
Brian Phelan Adith Prabhakar & Colin Rice
Science Faculty Simulation
1. Misconceptions:
Bergquist, Wilbur, and Henry Heikkinen. "Student Ideas regarding Chemical
Equilibrium: What Written Test Answers Do Not Reveal." Journal of Chemical
Education 67.12 (1990): 1000. Print. Brian
Cheung, Derek, Hong-Jia Ma, and Jie Yang. "TEACHERS’ MISCONCEPTIONS
Science and Mathematics Education 7 (2009): 1111-133. 13 Jan. 2009. Web. 26
Sept. 2010. Colin
Kern, Anne L., Nathan B. Wood, Gillian H. Roehrig, and James Nyachwaya. "A
Qualitative Report of the Ways High School Chemistry Students Attempt to
Represent a Chemical Reaction at the Atomic/molecular Level." Chemistry
Education Research and Practice 11 (2010): 165-72. 4 Apr. 2010. Web. 26 Sept.
2010. Adith
Levy-Nahum, Tami, Avi Hofstein, Rachel Mamlok-Naaman, and Ziva Bar-Dov. "CAN
(2004): 301-25. 21 May 2004. Web. 26 Sept. 2010. Brian
Nakiboglu, Canan, and Berna Tekin. "Identifying Students’ Misconceptions about
Nuclear Chemistry A Study of Turkish High School Students." Chemical
Education Research 83.11 (2006): 1712-718. Web. 26 Sept. 2010. Colin
Stein, Mary, Timothy G. Larrabee, and Charles R. Barman. "A Study of Common Beliefs
and Misconceptions in Physical Science." A Study of Common Beliefs and
Misconceptions in Physical Science 20.2 (2008): 1-11. Spring 2008. Web. 26
Sept. 2010. Adith
1. Students often perceive all bubbles to be comprised of air rather than the gaseous
state of the surrounding compound.
2. When a chemical reaction occurs, the total mass of the resulting products can be
less than or greater than the original mass of the reactants depending on the type
of chemical reaction that took place.
3. Students are not able to make the link between the macroscopic properties of
matter and the necessary understanding of the particulate nature of matter, for
example, student representations of water as being composed of tiny drops instead
of its constituent elements, oxygen, and hydrogen.
4. The inability of chemistry students to provide appropraite particulate
represenation of the chemical reaction, though all could balance the equation
5. Addition of reactant to a system at equilibrium changes only the concentrations of
the products.
6. The volume of a gas sample can be different from the volume of the container that
the gas occupies.
7. Students percieve suction as a property of gases, similar to pressure.
8. The rate of a chemical reaction increases as the reaction gets going, i.e., as time
9. Students do not differentiate between extent and rate of a chemical reaction.
10. Students believe that the concentration of the reactants must equal the
concentration of products at equilibrium.
11. Students believe that the forward and reverse reactions exist as distinctly separate
phenomena when at equilibrium.
12. Students believe that the forward reaction goes to completion before the reverse
reaction begins.
13. There is air in between air particles, i.e., there is no nothing.
14. Students believe that air and oxygen are the same thing and do not realize that air
is a mixture of gases.
15. Students believe that pressure and force are the same thing.
16. Objects float in water because they are lighter than water.
17. Temperature of an object depends on the size of an object.
18. Heat is not energy.
19. Metals WANT to lose electrons and nonmetals WANT to gain electrons.
20. Boiling is the maximum temperature a substance can reach.
2. Textbook Reviews / Syllabi
ChemCom Chemistry in the Community – Textbook Review
This book contains many colorful and relevant pictures that students can relate to
their everyday lives.
The page layout offers thin margins which leads to less print and more pictures on
each page. In addition, the wide margins contain bullet points in blue print that
supplement the key ideas on that page.
The font is a size conducive for reading.
Pictures in this book are intended to give students real life applications to what
they are learning. Diagrams and data tables are included to represent the content
in an alternative way.
The pictures are scientifically accurate and placed right next to the text they
illustrate. There is a caption that accompanies each picture explaining the
picture’s relevance.
This book is at the appropriate reading level for high school students (most likely
sophomores or juniors). Wording is clear and new vocabulary is bolded to
indicate significance to the students. In addition, quality spacing between
paragraphs and bullet points exist making the overall text flow.
The font is a size conducive for reading.
Throughout the course of each chapter there are sections entitled “Your Turn.”
These sections check student understanding and can promote problem-solving
skills. Students are asked to think critically about certain topics they are learning
about. An example of this is as follows:
“A chemistry teacher notices a large difference in the price of hydrogen gas sold
by two companies,
Company A offers a 1-L cylinder of hydrogen gas for $8.
Company B offers a 1-L cylinder of hydrogen gas for $15.
The teacher discovers that Company B offers a better bargain. How can that be?”
Specific problem solving skills are not addressed, students are assumed to have
these capabilities and apply them to chemistry.
The information in this book is scientifically accurate despite the book being
published in 1993. General chemistry topics have not changed so while the book
may be old, it is still relevant. It is also important to note there are three new
editions to this book.
This book offers an introductory overview of basic general chemistry topics
intended for non-college bound science students. The students are not expected to
have a deep understanding of the concepts, but rather have general knowledge
regarding how chemistry operates and affects their lives. This is appropriate for
the non-college bound science student because basic understanding of how
chemistry affects one’s life is sufficient. These students do not need a deeper
understanding of chemical concepts because they will not use them in their future
The activities throughout this book seem appropriate and relate to the content that
is being taught. For example, there are individual activities, lab demonstrations,
and hands-on lab activities. No analogies were present in the text.
Overall, this book does not follow a logical sequence. The chapters bounce
around from solubility to chemical reactivity to the chemistry of burning to the
history of the atom. The ideas presented do not seem to follow any particular
order where ideas would build on each other. While the chapters do not follow a
logical sequence the content within each chapter does follow a logical sequence.
In the beginning of each chapter there are questions posed that students should be
able to answer by the end of the chapter. Next there is an introduction section
followed by a “you decide.” After this section there is content scattered amongst
lab activities and demonstrations.
This book does a good job of relating chemistry to students’ everyday lives. This
aids in developing positive attitudes towards science because students are able to
see the significance in what they are learning.
There are many different lab activities throughout each chapter. This promotes
hands-on learning as students are required to perform many of these labs.
There is very little inquiry-based learning covered in this book. There are no
inquiry-based activities and procedures are given for all student labs so there is
little to no room for student inquiry when using this textbook.
Most of the lab activities used throughout this textbook are carried out with a
partner. This promotes cooperative group work between students.
Central themes are addressed at the beginning of each chapter in the form of
questions. Students are expected to have the answers to these questions by the
end of the chapter as a means of understanding the central themes throughout the
chapter. Also, each chapter contains bolded words which draw student’s attention
to key vocabulary or concepts from the chapter.
All pictures include both male and female students of various ethnicities.
Moreover, students with disabilities are also pictured. It is fair to say that this
book was created free from bias.
Presentation of Material:
It is difficult to determine whether this text has a clearly defined teaching strategy
or promotes class discussion. This is due to the fact that we are reviewing the
student edition rather than the teacher’s edition.
Through the “Your Turn” questioning, convergent questions are addressed. These
sections show students sample problems and then ask them to perform the task
themselves. Divergent questions are present, but not abundant. The energy unit
opens up for some discussion type questions, but overall divergent questioning is
not used often.
There are many different experiments found throughout the text. On average
there is about one per chapter. Students are presented with many different
experiments and can be motivated to perform these experiments because of the
book’s engaging pictures.
The material is presented in an interesting way because of the layout of the book
and how the learning material is presented through the text.
Teacher’s Guide
The teacher edition boasts supplemental activities, but it is unclear if these are
supplemental to the labs in the text or supplemental to all activities included in the
student text. None-the-less there are labs and activities that are worked into the
text to supplement the concepts.
There are recorded, web-based seminars available on the American Chemical
Society website, though these were developed for the 5th edition. There are also
summer workshops for teachers but they are again geared towards the 5th
edition. The summer workshops cost $50 for a full day workshop.
The website offers a variety of teaching aids including transparencies, a CDROM with a presentation manager and electronic copies of pictures, diagrams,
simulations, etc to enable teachers to develop personal websites to compliment the
The website associated with the text provides an interactive media resource with
simulations, diagrams, and questions related to each unit of the text. There is also
a supplemental video that demonstrates necessary lab techniques for each of the
lab activities while, allegedly, not giving away the results of the lab.
There is a ChemCom Skill Building Handbook that focuses on necessary math
skills and clarifies topics from the text.
The website offers a test bank CD for $164.70 which also includes a link to
Diploma, a program that enables teachers to construct electronic or internet-based
exams including a variety of media that paper exams are not capable of including.
The teacher edition of the text aligns the content to the national standards and
provides advice on using ChemCom to teach to different abilities and learning
Outside of offering the ChemCom Skill Building Handbook for struggling
students there is little evidence of resources designed for students with special
education needs or English language learners. Without access to the teacher
edition though a definitive statement regarding suggestions for modifications in
the text cannot be made.
Chemistry – Special 8th Edition Zumdahl Textbook Review
-The book has a lot of colors that separate different concepts in diagrams, and has
a lot of diagrams and pictures that represent the content that is being manipulated
and studied through the book.
The text is very readable, and the margins are a good side, there are large margins
on the left side of each page for captions/pictures; and on the right side the
margins are small. The statements in the margin are blue and are key points form
the paragraphs.
-The font size is a good, readable size.
-Pictures are definitely meaningful in the textbook, there are pictures that
represent the content like a picture/diagram of electrons bonding. There are other
pictures that show how it applies in real life, like an example in the section of the
atomic spectrum of hydrogen, and talking about colors, they have a picture of “a
beautiful rainbow.”
The pictures are both accurate and interesting, as well as the diagrams, and are
right next to the text that they represent or are related to.
-This book is at an appropriate level for an AP Chemistry course, and for students
who are college-bound. The main words are bolded, and the main concepts are
pointed out really well. The spacing between paragraphs and diagrams are easy to
read and understand. Sentences flow really well and have a lot of content in it
without being too wordy or too complicated. The font size is conductive for
reading as well.
-In each chapter, the examples that are used, and the solutions to it, are really
broken down well, showing students exactly how to go about it. This would
promote problem-solving skills in students as it gets them to think about the
problems, and to go through it. It challenges them, but also shows them how to go
about it.
An example: Dalton’s Law II: Partial Pressure of oxygen….and so on. The
solution asks the students questions like: “Where are we going? What do we
know? How do we get there” which probe students and show them how they
should approach different parts of the problem.
-This book is scientifically accurate and up to date, it was published in 2009 and
the concepts and diagrams all make sense in chemistry terms.
-This is appropriate for students in Chemistry because it goes in-depth on topics
and goes to the molecular level which makes sense because it is for a college level
chemistry class. There is a deeper understanding of materials that are more than
just being relevant to your everyday life.
-Despite that, this book did include material that relates to your life, they have
sections of “chemical connections” and talk about things that you use in everyday
life. However, there are no lab activities in the textbook itself, there is another
laboratory book that is supposed to accompany it.
-The textbook follows a logical sequence in both the textbook as a whole and
within chapters. The textbook starts of with chemical foundations and the basics
of chemistry, building up on it, and ends more theoretical. Even in later chapters,
it gets more in-depth, for example in chapter 6, it introduced nature of energy
(thermochemistry) because it needed it for the periodic table trends in chapter 7,
and revisited and got into more depth about energy in chapter 17.
-This book seems to be interesting on different levels, it clearly presents the
material, aids the student in learning, so it look like it would help students be
positive towards science.
-This book does not support hands-on experiences nor supporting cooperative
group work because as mentioned previously, there is a laboratory book that is
supposed to accompany it, so in junction with that it would, but by itself, it does
not have any activities and so on. The book does not support
constructivist/inquiry-based learning, and the laboratory book might not either.
-The central themes are definitely clearly defined, words are bolded, main
concepts are in the margins and at the end of each chapter there is a for review
section that includes all the key terms and main concepts briefly summarized.
-This book seems to be free from sex or other biases. It does not have pictures or
images of people and does not refer to anything culturally, so it could be used
Presentation of Material
-The textbook does have a defined teaching strategy, each chapter has certain
concepts they want the student to take away. The textbook has examples and goes
through them, and so the strategy seems to be reading the material than applying
it to specific problems.
-Class discussion is not as utilized as other textbooks.
-This textbook as previously mentioned does not have any proposed experiments
because it assumes that laboratory exercises and experiments would accompany it
in a separate text. The material that is there is presented in a very pleasing
manner, the breakdown of each chapter is readable, and makes good use of
examples that making reading it and learning the material easier for students.
Teacher’s Guide
This is not the teacher edition, so cannot comment
School XXX
COURSE TERM: School year 2010 – 2011
Chemistry in the Community (ChemCom) is a full-year laboratory science course for
high school students. It represents a major effort to enhance science literacy through a
high school chemistry course that emphasizes chemistry’s impact on society. It was
written by a team of high school, college, and university teachers, assisted by chemists in
industry and government. It was developed by the American Chemical Society, the
largest scientific organization in North America. The program offers a motivational,
engaging approach to the study of chemistry for a remarkable wide range of students.
ChemCom is designed to use chemistry knowledge to think through and make informed
decisions about issues involving science and technology. An independent study project is
required for this course.
Recognizing that only about one percent of students will be chemists, and that the
traditional high school chemistry class is heavy on theory and mathematics (which
accounts for a high drop-out rate), the American Chemical Society has developed
ChemCom, a student-centered, activity-based, and issues-oriented chemistry course,
which emphasizes the important roles that chemistry will play in the students’ personal
and professional lives, and then develop the chemical concepts to help resolve the issue.
This is a departure from traditional chemistry courses, where students encounter the
concepts first, then use societal problems and issues to illustrate the use of the chemistry.
It is the hope and expectation of those who have developed this creative change in the
chemistry curriculum that the students who complete this course will have a positive,
enduring understanding and appreciation for the fascinating range of chemistry and the
daily impact it has on their community and the world.
1. To recognize and understand the importance of chemistry in daily life.
2. To develop problem-solving techniques and critical thinking skills to apply chemical
principles in order to make decisions about scientific and technological issues.
3. To acquire an awareness of the potential as well as limitations of science and
4. To acquire awareness of the risks involved in personal chemistry.
5. To acquire skill in chemical laboratory techniques.
6. To develop an appreciation for the use of chemistry in widely diverse careers.
7. To give the students some insight into the worldwide challenge of limited chemical
resources, and stress the need for conservation.
8. To gain an early view of organic chemistry through the chemistry of petroleum and
related products.
9. To examine food chemistry, and the need to become informed decision-makes about
food choices and diet.
10. To examine how citizens and corporations jointly deal with the problems of pollution
and protecting the environment.
11. To study the various applications of chemistry in forensic science.
Henry Heikkinen, Chief Editor, CHEMCOM: Chemistry in the Community, Fifth
Edition, A Project of the American Chemical Society, New York: W. H. Freeman and
Company, 2006.
1. American Chemical Society, CHEM MATTERS, a chemistry journal for high
school students, CD ROM for past issues.
2. Current newspapers and magazines that contain articles on chemical issues.
3. Computer programs
4. SEPUP Laboratory Kits and Resources
5. NAD Curriculum Guidelines for Science
The instructor will aim to provide the students with a positive learning environment with
optimum opportunities for success. The instructor will state objectives and stress why a
topic is important, useful, and relevant to the student. A typical class will consist of short
lecture, Socratic questioning, and class participation. Guided practice, monitored by the
teacher, will be in the form of work sheets, cooperative learning activities, laboratory
exercises, in-class and individual projects and reports. Instruction will be complemented
with computer programs, video presentations, and field trips.
The grading scale used in this class is based on the school grading scale and grade points
printed in the School XXX 2010 – 2011 Calendar and Bulletin. Grades will be based on
cumulative weighted averages of the following:
Homework / Assignments: 20%
Lab Reports / Projects: 20%
Quizzes: 10%
Tests: 50%
Homework is due the day after it is assigned, or at a time designated by the teacher. Late
work will not be accepted. Missed assignments due to illness or other unusual
circumstance need to be turned in with teacher approval.
Two journal reports per issue of the ChemMatters magazine are required. A typical
journal report will include a brief summary of the journal article and your reactions,
reflections, and opinions about the topic in the article.
Lab grades will be based on lab reports, participation, and clean-up. Most labs will take
about two class periods to complete. Background material, pre-lab instructions, and lab
procedures will be handed out the day before the assigned lab. Read the material. Be
prepared for pre-lab quizzes. You are responsible to pick up your materials and
equipment, return them to where they belong, and clean your lab table section. DO NOT
do any unauthorized experiments. If there is any horseplay, you will be removed from
the lab room, receive an absence, and will not be allowed to finish the lab. Lab tickets
will be written up for lab infractions, and a corresponding deduction in lab grade will be
implemented. Written lab reports will be due the day after the experiment is completed.
Late reports will not be accepted.
Tests will cover the chapter, labs, and notes. Tests will be announced at least three
school days before the test is given. Quizzes may be given at any time, so be prepared
always. These may cover previously-learned material and/or the reading assignment.
There are, on the average, four to five chapters in each unit. The class will cover, on the
average, one chapter per week. Students will be doing labs at regular intervals. Forensic
chemistry labs incorporating core concepts in chemistry will be done for about a total of
three weeks.
Unit 1 Water: Exploring Solutions
Unit 2 Materials: Structure and Uses
Unit 3 Petroleum: Breaking and Making Bonds
Unit 7 Food: Matter and Energy for Life
An independent study unit, which will involve research, a formal report, presentation and
display on selected chemistry topics, is required. Other smaller projects will be assigned
during the year.
AUGUST – Syllabus / Introduction
The SI (Metric) System
Metric Lab
Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical and Chemical Changes
Mixtures and Solutions
Particulate View of Water
Molecular Models
Symbols, Formulas, and Equations
Electrical Nature of Matter
Ions and Ionic Compounds
Naming Ionic Compounds
Water Testing
Investigating the Cause of the Fish Kill
OCTOBER – Factors that Affect Solubility
Solubility of Solids in Water
Solubility Curves
Dissolving Ionic Compounds
Solution Concentration
Heavy Metal Ions
Research on Heavy Metals
Dissolved Oxygen
Town Council Meeting
NOVEMBER – Water Purification and Treatment
Water Softening
Physical and Chemical Properties of Metals and Nonmetals
The Elements
Properties of the Elements
The Periodic Table
Predicting Properties
Sources and Uses of Metals
Metal Reactivity
DECEMBER – Conserving Matter
Atom Inventory
Balancing Equations
Molar Masses
Composition of Materials
Dealing with Wastes
Engineered Materials
Alloys and Semiconductors
Modifying Surfaces
Final Exam
Science Project Guidelines
Petroleum: Breaking and Making of Bonds
What is Petroleum?
Petroleum Refining
Covalent Bonding
Hydrocarbons: Saturated and Unsaturated
Energy and Fossil Fuels
Energy Conversions
Altering Fuels
FEBRUARY – Science Project Days
Polymer Formation and Polymer Uses
Polymer Structure and Properties
More Builder Molecules
Condensation Polymers
Energy Alternatives to Petroleum
Alternate Fuels
Alternate Fuel Vehicles
MARCH – Science Project Days
Molecular Models - Dry Labs
Project Presentations - one week
Food Groups
Data Analysis
Calculating Energy from Food
Energy Flow from the Sun to You
Photosynthesis and Respiration
Energy Release and Storage
Energy Calculations
Food Inventory
MAY – Carbohydrates
Monosaccharides, Disaccharides, and Polysaccharides
Fats: Structure and Function
Saturated and Unsaturated Fats
Calories from Carbohydrates and Fats
Limiting Reactants
Proteins: Molecular Structure and Functions
Enzymes and How They Work
Vitamins, Minerals, and Functions
Food Additives
Food Unit Project
Review and Finals
1. The Metric System
2. Density Lab
3. Solubility Curves (Dry Lab)
4. Qualitative Analysis of Water Pollutants
6. Identifying Substances
7. Distillation
8. Acids and Bases
9. Conductivity Lab
10. “Sealed with a Kiss” Chromatography Lab
11. Modeling Alkanes (Dry Lab)
12. Modeling Alkenes
13. Modeling Alkynes
14. Molecules of Life Lab
15. Food Nutrient Analysis Lab
16. Caloric Determination of Food Items
17. Chemical Reactions Lab
18. Building Carbohydrate Molecules (molecular models)
19. Building Amino Acids and Proteins (molecular models)
20. Chemical Reactions
AP Chemistry
School XXX
Year: 2011 – 2012
Course Description:
In keeping with the objectives of the College Board, students enrolled in AP Chemistry
will cover content equivalent to what is presented in two semesters of college general
chemistry. Upon successful completion of this course and achievement of a satisfactory
score on the AP Chemistry Examination, students may have the opportunity to receive
general chemistry credits or place out of general chemistry classes and move into more
advanced science courses during their first years in college. During the first semester,
students will review concepts presented during their first course of high school chemistry
beginning with problem solving skills, data collection, significant figures, stoichiometry,
and the basics of the periodic table and general properties of matter. Moving from this
review foundation, students will study chemical reactions, solutions, properties of gases
and thermochemistry before focusing in on a more in depth examination of the periodic
table and chemical bonding. Students will explore the intricate differences between
solids and liquids as they begin the second semester. Properties of solutions and
reactions of acids and bases follow logically after. In addition students will also study
chemical kinetics, equilibria, spontaneity, free energy, entropy, and electrochemistry
during the second half of this course. Throughout both semesters of AP Chemistry, an
emphasis will be placed upon problem solving skills, descriptive chemistry, development
and use of models to explain chemical principles, and the prediction of products in
chemical reactions. The skills and content offered in this course along with those in the
laboratory and review components have been chosen to adequately prepare students for
the AP Chemistry Examination and future success in college science courses.
Zumdahl, S. S. Chemistry, 6th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2003.
• Student edition with technology package: ISBN 0-618-34231-1
• Study Guide ISBN 0-618-22162-X (optional but suggested)
• Student Solutions Manual ISBN 0-618-22163-8 (optional, not suggested)
Any scientific calculator (log and scientific notation capable)
Topic Outline
• Liquids and Solids
 Boiling Model Lesson
• Properties of Solutions
• Chemical Kinetics
• Chemical Equilibrium
• Acids and Bases
• Applications of Aqueous Equilibria
• Spontaneity, Entropy, and Free Energy
• Electrochemistry
Learning Goals
(Taken from the Instructor’s Resource Guide for the text.)
Section One:
To define dipole-dipole force, hydrogen bonding forces, and
London dispersion forces. To describe the effects these forces
have on the properties of liquids and solids.
Section Two: To describe some properties of liquids: surface tension, capillary
action, and viscosity.
Section Three: To contrast crystalline and amorphous solids. To introduce Xray diffraction as a means for structure determination.
Section Four: To discuss the concept of closest packing of metal atoms. To
describe two models for bonding in metals. To define and
classify alloys.
Section Five: To show how the bonding in elemental carbon and silicon
accounts for the widely different properties of their compounds.
To explain how a semiconductor works.
Section Six:
To describe the bonding in molecular solids.
Section Seven: To model the structures of ionic solids using the packing of
Section Eight: To define the vapor pressure of a liquid. To discuss the features
of heating curves.
Section Nine: To discuss the features of phase diagrams.
Section One:
To define various ways of describing solution composition.
Section Two: To define the heat of solution and discuss its various energy
Section Three: To show how molecular structure, pressure, and temperature
affect solubility.
Section Four: To show how a solution's vapor pressure is affected by the
concentration of solute and the interactions of solute and solvent.
Section Five: To explain the effect of a solute on the boiling and freezing
points of a solvent.
Section Six:
To explain osmosis and describe its application.
Section Seven: To show how the colligative properties of electrolyte solutions
can be used to characterize the solute.
Section Eight: To define a colloid and explain how it is stabilized.
Section One:
To define the reaction rate and to show how rates can be
measured from experimental data.
Section Two: To describe the two types of rate laws.
Section Three: To learn methods for determining the rate law for a reaction.
Section Four: To develop rate laws relating concentration to reaction time and
to show how they can be used to determine reaction order.
Section Five: To summarize the two types of rate laws and the methods by
which they can be determined.
Section Six:
To explore the relationship between the reaction pathway and the
rate law.
Section Seven: To discuss the temperature dependence of reaction rates. To
describe the collision model. To define and show how to
calculate activation energy.
Section Eight: To explain how a catalyst speeds up a reaction. To discuss
heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis.
Section One:
To discuss how equilibrium is established.
Section Two: To introduce the law of mass action and to show how to calculate
values for the equilibrium constant.
Section Three: To show how K and Kp are related.
Section Four: To show how condensed phases are treated in constructing the
equilibrium expression.
Section Five: To show how the equilibrium constant is used to predict the
direction in which a system will move to reach equilibrium. To
demonstrate the calculation of equilibrium concentrations given
initial concentrations.
Section Six:
To generalize the procedure for doing equilibrium calculations.
Section Seven: To show how to predict the changes that occur when a system at
equilibrium is disturbed.
Section One:
To discuss two models of acids and bases and to relate
equilibrium concepts to acid dissociation.
Section Two: To relate acid strength to the position of the dissociation
equilibrium. To discuss the autoionization of water.
Section Three: To define pH, pOH, and pK and to introduce general methods for
solving acid-base problems.
Section Four: To demonstrate the systematic treatment of solutions of strong
Section Five: To demonstrate the systematic treatment of solutions of weak
acids. To show how to calculate percent dissociation.
Section Six:
To introduce equilibria involving strong and weak bases. To
show how to calculate pH for basic solutions.
Section Seven: To describe the dissociation equilibria of acids with more than
one acidic proton.
Section Eight: To explain why certain salts give acidic or basic solutions and to
show how to calculate the pH of these solutions.
Section Nine: To show how bond strength and polarity affect acid-base
Section Ten:
To show how to predict whether an oxide will produce an acidic
or basic solution.
Section Eleven: To define acids and bases in terms of electron pairs.
Section Twelve: To summarize the major species approach to solving acid-base
Section One:
To study the effect of a common ion on acid dissociation
Section Two: To explain the characteristics of buffered solutions. To show
how to calculate a buffer pH given the concentrations of the
buffering materials.
Section Three: To describe the meaning of buffer capacity.
Section Four: To demonstrate how to calculate the pH at any point in an acidbase titration.
Section Five: To explain how acid-base indicators work.
Section Six:
To show how to calculate the solubility product of a salt given
the solubility of the salt, and vice versa. To demonstrate the
prediction of relative solubilities from Ksp values. To explain
the effect of pH and a common ion on the solubility of a salt.
Section Seven: To show how to predict whether precipitation will occur when
solutions are mixed. To describe the use of selective
precipitation to separate a mixture of ions in solution.
Section Eight: To apply the principles of equilibrium to the formation of
complex ions. To show how complex ion formation can increase
the solubility of a salt.
Section One:
To define a spontaneous process. To define entropy in terms of
positional probability.
Section Two: To state the second law of thermodynamics in terms of entropy.
Section Three: To discuss the important characteristics of entropy changes in the
surroundings. To apply the relationship between ΔSsurr, ΔH,
and T (K).
Section Four: To define free energy and relate it to spontaneity.
Section Five: To apply positional probability to chemical reactions. To relate
molecular complexity to entropy.
Section Six:
To show how to calculate the standard free energy change in a
chemical reaction. To define standard free energy of formation
and show how to use it to predict spontaneity.
Section Seven: To relate free energy to pressure.
Section Eight: To define equilibrium in terms of minimum free energy. To
show how the value of K is related to ΔG°.
Section Nine: To relate work done to the change in free energy.
Section One:
To review oxidation and reduction. To define the components of
an electrochemical cell. To distinguish between a galvanic cell
and an electrolytic cell. To define cell potentials.
Section Two: To describe how standard reduction potentials are assigned in
terms of the standard hydrogen electrode. To demonstrate the
combination of half-reactions to form the cell reaction. To
characterize a galvanic cell.
Section Three: To relate the maximum cell potential to the free energy
difference between cell reactants and products.
Section Four:
To discuss the driving force in concentration cells. To quantify
how to calculate the relationship between cell potential and cell
concentration. To show how to calculate equilibrium constants
from cell potentials.
Section Five: To discuss the composition and operation of commonly used
Section Six:
To explain the electrochemical nature of corrosion and describe
some means for preventing it.
Section Seven: To describe the stoichiometry of electrolysis reactions. To show
how to predict the order of electrolysis of the components of a
Section Eight: To discuss the manufacture of aluminum, the chlor-alkali
process, and other industrial applications of electrolysis.
Students should expect to spend a minimum of 10-15 hours a week studying and
completing the course readings, lecture notes, homework sets, discussion tasks, weekly
quizzes and examinations. Students must be self-motivated and inclined to keep a regular
schedule in order to not only keep up with, but to achieve success in this rigorous course
(and any AP course, typically).
3. Non-web Instructional Resources
Teaching Inquiry-Based Chemistry: Creating Student-Led Scientific Communities
presents a successful implementation of an inquiry-based chemistry curriculum. The
book begins with an introduction of the final project of the year, a mock chemical
industry activity. Several classes participate in the activity where each class represents a
chemical company with students role-playing management, research and development,
and finance. The objective for each class is to create the best soap product. The project
is nearly-completely student-led and lasts for about two weeks. The authors begin with
this project to demonstrate the level of full inquiry that is possible to achieve in a high
school classroom and use the following chapter to address frequently asked questions and
doubts encountered from colleagues and other teaching professionals.
The book continues with a description of the types of activities and discussions
that the teachers employ at the start of the year to establish and nurture an environment of
open participation. The authors waste no time during the school year informing students
that they are expected to openly discuss their ideas, always practice laboratory safety, and
participate in experiments and activities that are not scripted for them. The book
discusses the importance of fostering open communication and trust to successfully
establish the necessary classroom environment for full inquiry to work. The authors then
conclude the book with a survey of yearly activities they use that prepare students for
higher levels of inquiry and conceptual learning.
Many discussions of inquiry learning are centered on theoretical scenarios with
partial details that leave many questions regarding actual implementation of the activity
or process. This book offers a different perspective, one of a curriculum that has been
used and improved for several years accompanied with details of the activities used and
discussions that establish the correct environment and demonstrate student interaction.
Chapter three of the book discusses frequently asked questions and commonly held
reservations associated with implementing an inquiry-based curriculum. This book can
be a very helpful read for any chemistry teacher, and likely most science teachers,
interested in implementing any level of inquiry in their classroom. All science teachers
will likely benefit from reading this book because the authors address establishing a sense
of community within the class and the importance of safety that apply to any science
classroom. Chemistry teachers will appreciate the formerly mentioned discussions and
the inclusion of the major activities used throughout the year. Not only are the activites
discussed, but the student handouts for each activity are included as well. The review of
a successfully implemented inquiry-based curriculum is a refreshing perspective on
inquiry-based teaching that teachers of most science disciplines will find motivating and
informative. Brian
Gallagher--Bolos, Joan A., and Dennis W. Smithenry. Teaching Inquiry-Based Science:
Creating Student-Led Scientific Communities. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann,
2004. Print.
Chemistry Connections The Chemical Basis of Everyday Phenomena
This book examines many different everyday phenomenon and explains how
these processes occur chemically. Some prime examples that are explained in this book
are the northern lights, why does disappearing ink disappear, why do glow sticks glow,
what causes an instant pack to cool, why does superglue stick to any type of surface, what
does pH stand for, and what causes the fizz when an antacid is added to water. The
organization of the subjects are very organized and correlate to general chemistry topics.
The chapters in this book include atomic properties, connections to gases, connections to
solutions, connections to acids and bases, and connections to chemical equilibrium. All
of these topics are covered in an AP chemistry class.
While these phenomenona are interesting topics the chemistry behind these topics
is far too advanced for the non-college bound level students, but not too advanced for the
AP level chemistry student. Some of the subjects involve very advanced
thermodynamics that are definitely not addressed in a non-college bound course but could
be addressed at the AP level. I think this would be a good supplementary text to use after
the AP exam in a high school chemistry classroom. After AP exam teachers do not have
a curriculum that is necessary to cover. Students often ask the question, “How am I ever
going to use this information?” This book proves to students that after all of the hard
work they put in throughout the course of the year pays off. This book would show
students how chemistry can be related to their everyday lives and provide various
projects or assignments for students to complete. Colin
Karukstis, Kerry K., and Hecke Gerald R. Van. Chemistry Connections: the Chemical
Basis of Everyday Phenomena. Boston: Academic, 2003. Print.
P’s Book Review
The Chemistry Connections: The Chemical Basis of Everyday Phenomena by
Kerry K. Karukstis and Gerald R. Van Hecke is a book that answers the questions about
everyday experiences and observations. It brings the importance of chemistry and how it
works in our everyday life through a question-and-answer format accompanied with
diagrams in a way that is not too complicated to understand. The book is divided into
eleven chapters like connections to medicine, connections to food, connections to the
household and so on, and within each chapter there are the relevant questions. The book
has a preface that talks about the why high school graduates need this book and also the
approach they use in this text. In addition to that, there is a conventions page that clearly
describes the short hand drawings they use. The beginning of this book easily engages the
learner while also making sure they would not get lost with how they approach and
answer each question.
This book is designed for introductory college level chemistry students and
educators. This would fit okay in a high school curriculum only in higher level or AP
chemistry courses. The reason is because a lot of the answers involve a deeper
understanding of chemistry, and some topics and notations that early chemistry material
would not cover it. An example would be when they use the organic structures to explain
and help answer the question. In each question, in the answer they it broken down to
certain categories: the chemical essence, the chemical specifics, key terms and references.
They even have related websites that students or anyone could take a look at and look
deeper into.
Take a closer look at one question: What is the Dark Spot on the Inside of a
Lightbulb when it Burns out? The answer has to do with tungsten metal and it goes over
the physical and chemical properties of tungsten and talks about incandescence. The
answer involves the understanding of physical and chemical properties as well as
understanding electricity, melting temperature and general properties of heat. Another
question: Why does a Mixture of Hydrogen Peroxide and Sodium and Bicarbonate
Deodorize a Dog that has been Sprayed by a Skunk? This answer has to do with thiols
and the book describes them and how the functional –SH group is involved. It also breaks
it down with chemical formulas, and showing the electrons and the oxidizing agent
(hydrogen peroxide). It represents the overall reaction and so basically the answer ties
together it in words and showing students how the skunk scent can be removed.
This book might be a stretch for AP courses, but can be used for further learning
and supplement questions students might have. It is useful in the sense it broadens and
checks your understanding, and shows how chemistry happens in your everyday life. It is
definitely a good book to challenge students. Adith
4. Classroom Management
Classroom Expectations
Class safety is our NUMBER 1 priority! At all times practice safe behavior and
keep an eye out to make sure that other students are being safe as well.
o Goggles will be worn at all times in the lab area and also when I (or any
teacher) tell you it is important.
o Aprons will be worn at all times in the lab.
o We will keep all food and drinks separate from the lab areas.
o Keep all chemicals and food that has been in the lab area out of your
mouth and off of your skin (Question: would it be appropriate here to say
“Do NOT ingest any chemicals or food that has been in the lab area?”)
o Know where the fire extinguisher, fire blanket, safety shower, eye wash
station, sand, and sodium bicarbonate solution are located.
We will respect each other, especially when working together in groups.
o We will actively and respectfully listen when other are providing
o All comments and questions are appreciated.
You should ask questions or provide comments during any activity of discussion
if you have them, please raise your hand or say my name to get my attention.
If you have any constructive suggestions or comments regarding the activities we
do in class or my teaching style, please tell me or leave a note in the comment
o I am here to help you learn chemistry in a fun yet challenging manner, so
please tell me if something is or is not working.
Classroom Procedures
Arrive to class on time, this means be in the classroom before the bell.
When you arrive, if you have
o questions find me and let me know so that we can set up some time to
address it.
o work to turn in, please place it in the class box.
o a lab, put your goggles and apron on, go to your lab desk, and set out your
pre-lab to be checked.
Some days shorter labs may start later in the period, if this is the
case then wait to go begin preparing for the lab until told to do so
by myself.
o done all of the above, then pull out your notebook and begin working on
the starter problem.
Reserve a section of your notebook for the starter problems and reserve a separte
section of your notebook for demonstrations. Each month, an explanation of each
of the demos should be turned into the class box at the start of class on the third
school day of the next month. See course syllabus for further explanation and
Positive Reinforcements
If, as a class, you collect the most points at the end of the semester, you will
receive an ice cream party – below is an overview, further explanation can be
found in the syllabus.
o Points are collected based on the percent of students or groups that turn in
completed work on time, that take quizzes and exams on time (excused
absences do not count against), and level of participation each day.
o Points can be lost based on the percent of students that are tardy and on
the presence of disrespectful or unsafe behavior.
Late work will be accepted but with a penalty of one letter grade per week late.
There is a zero tolerance policy regarding unsafe behavior – if any student is
caught without goggles or an apron in the lab when told otherwise or goofing off,
then the entire class will leave the lab area and finish class through a lecture – this
is to enforce (1) the importance of safety and (2) the community aspect of safe
After three requests to change disrespectful behavior, you will receive a detention.
o Disrespectful behavior is bullying other students, disrupting class
activities, arriving late to class, etc.
Unacceptable behavior will result in a trip to the dean.
o Unacceptable behavior is unsafe lab practices, fighting, etc.
5. Grading Plan and Policies
Homework is an extra opportunity to interact with the material and develop a more
sound understanding or practice some skills necessary for some topics. For this
reason homework will be suggested to students based upon our assessment of their
current understanding. Homework may be checked for completion but will not count
towards a grade.
Lab Reports
Because chemistry is a science, a discipline built upon the evidence discovered from
observation or experiment, we will make labs a focus of our department. Not only is
doing labs important, but understanding them and relating them to the curriculum is
critical. Experimentation is a critical aspect of chemistry so lab skills will be
considered as well. For this reason, labs will be graded for understanding and on
precision of the results. Students will receive a score based upon the completion of
the labs and their understanding. For the report, students will be asked to rewrite the
report until their explanation is accurate.
Quizzes allow students and teachers to determine the level of understanding of
students and to determine if they are prepared to move on to new material. For this
reason students will be allowed to retake quizzes, outside of class time, until satisfied
or until we have taken the unit exam. The most recent score will count towards their
grades. Quizzes will be given at natural breaks in the unit.
To reflect the goals of this course, for students to learn chemistry, the purpose of
exams is not to determine their understanding at a set time, but their final
understanding of the material. For this reason, students will be allowed to retake
exams, outside of class time, until they are satisfied. The most recent score will
During each quarter, the points will break down roughly as follows:
Lab skills – 10%
Lab report – 30%
Quizzes – 20%
Exams – 40%
6. Safety
Safety Rules
1) Conduct yourself in a responsible manner
 Notify instructor if you see unsafe behavior or conditions
2) Follow all written and verbal instructions carefully- ASK if you are unsure or do
not understand what to do in class
 Read labels and equipment instructions carefully
3) Do not eat, drink or chew gum in the classroom and during lab.
4) No horseplay or practical jokes during lab, NO fooling around.
 Do not distract or bother other students during their labs.
5) Keep desk and work areas clean; and keep aisles clear.
6) Wear lab safety goggles during any lab!
7) During lab activities: tie long hair back, dangling jewelry and loose or bagging
clothing must be secure, and students should wear shoes that cover the whole foot
8) When using chemicals: keep hands away from face, eyes, mouth and body.
9) Also do not taste, touch and smell chemicals (unless instructed to do so for smell)
 PROPER way of smelling a chemical: Wafting your hand above the
container towards your face. NEVER smell or sniff a chemical straight on
with your nose.
10) Acids must be handled with extreme care; always add acid to water.
11) Do not return unused chemicals back to their original containers.
12) Do not use a mouth suction to fill a pipette; use a rubber bulb or pipette pump.
13) When using sharp objects: carry the handles and with tips pointing down and
14) When removing electrical plug from its socket, grasp from plug, not cord and
hands must be completely dry.
15) Never leave anything unattended, reaction or burner
16) Never remove chemicals or equipment from laboratory or classroom.
17) Dispose chemical waste properly
 Never mix chemicals in the sink
 Sinks are ONLY used for water and those solutions designated by
 Solid chemicals, metals, matches, filter paper and other insoluble materials
need to be disposed in the proper waste containers, not the sink.
18) Wash hands with water and soap after performing all lab experiments
19) Report ANY injury or accident to teacher, and if yourself or another student is
hurt seek help and get teacher’s attention.
 Do not handle broken glassware with hands
 Nor used broken or chipped glassware in any experiments
20) If a chemical splashes in your eye or skin, immediately flush with running water
from eyewash station or safety shower for at least 20 minutes.
21) When mercury thermometers are broken, do not touch the mercury!
List of Illinois School Safety Regulations
1) A Chemical Hygiene Plan that conforms to the Occupational Exposures to
Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories legislation. The biggest thing at least in a
high school setting would be having the proper personal protection equipment.
 Students, teachers and visitors by state law are required to wear approved
eye protection (this protection is indicated by the code “Z87” stamped on
it”). Even if there is a visitor in the classroom during a chemistry
laboratory, as the teacher, we have to provide and mandate that they wear
proper safety goggles or whatever is appropriate for that specific
laboratory. Appropriate personal protective equipment must be used.
 Illinois Hazard Communication Standard (Right-to-Know Law) does not
apply to students because it is about employees, but generally it follows
the Chemical Hygiene Plan in setting of standards and practices for
laboratory work.
2) Illinois Administrative Code contains specific requirements for exhaust rate from
laboratory fume. This would affect the physical layout of how the lab and parts of
the lab is constructed. Ventilation for the lab room should be conductive to
students and people in the lab, breathing clean air should easily occur. The Code
also says there should be two unobstructed paths of exit from the laboratory
which also has to do with the physical layout of the lab in relation to the exits.
3) Illinois State Board of Education every 10 years, each school board shall survey
its school buildings and execute any recommendations; this would mean
maintaining the laboratory well and making sure it is kept up with state
4) Illinois Environmental Protection Agency – there is a specific way to dispose of
chemicals. This is important because it affects how we clean up after a lab and
during a lab. Specific chemicals need to go into the correct type of containers,
these needs to be appropriately labeled. Also chemical waste should be a
minimum, should use the right starting amount, and teach and show accurate
measurements and how a lab should be done.
5) Illinois apparently does NOT have a class-size legislation in regards to lab.
Teaching Safety Activity
This is taught on the second day, and is described in more detail in First Days of
School section. It is basically a demo using Styrofoam heads and putting in different
safety conditions. This will visually show students what can happen in a very real,
dramatic way, and that safety needs to be taken seriously.
7. First Day of School
The first couple of days of school we will be focusing on using demonstrations. We
intend on performing visual demonstrations as a means of sparking students interest and
showing students various different aspects of Chemistry. Going into first year chemistry
many students do not know what to expect. The purpose of the demonstrations is to
engage students on day one and hopefully keep their interest the rest of the year. Some of
the demonstrations that we plan on performing include:
- Chemical Hot/Cold Pack: Make either hot or cold and pass around the room.
- Balloon Full of Carbon Dioxide: We place dry ice in a balloon, seal the balloon, and
watch it inflate.
- Briggs-Rauscher Reaction: This is a continuous reaction that changes liquid from clear,
to dark blue, to brown, and then back to clear.
- Hydrogen-Oxygen Balloon Explosion: We will mix stoichiometric amounts of
hydrogen and oxygen and make a LOUD explosion.
After performing the demonstrations described above the students will break off into
groups of two to three and attempt to describe what was going on in each demonstration.
This will get students accustomed to making observations and working cooperatively in a
group setting. By making students write down their observations and why they think
each demonstration occurred we hope to gain an understanding into how each student
thinks as well as determine some general student misconceptions on day one. Chemistry
will be a very new topic for many students and this exercise will help us dive into the
mind of an inexperienced chemist.
The second day of class we will discuss classroom policy and proper lab safety.
We will bring in a Styrofoam “head” and show how various chemicals in the lab can hurt
someone. In addition, we will bring in a wig and show how Bunsen burners can be
dangerous if one is not paying attention, i.e. their hair catches on fire. Moreover, on day
two we plan on going over classroom rules and policies. We structured the first two days
in this fashion because we really wanted to get students interested in the topic on day one.
The more boring day comes second, but is still essential for the class to run smoothly as a
8. Nature of Science
A. Big Ideas
a. Tentativeness
i. Scientific knowledge is subject to change, both through the
improvement of current theories and the adoption of new theories.
One essential criterion is that a plausible theory must fit the current
body of evidence.
ii. Science tends to proceed consistently, but occasionally there are
radical shifts in scientific beliefs.
iii. Scientific knowledge is not absolute truth and is subject to change,
though progress in our ability to explain the world and make
reliable predictions provides a strong argument for the validity of
the scientific enterprise and current knowledge.
b. Objectivity
i. Scientists strive to be objective by actively avoiding bias and
searching for unavoidable sources of bias. This is not always
possible though because of personal convictions or commitment to
accepted theories.
ii. Scientists share results so that others can review their work and
conclusions to help ensure objectivity. Experiments are expected,
though they are not always, repeated by others to verify results as
part of the review process. Even this is not flawless though.
1. To enable peer review scientists are expected to provide
detailed explanations of procedures, materials, equipment,
etc so others can accurately replicate the conditions.
c. Process
i. There is no set process through which science proceeds, but
scientists study the natural world, or theorized aspects of the
natural world, and depend on the collection of evidence to support
old and new ideas alike.
ii. Experiments should be repeated as necessary to collect an
appropriate amount of evidence to draw a logical conclusion.
iii. Scientists strive to control as many variables as possible, or
appropriate, so that natural patterns can be more accurately
iv. Scientists must deal with potential biases, as mentioned above, to
either identify or eliminate, if possible.
v. Conclusions that oppose current theories are typically met with
much criticism, but substantial collection of evidence can lead to
later acceptance of new theories.
d. Social Role
i. People of all different backgrounds (gender, nationality, age, etc)
and careers are involved in the scientific enterprise.
ii. Scientists typically work in groups or teams on specific problems
and are expected to openly share their findings with others who are
and are not in their discipline.
iii. Scientific research can be directed by private and/or public values
based on who provides the funding.
B. Instructional Strategies
a. General Plan
i. Nature of science will be addressed through both specific activities
and throughout general instruction. This department strives to
create an interactive classroom environment so students are
engaged and learning the desired content. For this to be the case, it
is necessary to establish a sense of community and acceptance
within the first few days (see First Day Instruction for specific
1. This is an opportunity to discuss the social characteristics
of science – that people of all different backgrounds are
involved, scientists often work in teams, and scientists
share their results to be reviewed by peers. The teacher
obituary activity allows for all students to be involved and
working together in groups. Class discussions will clarify
the difference between observations and inferences and
access to limited materials force groups to work together to
construct a combined obituary.
2. One lab that our students may complete involves the
periodic trends of the behaviors of different elements.
Students compare how alkali metals, alkaline earth metals,
and halides react with a series of compounds. They are
then given a solution with an unknown cation and anion
and asked to determine the identity, if possible, of the
unknown solution. The students are then asked to swap
their observations and conclusion with another group and to
review the other group’s conclusion. This activity allows
students to practice controlling variables and making
inferences from observations. They also get to experience
something similar to the peer review process, an important
aspect of science that helps to ensure the validity and
objectivity of scientists’ work.
9. Standardized Tests
To: Principal and Administrators
From: Science Department Chemistry Teachers
Subject: Standardized Testing & Curriculum
After viewing the material covered on the Prairie State Achievement Examination
we believe that we will thoroughly discuss all topics that will be tested on this exam
during first semester. According to the makers of the test the main topics covered on the
exam include: Element names & structure, periodic table & trends, states of matter, phase
changes, types of reactions, Avogadro’s number, Boyle’s law and Charles’ law, and the
pH scale. As a department we have reviewed the exams as well and we believe the most
important topics are: periodic table organization & trends, states of matter, types of
reaction, and Avogadro’s number. We have reviewed various exams and questions
regarding these topics consistently appear on different standardized exams. In addition,
after covering these topics we will review them throughout the year in the forms of
warm-up activities and homework. By consistently reinforcing important concepts we
hope that students will have improved performance on the PSAE.
Copy to:
Principal and Administrators
10. Differentiated Instruction
1) Differentiate the oral output of the teacher and adjust questions that you ask your
students. During large group discussion activities, teachers direct the higher level
questions to students who can handle them and adjust questions accordingly for student
with greater needs. All students are answering important questions that require them to
think, but the questions are specifically targeted towards the student’s ability or readiness
2) Differentiating the content: tiered assignments. Tiered activities are a series of related
tasks of varying difficulty and complexity. All of these activities relate to essential
understanding and key skills that students need to acquire. This gives teachers different
ways of the reaching the same objectives and goals while taking into account individual
student needs.
3) Differentiating the content: looking at criteria for selecting appropriate content
materials. The teacher would look at the cognitive load, the cultural load and language
load. The cognitive load – how much decontextualized, factual, and academic knowledge
is there, and is the text appropriate for the students’ age. The cultural load – how much
culture-specific knowledge is there? Language load – how complex are the language
structures and vocabulary?
4) Differentiating process: flexible grouping of students. Flexible grouping allows
students to be appropriately challenged and also students can be grouped based on ability
both ways. Low-ability students can benefit from this because they would be able to learn
from the high ability-students. High-ability students can also benefit because they can
either work with other high-ability students or be a leader with low-ability students.
5) Differentiating process: having students in some form of cooperative learning.
Provides practice for students in working and communicating together about their
learning material. Students learn from one another and teach one another. Some starter
strategies: think-pair-share, numbered heads together, line-up, carrousel.
Two Strategies that would be used in the classroom
1) The first strategy that would be used would be differentiating the process by flexible
grouping of students. I would use this by grouping students according to ability. By this I
mean, grouping high ability students with low ability students. Pick the highest ability
student to be with the lowest ability student in a group and so on. This would be because
of the reasons that the low-ability student can learn from the high-ability student and the
high-ability student can take the role of the leader.
2) The second strategy that would be used would be differentiating the oral output of the
teacher. The teacher when talking should adapt their oral language in the following ways:
articulate clearly, avoid blending words together, be strategic with which students they
face, increase wait time for students and stop to paraphrase often. Some students would
benefit for the teacher to be facing them and it will help them stay engaged and some
students need more time to understand or follow directions, so the teacher should know
their students and know how to adapt in each circumstance. Teacher should also check
comprehension frequently and so adjusting to each group of students will help them not
only keep up with the whole class, but to do well in it.
Cited Sources
“Differentiating Instruction in Reading and Writing.” Resources for Professionals in
English for Speakers of Other Languages. 2 December 2010
“Strategies for Differentiation.” Enhance Learning with Education. 2 December 2010
11. In-depth Instructional Activities
Chem-Com Lessons:
Name: Brian Phelan
Class/Subject: Chemistry I – Unit 3, 3rd Quarter
Date: 12/3/2010
Student Objectives/Student Outcomes:
Students can determine the amount of energy released during a reaction using
Hess’s law.
Students can explain that energy is released when chemical bonds are broken.
Students will evaluate several fuel options based on a variety of factors (such as
cost, greenhouse gas emissions, efficiency, etc).
Content Standards:
11.A.5a – Formulate hypotheses referencing prior research and knowledge.
11.B.5e – Apply established criteria to evaluate the suitability, acceptability,
benefits, drawbacks and consequences for the tested design solution and
recommend modifications and refinement.
12.C.5a – Analyze reactions (e.g., nuclear reactions, burning of fuel,
decomposition of waste) in natural and man-made energy systems.
Computer access for each group (of two to three students))
Internet access –
Schumack et al., “Fueling the Car of Tomorrow,” The Science Teacher, vol. 77,
no. 6, 2010.
o This lesson is specifically designed around the “Which Fuel Is Best?”
About three hours of classtime needed (three and a half 50 minute classes, three
60 minute classes, two and a half 70 minute classes, etc).
Start of Class:
5 min
Post the question, “Describe as many types of fuel for cars as you can.
Which one is the best one?” on the board for students to work on as they
enter the classroom.
Give them the first couple minutes (as needed) to sufficiently think about and
respond to the question.
Introduction of Lesson:
10 min
Ask the class what types of fuel they knew of; record these on the board.
Ask which of the fuels provided is the best. Have students support their
Lead the class through a discussion regarding the qualities of a good fuel –
cheap, portable, high energy content, low emissions. Tell students that we
will investigate a variety of possible automobile fuels to evaluate their
potential as the fuel of the future.
Handout rubric for group presentation at end of lesson and briefly describe
Lesson Instruction:
The lesson will consist of two sections. In the first step of the lesson, students will
Use WebMO to determine the heat of formation of multiple fuels.
Complete the Excel spreadsheet to compare the energy content and carbon
dioxide emissions of each fuel.
In the second step of the lesson, students will
Brainstorm other factors that must be considered when comparing the fuels.
o Efficiency, cost, inputs/outputs of creation, supply method, storage,
Determine which fuel they would use to travel to location of their choice
(Disney, NCAA basketball championship, L.A., etc) and how much it would
Present the details of their trip and support their choice of fuel.
Review with students how combustion reactions are used as energy sources.
o Excess energy released powers machines. Discuss in terms of energy
to break bonds and energy released when new bonds are formed.
 Now think about reactions in terms of going from molecule to atoms then
from atoms to new molecule. Energy to break bonds is same as energy
released when elements combine to make reactant. Energy released to make
the product is the energy released when elements combine to form products.
o Define heats of formation; show examples (water, methane, octane,
 Introduce Hess’s law. Bring students up to the board to work through several
practice problems.
o Ask students why Hess’s law works.
 Show that as long as the before and after does not chance,
then the energy change is not affected.
20 min
Students will be assigned to groups of three to complete the first half of the
o Students will use WebMO ( and class log-ins) to
determine the heat of formation of several fuels.
o Then they will use the Excel spread sheet and the heats of formation
that were calculated on WebMO to compare the energy content and
greenhouse gas emissions for each fuel.
o Students should report their findings in an organized fashion. These
should be turned into the teacher after they have been completed.
In the groups of three, students should brainstorm other factors that need to
be considered when comparing fuels (groups will have access to computers if
they desire).
o Two groups will be combined so that they may share and bounce
ideas off of each other (groups will have access to computers if they
o Combined groups will then conference with the teacher to verify that
they are on the right track.
 Groups may be directed to reading materials to discover
additional factors or will be given an information chart
including the cost and efficiency of each type of fuel to use in
analyzing the fuels for each trip.
Back in original groups of three, students will determine the cost to travel to
the destination of their choice using each fuel. They must then factor in the
40 min
cost and other characteristics to decide which fuel would best serve them on
their travels.
 Each group of three will create a flyer, poster, presentation, etc. portraying
the relevant information (cost with each fuel, advantages and disadvantages
of each fuel, and fuel choice with rationalization).
o See rubric attached at end for grading scheme.
Each group will present their trip.
60 min
40 min
Assessments/Checks for Understanding:
1. Hess’s law practice problems and discussion.
2. Comparison of energy contents and greenhouse gas emissions constructed
with WebMO and the Excel spreadsheet.
3. Conference with groups regarding additional factors to consider.
4. Group presentation of trip and optimal fuel.
5 min
Review qualities of good fuel and additional factors that come into play. Ask
if students think there is a front-runner for the fuel of the future or which fuel
research should focus on.
Review big ideas of chemistry that come into play during fuel discussion –
energy cannot be created and matter is conserved.
Instructions and WebMO Directions
Which Fuel is Best?
Objective – You will be traveling to some destination (of your choice) by car. You
will determine how much the trip will cost if you travel in a vehicle that
uses gasoline, ethanol, biodiesel, electricity, hydrogen fuel cell, and
natural gas. You must also decide which of the six fuel choices is
optimal for your trip.
General Instructions
1. Determine the energy content and greenhouse gas emissions of each fuel.
a. Open and complete the Excel spreadsheet.
i. Log onto using the password given to you
ii. Determine the heat of formation of each of the following
molecules using WebMO.
1. H2O, CO2, C2H5OH, C8H18, CH4, C19H34O2
iii. Insert the heats of formation values into the appropriate boxes on
the spreadsheet and continue to work through the spreadsheet as
b. Each group must submit a table of the six fuel types and the determined
energy content and greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide) emissions.
2. Brainstorm, as a group, as many factors as you can that are characteristics of a
good source of fuel.
a. After each group works for 15 minutes, join another group to discuss the
different factors that were considered. After the whole group decides they
are ready to move on to the travel analysis, consult with the teacher to
determine that an appropriate list of topics was determined. If your group
is missing some of the major factors, your group will be asked to take a
look at some additional readings to help you out.
i. The following link is one source that may have some helpful
ideas <
3. Determine the cost to travel to a destination of your choice using each of those
fuels. Decide which of the fuel options your group believes will be the optimal
fuel source for your travels – be prepared to rationalize your thinking.
a. As a group, produce a poster, flyer, presentation, etc. to present your trip
and fuel choice to the rest of the class. Be sure you can rationalize your
fuel choice. See the rubric for this project below.
WebMO Directions
1. Go to and login using the username and password provided
to you.
2. Start a new job, open the editor, and construct the molecule
3. For double or triple bonds, right click on the bond and select double or triple.
Then, right click on each of the atoms in the bond and change the hybridization
4. Select Clean-Up and choose Comprehensive
5. Close the editor and press the blue right arrow.
6. Select Mopac and press the blue right arrow.
7. Select “Geometry Optimization” in the “Calculation” drop-down window.
8. If the molecule is polar or has a polar functional group, select “AM1” in the
“Theory” drop-down window, otherwise select “PM3” in the “Theory” dropdown window.
9. “Charge” and “Multiplicity” should remain set at “0” and “singlet,” respectively.
10. Press the blue right arrow to run the calculation.
11. When the status reads “Complete” click on the job name. Record the heat of
formation in the excel activity under “Type WebMO ΔfHo below”.
Screenshots of Excel Spreadsheet
Which Fuel is Best?
Teacher Name: Professor X
Student Name:
Correct cost of
trip for each fuel.
Correct cost of
trip for 4-5 fuels.
Correct cost of
trip for 3-2 fuels.
Less than two
correct costs.
Cost of Trip
Content Accuracy
Advantages and
disadvantages for
each fuel;
qualities of a
good fuel
Advantages and
disadvantages for
each fuel OR
qualities of a
good fuel and
advantages and
disadvantages for
most fuels.
Advantages and
disadvantages for
most fuels OR
qualities of a
good fuel and
advantages and
disadvantages for
some fuels.
Advantages and
disadvantages for
some fuels OR
qualities of a
good fuel.
Graphics Relevance
All graphics are
related to the
topic and make it
easier to
understand. All
graphics have a
source citation.
All graphics are
related to the
topic and most
make it easier to
understand. All
graphics have a
source citation.
All graphics
relate to the topic.
Most borrowed
graphics have a
source citation.
Graphics do not
relate to the topic
OR several
graphics do not
have a source
advantages and
disadvantages of
chosen fuel and
other fuels.
advantages of
chosen fuel and
disadvantages of
all other fuels.
advantages of
chosen fuel OR
disadvantages of
some other fuels.
advantages of
chosen fuel OR
disadvantages of
other fuels.
Council Meeting: Where Does All the Waste Go?
Prior Knowledge:
Students have learned the basic principles of conservation of mass. Students know basic
problem solving skills and how to research.
Time Frame: 5 50-minute class periods
Learning (concept/content) Objective:
After doing the landfill activity, students will be able to:
Locate important information in making science-based environmental decisions
Be able to use a decision-making model to make a decision about an
environmental issue
Understand the basic concepts of landfill construction
Identify alternative waste management practices
Appreciate complexity of environmental issues
Learn to work cooperatively and understand how a democratic society works
Short Version of Learning Objective:
This activity involves student research and role-play to explore a complex environmental
issue and develop a science-based resolution. Students will investigate solid waste
management and disposal. The lesson culminates in a City Council Meeting role-play at
which the Council must decide the fate of a landfill expansion that would encroach on a
community park. Students will use an environmental decision-making model to support
their decision-making based on specific values and scientific information.
Skill/Process Objective:
Students will develop abilities to research an area and become an expert on it. They will
use this information and apply what they learn to the council meeting. They will develop
how to communicate this information and how to work together in finding a solution to
the problem that was presented to the class.
11.A.5e Report, display and defend the results of investigations to audiences that may
include professionals and technical experts.
11.B.5a Identify a design problem that has practical applications and propose possible
solutions, considering such constraints as available tools, materials, time and costs.
13.B.3f Apply classroom-developed criteria to determine the effects of policies on local
science and technology issues (e.g., energy consumption, landfills, water quality).
Computer for Research
Teacher Goals:
I want to use this lesson for students to understand the principle of conservation of matter
and see that just because we use up materials, the mass is still conserved and so
something has to be done with these materials; whether it is to reuse them or put them
somewhere. It’s a problem based activity because it will engage students and they can
really take ownership of their parts, from that they will learn to work together and it
would be more memorable then just hearing me talk about it.
Background and Role Assignment
Provide students with the “Attention Citizens” flyer. This flyer announces a special
meeting of the Chicago City Council being convened to discuss a proposal to expand the
Chicago Municipal Landfill. The landfill expansion proposal has arisen following a study
by the Landfill Steering Committee concluding that at current trends the local landfill
will reach full capacity by the year 2010. There are currently no waste reduction
programs in place in Chicago. The City Council has invited several experts to attend the
meeting as well as the citizens of Chicago. The flyer also provides a map of Chicago. The
map shows that the proposed expansion site lies in a city-owned forest that is adjacent to
the city park. There is no other land available in Chicago for the proposed expansion.
Explain this scenario to students as they review the flyer.
Next, provide students with the role assignment. Assign an appropriate number of
students to each of the roles listed on the table. Explain each description, perspective, and
motivation of each role.
Differentiation can be done at this point
1. Role Assignment – Assign students in specific roles that will shine their strengths
or pair them with someone who can either compliment them while working in that
role or cover their weaknesses. Strategically assign roles.
2. If you know your class well, and do not want to assign roles, and would rather
have students volunteer for roles, you can do that as well.
Tell students that they will also need to write up a decision-making model and frame it in
a way they think is best for the assignment. This model needs to provide a framework for
students to organize information and opinions prior to making a decision on an
environmental issue.
Student Research
After receiving a role assignment, students should spend a significant amount of time
obtaining information that will allow them to perform their roles in the Council Meeting.
All students should seek general background information on landfills and alternative
solid waste management options (e.g recycling or composting). In addition, each student
should seek specific information related to his/her assigned role. For example, the
Landfill Manager should be familiar with the basic construction of a landfill. General and
role-specific information resources are provided on the Role Assignments Table. These
resources are not all-inclusive. Other useful resources will include periodical news
publications, especially area newspapers. Encourage students to explore a wide range of
sources and information.
Differentiation can be done at this point
1. For students who are having trouble with getting started in researching, help
encourage them with the different sources and just give them extra support as
needed, but do not answer the questions.
Upon completion of student research, students should summarize their findings by
completing the decision-making model. The model should be completed from the
perspective of a student’s assigned role and should form the basis for each student’s
participation in the role-play activity.
On the final day of this lesson, a role-play activity will be held simulating the Chicago
City Council Meeting. The instructor will serve as Chicago Mayor and preside over the
Council Meeting. Organize your room to achieve as realistic an environment as possible
(e.g. allow for council seating at the front of the room, include a designated podium for
speakers). At the beginning of the class period, the Mayor should call the meeting to
order and describe the purpose of the meeting. That is, the City Council will consider a
proposal to expand the Municipal Landfill. Beginning with the landfill manager, each
student will then be asked to present information related to the assigned role. Following
these presentations and any discussion that arises, the council will vote on whether to
allow the expansion or to pursue other options. An outline of the meeting might go as
Mayor - Call to order, opening remarks
Landfill Manager - Discuss expansion plan, describe landfill construction
Environmental Scientist – Present factual, science-based information on impacts
of landfill expansion and alternative waste management practices
Environmental Activist - Oppose expansion plan, discuss drawbacks of landfilling, present alternative waste management practices
Community Members - Present research information and opinions
Council Members - Present opinions, may question experts
All - Questions, rebuttals
Mayor with interaction from all - Summarize meeting, formulate policy options,
call Council to Vote
Council Vote
Meeting Adjourned
All student opinions and positions should be justified by student research and
decision-making model. Students should work together to formulate policy
options and bring those options to vote.
This lesson attempts to introduce students to the complex nature of environmental
problem solving and decision-making. However, the activity is still greatly simplified in
comparison to real life. As a wrap-up to this activity, you may conduct a de-briefing
How would your decision be different if you were playing a different role than
you were assigned?
This lesson was a simplified version of a real-life scenario. What other issues
might come into play in the real world?
Although all of our environmental decisions should be made using the best
available scientific knowledge, what other factors can influence environmental
Do you think that science can be manipulated to support one view over another?
How might that manipulation be used to negatively influence an environmental
Evaluate (Assessment): The class would receive the same overall grade, so it would push
students to try their best and spur one another on, but there would also be an individual
participation grade. The overall grade would be how the final product came together, this
would be known as the Class Project Grade. The individual participation grade would be
based on effort and how much work each student puts in, and this would show during the
town meeting. The decision model making would also be graded on a similar type grade
as in the individual participation, depending on how well you can see the students’
thought processes.
Landfill Town Meeting Rubric
Class Project
The town
meeting went
students were
able to come to a
solution and
really showed
respect to one
another during
the meeting.
The town
meeting went
well, and
students came to
a solution, but it
was not really a
solution or the
town meeting
went just okay
and students did
have a sciencebased solution.
The town
meeting went
not as expected,
it could have
been better, the
students really
did not seem to
work together
that well, but did
come up with
some sort of
The town
meeting went
horrible, students
were off task,
seemed to do
their own thing,
could not come
to a resolution.
Excellent work
ethic, the
participates and
uses his or her
time efficiently
each class
Student does
good to average
work, the student
does stay on task
for the most part,
but did get off
task and just
aimed for the
minimum effort
Student had very
low effort and
attempted to do
work, but
ultimately was a
poor effort and it
Student who
showed no
interest or all and
made no effort
Decision Model
Student shows
understanding of
what was
expected and
showed their
processes in a
very clear and
easy to follow
Student shows
good or adequate
understanding of
what was
expected and for
the most part
was clear and the
thought process
flowed well.
(On Next Page)
Student tries, but
is missing key
elements and the
model itself is
hard to follow.
Student makes
no attempt or
poor attempt and
model is not
Role Assignments
Environmental Decision Making: Chicago’s Landfill Expansion
Role (# Needed)
Landfill Manager
Responsible for daily operation and
management of landfill. Will present
proposal to expand landfill to
adjacent property. The property is
currently wooded land owned by the
city. Explain landfill construction
and operation based on research.
Text: p. 376-7
Will oppose expansion, argue for
alternatives (waste reduction,
recycling program, refuse out-ofcounty waste, landfill mining).
City Council
Will vote on expansion after hearing
(3-5) comments. Council members should
consider political and economic
impacts of landfill expansion.
Present science-based information on
landfill expansion and waste
Develop and present opinion based Newspaper/magazine articles
(10-15) on news accounts, personal research.
Forensic Science and its Applications
Colin Rice
Learning Objectives:
Students will recognize different applications of forensic science. (1B/H1)
Students will become experts on one particular aspect of forensic science. (1C/H10)
Assessment Criteria:
Students will be expected to compile different facts and information regarding one
specific field in forensic science and then present that field to the classroom. The
assessment of the students will come during this presentation. The teacher must look for
active participation by all group members and general knowledge about the respective
assigned topic.
- Investigations are conducted for different reasons, including to explore new phenomena, to
check on previous results, to test how well a theory predicts, and to compare theories. 1B/H1
- Because science is a human activity, what is valued in society influences what is valued in
science. 1C/H10
Relationship to the Driving Question:
To study the various applications of chemistry in forensic science.
Prior Conceptions:
Many students will already think they know what forensic science entails, catching
criminals. Television shows such as CSI highlight certain applications of forensic
science, but do not take into account the entire field.
Instructional Strategies:
The instructional strategy being used in this lesson is the Expert-Student approach.
Students will become “experts” in their field of forensic science and teach the rest of the
class about their respective field.
Teacher selected articles
Butcher Paper (Large Paper)
Markers / Colored Pencils
Time Required:
Day 1:
o 10-15 Minutes – Attention getter, explain assignment, divide groups (should be
done by teacher before class begins)
o 35-40 Minutes – Student work
Day 2:
o 5-10 Minutes – Students put finishing touches on presentation and butcher paper
o 40-45 Minutes – Student presentations
- Make sure students use all materials appropriately.
Instructional Sequence:
Introducing the lesson: This lesson will begin with a short clip selected from any of the
CSI television programs that shows a scientist using DNA evidence to catch a criminal.
Then ask the students, “What kind of scientist does this work?” Assuming some
mentions forensics move on to questions such as, “Besides DNA, what other applications
are there for forensic science?” The students will come up with various answers.
Encourage all the students for participating and responding. After this opening series of
questions describe the assignment to the students and split the students into groups.
Representing the Content: During this time the students will be exploring their assigned
field of forensic science. At this time the teacher will distribute the pre-selected articles
and computers to the students. As the students work the teacher will monitor their
progress aid in creating the students’ presentations.
Wrapping up the lesson: This will move into day two of this lesson and will be the
student presentations. Each group will give a 5-10 minute presentation about their
respective field of forensic science. While each group is presenting the rest of the class
will be required to write down three things that they did not know before the presentation
as a means of keeping the entire class engaged.
Evaluating learning: The teacher will be able to evaluate learning as the students
progress through their research and during their presentations. In addition, the new
information the students write down during the presentations will aid in evaluating
Design Rationale:
Forensic science can be very difficult to go into detail and discuss. Because this is for the
lower academic level class there is a stronger focus on cooperative group work and public
speaking for this assignment rather than actual content knowledge of forensic science.
- Forensic Assignment Rubric
The group has an
organized flow of
information regarding
their topic. This
information is free of
grammatical and
spelling errors.
This group has
obtained two facts
from the selected
readings and five facts
from outside sources.
There is some
organization of
information, but some
ideas do not flow.
There are a couple
spelling and
grammatical errors.
This group has most
of the required facts,
but may have missed
a couple.
