Social Studies/6th Teachers: Roberts/Gonzalez/Sanchez 2013-2014 Unit TEKS: (RS/SS) 6.1 (B)(SS) analyze the historical background of various contemporary societies to evaluate relationships between past conflicts and current conditions. 6.4 (B)(RS) identify and explain the geographic factors responsible for patterns of population in places and regions; 6.5 (A)(SS) identify and explain the geographic factors responsible for the location of economic activities in places and regions; 6.15 (B)(SS) identify and describe common traits that define cultures; 6.18 (A) [SS]explain the relationships that exist between societies and their architecture, art, music, and literature; 6.22 (A) use social studies terminology correctly; DATE:1-13-14 Subject:Social Studies Objective 6.5 (A)(SS) identify and explain the geographic factors responsible for the location of economic activities in places and regions WARM-UP Activity Video segment on Belgium & the Netherlands. Students will: read will in pair Western Europe: Close-Up. They will answer the Knowledge Check. Homework Study notes LANGUAGE OBJ Assessment Teacher observation Knowledge Check will be graded. Students will: 4G: Show HOT How did the Netherlands reclaimed land from the sea? comprehension of English text when reading and sharing information with partner and also when answering oral & writtern questions. DATE:1-14-14 Subject:Social Studies Objective 6.22 (A) use social studies terminology correctly; WARM-UP Students can study before the test. Activity Students will complete the Semester Exam. Students will read and answer questions on The People of Europe. Homework Study notes LANGUAGE OBJ Assessment Teacher observation. Students will take . Exam Semester Students will: 1A. Use what HOT How did strong national identities emerged in Europe? they know to answer the Semester Exam. DATE:1-15-14 Subject:Social Studies Objective 6.18 (A) [SS]explain the relationships that exist between societies and their architecture, art, music, and literature; WARM-UP Brain Pop- William Shakespeare Activity Students will: European Culture: Close Up- read – share, and answer the Knowledge Check. . Homework Study notes LANGUAGE OBJ Assessment Teacher observation HOT How are the people of Russia reconnecting with their cultural traditions? Students will: 4G: Show comprehension of English text about the cultures of Russia by completing table and taking notes. Subject:Social Studies Objective 6.1 (B) analyze the historical background of various contemporary societies to evaluate relationships between past conflicts and current conditions. DATE:1-16-14 WARM-UP Activity Escape from BerlinDiscovery Education Students will see a videoEscape from Berlin and answer questions. Homework Study notes LANGUAGE OBJ Assessment Teacher observation and grade questions. HOT Why was Germany divided after WWII ? Students will: 4G: Show comprehension of English text by answering questions about Escaping from Berlin. DATE:1-17-14 Subject:Social Studies Objective WARM-UP Activity Student- HOLIDAY . Homework Study notes LANGUAGE OBJ Assessment Teacher will grade questions. HOT Students will: 5B: