution of the project.

The scheme is announced as one of the initiatives launched under the Prime Minister’s Youth

Schemes for 2013-14. During this year, 100,000 laptops will be distributed as per the criteria defined. The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan has been entrusted to execute the scheme and devise a criteria/ mechanism for distribution of laptops under this scheme. The

Laptop Computers will be procured in a transparent manner through competitive bid process under Rule 36 (b) following the procedures stipulated in the Public Procurement Rules 2004

(rev.). The Selected Bidder would be required to supply the required quantity of the laptop computers at the designated institutions. The selected Bidder would also be required to provide detail of offices and adequate number of service and repair centers for warranty enforcement.

Accordingly, the HEC has invited Bids for supply and commissioning of approximately one hundred thousand (100,000) Laptop Computers as per the technical specifications and timeframe given in the RFP Document during the Current Financial Year 2013-14. The supply and commissioning of laptops may be made by the Selected Bidder within the specified delivery time of 30 to 90 days as per delivery schedule, which shall start from the date of opening of first LC after signing of the contract. A minimum of 50,000 laptops must be delivered within 30 days of opening of LC after the signing of the contract by the Selected Bidder, to the institutions indicated by the HEC. The rest of the approximately 50,000 laptops must be delivered within 90 days of opening of first LC after the signing of the contract.


2 Vision and Objectives

The scheme is envisioned to promote outreach of youth to information and communication technologies (ICTs) as to bridge the digital divide not only within the higher education sector but across other sectors as well, and to the communities throughout the country. Under this scheme,

Laptops/ Tablet Laptops will be provided to talented students acquiring higher education at any of the public sector higher education institutes (HEIs) and Government Polytechnic Institutes.

The project will help in creating enabling environment across the higher education sector with a special focus on the on-campus student centric services. The Higher Education Commission has been given the responsibility of program designing, implementation of scheme, and execution of the project.

Though the prime objective of the project is provisioning of laptops to talented students, however vendors are to be encouraged to establish local assembly line for the laptops, however this would only apply to future tender (if any) under the same scheme. This initiative is expected to carry following salient features;

 Local assembly would reduce the import of finished products.

Re-export of the laptops as finished product from Pakistan will contribute to GDP; and also convey a soft image of Pakistan through a product labeled as “Made in Pakistan”.

In a long-run, the overall per unit cost of laptops is expected to decrease substantially and so will help leveraging ICT for socio-economic development of Pakistan.

Local assembly line will help in knowledge and technology transfer; job creations; manufacturing of some components locally; or may be Silicon Industry in Pakistan someday.

 Assembly line is expected to go beyond laptop assembling; other electronic appliances like LCD/ LED TVs, Mobile phones, Printers, etc. may also be assembled locally in future.

It will be encouraged that OEM bring the Original Design Manufacturer in Pakistan as to setup the Laptops Assembly Line during the next phase of the project.

3 Scope of Work

The Higher Education Commission has been given the responsibility of devising the mechanism of distribution of laptops amongst the talented students enrolled at any of the public sector higher education institutions across Pakistan and AJK. For an effective implementation of the scheme, the Selected Bidder will be required to perform following activities as to meet the objectives as envisaged by HEC and stipulated in this document;


i) Supply of 100,000 Laptop computers as per the specification defined in Annexure – 1 during the fiscal year 2013 – 14. j) Delivery of at least 50% Laptop computers within 30 days from the date of opening of LC and remaining 50% Laptop computers in next 60 days at the designated sites as enlisted in Annexure – 9. HEC may however identify additional sited and will communicate the same to selected bidder. k) Distribution of Laptop computers amongst the eligible students, as determined by HEC and verified by respective HEIs, enrolled at the public sector HEIs all across Pakistan and

AJK. i.

Prior to distribution, all Laptop computers’ “Serial Number” will have to be entered in an online web-based system. Online Portal is intended to maintain records for ease of management and maintain transparency, however the database shall be used for warranty claims, support services and for future use.

Selected Bidder may be provided soft list of students in order to maintain records of distribution for web posting, in case Online Portal is not made available by then. ii.

The serial number will have to be associated to listed HEIs, and prior to distribution each Laptop computer will have to be associated with the Student CNIC which will be available in the said system. iii.

HEC intends to distribute each tranche of 50,000 laptops in 10 – 15 working days.

Bidders are advised to have warehouse provisions of this duration accordingly. l) Selected will be responsible to deliver the laptops to relevant HEIs and ensure its availability during the course of laptop distribution amongst the students. However, onward students’ facilitation should be covered under warranty and support.

4 Project Methodology

The selected bidder will be required to implement the project as to meet the vision and objectives in most effective manner. The laptop distribution activity may be done in two phases but within this fiscal year. For this, 50% of laptop computers are to be delivered within 30 days from the date of issuance of LC which may be done through airlift freight mechanism. The distribution of these 50% laptop computers are to be distributed amongst the eligible students enrolled at the public sector HEIs as determined by the Higher Education Commission. Whereas, the remaining

50% laptop computers will have to be delivered within next 20 days at the designated sites as identified and communicated by HEC. Both tranches of laptop computers will have to be distributed amongst the eligible students as determined by HEC and HEIs within 10 – 15 working days of delivery of the same. HEC may however ask for delivery of 100% in a single tranche by airlift for which additional days may be given for the delivery of 100,000 laptop computers.


The selected bidder shall also setup Service Centers as to provide Warrant and Support services during the warranty period. Selected bidder will ensure that the Warranty claims by the students are addressed within the country instead of international warranty claims. Moreover, there will be requirement of setting up at least One (01) Direct Service Center in the Islamabad and provincial capitals of Pakistan. However, in addition selected bidder will be required to ensure that at least one (01) Authorized Service Center is available in the host cities of HEIs as listed in

Annexure – 9. Selected bidder may be asked to setup either Direct or Authorized Service Centers within the HEIs where the number of laptop beneficiaries are more than 1,000 students in order to provide immediate support and services.

5 Deliverables

Following are the expected deliverables from the selected bidder; a) Delivery of 100,000 Laptop computers as per the specifications given in this document. b) Distribution of Laptop computers at the destinations listed in Annexure – 9 and/ or sites as identified by HEC during the contract period. c) Maintenance of records in the Online Portal system for ease of management and maintain transparency. d) Setting up Direct Service Centers as per the requirements of HEC and providing Support

Services through Authorized Service Centers in the cities as enlisted in Annexure – 9 and/ or HEIs as per HEC requirements. e) Providing Laptop Warranty Claim in Pakistan within the stipulated time as defined in this

RFP Document. f) Any other requirement(s) as stipulated in this RFP Document. g) Successful completion of the project within the given time (i.e. successful delivery of laptops at designated sites).


6 Instructions to the Bidders




It will be imperative for each Bidder to familiarize itself with the prevailing socio-economic, political, and legal situation for the execution of contract. HEC shall not entertain any request for clarification from the Bidder regarding such aspects of submission of the Bid.


It will be the responsibility of the Bidder that all factors have been investigated and considered while submitting the Bid and no claim whatsoever including those of financial adjustments to the contract awarded under this Bid Process will be entertained by the HEC.

Neither any time schedule, nor financial adjustments arising thereof shall be permitted on account of failure by the Bidder.


The Bidder shall be deemed to have satisfied itself fully before Bid as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bids for the contract and price/ cost quoted in the Bid to cover all obligations under this Bid Process.


It must be clearly understood that the Terms and Conditions and Specifications are intended to be strictly enforced. No escalation of cost will be permitted throughout the period of completion of the contract.


The Bidder shall make all arrangements as part of the contract to supply, deliver and commission the laptop computers and accessories and provide warranty, maintenance and support services at various locations at their own cost and transport and logistics.


The Bidder should be fully and completely responsible to the HEC for all the deliveries and deliverables.


The bidder shall submit detailed design/ specifications of the laptop computers including backpack in the technical proposal.


The Selected Bidder is expected to offer considerable amount as CSR to be used for educational purposes in consultation with/ as per requirement of the HEC.



The Bid prepared by the Bidder as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Bid shall be in English only. The supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation in English duly notarized, in which case, for all purposes of the Bid, the translation shall govern. Bids received without such translation copy may be rejected.



Price/ Cost of the Bid should be quoted in Pakistan Rupees as well as in US$ only for the items imported for which the payments will be made in US$ against the LC as per the provision available


in the project. Payment against other items (if any) shall be made in Pakistani Rupees. With respect to any foreign company participating in the Bid in any capacity or manner, the law of the land (Pakistan) including the Law, Rules and Regulations of the Government of Pakistan shall be followed and necessary compliance in this regard will be the sole responsibility of the Bidder or the Consortium.



A letter of Authorization(s) from the Board of Directors or Managing Director of the Bidder organization or the Consortium/ Partnership authorizing the Bid submitting authority or a Power of Attorney should be submitted in the Technical Proposal as per the format given at Annexure

– 3. The Bids received without the Letter of Authorization or Power of Attorney will be summarily rejected. The authority giving such authorization should ensure its legal capacity to give such authorization.


CLARIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENTS: a) A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification in the RFP Document may notify the HEC by letter or by Fax or by email. b) A Pre-Bid meeting will be held for addressing the clarifications on the date and time mentioned in the advertisement or any other date to be decided by the HEC. The Bidders are requested to participate in the Pre-Bid meeting and get the requisite clarifications/ information. c) Before the Closing Date of the Bid submission, clarifications and amendments so made shall be reflected in the RFP Document if any and shall be notified on the website mentioned above. The Bidders should periodically check for the amendments or corrigendum or information from the HEC till the Closing Date. The HEC will not make any individual communication and will in no way be responsible for any ignorance pleaded by the Bidders. d) No clarifications would be offered by the HEC within 48 hours prior to the due date and time for opening of the Bids. e) Procuring Agency is not responsible for any misinterpretation of the provisions of this

Document on account of the Bidders failure to update the Request for Proposal

Documents based on changes/ modifications announced through the website.





Bidders shall not make attempts to establish unsolicited and unauthorized contact with the HEC/ Procuring Agency or any individual/ authority/ committee/ agency acting on its behalf for the purpose of this procurement prior to the notification of the award and any attempt by any Bidder to bring to bear extraneous pressures on the HEC/ Procuring

Agency or any individual/ authority/ committee/ agency acting on its behalf for the purpose of this procurement shall be sufficient reason to disqualify the Bidder.


Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, the HEC may seek bona fide clarifications from Bidders relating to the Bid submitted by them during the evaluation of their Bids.


However, in case of any genuine grievance, the Bidder may contact the HEC/ Procuring

Agency through a formal request in writing for redress of its grievance as provided in Public

Procurement Rules 2004 (rev.).


FORCE MAJEURE: a) Subject to sub clause (c), in a Force Majeure situation which directly and materially hinders/ hampers the Selected Bidder’s ability to perform its obligations under the

Contract, the Parties will be excused from performance of their respective obligations under the Contract until the existence/ persistence of the Force Majeure Event. b) For purposes of this clause, "Force Majeure" means an event beyond the control of the

Selected Bidder and not involving the Selected Bidder's fault or negligence or not reasonably foreseeable. Such events may include, but are not restricted to, acts of God, wars, acts of terrorism, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions. c) If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Selected Bidder shall promptly notify the HEC in writing of such condition and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by the HEC in writing, the Selected Bidder shall continue to perform its obligations under the Contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event. d) If a Force Majeure Event persists for more than three (03) months from the date of the notice under sub clause (c) above, the Selected Bidder may apply to the HEC seeking termination of the Contract. If the HEC agrees, the Contract may be terminated. e) If a Force Majeure Event persists for more than three (03) months from the date of the notice under the sub clause (c) above, HEC may at its own absolute discretion terminate the Contract. f) In the event of termination under clause (d) or (e), the Selected Bidder shall be entitled to receive such part of the Contract Price as pertains to the Goods which have been, as


on the date of termination, implemented in accordance with the terms of the Contract.

In case, at the time of termination, any action is pending on the part of the Selected Bidder regarding delivery and acceptance of the Goods or warranty and maintenance support or services as required under the contract which cannot be completed, the HEC shall be entitled to utilize the Performance Guarantee or demand additional sum for such Goods/

Services to ensure continued provisioning thereof. This shall be without prejudice to any other rights and remedies which HEC may have under the Contract or under the relevant laws.



In case of any dispute, the matter will be referred to a sole Arbitrator to be appointed by the

Government of Pakistan under the arbitration laws of Pakistan. The arbitration shall be held in

Islamabad, Pakistan and the language shall be English or Urdu only. Subject to the above, the

Courts in Pakistan alone only shall have jurisdiction in the matter.

7 Bid Cost and Earnest Money



The Bidders should bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of their Bids.

The HEC will in no way be responsible or liable for these charges/costs incurred regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding Process.





The RFP Document must be purchased from Accounts Section, Finance Division, Higher

Education Commission, Islamabad on payment of fee in Pak Rupees as mentioned in the

Advertisement. The RFP Document is not transferable to any other Bidder.


The RFP Document cost must be paid in cash at the cash counter in Accounts Section,

Finance Division, HEC.




A Earnest Money (EM) amount as specified in the RFP Document is payable by way of Bank

Draft in PKR drawn on National Bank or a Scheduled Bank in Pakistan in favour of the “D.G.

Finance, Higher Education Commission” payable at Islamabad. The Earnest Money in the form of Bank guarantee or Insurance guarantee is not acceptable. The Earnest Money should be enclosed in a separately sealed cover along with the Technical Proposal duly marked as “Earnest Money”.


The Earnest Money (EM) of the unSelected Bidders will be refunded within a reasonable time after the award of tender to Selected Bidder. The EM amount held by the HEC till it is refunded to the unSelected Bidders will not earn any interest thereof.


The Earnest Money (EM) of Selected Bidder may be converted as part of the Performance

Guarantee (PG) for successful execution of the work.


Subject to the award of contract, the Earnest Money shall be returned in PKR to the

Selected Bidder against submission of 10% Performance Guarantee of the total cost of the bid in the form of Bank Guarantee.


The Earnest Money (EM) may be forfeited by the HEC, if the Bidder withdraws the Bid during the period of its validity specified in the RFP Document or if the Selected Bidder fails to sign the Contract, or the Selected Bidder fails to remit Performance Guarantee within the respective due date.


Earnest Money shall be valid only for one bid as have been required by the HEC as per

Technical Specifications.

8 Bid Submission Requirements

Bidders should examine all Instructions, Terms and Conditions and Technical Specifications as given in the RFP Document. Failure to furnish information required in the RFP Document or submission of Bids not substantially responsive or viable in every respect will be at the Bidder’s risk and may result in rejection of the Bids. Bidders should strictly submit the Bid as specified in the RFP Document, failing which the Bids will be held as non-responsive and will be rejected. The

Bids should be submitted in two parts namely viz. (1) Technical Proposal and (2) Financial


Proposal. The Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal shall be submitted in separate covers.

The Bids shall be addressed to “The Project Director, Prime Minister’s (National) Program for

Provision of Laptops to Talented Students”.




BID PREPARATION a) The Technical Proposal will enable the HEC to evaluate whether the Bidder is technically competent and capable of executing the order. Only those Bids which qualify in the

Technical stage will be eligible for the Financial Proposal opening. The Financial Proposals of Bidders who are failed in the Technical stage will not be opened. b) The Technical Proposal format and Forms as given in this RF Document shall be strictly followed, and filled, signed and stamped in all pages. The HEC will not be responsible for the errors committed in the Bids by the Bidders. c) The Technical Proposal should not strictly contain any Price/ Cost indications as such otherwise the Bids will be summarily rejected. d) Letter of Commitment (as a legal instrument) should be submitted and should be enclosed within the Technical Proposal. Since the Letter of Commitment has been asked from OEM HQ or Regional HQ, the notarized letter on the OEM’s letter head from the origin of letter has to be submitted. e) Detail of commitment of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) component should also be enclosed within the Technical Proposal.


DETAILS TO BE FURNISHED IN THE TECHNICAL PROPOSAL a) The Earnest Money of the requisite amount should be submitted in a sealed envelope/ cover along with Technical Bid, failing which the Bid shall be rejected summarily. b) Authorization letter from the Board of Directors/ Managing Director or Power of Attorney to submit the proposal should be submitted. The Bid received without Authorization

Letter or Power of Attorney will not be considered for further processing. c) The blank RFP Document in full should be printed and signed by the authorized person and stamped in all pages and should be submitted as a token of accepting the conditions. d) The Technical Proposal should be duly filled and signed by the authorized person and stamped in all the pages and should be submitted. e) The supporting documents to prove Bidder’s Eligibility should be duly signed/ attested and should be submitted.


f) The published Annual Reports, Tax Returns, Undertakings and valid documentary evidences should be signed by the authorized person and stamped in all pages and should be submitted. g) The Bidder should indicate origin of the quoted goods, supply route, quality standards applied and the manufacturing plant addresses relevant to it. h) The Bidder should also identify the name and location of Original Design Manufacturer

(ODM) who shall produce all the 100,000 Laptop Computers for this tender. A documentary evidence should be provided confirming the same. i) The Bidders shall undertake to supply and commission and quote 100,000 (one hundred thousand) Laptop Computers. Any quote for less than 100,000 Laptop Computers will not be considered and the Bid is liable for rejection. j) All the required documents insisted in the RFP Document should be enclosed in the

Technical Proposal. No documents would be allowed to be supplemented/ exchanged after opening of the Bids. k) The documentary evidence shall establish Bidder's qualifications to the satisfaction of the



SIGNING THE BID a) The Bids shall be typed and shall be signed by the authorized person of the Bidder. b) All pages of the Bid shall be signed and stamped by the authorized person. c) Any alterations, deletions or overwriting will be treated as valid only if they are attested by the full signature by the authorized person.



The Technical Proposal shall be placed in a separate cover (Envelope-A) and sealed appropriately.

The Technical Proposal cover shall be superscribed with “Technical Proposal for Supply and

Commissioning of 100,000 Laptop Computers” – “FROM” address and “TO” address shall be written without fail, otherwise the Technical Proposal will be liable for rejection. The envelope containing Technical Specifications shall be superscribed as “Technical Proposal”. This envelope shall also contain sealed envelope containing the Earnest Money.




DETAILS TO BE FURNISHED a) All the Price items as asked in the RFP Document should be filled in the Financial Proposal format given as Bill of Costs (BoCs) in the RFP Document. The prices quoted shall be both in US$ (for import items only) and equivalent Pak Rupees. However, for the purpose of


Financial bid evaluation, the Total Bid amount in Pak Rupees shall be used. The Bid shall be liable for rejection if Financial Proposal contains conditional offers or partial offers. b) The cost quoted by the Bidder shall include cost and expenses on all counts viz. cost of the equipment, materials, tools/ techniques/ methodologies, manpower, supervision, administration, overheads, costs associated to distribution as the designated sites, travel, lodging, boarding, cost of insurance and outstation expenses, etc. c) The Financial Proposal shall include the total and unit cost of laptops with software and without software (as indicated in the Technical Specifications) indicating the price per unit and total, of hardware and software separately. However, HEC reserves the right to accept the bid with or without the requisite software. The Procuring Agency may arrange requisite software, completely or partially and require the bidders to install the same and include/ adjust the same in the Bid Price at any stage before the award of Contract. d) The Financial Proposal of the Bidder shall also include the Price breakup of freight (both by Air and by Ship)/ taxes/ duties. All costs relating to freight/ taxes/ duties as applicable shall be responsibility of the bidder. If any exemption is obtained by the HEC, the same shall be adjusted accordingly in the final price of Selected Bidder. e) The cost quoted by the Bidder shall be kept firm and unchanged for a period specified in the RFP Document from the date of opening of the Bids. The Bidder shall keep the price firm/ unchanged during the period of Contract including during the period of extension of time, if any. Escalation of cost will not be permitted during the said periods or during any period while providing services whether extended or not for reasons whatsoever. The Bidders should particularly take note of this factor before submitting the



SIGNING THE BIDS a) The Bids shall be typed and shall be signed by the Bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to bind the Bidder legally to the Contract as mentioned above. All pages of the supporting documents shall be signed and stamped by the authorized person. b) Any alterations, deletions or overwriting shall be treated valid only if they are attested by full signature by the authorized person.



The Financial Proposal (Envelope-B) shall be containing sealed quote as required under Clause

8.2.1 placed inside. The Financial Proposal cover shall be sealed and superscribed with “Financial

Proposal for Supply and Commissioning of Laptop Computers” – Bid Ref.: ______ due on: ______,

The “FROM” address and “TO” address shall be written without fail otherwise the Financial

Proposal will be liable for rejection.




The Technical Proposal (Envelope-A) and Financial Proposal (Envelope B) shall then be put in a single outer envelope and sealed. The outer cover shall be superscripted with “Bid for Supply and

Commissioning of 100,000 Laptop Computers” – Bid Ref. ________ : due on ______. The “FROM” address and “TO” address shall be written without fail, otherwise Bid will be liable for rejection.


MODE OF SUBMISSION OF BIDS a) The Bids should be dropped in the duly sealed Bid Box kept at the office premises of the

Project Director, Prime Minister’s (National) Program for Provision of Laptops to Talented

Students; OR at Tender Opening site on the due date and time in the presence of the officer/ official deputed by the HEC and acknowledgement thereof should be obtained otherwise no claim of the submission of the Bid shall be entertained. b) Alternatively, if the Bidder prefers to submit the Bid by post, the Bidder should use courier service or registered post which provides tracking facility, and ensure that the Bid reaches the Project Directorate, PMNLS Project on or before the Due Date and Time. However,

HEC will not be liable or responsible for any postal delay or any other delay or damage/ loss etc. whatsoever. c) The Bids received after Due Date and Time or Unsealed or incomplete or submitted by

Facsimiles (FAX) or email will be summarily rejected.



The Bids once submitted cannot be modified or amended or withdrawn except as provided under

Public Procurement Rules 2004 (rev.).

9 Bid Opening and Selection Procedure



The Bid’s outer cover and Technical Proposal cover will be opened by the HEC on the date and time as specified in the Advertisement or any other date published as corrigendum in newspaper and on HEC as well as PPRA website. The Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders who choose to be present. The representative of the Bidder who chooses to attend the Bid opening shall bring an authorization letter from the Bidder.





Bids submitted shall remain valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of the Bids. If the Bid validity is less than 120 days, the Bid will be rejected as nonresponsive. The Selected Bidder shall extend the Bid validity till the completion of the order. Moreover, the Selected Bidder would be required to submit the Performance

Guarantee with the letter of acceptance before signing Contract.


In exceptional circumstances, HEC may solicit the Bidders to extend the validity. The Bidder shall extend Bid validity and Earnest Money validity accordingly.



Initial Bid scrutiny will be held and the Bids will be treated as non-responsive, if: a) Bid is not submitted as specified in Clause 8 above in the RFP Document and not signed and stamped on all pages of the Bid. b) Bid received without the Letter of Authorization as specified in the RFP Document. c) Bid received without the Letter of Commitment in shape of legal instrument as specified in the RFP Document. d) Bid received without required Earnest Money in shape of Bank Draft in a sealed envelope. e) Bid found with suppression of facts/ details. f) Bid with incomplete information, subjective, conditional offers and partial offers. g) Bid submitted without supporting documents to prove eligibility criteria and evaluation. h) Bid not complying with any of the clauses stipulated in the RFP Document. i) Bid received without the mentioned undertakings. j) Bid with less validity period. k) Bid without Bid Submission Form(s) as required in the RFP Document. l) Bid smacks of corrupt, fraudulent and collusive practices of the Bidder. m) And other mandatory conditions prescribed in this RFP Document.

All responsive Bids will be considered for further evaluation. The decision of the competent authority communicated by the HEC will be final in this regard.



When deemed necessary, the HEC may seek bona fide clarifications on any aspect from the

Bidder. However, that will not entitle the Bidder to change or cause any change in the substance of the Bid or cost/ price quoted. During the course of Technical Proposal evaluation, the HEC may seek additional information or historical documents for verification to facilitate decision making.

In case, the Bidder fails to comply with the requirements of the HEC as stated above, such Bids may at the discretion of the HEC be rejected as technically non-responsive.


10 Evaluation Criteria


Technical Evaluation

Part A) Mandatory








Legal Entity

Tax registration


Specific Requirement

The Bidder and/ or the local partner of the

Consortium/ Partnership (if any) should be in

Operations in Pakistan from last three calendar years.

The Bidder or the local partner of the Consortium/

Partnership should have registration with FBR for Tax purpose.

The Bidder shall be an OEM (Original Equipment

Manufacturer). Alternately, an OEM may authorize its

Liaison Office in Pakistan. However, in case the Bidder is a Consortium or Partnership with a Local Company in order to meet the requirements of this tender,

Prime Bidder shall be an OEM.

Consortium/ Partnership should not exceed two (02) partners of which one partner (i.e. Prime Bidder) can be a foreign company incorporated/ registered internationally for at least three (03) years; whereas the other partner (i.e. Local Company) should be incorporated/ registered in Pakistan for at least three

(03) years. Both partners should be involved in IT business.

The Contract as an outcome of this tender will however be signed with Prime Bidder only; OR a Triparty Contract, i.e. Prime Bidder, Local Company and

HEC may be considered as well.

Both partners of the Consortium/ Partnership shall be liable jointly and severally for the execution of the

Contract in accordance with the contract terms and conditions, and a statement to this effect shall be included in the Undertaking to be submitted. The

Undertaking should clearly authorize the Bidder to act

Documentary proof

Required ( Please mention Reference


Copy of Certificate(s) of incorporation or registration document showing legal status for operations in Pakistan.

Copies of National Tax

Number (NTN) registration Certificates

Proof of registration as an

OEM. Authorization

Certificate from OEM to

Bid on behalf of OEM (In case of liaison office only)

Or Consortium

Agreement (duly notarized) with the Local

Company for the Contract clearly indicating the division of work with respect to the Scope of

Work. The Agreement should be of legal standing in Pakistan and should be clearly stating that the Agreement is applicable to this RFP and shall be binding on them


on their behalf for the entire Bid Process and execution of the contract.


Readiness towards local assembling


















Bidders should have readiness for setting up Assembly

Line in Pakistan for subsequent procurement (if any) under the same scheme.

The quoted brand must have sale of more than

100,000 laptops annually and have international rankings.

Compliance with Environment, Health and Safety


Bidder shall not be eligible to participate in this project if the firm has been blacklisted/ debarred by any Government/ Semi Government organization in

Pakistan in participating in any procurement activities for fraudulent or corrupt practices, or in litigation.

Written Commitment on legal instrument by

OEM’s Head Quarter or

Regional Head Quarter

Relevant documents of sale of laptops, OR a

Third part report, e.g. IDC

Copy of Relevant

Certificates to be provided.

An affidavit to the effect that the firm has not been blacklisted/ debarred/ in litigation with/ by any

Government/ Semi

Government organization

ISO 9001:2008 or higher Certification for manufacturing, management and quality (whichever is applicable)

Conformance with European Standards (CE)

Copy of Relevant


Copy of Relevant


Conformance with International Energy Star standards Copy of Relevant


Conformance with FCC standards Copy of Relevant


Conformance to Restriction of Hazardous Substances Copy of Relevant


Bidders should conform to the required specifications of Laptop as stipulated in Annexure – 1. Moreover, signing of Annexure – 3 which is mandatory for the acceptance of the bid.

Detailed specifications with Brand and model



Annual Turnover should be at least Rs. 200 million or equivalent in US$ from IT/ IT Services of the bidder during each of the last three financial years, i.e. 2010-

2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-13 (as per the last published audited balance sheets) globally.

Audited financial report with Auditor’s

Registration Number and

Seal indicating total turnover from IT/ IT

Services of the bidder in past 3 years.




Centers (SCs)

The bidder should have Direct Service Support Centre as well as Authorized Service Support Centers through

Partners available in Cities as listed in Annexure – 9 of this RFP Document, OR

If the Bidder does not have any Direct Service Support

Centre and Authorized Service Support Centers through Partners available at Cities as listed in

Annexure – 9, Bidder shall submit an undertaking to establish the same as referred in this document within

90 days from the Date of Opening of LC and before signing of Contract.


Local Presence and availability of parts

OEM should have at least one (01) warehouse and authorized distributor presence for last three (03) year in Pakistan

Certificate from the

Company Secretary of the

OEM clearly specifying the List , address , type of



Affidavit to establish the

SCs with the proposed locations



Experience in similar project


Completeness of Bid/


OEM directly or through its partner must have completed at least Two (02) similar Projects globally

(with on-time delivery of minimum 20,000 laptops in a single project)

Bidder has provided all essential information requested in the RFP for proper evaluation.

Certificate from the OEM authorized person clearly specifying the List, address and the items in warehouse, and distributor’s minimum stock maintenance level in percentage

Successful Completion


Completely filed Bid

Submission Forms along with Supporting documents.


No. Attributes



Part B) General Evaluation - Corporate Profile

Wei ght age

Corporate Profile


Company In Operation In



Location of Direct Offices /


10 10


No. of Years of Bid in consideration/

Maximum No. amongst all the Bids * 10

10 10 No. Offices of Bid in consideration/

Maximum no. of offices amongst all the

Bids * 10







Service Centers (SCs)

In operation Direct Service

Support Centre/ Authorized

Services Centre through

Partners in Pakistan


Service Centers (SCs)

In operation Direct Service

Support Centre / Authorized

Services Centre through

Partners covering Cities in



OEM No. of Products (LCDs,

Keyboards, Touch pads, other electronics, etc.) produced through OEM

Established Facility in



OEM No. of Products (LCDs,

Keyboards, Touch pad, other electronics, etc.) made available through

OEM Distributors in



Logistic Network

In-operation Direct

Equipment Logistics offices in Pakistan (with at least two Human Resource,

Storage handling machines, delivery mechanism )


Quoted Product Services

Support Relevant Human

Resource Strength in

Pakistan (Certified



Location of OEM equipment

Own Warehouses/ supplies depot in Pakistan ( with adequate products and parts stock and proper procedure of stock



10 No. SCs of Bid in consideration /

Maximum number amongst all the Bids *


10 10 No. of products produced of Bid in consideration/ Maximum No. of products amongst all the Bids * 10

10 10 No. of products of Bidder in consideration/ Maximum No. of products amongst all the Bidders * 10

10 10 No. of offices of Bid in consideration/

Maximum No. of offices amongst all the

Bids * 10

10 10 Total Number of employees of Bid in consideration/ Maximum total Number of employees value amongst all Bids * 10




No. Cities having SCs of Bid in consideration/ Maximum No. of cities having SCs amongst all the Bids * 10

No. Warehouses or Depot of Bid in consideration/ Maximum no. of

Warehouses or Depots amongst all the

Bids * 10


maintenance and disbursement)


Location of OEM equipment

Warehouses/ supplies depot through local

distributors in Pakistan

(with adequate products and parts stock and proper procedure of stock maintenance and disbursement)


Covered Area (in Sq. feet) of OEM equipment Own

Warehouses/ supplies depot in Pakistan ( with adequate products and parts stock and proper procedure of stock maintenance and disbursement)


Financial Strength (last

Three years)


Firm has completed Similar

Projects Internationally

(Delivery of minimum

10,000 or more laptops in a single project, and successful after sale services through designated



Number of Computers

delivered in Similar

Projects (Delivery of minimum 5000 or more computers in a single project and successful after sale services through designated SCs).





No. of Warehouses or Depots of

Distributors of Bid in consideration/

Maximum No. of Warehouses or Depots of Distributors amongst all the Bids * 10

Facility Covered Area of Bid in consideration/ Maximum of facility

Covered Area amongst all the Bids * 10

10 10 Turnover of Bid in consideration/

Maximum Turnover amongst all the Bids

* 10

10 10 No. of Projects of Bid in consideration/

Maximum No. of Projects amongst all bids * 10

10 10 No. of Computers delivered for Bid in consideration/ Maximum No. of computers amongst all bids * 10



Firm has Similar Projects in

Hand (Delivery of minimum

10,000 or more Computers in a single project and after sale services through designated SCs).


Firm has Projects In hand

(Firms has Maintenance

Contract/ Frame delivery contract with organization with more than 2000 laptops/ desktops in service)


OEM Human Resource

Strength in Pakistan

10 10 No. of Projects in hand for Bid in consideration/ Maximum No. of Projects in hand amongst all bids * 10

10 10 No. of Projects of Bid in consideration/

Maximum No. of Projects amongst all bids * 10

10 10 Total Number of employees of Bid in consideration/ Maximum total Number of employees amongst all Bids * 10


OEM’s Investment already made in Pakistan in establishment of service support/ manufacturing / assembly line (in million



Covered Area (in Sq feet) of

OEM’s established manufacturing/ assembly line plant (with capability of assembling Semi Knock

Down (SKDs) units)


OEM contribution to

National economic growth in terms of Re-export assembled electronics parts from Pakistan during past 5 years (exports in PKR millions)










Total investment (million US$) of Bid in consideration/ consideration/


Facility covered Area of Bid in


Total amount of re-export (million PKR) of Bid in consideration/ Maximum total amount of re-export (million PKR) value amongst all Bids * 10

Facility covered area amongst all Bids * 10 total investment value amongst all Bids * 10


Weight of the Part (B) in

Technical Evaluation is 15% and firm's Score will be calculated using following formula

Firm's Score = Marks Obtained by Firm in Part B/ Total Max.

Marks of Part B * 15


Part C) Product Technical Strength


OEM Financial Strength in

Region (No. of quoted

Brand Laptop Soled during last two years)

10 10 Sales turnout value of Bid in consideration/ Maximum Sales turnout value amongst all Bids * 10


OEM Human Resource

Strength in Region

10 10 Total No. of employees of Bid in consideration/ Maximum total No. of employees amongst all Bids * 10


OEM Product services support Relevant Human

Resource Strength in

Region (Certified



Number of Hardware

Products of OEM (List of products is required)





Total No. of Certified Engineers of Bid in consideration/ Maximum total No. of

Certified Engineer amongst all Bids * 10

No. of products of Bid in consideration/

Maximum No. of products amongst all the Bids * 10

OEM Contribution in Research and Education


Innovation/ research

Centers in collaboration with Academia or in

Government projects


OEM hardware product in portfolio for students





No. of Centers for Bid in consideration/

Maximum No. of Centers amongst of all

Bids * 10

No. of products of Bid in consideration/

Maximum No. products amongst all bids

* 10 (OEM discounted laptop or specialized laptop model announced for students).


OEM software product in portfolio for students

(OEM applications designated for academia

10 10 No. of products of Bid in consideration/

Maximum No. products amongst all bids

* 10


e.g. digitization, lab management etc. ).

OEM R& D spending


OEM R&D annual


Product Features Rating


Quoted Product

Compliance to international standards


Quoted Product extra core features bundled other than required in



Quoted Product extended warranty without any additional cost (in months)

10 10 Last year R&D Spending of Bidder in consideration/ Highest last year spending amongst of all Bidders * 10




10 No. of standards of product of Bid in consideration/

30 No. of months for product warranty of

Bid in consideration/ Maximum No. of months for product warranty amongst all the Bids * 30


20 No. of extra features of product of Bid in consideration/ Maximum No. of features amongst all the Bids * 20

No. standards amongst all the Bids * 10 of


Quoted Product ends of sales/ service years

(in months)

20 20 No. of months left for product end of sales of Bid in consideration/ Maximum

No. of months left for product end of sales amongst all the Bids * 20


Quoted Product bundle security/ application anti-theft


Quoted Product bundle

Cloud Storage without any

Additional Cost



20 If security/ anti-theft application is bundled

20 10 Gb per laptop Cloud Storage through

Local/ Private Cloud storage

10 10 Gb per laptop Cloud Storage through international Public Cloud storage

Subtotal 200

Weight of the Part (C) in

Technical Evaluation is 15% and firm's Score will be calculated using following formula

Firm's Score = Marks Obtained by Firm in Part (C)/ Total Max.

Marks of Part (C) * 15



Part D) Project Execution



Project Execution Plan

HR dedicated for the project

10 10 (Project Execution time (days) of the bid in consideration) ≈ Mean (Project

Execution time (days) of all the bids in consideration)

7 > Min. (Project Execution time (days) of the bids in consideration) OR <Max.

(Project Execution time (days) of the bids in consideration)

3 Min. (Project Execution time (days) of the bids in consideration) OR Max.

(Project Execution time (days) of the bids in consideration)

10 10 (Dedicated Personnel of the bid in consideration) ≈ Mean (Dedicated

Personnel of all the bids in consideration)

7 > Min. (Dedicated Personnel of the bids in consideration) OR < Max. (Dedicated

Personnel of the bids in consideration)

3 Min. (Dedicated Personnel of the bids in consideration) OR Max. (Dedicated

Personnel of the bids in consideration)

10 10 Min. No. of days from all bids)/ no of days for the bid in consideration) * 10


No. of Days required to manufacturing and

Shipping of laptop first lot of 50,000 in Pakistan


No. of Days required to deliver laptop first lot of

50,000 in Pakistan warehouse


No. of Days required to deliver laptop 2 nd lot of

50,000 in Pakistan warehouse


No. of Days OEM can hold equipment in warehouse before distribution

20 20 Min. No. of days from all bids)/ no of days for the bid in consideration) * 20

10 10 Min. No. of days from all bids)/ no of days for the bid in consideration) * 10

10 10 No. of days of Bid in consideration/

Maximum No. of days amongst all the

Bids * 10



No. of Supply depot designated for supply of laptops for project implementation.


Proposed project management/ communication system

10 10 No. of depot of Bid in consideration/

Highest No. of depot amongst all the

Bids * 10

30 30 If the OEM has proposed any

Comprehensive online portal a.

online portal to show the equipment stock b.

Delivery and commissioning status c.

users registration mechanism for delivery of laptops to end users d.

Onward feedback (users /

Project Sponsor/Managers)

15 If the OEM has proposed any online portal a.

users registration mechanism for delivery of laptops to end users b.

Onward feedback (users /

Project Sponsor/Managers)

5 If the OEM has proposed any online portal a.

online portal to show the equipment stock b.

Delivery and commissioning status

10 10 No. of offices of Bid in consideration/

Maximum No. of offices amongst all the

Bids * 10


Proposed Logistic points for Project


Principle Equipment

Logistics offices designated to services / supply in Pakistan ( with at least two Human

Resource, Storage handling machines, delivery mechanism) during project


20 20 If bidders proposes Assembly of laptops from CKD (Complete Knock Down kit ) in


Assembly of laptops from

CKD (Complete Knock

Down kit) in Pakistan

First lot within first year before committed delivery time.


Assembly of laptops from

SKD (Semi Knock Down kit) in Pakistan

15 If bidders proposes Assembly of laptops from CKD (Complete Knock Down kit ) in

2 nd lot within first year before committed delivery time

10 If bidders proposes Assembly of laptops from CKD (Complete Knock Down kit ) in

3 rd lot with in first year before committed delivery time

30 30 If bidders proposes Assembly of laptops from SKD (Semi Knock Down kit ) in First lot with in first year before committed delivery time

20 If bidders proposes Assembly of laptops from SKD (Complete Knock Down kit ) in

2 nd lot with in first year before committed delivery time

10 If bidders proposes Assembly of laptops from SKD (Complete Knock Down kit ) in

3 rd lot with in first year before committed delivery time

10 10 No. of HR of Bid in consideration/

Maximum No. of HR amongst all the Bids

* 10


HR dedicated for proposed Packaging/ distribution/ assembly facility the project


Dedicated Technical HR proposed to deliver technical services through

OEM Services Centers.


Project Execution

(Responsibility area matrix, Standard

Operating Procedures

(SoP), etc)

Sub Total

10 10 No. of HR of Bid in consideration/

Maximum No. of HR amongst all the Bid

* 10

10 10 (Responsibilities (rows) x no. of parties

(Columns) ) + no. of processes in the SoP) of the bid in consideration/ (Highest

Value from all the bids in consideration)

* 10



Weight of the Part (E) in

Technical Evaluation is 10% and firm's Score will be calculated using following Firm's Score =

Marks Obtained by Firm in Part

(E)/ Total Max. Marks of Part (E)

* 10


Part E) Onward Operation and Maintenance

Warranty Comprehensiveness Services


Dedicated Resources deputed to run O&M

10 10 Min. No. of resources among all bids/

No. of resources of bid in consideration *



Direct Service Centers


20 20 No. SCs proposed in Bid in consideration/

Maximum No. of SCs proposed amongst all the Bids * 20

Proposed Direct Service

Support Centre in designated cities as in

Annexure – 9.



Centers (SCs)

Service 20 20 No. SCs proposed in Bid in consideration/

Maximum No. of SCs proposed amongst all the Bidders * 20

Proposed Service

Authorized Services

Partners in designated cities as per Annexure – 9.


Items Warranty claim/ replacement time for end users through SCs


Availability of stock OEM‘s warehouse for onsite replacement of faulty equipment (Main

Components, e.g. Boards,

Chassis, LCDs, other electronics etc.).

Percentage of total proposed Quantity


Availability of stock OEM’s warehouse for onsite replacement of faulty







Minimum time for all fault severity levels from all bids/ Time for all fault severity levels of the bid in consideration * 20

Percentage proposed of Bid in consideration/ Maximum Percentage proposed amongst all the Bidders * 20

Percentage proposed of Bid in consideration/ Maximum Percentage proposed amongst all the Bidders * 20


equipment (minor

Components e.g.

Batteries, Adaptors,

RAMs, Sound Cards, other electronics etc.)

Percentage of total proposed Quantity


Availability of stock OEM’s warehouse for onsite replacement of additional items/ equipment beyond warranty requirements

(minor components e.g.

Batteries, Adaptors,

RAMs, Sound Cards, Other electronics etc.)

Percentage of total proposed Quantity


Proposed Services management/ communication system

10 10 Percentage proposed of Bid in consideration/ Maximum Percentage proposed amongst all the Bidders * 10


Proposed Logistic points

In operation Direct

Equipment Logistics offices designated to services/ supply in

Pakistan ( with at least two Human Resource ,

Storage handling machines, delivery mechanism )


HR dedicated for the O&M

( Engineers)


Proposed Resolution Time for this project

30 30 If the OEM has proposed any

Comprehensive online portal a.

Users registration mechanism for trouble ticket system of laptops to end users b.

Onward feedback (users/

Project Sponsor/ Managers reports)

10 10 No. of offices of Bid in consideration/

Maximum No. of offices amongst all the

Bids * 10

10 10 No. of HR of Bid in consideration/

Maximum No. of HR amongst of all Bids

* 10

20 20 Min. time for all fault severity levels from all bids in consideration/ Time for all



Operations Plan

(Responsibility area matrix, Standard

Operating Procedures

(SoP), etc)

Sub Total

Weight of the Part (D) in

Technical Evaluation is 10% and firm's Score will be calculated using following formula

Firm's Score = Marks Obtained by Firm in Part (D)/ Total Max.

Marks of Part (D) * 10 fault severity levels of the bid in consideration * 20

10 10 [Responsibilities (Rows) x No. of Parties

(Columns) + No. of processes in the SoP of the bid in consideration]/ Highest

Value from all the bids in consideration *




Part F) Presentation/POC


Distinguished Features of product / Product Demo


Bidder’s offered Value

Added Features for project

(Project fast tracking, enhancement in end users experiences, Academia

Infrastructure strengthening etc.)


Project Roll out

Methodology and Phasing


Product after sale support/ service support, end user management etc.


Any value addition specific to this project in terms of investment, long-term sustainability,

Re-export opportunities,

Local Assembly Plant etc.






To be assigned by Technical Committee

To be assigned by Technical Committee

To be assigned by Technical Committee

To be assigned by Technical Committee

To be assigned by Technical Committee


Roll out plan and success


Weight of the Part (F) 20% and firm's Score will be calculated using following Firm's Score =

Marks Obtained by Firm in Part

(F)/ Total Max. Marks of Part (F) *




Firm's Total Score = Part (B:F) 70

No Score will be marked for the information without documentary proof.

In case of Confidentiality of any documentary proof score will be considered subject to the availability of relevant Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) in the BID

T (Technical Score of the bidder) = As awarded per technical evaluation criteria above

Note: Bidders are required to secure at least 70% score (i.e. 49 points) in total in order to be declared as technically qualified and so considered further for evaluation.


Financial Evaluation

Financial bids shall be evaluated of only Technically Qualified bidders. While doing financial evaluation, total bid value shall be considered provided the financial bid includes all the costs involved in the project as per the requirements set forth in this document, and strictly following the format given in BoC.

Following shall be the financial evaluation criteria;

F (Financial Score of the bidder) = Min. of all the Bids/ Financial bid in consideration x 30


Combined Evaluation for declaring Lowest Evaluated Bid

For the purpose of award of tender, the Quality-and-Cost-based-Criteria (QCBS) of the PPRA 36 (b) shall prevail, and Lowest Evaluated Bidder shall be declared using following formula and the bidder securing highest score in total;

Lowest Evaluated Bid = T (Technical Score of the bidder) + F (Financial Score of the bidder)


11 Sufficiency of Bids




During the Bid evaluation, if any suppression or misrepresentation of information is brought to the notice of the HEC, the HEC shall have the right to reject the Bid and if it happens so after selection of the Bidder, the HEC may terminate the Contract or award of the Contract or further processing of the Bid as the case may be and that will be without any compensation to the Bidder and the Earnest Money, as the case may be, shall be forfeited.


Bidders should note that any facts or figures in the supporting documents submitted by the Bidders for proving their eligibility if found suppressed or erased, the HEC shall have the right to seek the correct facts and figures or reject such Bids.


It is up to the Bidders to submit the full, complete and attested copies of the supporting documents to meet out the criteria/ requirements in the RFP Document. Otherwise, the

HEC at its discretion may or may not consider such documents.


It is the Bidder’s responsibility to prove the Bidder’s requisite qualification, experience and capacity to undertake the project to the entire satisfaction of the HEC failing which the Bid may be rejected.


Bidders must indemnify HEC against all third party claims of infringement of patent trade mark, industrial design rights arising from use of the goods of any part thereof in Pakistan




The Bidders who have duly complied with the Evaluation Criteria will be eligible for further processing.


The Bids which do not conform to the Technical Specifications or Bid conditions or the Bids from the Bidders without adequate capabilities for supply and maintenance/ warranty services will be rejected. The Technically Qualified Bidders alone will be considered for further evaluation.


FINANCIAL PROPOSAL EVALUATION a) Bidders who are qualified in Technical Proposal(s) only will be called for opening of the

Financial Proposal(s). The Financial Proposals will be opened in the presence of the

Bidders who chose to be present at the time and venue indicated by the HEC subsequently. The Bidders or their authorized representatives will be allowed to take part in the Financial Proposal(s) opening. b) The Financial Proposal evaluation will be conducted under the PPRA 36 (b), i.e. QCBS. The

Price evaluation will include all duties, taxes and expenses, etc. In case of any exemption


of duties and taxes made by the Government in favor of the HEC, the Selected Bidder shall be bound to adjust the same in the Financial Proposal. a.

In cases of discrepancy between the cost/ price quoted in Words and in

Figures, the lower of the two will be considered. b.

If there is a discrepancy between unit price and total price in the submitted bid which is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and total price shall be corrected. If there is a discrepancy between the words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail. If there is a mistake in addition/ totaling, that shall be corrected. If the bidder does not accept the corrected amount of bid, his bid shall be rejected and his Earnest Money forfeited. c.

In evaluation of the price of an imported item, the price will be determined and considered inclusive of the customs and other import duties, etc. d.

In evaluation of the price of articles/ goods which are subject to excise duty, sales tax, income tax or any other tax or duty levied by the Government, the price will be determined and considered inclusive of such duties and taxes. c) HEC will not be responsible for any erroneous calculation of tax rates or any subsequent changes in rates or structure of applicable taxes. All differences arising out as above shall be fully borne by the Selected Bidder.


AWARD OF CONTRACT a) Subsequent to approval of the Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal and finalization of the Bid Process by combining the two score together as referred in clause

10.3, the Contract may be awarded to the highest scorer (i.e. Lowest Evaluated Bidder) in accordance with the Public Procurement Rules, 2004 (rev.). b) No dispute can be raised by any Bidder whose Bid has been rejected and no claims will be entertained or paid on this account.


HEC, RESERVES THE RIGHT TO a) Insist on quality/ specification of materials to be supplied. b) Modify, reduce or increase the quantity up to 15% as permissible under PPRA Rules and as specified in the bid document. c) Change the list of areas of supply locations from time to time based upon the requirement of the HEC. d) The supply and commissioning of laptops be made by the Selected Bidder as per delivery schedule mutually agreed upon within the specified delivery time of 30 to 90 days which shall start from the date of opening of 1 st LC. A minimum of 50,000 laptop computers must be delivered within 30 days of the opening of 1 st LC subsequent to signing of the


contract by the Selected Bidder, to the educational institutions indicated by the HEC. The rest of the 50,000 laptops must be delivered within the next 60 days i.e. within 90 days of the opening of 1 st LC subsequent to signing of the contract as per delivery schedule agreed between parties. In case of difference of opinion, HEC shall have the right to ask for an appropriate delivery schedule with reasonable time intervals. e) If delivery of the goods/ services is not as per delivery schedule, then the HEC reserves its right to procure the left over quantity at the risk and cost of the bidder and in that case no compensation shall lie against it. f) In pursuance of the terms and conditions of contract agreement, the HEC reserves its right to withhold any amount for the deficiencies in the delivery and service of Laptop computers distributed to the end users/ beneficiaries.




The final acceptance of the Bid is entirely vested with the HEC which reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the Bids in full or in part. HEC may also reject the Bids for reasons such as changes in the scope of procurement, new technologies, court orders, accidents or calamities and other unforeseen circumstances. After acceptance of the Bids by the HEC, the Bidders shall have no right to withdraw their Bids or claim higher price.



After acceptance of the Bids by the HEC, a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) will be issued only to the

Selected Bidder.


PAYMENT OF PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE (PG) a) The Successful Bidder will be required to remit the Performance Guarantee (PG) equal to 10% (Ten percent) of the value of the contract price. The PG should be paid by way of Bank Draft or Bank Guarantee drawn in favor of “D.G. Finance, Higher Education

Commission” payable at Islamabad as unconditional and irrevocable Guarantee, valid until satisfactory completion of the entire supply of goods as per contract. The PG should be submitted within one week from the date of issue of Letter of Acceptance and before signing the contract, to the HEC. b) The Performance Guarantee will be refunded to the Selected Bidder only after successful completion of the project, i.e. successful delivery of Laptops at the designated sites. The

Performance Guarantee held by the HEC till it is refunded to the Selected Bidder will be


dealt as per laws applicable in Pakistan and no such claim by the Selected Bidder shall lie against the HEC. c) The Performance Guarantee will be forfeited if the Selected Bidder withdraws the Bid during the period of Bid validity specified in the RFP Document or if the Bidder fails to sign the contract. d) The Performance Guarantee may be utilized as per discretion of the HEC under the relevant clauses of this document.


EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT a) The Selected Bidder shall execute a Contract on a stamp paper of an appropriate amount bought in favor of the HEC only in the name of the Bidder, within one week from the date of Letter of Acceptance issued by the HEC. b) The Successful Bidder shall not assign or make over the contract, the benefit or burden thereof to any other person or persons or body corporate for the execution of the contract or any part thereof without the prior written consent of the HEC.



The Selected Bidder should set up local office(s) if not existing, in Islamabad within 30 days from the date of issue of Letter of Acceptance by the HEC as otherwise the Performance Guarantee remitted by the Selected Bidder will be forfeited.



The Earnest Money (EM) of the Selected Bidder may be adjusted towards Performance

Guarantee payable by the firm. If the Selected Bidder submits Performance Guarantee for the stipulated value in full by way of Bank Draft and/ or Bank Guarantee, the EM will be refunded.

The EM of the unSelected Bidder will be refunded after signing of the Contract with the Selected

Bidder. The Earnest Money of the Selected Bidder shall be released upon request provided the bidder submits Ten Percent (10%) Performance Guarantee in the shape of Bank Draft and/ or

Bank Guarantee.


DELIVERY SCHEDULE a) The Supply and Commissioning of all the ordered items/ goods shall commence immediately from the date of opening of 1 st LC by the Higher Education Commission,

Government of Pakistan and the entire supply shall be completed within 50 calendar days. b) First 50,000 laptop computers shall be supplied by the bidder within 30 calendar days of opening of 1 st LC and remaining approximately 50,000 shall be supplied within 90 calendar days of opening of 1 st LC, as per agreed upon delivery schedule. In case of difference of


opinion, the HEC shall have right to ask for delivery schedule with reasonable time intervals. c) HEC may ask for the complete delivery from the country of origin to Islamabad by air and the bid price shall be inclusive of all relevant charges. d) The Selected Bidder shall augment the manufacturing and supply mechanism of the

Laptop Computers accordingly as Time Factor is an important part of this initiative. e) The Laptop Computers shall be delivered at the designated institutions in all the public higher education institutes across Pakistan and AJK, as identified by HEC. f) Separate guidelines for the delivery, commissioning, inspection and acceptance may be issued by the HEC.



The Performance Guarantee will be refunded to the Selected Bidder on completion of satisfactory delivery and subject to the satisfaction of the HEC that all the terms and conditions have been satisfactorily adhered to by the Selected Bidder. Satisfaction can be defined and considered as satisfaction as per the scope of work laid down in RFP.




TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT a) The HEC may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of contract, by written notice of default with a notice period of 7 days, sent to the Selected Bidder, terminate the contract in whole or part, (i) if the Selected Bidder fails to deliver any or all of the goods within the time period(s) specified in the Contract, or fails to supply the items as per the Delivery Schedule or within any extension thereof granted by the HEC; or (ii) if the firm fails to deliver the goods and services as per its technical specifications offered in the bid; or (iii) if the Selected Bidder fails to perform any of the obligation(s) under the contract; or (iv) if the Selected Bidder, in the judgment of the HEC, has engaged in fraudulent and corrupt practices in competing for or in executing the Contract. b) In the event, the HEC terminates the Contract in whole or in part, the HEC may procure, upon terms and in such manner as it deems appropriate, the goods and services similar to those delivered and the Selected Bidder shall be liable to the Government of Pakistan for any additional costs for such similar goods. However, the Selected Bidder shall continue the performance of the contract to the extent not terminated.



The HEC may at any time terminate the Contract by giving written notice with a notice period of

7 days to the Successful Bidder, if the Successful Bidder becomes bankrupt or otherwise


insolvent. In this event, termination will be without compensation to the Successful

Bidder, provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy that has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the HEC.



The HEC may by written notice of seven days period sent to the Selected Bidder, terminate the

Contract, in whole or in part, at any time for its convenience. The notice of termination shall specify that termination is for the HEC’s convenience, the extent to which performance of work under the Contract is terminated, and the date upon which such termination becomes effective.

On termination, the Selected Bidder is not entitled to any compensation whatsoever.





FOR THE LAPTOP COMPUTERS MANUFACTURED OUT OF PAKISTAN a) Selected Bidder (if local OEM) shall arrange pre-shipment inspection of Laptop

Computers as per finally approved specifications at its own expenses from an internationally reputed third party firm, as per satisfaction of the HEC. However, for international OEMs, Inspection shall be performed by HEC designated team as per defined criteria. b) 100% quantitative inspection shall be undertaken during pre-shipment inspection, while, the qualitative inspection shall be to the extent of at least 2% of supplied goods. c) The goods shall not be dispatched to the HEC, until valid satisfactory inspection certificate is issued by the inspecting firm for the respective batch. d) Laptop Computers and Accessories to be supplied must give same performance results or better results with respect to technical evaluation results and approved specifications.





Each package would contain the month and year of manufacture, manufacturer's serial number and barcode printing of manufacturing details as per international industry standards. HEC may require the Selected Bidder to ensure that the laptop computers are delivered with pre-install genuine/ licensed software(s). HEC may require the Selected Bidder to deliver a set of CDs with each laptop at the time of delivery in the designated institutions. A packing list should be prepared for each item which inter alia include. i.

Laptop model number, batch number and serial number ii.

List of accessories



Do’s and Don’ts instruction leaflet in English and if feasible in Urdu. iv.

Warranty Card, its manual and Direct Service Center/ Authorized Service Center details. v.

List of CDs or any additional item


DELIVERY OF THE LAPTOP COMPUTERS a) Delivery of the Laptop Computers and Accessories shall be made by the Selected Bidder to the individual institutions – public sector universities across Pakistan and AJK as per the consignee addresses to be provided to the Selected Bidder by the HEC. b) The items shall be delivered at the distribution centers in the designated institution on free consignee’s end basis and items shall be handed over to the authorized persons/ acceptance teams concerned at the locations. The list of locations and respective quantity will be provided to the Selected Bidder by the HEC. c) Insuring the goods in transit is the responsibility of the Selected Bidder. d) The Selected Bidder shall send status report on delivery and acceptance in the format to be prescribed in such intervals as may be required by the HEC from time to time till the completion of the entire order. e) The Selected Bidder shall undertake to supply spares free of cost for the maintenance of the offered items for a period of one year or the extended warranty as offered by the firm. At least 1% inventory of critical spares of the delivered goods shall be maintained at

Direct Service Centers at each of the five locations, i.e. Islamabad and four provincial capitals, till the completion of the warranty period. The Selected Bidder should keep the spares available for sale at least for a period of two years after the completion of the warranty or extended warranty period, if applicable. f) A number of Direct Service Centers/ Authorized Service Centers, as required by HEC and/ or offered by the Selected Bidder in its bid in each geographical region of Pakistan be maintained by the Selected Bidder under intimation to the HEC. A leaflet containing the details of the Service Centers responsible to attend the warranty services at each geographical area, name and designation of the contact persons and/ or Center in-charge, higher level in-charge who is responsible to oversee the Service Centers, person to whom complaints can be made in case the service provided by any Center is not satisfactory, phone, fax, mobile numbers and email address must be provided along with each laptop delivered. This would enable the beneficiaries to directly approach the service centers in the event of repairs. g) In case the Successful Bidder fails to carry out the warranty obligations, the HEC would engage any other operator and carry out the service/ replacement and deduct the


amounts from the amount retained by the HEC as per the payment terms or from their pending bills or any money due or payable.



The delivery of goods to the destination is the responsibility of the Selected Bidder only. The goods supplied under the contract should be covered with comprehensive insurance by the

Selected Bidder till delivery and acceptance by the authorized person/ persons.


ACCEPTANCE a) The Head of the institutions or their authorized persons/ teams will make suitable arrangement for verifying the Laptop Computers supplied and accepting the same.

Suitable guidelines may be issued in this regard. b) The acceptance team will issue the acceptance certificate in the prescribed format and based on that respective payment will be released.


BILLING a) Subject to fulfillment of other terms and conditions of RFP Document and LC and on receipt of the Clearance and Possession Certificate from the authorized representative(s) of the HEC, the Selected Bidder shall raise the payment invoice for the

Laptop Computers supplied to the HEC. The timeline to issue such certificate depends on the complete documentation, after which it should not be taking five (05) working days to issue such certificate. b) The invoice along with the other relevant documents as per terms and conditions of

Contract/ LC shall be presented to the LC opening bank in the prescribed format. c) The invoice shall be raised for payment of a minimum of 10,000 laptop computers supplied to the HEC.



The selected bidder shall also setup Service Centers as to provide Warrant and Support services during the warranty period. Selected bidder will ensure that the Warranty claims by the students are addressed within the country instead of international warranty claims. Moreover, there will be requirement of setting up at least One (01) Direct Service Center in the Islamabad and provincial capitals of Pakistan. However, selected bidder will be required to ensure that at least one (01) Authorized Service Center is available in the host cities of HEIs as listed in Annexure – 9.

Selected bidder may be asked to setup either Direct or Authorized Service Centers within the

HEIs where the number of laptop beneficiaries are more than 1,000 students in order to provide immediate support and services.



SUPPORT SERVICES a) The Selected Bidder should provide comprehensive maintenance of the Laptop

Computers. b) The service personnel of the Selected Bidder should schedule occasional visits to the designated institutions for attending the complaints or service calls. Higher Education

Commission may monitor such visits. c) The maintenance shall include replacement/ repair of all parts. If the Laptop Computer is non-functional, the same should be repaired or restored within seven (07) days at the most. Selected bidder will ensure that the Warranty claims by the students are addressed within the country instead of international warranty claims. If the Selected Bidder, having been notified by the HEC, concerned institution or the end user (student), fails to rectify the defect(s) and restore the items in good working condition within the period specified above, a penalty of 1% of the cost of the laptop computer per day over and above the period specified in this clause shall be levied. This may be deducted from the bills due/

Performance Guarantee/ Retained money. d) HEC reserves the right to terminate the warranty maintenance contract in the event of unsatisfactory maintenance and claim damages and costs for non-fulfillment of contract.


a) The Laptop computers supplied shall be under warranty for a period of 12 months or the extended time as offered by the firm in its bid from the date of delivery of the laptop to the end users including the Batteries used in the Laptop computers. The warranty period should start from the date of delivery of equipment to ultimate consignee at the designated site. b) The free warranty at the designated Service Centers covers breakages, malfunctions and breakdowns due to manufacturing defects, but does not include physical damages by the

End User. c) Irrespective of the warranty obligations, the Selected Bidder is liable for replacing a faulty

Laptop computer due to any manufacturing defect within 07 days during the first 60 days from the date of delivery of laptop computer to the End User. Replacement of spare parts during warranty period arises only after the above stated 60 days period is over. d) The warranty will cover all the materials and goods supplied by the Selected Bidder under this contract irrespective of the fact whether these have been manufactured by the

Selected Bidder or not.



The Laptop Computers supplied under this scheme are meant to be distributed to the students of educational institutes of the Government of Pakistan on free of cost basis, for educational purposes. In order to prevent the misuse of the Laptop Computers such as unauthorized sale by the beneficiaries or diversion to the open market, the following incorporations may be made in the laptop computers: a) Screen printing of Government of Pakistan’s Logo or indicated script or both at suitable place of the laptop computer, backpack, packing, etc. (instructions will be issued by the

HEC to the Selected Bidder) b) Government of Pakistan’s logo or any other logo as provided by HEC is to be programmed within the laptop computer BIOS as to appear at boot up time, and also within the

Operating System. c) Screen printing on the top of the Laptop computer (layout) will be given by

HEC to the Selected Bidder. d) Embroidery on the front side of the backpack of the laptop computer (layout will be given by the HEC to the Selected Bidder). e) If it is found that the Selected Bidder misuses the customized features of Pakistan

Government for any purpose other than for the supply of Laptop computers to the HEC, the Procuring Agency and/ or the Government would have the right to proceed against the Selected Bidder. The Selected Bidder will be liable to pay agreed sum of Rs. 1 million

(Rupees One million only) as penalty every time such violation is noticed. This penalty would be in addition to the other liability arising out of any other legal provisions. The

Government of Pakistan would also have the right to blacklist such Selected Bidder for any such offence.


Design approval for the logo or the customized features and layout approval must be obtained by the Selected Bidder from the HEC before production. These features are meant for the specific supply to the Higher Education Commission, Government of Pakistan and the Selected Bidder is not permitted to use any of these for normal sale operations.


1) Upto five Local irrevocable Letters of Credit for 90 days, with the permission of partial shipment will be established in favor of the Selected Bidder. These LCs shall be in batches of minimum for 20,000 laptops. The terms and conditions of the LCs shall be mutually


agreed between the Selected Bidder and the HEC. In case of difference of opinion the decision of HEC shall prevail.

2) In pursuance of the LC terms, 70% payment of the delivered goods will be due on receipt of the Clearance and Possession/ Taking-over Certificate from the authorized representative(s) of the Purchaser, the Successful Bidder shall raise the payment invoice for the Laptop Computers supplied to the Purchaser. Custom clearance shall be the responsibility of the Selected Bidder.

3) 30% payment of the delivered goods shall be due after successful delivery of the goods to the respective Delivery Sites and the certificate has been received from the concerned authorities.

4) However, 10% deduction shall be made from each invoice as (Retained Money), for any deductions as applicable under the contract, and will be released subject to successful fulfillment of warranty and service related obligations and claim for it would lie after completion of (extended) warranty period. Selected Bidder may extend Performance

Bank Guarantee or provide fresh Bank Guarantee equal to 10% in lieu of Retention


5) The Selected Bidder shall have full and exclusive liability for payment of all Duties, Taxes and other statutory payments payable under any or all of the Statutes/ Laws/ Acts, etc. now or hereafter imposed in Pakistan.



An amount equal to 10% as specified above, shall be deducted and retained from the payments as Retained Money. Alternately, Selected Bidder may extend Performance Bank Guarantee or provide fresh Bank Guarantee equal to 10% as to meet the Retention Money requirement. All amounts so retained shall be kept by the HEC until the issuance of Warranty Completion

Certificate by the Higher Education Commission as part of security for Selected Bidder’s due diligent, honest and timely performance of the Contract.

The HEC will have unconditional and unequivocal authority to utilize the Retained Money or claim the Bank Guarantee and any part thereof to compensate for any loss or damage or over payment, if any, that the HEC may suffer due to the Selected Bidder’s default during the warranty period.

The Retained Money, after deductions, if any, will be refunded by the HEC to the Selected Bidder, on an application, after Satisfactory Completion of the Warranty Period and on issuance of

Warranty Completion Certificate.



a) This is a time bound project. Any delay may affect the project deliverables. Hence if the

Selected Bidder fails to deliver the materials as per schedule specified, the following liquidated damages (LD) will be applied. b) In the event of non-fulfillment of the delivery schedule, Liquidated Damages at the rate of 2% on the quoted/ approved value of the undelivered quantity of the order will be levied per month and LD will be counted on daily basis (i.e. 2%/30 days = 0.067% per day).

The amount of the Liquidated Damages will be automatically deducted from the Bills submitted by the Selected Bidder. If the delivery is not completed after the lapse of consecutive three months from the signing of the contract, the Procuring Agency may make alternative arrangement and the cost incurred by the Procuring Agency for doing the same will be deducted from the Selected Bidder.

18 Meet or Exceed Specifications

The specifications provided in this RFP are the minimum requirements of HEC. The Bidders must meet or may exceed these specifications to meet the actual requirements of this

Project and its successful practical implementation. But in such a case additionally proposed or altered specifications must clearly be highlighted to enable HEC to clearly identify modified specifications.

19 Clarifications

Queries regarding this RFP shall be submitted in writing to:

Mr. Naveed Tahir

Regional Manager (PERN)

Higher Education Commission

H-9, Islamabad

Phone: +92 (51) 90402227

Fax: +92 (51) 90402202

E-mail: ntahir@hec.gov.pk

Ch. Abdulla Fayyaz Chattha

Director Op. (PERN)

Higher Education Commission

H-9, Islamabad

Phone: +92 (51) 90402213

Fax: +92 (51) 90402202

E-mail: achattha@hec.gov.pk


Mr. Anwar Amjad

Director General (IT)

Higher Education Commission

H – 9, Islamabad.

Phone: +92 (51) 90402200-01

Fax: +92 (51) 90402202

E-mail: aamjad@hec.gov.pk


20 Annexures

Annexure - 1: Minimum Technical Specifications

Specifications – Laptop (Hardware)



Sr. # Item



Mobile Processor


Intel® Core™ i3- 4thGeneration processor (1.6 GHz) or higher

(i.e. Core™ i5 or Core™ i7 4th Generation)

Chipset/ Motherboard Intel Chipset HM86 or higher



Hard Disk Drive

Super Drive

4 GB of DDR-III or higher (expandable to 8 GB or higher)

Min 500 GB SATA Hard Drive with 5400 RPM or Higher

DVD+/-RW compatible with Microsoft Windows 7/8 and Linux




Display Graphics Card


Integrated graphics on motherboard

Built-in Speakers and Microphone

Network Adapter Minimum on-Board 10/100 Ethernet (Microsoft Windows 7/8 and Linux Supportive)

LCD/ LED/ Touch Display 14" to 15.4” Widescreen High Definition Display 9

10 Integrated I/O Interfaces 2 USB 2.0 Port. 1 RJ45 Jack for Ethernet, VGA/ HDMI Port along with external HDMI/ VGA Adapter and other standard features

11 Wireless LAN

12 Web Cam

Wireless 802.11b/g/n compatible with Microsoft Windows 7/

8 and Linux Supportive

Built-in High Definition Web Cam with integrated microphone

13 Batteries & Power Supply Li-ion Re-chargeable minimum 4 Cell Battery pack and Power

Supply as per manufacturer standard

14 Mouse & Key Board 84/ 85 keys pad and integrated Touch Pad


Sr. # Item

Specifications – Laptop (Software, Accessories & Warranty)



1 Operating System

2 Productivity Applications Microsoft Office 2013


3 Standard accessories

Windows 8 starter or higher (pre-installed and personalized for this scheme)



Customized Features

Carrying bag (Detailed specification given below)

Power cable with two/ three pin socket and plug, Interface cable, Power adopter, charger and standard instructions

Customized Project Logo on laptop LID

Polyester fabric Soft backpack carrying bag; Government, image and Scheme name shall be embroidered on the front pocket as per the designed Logo

Warranty/ Certifications

Minimum 1 year comprehensive warranty including battery 10 Warranty (Certificate from the manufacturer)

11 Certifications RoHS and any other certificates

Tentative Specification for Laptop Computer Backpack (Targus brand)


Suitability To accommodate minimum 14”size laptop computer

2. Size

3. Material

43 cm (h) x 33 cm (w) x 23 cm (d) approximately

Polyester fabric, nylon bonded thread, branded zippers and sliders

4. Compartments Compartment bag (Laptop, Text book, Power adapter, utility pocket) with padded sleeve, Utility pocket in the front and side pockets

5. Padding

6. Weight

Padded handle, Padding on the back for comfort and air flow curved and padded contoured shoulder straps

0.80 kg approximately

7. Logo and image Government Logo, Image and Scheme name etc. shall be embroidered on the front pocket as per the design which will be given by the HEC

Note 1:


One (01) sample laptop must be provided by all bidders as part of Technical proposal.


Two (02) sample laptops along with external logo and back pack must be submitted by the Selected Bidder to the HEC, before commencing bulk production.

Note 2:

HEC may require from the successful bidder to provide the laptops with pre- installed

open source software as per its requirement.


Annexure - 2: Prime Bidder’s Undertaking Covering Letter

(Letter should be submitted by Bidder(s) on Company’s Letter Head)



The Project Director

PM’s (National) Program for Provision of Laptops to Talented Students

Higher Education Commission Islamabad.

Subject: Tender for Supply and Commissioning of 100,000 Laptop Computers under the scheme

“Prime Minister’s (National) Program for Provision of Laptops to Talented Students”

Dear Sir,

Ref: Advertisement in Daily….. Dated……


We, [names of Prime Bidder and Consortium Partner(s), if any], have examined the RFP

Document for Supply and Commissioning of the 100,000 Laptop Computers. We undertake to meet the requirements regarding supply and commissioning of Laptop Computers, and warranty and services as required and as prescribed in RFP Document.


We attach our Technical and Financial Proposals in separate sealed envelopes as required by the RFP Document, both of which together constitute our Proposal, in full conformity with the said RFP Document.


We have read the provisions of RFP Document and confirm that these are acceptable to us.


We further declare that additional conditions, variations, deviations, if any, found in our response shall not be given effect to.


We undertake, if our Bid is accepted, to adhere to the scope of work as specified in the RFP

Document including CSR or such modified plan as may subsequently be described and intimated.


We agree to unconditionally accept all the terms and conditions set out in the RFP

Document and also agree to abide by this Bid response for a period as mentioned in the

RFP Document from the date fixed for Bid opening and it shall remain binding upon us with full force and virtue, until within this period a formal contract is prepared and executed, this Bid response, together with your written acceptance thereof in your notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us and the HEC.


We affirm that the information contained in the Technical Proposal(s) or any part thereof, including its exhibits, schedules, and other documents, undertakings and instruments delivered or to be delivered to the HEC is true, accurate, and complete.



We agree that the HEC is not bound to accept the lowest or any of the Bid received.


We also agree that the HEC reserves the right in absolute sense to reject all or any of the products/ services specified in the Bid Response without assigning any reason whatsoever.


We also agree that the decision of evaluating committee shall be final and cannot be challenged on any ground at any forum, and the evaluating committee will not be liable for any loss or damage to any party acting in reliance thereon.


This proposal includes all information necessary to ensure that the statements therein do not in whole or in part mislead the HEC as to any material fact.


We also declare that our Company/ Organization is not blacklisted by any of the Federal or

Provincial Government and organizations of the Federal or Provincial Government in

Pakistan in the past three years as on 25th March, 2014.


It is hereby confirmed that I/ We are entitled to act on behalf of our company/ organization and empowered to sign these RFP Document as well as such other documents, which may be required in this connection.

Signature of authorized person:

Name of authorized person:


Name and Address of bidder:

Stamp of Prime Bidder:






















Annexure - 3: Technical Compliance certificates/Compliance Undertaking

(To be filled by the bidder as part of technical proposal)

I, (Name); (CNIC#); (Designation), (Company Name) have gone through the Terms/ Conditions of this RFP and have found the document in whole as non-biased to any particular vendor or product/ brand. I hereby undertake and firmly bound myself to abide by/ comply all sections of this RFP except for those items noted below.


Signature of authorized person:

Name of authorized person:


Name and Address of bidder:

Stamp of Prime Bidder:


Annexure - 4: Certificate as to Authorized Signatory(ies)

I/ we certify that I/ we are ________________________ of the ___________________________, and that ____________________ [who signed the above RFP Document and the Bid] has/ have been duly authorized to sign the same on behalf of our Company/ Firm/ Organization Or

Consortium (if any).

(Note: Please get it signed by all the members of the Board of Directors/ Owners/ Partners)

Date: Signature: Seal:


Annexure - 5: Letter from Original Design Manufacturer’s



The Project Director

PM’s (National) Program for Provision of Laptops to Talented Students

Higher Education Commission Islamabad.

Subject: Tender for Supply and Commissioning of 100,000 Laptop Computers under the scheme

“Prime Minister’s (National) Program for Provision of Laptops to Talented Students”

Dear Sir,

We hereby certify that ____________________ [type the Name and Address of the OEM/ Bidder] intends to submit the Bid and sign contract with the Higher Education Commission against the

Bid Ref. _______________: Advertisement ____________________ [name], dated __________ for the Supply and Commissioning of 100,000 Laptop Computers manufactured by us as Original

Design Manufacturer.

We also certify that ________________ [name of OEM] and ____________ [name of ODM] are enjoying good business relationship for past more than three (03) years. We hereby confirm that the Laptop Computers are manufactured on our plants, and the Standard Warranty and the

Extended Warranty as offered by _____________ [name of OEM] shall be ensured.

(Signature and Stamp for and on behalf of Original Design Manufacturer)


Annexure - 6: Bid Submission Forms








All pages of the Technical Proposal should be organized section-wise, annexed with supporting documents, serially numbered and stitched intact and submitted. Additional columns and rows/ fields can be added, if required. The certificates/ undertakings/ documentary evidence wherever required from the Bidder must be provided, otherwise no explanation shall be accepted.

Part – A) Man d at o r y Re q u i r e m en t s

Name of the Company: ___________________________________________________________

Sr. # Particulars


Year of incorporation


FBR National Tax Number




OEM Registration Number

Written Commitment Letter Number

Number of Laptops sold last year

Bidder’s Information





Certificate number of Environment, Health and Safety conformance

Affidavit number of not being blacklisted

Certificate Type and Number for quality conformance

Certificate number of European Standards

Certificate number of International Energy Star Standards conformance

Certificate number of FCC Standard

Certificate number of use of non-hazardous substances


Quoted model with 1-to-1 compliance to required specifications


Annual Turnover during last three financial years (in US $) 2010-11





Please refer to Part B – III

Please refer to Part B – X

Please refer Part B – XIV


Reference Document Page #


Sign & Stamp of Authorized Person


Please confirm if all the Bid Submission Forms are duly signed and stamped

Part – B) General Evaluation – C o r p o r at e Pr o f i l e


Presence in Pakistan

Registered Name of Company in Pakistan


List of Offices/ Branches

S. # Name of Office Address

Year of Operation in Pakistan




….. n


List of Service Centers

S. # Name Address City


(Main/ Branch)



….. n


Please refer Part B – III


List of Products

S. # Name of


Model(s) Type




Proposed for


(Yes/ No)

Target Users

Reference Document Page #

Reference Document Page #

Reference Document Page #

Locally Produced/


Reference Document Page #




….. n

Hardware Software General Students


Please refer Part B – V


List of Logistics Offices

S. # Name of Office



….. n

Address City No. of Human


Reference Document Page #


List of Human Resources in Pakistan

S. # Name


Designation Engineer of Quoted


(Yes/ No)


….. n


(if any)


(O&M/ SC/

Project Imp.)





List of Warehouse and Items kept in Stock (including Quoted Product)

S. # Name Address City Items in Stock Covered

Area (Sq.



Reference Document Page #

Reference Document Page #


Sign & Stamp of Authorized Person



….. n

 

Item 1. Name ____ % ft.)

Item 2. Name ____ %


Item n. Name

____ %

- Do - ____ %

- Do -

- Do -

____ %

____ %



Please refer to Part B – IX


Please refer to Part B – IX


Please refer to Part A – 11


Please refer to Part B – XVI


Please refer to Part B – XVI


List of Similar Projects with more than 5,000 computers

S. # Customer Name Country No. of Computers delivered





….. n



In Progress)


List of Projects for Operation & Maintenance of more than 2,000 computers

S. # Customer Name



No. of Computers





In Progress)

Reference Document Page #

Reference Document Page #


Sign & Stamp of Authorized Person


….. n


Please refer to Part B – VIII


Details on Investment made in Pakistan

S. # Name of



Address City Investment


(in US $)

Covered Assembly

Area (in

Sq. Ft.)






Plan for 1

3 rd st / 2 nd

lot during this project

In future


….. n

Reference Document Page #


Please refer to B – XIX


Contribution towards Pakistan’s Economic Growth during past five (05) years

S. # Year

1. 2012 – 2013

2. 2011 – 2012

3. 2010 – 2011

4. 2009 – 2010

5. 2008 – 2009

Re-export Amount (in US $) Reference Document Page #


Part – C) Product Technical Strength


Quoted Product Sold during last two years in Region (Asia-Pacific, MEA, etc.)

S. # Year


Name of Country

[Please mention

No. of Units Sold

2012 – 13

Region here]


2012 – 13


2011 – 12 n

2011 – 12

Product/ Model Sales turnout

(in US $)


Number of Human Resources in the Region (Asia-Pacific, MEA, etc.)

S. # Name of Country

[Please mention

Region here]


Name of Country 1


Name of Country 2

….. n

Name of Country n

No. of Human Resources

Management Services Support (Engineers) Other Staff


Please refer to Part C – II


Please refer to Part B – V


Details of R&E Contribution

S. # Title of the Project Name of







Country Year of


Reference Document Page #

Reference Document Page #

Reference Document Page #


Sign & Stamp of Authorized Person

….. n


Please refer to Part C – IV


Please refer to Part C – IV


Details on Annual R&D Spending (average of last three years)

S. # Product Model Country R&D Spending

(in US $)



….. n


List of International Standards complied

S. # Title

Standard of Awarding Organization Country



….. n


List of Features of Quoted Product

S. # Description Status

(Asked in RFP/ Additional)



Year Acquired

Reference Document Page #

Reference Document Page #


(Within cost/ Additional)

Reference Document Page #


Sign & Stamp of Authorized Person

….. n


Details of Extended Warranty/ End of Sale of Quoted Product

Quoted Product/ Model Extended Warranty without additional cost

(in months)

End of Sale

(in months)

Offered by


Reference Document Page #


Please refer to Part C – XVII


Details of the Anti-theft Application




Details of Cloud Storage offered as Bundle within Quoted Cost




Part – D) Project Execution


Project Implementation Plan

S. # Activities No. of Days from Opening of LC Reference Document Page #




Manufacturing Time

Shipping Time (FOB Islamabad)

Delivery of 1 st tranche of 50,000 Laptops


Sign & Stamp of Authorized Person




….. n

Distribution of delivered Laptops at all HEIs

Delivery of 2 nd tranche of 50,000 Laptops

Distribution of remaining Laptops at all HEIs

Total Project Completion Time n


Please refer to Part B – VIII


Please refer to Part D – I


Please refer to Part D – I


Please refer to Part D – I


Warehouse/ Depot Services for this Project

S. # Name Address City Is this designated for this

Project Implementation

(Yes/ No)




No. Days Quoted Product can be kept without additional cost


Please refer to Part D – VI


Features of Online Service Management & Communication

S. # Features




(Yes/ No)


For Project



Users Feedback


Manager Feedback

For O&M

Reference Document Page #

Reference Document Page #






Shows Stock Status

Shows Delivery Status

Shows Commissioning Status



List of Logistic Points

S. # Name & Location City





….. n.


Please refer to Part B – XIX


Please refer to Part B – XIX


Please refer to Part B – VIII


Please refer to Part B – VIII


Details of Responsibility Area Matrix

S. # Activities Bidder HEC HEI




For Project


For O&M

Reference Document Page #

Reference Document Page #



….. n.


For Project


For O&M


Sign & Stamp of Authorized Person

Part – E) Onward Operation and Maintenance


Please refer to Part B – VIII


Please refer to Part B – III


Please refer to Part B – III


Details of Warranty Claim/ Replacement Services

S. # Severity Level

1. Severe


Complete breakdown of Laptop

Replacement Time

(in Days)

Repair/ Resolution

Time (in Hours)

2. Critical

3. Moderate

Malfunctioning of Critical components (e.g. Display, RAM,

Battery, etc.)

Issues with less critical components (e.g. Sound card,

Charger, etc.)


Committed Stock of Components for the O&M during Warranty/ Service

S. # Components % in Stock

Reference Document Page #

Reference Document Page #

1. Boards

2. Chipset

3. Processor

4. RAM

5. Casing

6. Display (LCD/ LED)

7. Keyboard

8. Batteries

9. Adapter

10. Other components (please enlist all)

As required for project in RFP

Additional beyond Project requirements



Please refer to Part E – V


Please refer to Part E – V


Please refer to Part D – VIII


Please refer to Part D – IX


Please refer to Part B – VIII


Please refer to Part E – IV


Please refer to Part D – XIV

Part – F) Presentation/ Proof of Concept (POC)


To be taken care of by the Bidder during Presentation


To be taken care of by the Bidder during Presentation


To be taken care of by the Bidder during Presentation


To be taken care of by the Bidder during Presentation


To be taken care of by the Bidder during Presentation


S. # Description Parameters Bidder’s Response


Bid Signing Authority Name


Phone No.




Authorization or Power of Attorney

Issued by

Address for communications under the current Bid



Sign & Stamp of Authorized Person

Bank Account Numbers



OEM Production Capacity of Quoted Product (per Day)

Earnest Money Name of the Bank





Responsibility about

Social Please provide undertaking


Annexure - 7: Bill of Quantity

Sr. # Items Description Unit







1 Laptop computers as per Technical Specification



User instructions in English



Do’s and Don’ts instruction guide in English and if feasible in Urdu as well

Laptop Backpack as per tentative specification

CDs ( Software CDs and other) (if required)

Other quantifiable items as required by the HEC according to bid document


As per requirement









Annexure - 8: Bill of Cost

Cost per Laptop Computers should be inclusive of Accessories, Services/ Maintenance and

Warranty etc.

Hardware: Laptop Computers

Sr. # Details

Cost per Laptop Computer (for and

Acceptance at the designated Locations/

Institutions throughout Pakistan and

Amount in US $


Amount in PKR


Basic Cost

By Air


(HEC may opt any of the two or in combination)

By Ship


Custom and other import duties


Excise Duty if any


General Sales Tax (GST)


Income Tax (IT)



Other Taxes/ Duties (Please mention without which it will not be accepted)



Others fees/ charges (Please mention)

Total (Taxes, Duties, and Fees/ charges etc.) a.

Total Cost per Laptop without

Taxes b.

Total Cost per Laptop with Taxes c.

Total Cost of 100,000 Laptops without Taxes d.

Total Cost of 100,000 Laptops with Taxes


Software: Operating System, Office & Antivirus

Sr. # Details


Basic Cost

Cost per Laptop Computer (for and

Acceptance at the designated

Locations/ Institutions throughout

Amount in PKR


Custom and other import duties


Excise Duty if any


General Sales Tax (GST)


Income Tax (IT)


Other Taxes/ Duties (Please mention without which it will not be accepted)




Others fees/ charges (Please mention)

Total (Taxes, Duties, and Fees/ charges etc.)

Total Cost per Laptop (Software) without Taxes

Total Cost per Laptop (Software) with Taxes

Total Cost of 100,000 Laptops

(Software) without Taxes

Total Cost of 100,000 Laptops

(Software) with Taxes

Per Unit Cost of Laptop Computers including Hardware and Software without Taxes

Figures (PKR):

Words (PKR):

Per Unit Cost of Laptop Computers including Hardware and Software with Taxes

Figures (PKR):

Words (PKR):

Total Cost of One Hundred Thousands (100,000) Laptop Computers including Hardware and Software without Taxes

Figures (PKR):

Words (PKR):


Total Cost of One Hundred Thousands (100,000) Laptop Computers including Hardware and Software with Taxes

Figures (PKR):

Words (PKR):

Total Value of the Proposal for supply and commissioning of the said quantity of one hundred thousand (100,000) laptop computers as per Technical Proposal in accordance with the terms and conditions of the RFP Document (inclusive of all the costs of goods and services):

Figures (PKR):

Words (PKR):

Note: In cases of discrepancy between the cost quoted in Words and in Figures, the lower of the two will be considered.

Signature of the authorized person:

Name of the authorized person:


Name and Address of Bidder:


Annexure - 9: List of Public Sector Higher Education Institutes (HEIs)







S. # Province City

1 Azad Jammu & Kashmir [4] Mirpur

2 Bagh



5 Balochistan [5]






Mirpur University of Science & Technology

Women University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir

Muzaffarabad University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir

Rawalakot University of Poonch

Quetta [3]


Balochistan University of IT, Engineering &

Management Sciences

Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University

University of Balochistan

Balochistan University of Engineering & Technology

10 Federal [14]








Lasbela Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water and Marine


Islamabad [14] National University of Sciences & Technology

Air University

Allama Iqbal Open University

Bahria University

COMSATS Institute of Information Technology

Federal Urdu University of Arts, Sciences & Technology

Institute of Space Technology

International Islamic University







National Defense University

National University of Modern Languages

Pakistan Institute of Development Economics

Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences

Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University

Quaid-e-Azam University

24 Gilgit-Baltistan [1] Gilgit Karakurum International University

25 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa [20] Peshawar [7] Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University

26 Institute of Management Science




Islamia College University

Khyber Medical University

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Agriculture University





Dodhial –



University of Engineering. & Technology

University of Peshawar

Abdul Wali Khan University

Bacha Khan University

Gomal University

Hazara University

Kohat University of Science & Technology














69 Sindh [18]























45 Punjab [24]





Sheringal - Dir Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University

Chakdara –





University of Malakand

University of Science & Technology

University of Swat

University of Haripur

Swabi University of Swabi

Abbottabad Pakistan Military Academy

Kohat University of FATA

Lahore [11] National College of Arts

Pakistan Institute of Fashion & Design

Government College University

King Edward Medical University

Kinnaird College for Women University

Lahore College for Women University

University of Education

University of Engineering & Technology

University of Health Sciences

University of the Punjab

University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences

Multan [3] NFC Institute of Engineering & Technology

Bahauddin Zakariya University

The Women University, Multan

Rawalpindi [2] Fatima Jinnah Women University

Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University

Faisalabad [4] Government College University

Government College for Women University

University of Agriculture

National Textile University

Bahawalpur Islamia University

Taxila University of Engineering & Technology



University of Gujrat

University of Sargodha

Karachi [8] Dawood College of Engineering & Technology

Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University Lyari

DOW University of Health Sciences

Institute of Business Administration

NED University of Engineering & Technology

Sindh Madressatul Islam University

University of Karachi

Pakistan Naval Academy












Jamshoro [3] Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences

Mehran University of Engineering & Technology

University of Sindh

Nawabshah [3] Peoples University of Medical & Health Sciences for


Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science &



Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Shaheed


Shah Abdul Latif University




Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University

Sindh Agriculture University

Sukkur Institute of Business Administration

Note: HEC may modify (i.e. add or remove) this list during the course of Contract on its sole discretion.

