MIS 300
Buena Vista University
Spring 2009
Instructor: Denise Beebe
Office: Harold Walter Siebens School of Business
Office Hrs: M-W-F 9:00 – 10:00; Tuesday/Thursday 11:00 – 12:00
749-2476 (Office) beebed@bvu.edu
Introduction to Information Systems: O’Brien, Marakas; 14 th Edition
Due to the fact that information technology changes so rapidly, there will be topics covered in class that are not discussed/covered in the required textbook.
Class Schedule: Monday/Wednesday/Friday 1:00 – 1:50 pm
Course Description: MIS 300: Introduction to Management Information Systems (3 hours)
This course is an introduction to information systems and information technology for students who are or who will soon become business professionals in the fast changing business world of today.
The focus is helping students learn how to use and manage information technologies to revitalize business processes, improve business decision making, and gain competitive advantage. There is a major emphasis on the essential role of Internet technologies in providing a platform for business, commerce, and collaboration processes among all business stakeholders in today’s networked enterprises and global markets. There is also an emphasis on ethical and security issues and challenges.
Objectives: On completion of this course, students should be able to:
Analyze how the business applications of information systems and information technologies can support a firm’s business processes, managerial decision making, and strategies for competitive advantage. This would include determining the IS/IT needs of the organization.
Identify and give examples of the components, resources, and activities of an information system. This would include hardware, software, data, network, and people resources; as well as input, processing, output, storage, feedback and control components and activities. Students will also be able to identify trends (past, present, and future) regarding components, resources, and activities.
Identify cross-functional enterprise systems, and give examples of how they can provide significant business value to a company. This includes examples of how Internet and other information technologies support business processes within the functional areas of business
(accounting, finance, human resource management, marketing, and production and operations management).
Identify the major categories and trends of e-commerce applications. Compare and contrast ecommerce sites with regard to the 9 essential e-Commerce processes and the 7 Factors of
Use the systems development life cycle as a problem-solving framework to help propose information systems solutions to simple business problems. This would include describing evaluation factors in the acquisition of hardware, software, and IS services, and identifying change management solutions for end user resistance.
Identify several ethical issues in how the use of information technologies in business affects employment, individuality, working conditions, privacy, crime, health, and solutions to societal problems.
Identify several types of security management strategies and defenses, and explain how they can be used to ensure the security of business applications of information technology.
Explain how failures in IT management can be reduced.
Identify several cultural, political, and geoeconomic challenges that confront managers in the management of global information technologies. This would include explaining the effect on global business/IT strategy by international business organizations.
Accommodations: Accommodations: Buena Vista University provides reasonable accommodations through an organized process. Students desiring accommodations must follow the
University's process. Forms are available at: http://www.bvu.edu/learning_at_bvu/academic_affairs/cae/storm_lake_accommodations.dot
Please contact Donna Musel, Director of the Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) to begin this process.
Attendance Policy: Attendance is mandatory - regular attendance is vital to your learning this material and, therefore, to your grade. If you cannot come to a class, it is your responsibility to get any notes, handouts, special instructions, or assignments from a classmate. You must be present for exams – missed exams are a major problem unless (1) you have notified me about it beforehand, or
(if that’s not possible) as soon as possible afterwards AND (2) your reason for missing the exam was determined by me to be valid and appropriate. Make-up exams will be vastly different from the original exam given.
Exams/Team Project: There will be four exams, and a team project that spans the semester.
Exams will test your understanding of the concepts of the course, through multiple choice, fill-inthe-blank, true and false, and essay types of questions. The project will let you apply the principles and concepts that you learn each week.
It is essential in this course to read the assigned chapters before they are presented in class. Each person is expected to review these reading assignments and be ready to participate in class discussions and activities.
If you find news articles, magazine stories, web sites that pertain to the topic to be discussed in class that week, please bring them in to share! (That’s what will make this course interesting!)
Any and all papers must be done using a word processor, with minimum typing and/or grammatical errors. It should also include references and/or footnotes if applicable.
No late assignments will be accepted.
A few assignments may not be posted in Connected Learning – they may be assigned in class, and students will not be able to make up these in-class assignments.
Connected Learning: Course information, assignments, and grades will be posted in Connected
Learning – “Angel”.
Honesty Policy: Students are expected to uphold the BVU standard of conduct relating to academic honesty (presented in the BVU Student Handbook and the 2008-2009 BVU
Undergraduate Academic Catalog). Students assume full responsibility for the content and integrity of the academic work they submit. The guiding principle of academic integrity shall be that a student's submitted work, examinations, reports, and projects must be that student's own work.
90 – 100 %
80 – 89 %
70 - 79%
60 – 69%
Graded by total points!
(Assignments/tests – equally weighted)
0 – 59%
Drop/Withdrawal/PNC Policy: The University drop/withdrawal/PNC policies as outlined in the
2008-09 Academic Catalog will be followed. Should you take the course PNC, 70% is required to pass.
Course Outline: *Subject to change!* any changes will be addressed in class and posted in
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
January 28 - 30
February 2-6
February 9-13
February 16-20
Introduction ….. Getting started
Foundations of Information Systems in Business
Finish Chapter 1
Competing With Information Technology
Finish Chapter 2
Exam 1: Chapters 1, 2
Computer Hardware
Computer Hardware
Chapter 1
(Chapter 1)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
(Chapter 3) Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
February 23-27
March 2-6
March 9-13
Computer Software
Data Resource Management
Telecommunications & Networks
Review – catch up
Exam 2: Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6
March 16-20 Start Electronic Business Systems
**Spring Break – March 23-27**
March 30-April 3 Finish Electronic Business Systems
Electronic Commerce Systems April 6-10
No School Friday
No School Monday
April 13-17
April 20-24
Finish E-Commerce Systems
Decision Support Systems
Finish DSS
April 27-May1
Exam 3: Chapters 7, 8, 9
Developing Business/IT Solutions
Finish Developing Business/IT Solutions
May 4-8
Security and Ethical Challenges
Finish Security & Ethical Challenges
Start Chapter 12
May 11-15
May 18-21
Finals Week
Enterprise & Global Management of IS
Finish Enterprise & Global Management
Review for final
Final Exam - Chapters 10, 11, 12
Monday, May 18 th – 10:15-12:15
Chapter 7
(Chapter 7)
Chapter 8
(Chapter 8)
Chapter 9
(Chapter 9)
Chapter 10
(Chapter 10)
Chapter 11
(Chapter 11)
Chapter 12
(Chapter 12)