Pray for - World Network of Prayer

Pray for Our Children, Our
Youth, and Our Families
"Children are an heritage of the
(Psalm 127:3).
World Network of Prayer
Pray for Our Children. . .
A hedge of protection around their mind,
soul, and body
Godly character qualities to be instilled in
Parents to be sensitive to their children’s
Children to receive the Holy Ghost
Pray for Our Children
Children to establish good spiritual
Mistreated and abused children
- God to send someone to them to care
and help
Children from broken homes
- God to heal the emotional wounds
Pray for Our Children
Their education
- They would do well in their secular
- They would be kept from false
doctrines that would cause their souls
to be lost
- They be taught of God and His Word
The children of leaders to be kept and
Pray for Our Youth
The young are full of vigor and vitality that
should be properly channeled and
Pray Proverbs 1:4, that God would give "to
the young man knowledge and discretion."
Pray for Our Youth. . .
Their thoughts to be set on what is true,
noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable,
excellent, and worthy of praise with wisdom
to discern between good and evil
(Philippians 4:8)
Their lives to be completely committed to
Jesus Christ
Pray for Our Youth. . .
A hunger after righteousness
- Establishing their self-esteem and
identity in Christ
A passion to pull their peers to God
- That their moral purity would be
appealing to others in this depraved
world, giving hope to their generation
- That they would be sensitive to the
needs of those around them
Pray for Our Youth. . .
A hunger for the Word of God to be instilled
in their hearts
Them to receive, accept, and respect
parental and pastoral guidance
God to strengthen all areas of weakness
Pray for Our Youth. . .
A desire to seek the Lord’s will for their
- Career, spouse, divine mission
- That they would find and take their
rightful place in God’s kingdom
Their greatest desire to be pleasing unto
Pray for Christian and Public Education. . .
Leaders to nurture pupils with godly
The safety of students
Leaders to be surrounded by the Lord’s
wisdom, favor, and protection
Teachers to be exemplary role models in
speech, conduct, doctrine, love, and purity
Pray for Christian and Public Education. . .
- Elementary schools, middle schools, high
schools, and technical schools, colleges
and universities, daycare facilities,
teachers, students, and parents
Pray for Christian and Public
Education. . .
North American Bible colleges and
- Apostolic Bible Institute, Christian Life
College, Gateway College of
Evangelism, Indiana Bible College,
Jackson College of Ministries, Texas
Bible College, Northeast Christian
College, Urshan Graduate School
of Theology
Pray for Christian and Public Education. . .
Wisdom for the leaders of:
- The Division of Education and Military
- The Association of Christian Teachers
and Schools
- Local, state, and national governing
bodies of education
Pray for our Single Parents
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of
power, and of love, and of a sound mind.“ (II
Timothy 1:7)
The struggle to be a successful parent is a great
task for any two-parent home; however, when a
parent is alone, this adds even more stress to the
equation. Single parenting is extra tough because
one has double the responsibility with half the
resources. Single parents are often
misunderstood and feel rejected.
Pray for our Single Parents. . .
Them to have the mind of God as they
singlehandedly make difficult decisions
Strong resistance to the spirit of depression
that would seek to overtake them in their
Their senses to be keenly attuned to the
special needs of their children with spiritual
insight and wisdom
Their financial and emotional needs to be
Pray for our Single Parents. . .
Godly friendships and strong church family
A hedge of protection around their mind,
soul, and body
Strength in handling daily duties
- For help with tasks they are unable to
manage alone
Them to be comforted by the words of God:
"I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor
forsake thee." (Joshua 1:5)
Please remember these people in your prayers
for healing and other needs:
Special church needs here
Pray for Spouses
John 13:34-35 says, "A new commandment I
give to you, that you love one another; as I
have loved you, that you also love one
another. By this all will know that you are
My disciples, if you have love for one
another." (NKJV)
Pray for Spouses . . .
Their mind, soul, and body
- That God would cover their emotions,
physical and spiritual health
Them to seek God and love His Word
- That their love for the Word would
keep their thoughts and spirit pure and
Pray for Spouses. . .
The husband to love his wife as Christ also
loved the Church and gave Himself for it
- That he lead the family by love
The wife to be submitted to her husband as
unto the Lord
- That she would be the helper that God
created her to be following her
husband’s leadership with godly
Pray for Spouses. . .
Them to teach their children to have faith in
- To recognize that they are their
children’s first teacher, instilling godly
values subjectively through their
priorities and actions
Them to be a godly example of holiness
and dedication
- That they would be able to effectively
transmit their faith in God to their
children, family, and friends
Pray for Spouses. . .
Them to be content and not given to
- That they would be thankful for the
bounty of God’s present provisions
Them to be able to effectively transmit
- Their faith in God to their children,
family, and friends
Pray for our Adult Children and
"Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up
early in the morning, and offered burnt
offerings according to the number of them
all: for Job said, It may be that my sons
have sinned, and cursed God in their
hearts. Thus did Job continually" (Job 1:5).
Pray for our Adult Children and
Job prayed for his grown children. We should
follow his example. Our children and
grandchildren may have outgrown our laps,
but they will never outgrow our prayers!
Pray for our Adult Children and
Them to become and remain sensitive and
responsive to God
- That their hearts would stay attuned to
Parents to have the wisdom to discipline
their children properly
- That the children could receive the
discipline as an act of love
Pray for our Adult Children and Grandchildren.
Godly parents and grandparents to remain the
greatest influence in children’s lives
- To not be swayed by the influence of peer
pressure or a worldly environment
Them to follow Christ’s example and grow in
wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man
God’s ultimate purpose to be fulfilled in their life
- They are and have been dedicated to Him
Pray for Our Families
When Sanballat heard that Nehemiah was
building the walls of Jerusalem, he was
filled with great wrath and conspired to fight
against him. When we seek to build godly
homes, the enemy fights against us. Let us
follow Nehemiah’s example: "Nevertheless
we made our prayer unto our God, and set
a watch against them day and night"
(Nehemiah 4:9).
Pray for Our Families. . .
• A close relationship with God and one another
• Husbands to be spiritual leaders in their homes
- That his love and devotion to God will set
the example for his family to follow
- That he will love his wife as Christ loved
the church, with that same level of
commitment and purity
- That he would raise his children in the
nurture and admonition of the Lord –
teaching them by his example to fear
God and walk humbly before Him
Pray for Our Families. . .
• Wives to seek first the Kingdom of God
- That she would love His Word
supremely, keeping herself pure and holy
- That she would be submitted to her
husband as unto the Lord following his
godly leadership with respect
- That she would be thankful for what
God has given her
- That she would teach her children to
have faith in God recognizing that she
is her children’s first teacher
Pray for Our Families. . .
• Children to be sensitive and responsive to
God, obediently following godly parental
guidance and example
• Financial stability
- All material needs to be met
• Prosperity and blessings
- An understanding of proper use of
Please remember these people in your
prayers for healing and other needs
Special church needs here
Remember these servicemen and their
loved ones when you pray: