INTERPERSONAL PROCESS RECORDING NURSING 262 PSYCHIATRIC CLINICAL STUDENT'S NAME DATE PATIENT'S INITIALS DIAGNOSIS___________________________________________________ LENGTH OF CONVERSATION and PURPOSE SEE Videbeck, CHAPTERS 5 and 6 Prepare on IPR Form List Verbatim Narrative of both patient's and nurse's responses (verbal & nonverbal) DATA COLLECTION Analysis of the Interaction Nurse: Thoughts and feelings concerning the interaction by the NURSE. Record verbatim the patient's and your conversation in sequence. Include the use of silences and touch. Name the therapeutic technique used. Give rationale for therapeutic technique you used. (Use your book to refer to the techniques, pg. 99-103) Indicate your feelings at the time and possible effects they had in the interaction. How did your remarks affect the situation? What other responses might have been appropriate? Identify your behavior patterns. Example: Pt: "I'm feeling..." Nurse: "What has happened to make you feel this way?" Patient: Focus, observations, and patient evaluation. Answer all the following questions. 1. Describe non-verbal behavior of patient to include: speech-quantity and quality, tone, speed, Enunciation. Posture, Gestures, Facial Expressions, Eye Contact, Physical Manifestations, Physical Appearance. 2. Explain the purpose or meaning of the pt.'s verbal and non-verbal behavior. Was there congruence? 3. What feelings did you perceive from the pt.? 4. What was pt. trying to say? 5. Identify defense mechanisms the pt. uses by describing the pt.'s behavior.(pg.45-46) These questions are to be utilized throughout the entire Conversation. INTERPERSONAL PROCESS RECORDING PAGE TWO STUDENT’S NAME___________________________ NURSING 262 PSYCHIATRIC CLINICAL List Verbatim Narrative of both patient=s and nurse=s responses (verbal and non-verbal) DATE__________________________________ PATIENT’S INITIALS______________________ DIAGNOSIS______________________________ LENGTH and PURPOSE of CONVERSATION__________ _______________________________________________ Analysis of the Interaction THERAPEUTIC TECHNIQUES Nurse: Thoughts and feelings concerning the interaction Patient: List here focus, observation, and patient evaluation