Group Participation
This student took a
leadership role during
this assignment. This
student was active
during the research
and creation of the
Class Presentation
This student spoke at
least once during the
Appropriate public
speaking skills are
This student aided in
the research and
creation of the
presentation in a
passive manner. This
student seemed to
wait for others to
begin and then assist
This student spoke at
least once during the
presentation, but does
not have the strongest
public speaking skills.
They either stutter,
“dance”, say “like” or
“Um”… etc.
Presentation of Facts
This group has a
sloppy poster with
limited information.
The information
contains many
spelling and
grammatical errors.
This group did not
follow the directions
at all. They either
only used the readings
or the internet and are
missing the necessary
number of facts.
This student was not a
helpful group
member. They either
distracted others, did
not complete their
share of the work, or
inhibited the group in
some other way.
This student did not
participate during the
presentation .
Chemical Reaction Rates
Adith Prabhakar
Prior Knowledge:
Students have learned the basic principles of chemical equations and what the products and
reactants are in terms of the equations. Students also know how to balance an equation and what
it means. Students know basic math and terms such as concentration and molarity. Students have
also been introduced to reaction rates and have covered rate laws.
Time Frame: 3 50-minute class periods
Learning (concept/content) Objective:
After doing Reactions and Rates activity in the computer lab, students will be able to:
Describe the collision model
Describe activation energy in terms of if a reaction happens
Discuss temperature dependence of reaction rates
Short Version of Learning Objective:
Students first observe a demonstration by the teacher and the teacher introduces reaction rate
topics that build on previous lessons. Then students are in the computer lab and work with an
online simulation. In groups 3-4, students design an experiment using the simulation that
explains activation energy, the collision model and catalysts.
Skill/Process Objective:
Students will develop/practice/improve abilities to observe a phenomenon and work on their own
and in groups to understand and explain certain chemistry concepts.
12.C.5a Analyze reactions in natural and man-made energy systems.
11.A.4a Formulate hypotheses referencing prior research and knowledge.
11.A.4b Conduct controlled experiments or simulations to test hypotheses.
11.A.4f Collect, organize and analyze data accurately and precisely.
11.A.5b Design procedures to test the selected hypotheses
11.A.5e Report, display and defend the results of investigations to audiences that may include
professionals and technical experts.
11.B.5b Select criteria for a successful design solution to the identified problem.
50 mL to 100 mL 30% hydrogen peroxide
10 mL saturated potassium iodide solution
10 mL dishwashing liquid
Food coloring
2 plastic garbage bags (large size)
A graduated cylinder (500 mL or larger, glass is preferable to plastic)
A pair of scissors
Safety goggles for teacher and all students
A pair of rubber gloves
Computers in computer lab for students
Teacher Goals:
I want to use this lesson for students to understand reaction rates with catalysts on a deeper level.
The demonstration in the beginning will be used to engage and catch their attention. Then I
would go into details about different parts that go in the unit reaction rates. Finally, the students
will be able to be hands-on with the online computer simulation and manipulate variables and I
can see how well they are understand the concepts.
(The purpose of the engage portion of this lesson is to (1) assess/review the prior knowledge
listed above, and (2) get students interested in catalysts)
Ask students, what do elephants brush their teeth with? (ELEPHANT TOOTHPASTE)
Tell students that we are going to make elephant toothpaste and that they need to put on their
safety goggles for this demonstration.
1. Put on the safety goggles and gloves.
2. Use the scissors to cut one of the garbage bags down one side and across the bottom.
Open the bag and spread it over the demonstration area. Save the remaining bag for
3. Place the graduated cylinder on the open bag.
4. Fill the cylinder to about ¼ full with 30% hydrogen peroxide.
“Hydrogen peroxide is stable by itself, but we are going to add some dishwashing liquid to it”
5. Add from 5 mL to 10 mL dishwashing liquid.
“So class, we have hydrogen peroxide in, and we are adding about 10 mL of dishwashing liquid.
If we were to write an equation, what would these be called?” (Reactants). “Now that we have
added the liquid, the hydrogen peroxide can start breaking down. If we wanted this reaction to
happen faster, what could we do? (look for possible answers that have to do with catalysts, have
students define catalysts). So one catalyst we can add is potassium iodide.”
6. Sprinkle some food coloring on the inside wall of the cylinder.
7. Add 10 mL saturated potassium iodide solution.
8. STAND BACK! In a few seconds a column of foam will rise out of the cylinder and
overflow onto the open bag.
“Can anyone describe what we just observed?”
Introduce reaction rate topics to students
The Collision Theory of Reaction Rates
1. Reactions Involving Collisions Between Two Species
 Species = any sort of particle
 If you have two species, they first have to come in contact with each other and then
they MAY react
 React: The way they collide the right way and need to have enough energy to break
2. Orientation of a Collision
 CH2=CH2 + HCl  CH3CH2Cl
 As a result of the collision between the two molecules, the double bond between the
two carbons is converted into a single bond
 Reaction can only happen if the hydrogen end of the H-Cl bond approaches the
carbon-carbon double bond. No other collision between the two molecules would
 Show collision figures
3. Energy of the Collision
 Particles still need to collide with a certain amount minimum energy called the
activation energy.
 Show activation energy diagram (ask students questions about differents part of the
diagram and go over it)
 If the particles collide with less energy than the activation energy, nothing important
happens. They bounce apart.
 Only those collisions which have energies equal to or greater than the activation
energy result in a reaction.
The Effect of Catalysts on Reaction Rates
1. Catalysts
 Catalysts are a substance which speeds up a reaction, but is chemically unchanged at
the end of the reaction.
2. Activation Energy Importance
 Particles need a minimum amount of energy to get the reaction started. “What is this
energy called again?”
 To increase the rate of a reaction you need to increase the number of successful
 One possible way of doing this is to provide an alternative way for the reaction to
happen which has a lower activation energy.
 Show new energy diagrams (with the alternative route)
Effect of Temperature on Rate of Reaction
 As you increase the temperature the rate of reaction increases
 Why? Particles can only react when they collide. If you heat a substance, the particles
move faster and so collide more frequently. That will speed up the rate of reaction.
 Show graph and explain speeding up the reaction, you need to increase the number of
the very energetic particles - those with energies equal to or greater than the
activation energy. Increasing the temperature has exactly that effect - it changes the
shape of the graph.
 Ask class what do they decreasing the temperature, what happens, discuss it.
Reaction and Rates Online Simulation
1. Take class to the computer lab. Tell students to go to website:
2. Have students play around with the website for a bit starting with Single Collision Tab.
Tell class that they will be divided in groups and have to work on a project in class with
this online simulation.
Differentiation could be done at this point
1. Walking around and seeing what students are doing, and help students that seem to
have trouble on what is going on with the simulation.
2. Dividing students into complimenting ability groups, so there would be a good
balance of high ability students with low ability students in science ability. This
would help students who struggle with science because they can hear a different way
of explaining things which can help them learn it, basically the high ability students
can teach it to them by being in their groups. Also high ability students benefit
because they will be put in a role of a teacher and will be able to learn and get a
deeper understanding of the material. The best way of doing this is by putting the
highest student with the lowest student and to go down the gradebook like that until
groups of 3 to 4 students are made.
Simulation Activity
1. Tell students that they will have to make a report and write up with their own procedure. The
procedure will be written so it covers each of the following:
 Show the effect of temperature on collisions. Explain why this is the case.
Draw an energy diagram and describe each part and what it means for their particular
Talk about collisions and discuss and show the effect of collisions with different
molecule types.
2. The following requirements for the lab along with what needs to be covered are:
 Use the tab Rate Experiments
 The equation for their reactions. (May have to do more than one reaction).
 Show the starting amounts in some way of each molecule type and the ending amounts of
each molecule for each reaction.
 Three sections clearly labeled for temperature, collisions and activation energy.
Procedures showing how to find each.
 All student names on the report and other normal guidelines for homework/lab
assignments must be followed as well.
Tell the students, it’s really up to them how they want to go about this assignment, as long as
they can show the class how they did it and show it to me through what they write up and how
professional and well they present their findings.
On Day 3, students will present what they have found with the rest of class. Discuss with the
class on whether it is right or wrong and talk about why.
Lab Report/Presentation Rubric
Components of
the report
All required
All required
elements are
elements are
present for both present.
and additional
elements that
add to the report
(e.g., thoughtful
graphics) have
One required
element is
Several required
elements are
been added.
Procedures for
the student
investigation are
listed in clear
steps. Each step
is numbered and
is a complete
Procedures are
listed in a logical
order, but steps
are not
numbered and/or
are not in
Procedures are
listed but are not
in a logical order
or are difficult to
looking and
representation of
the data for both
investigations in
drawings, text,
and/or tables.
Tables, if used,
are labeled and
representation of
the data in an
format, but not
Data are not
representation of shown OR are
the data in
written form, but
The explanation
and relationship
between the
variables is
discussed and
The explanation
and relationship
between the
variables is
discussed and
The explanation
and relationship
between the
variables is
discussed but no
patterns, trends
or predictions
are made based
on the data.
Procedures do
not accurately
list the steps of
the experiment.
The explanation
and relationship
between the
variables is not
Report illustrates
an accurate and
understanding of
underlying the
Report illustrates
an accurate
understanding of
most scientific
underlying the
Report illustrates
a limited
understanding of
underlying the
Report illustrates
understanding of
underlying the
The group
presented their
and clearly.
The group
presented their
The group
presented very
few of their
findings, but
clearly showed
no interest.
The group did
not present
Acids and Bases in your everyday Life (Technology Focus)
Colin Rice
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to identify components of an acid or base at the molecular
Students will use technology to visualize acid/base reactions at the molecular level.
Assessment Criteria:
Students will complete some lab calculations as well as draw pictures of various items at
the molecular level. These calculations and drawings will be used to assess student’s
knowledge and understanding of the material at the conclusion of the lesson.
Mathematical models and computer simulations are used in studying evidence from many
sources in order to form a scientific account of the universe. 4A/H4
Relationship to the Driving Question:
To understand how acids and bases differ as well as how weak acids/bases and strong
acids/bases differ at the molecular level.
Prior Conceptions:
Most students will have worked with logs previously, but make sure students understand
the concept behind a scale that works on a “powers of ten” scale.
Materials (Technology Day):
Computer access
Provided worksheet
Markers / Colored pencils
Time Required:
Day 1: Acid, Base, Indicator Lab
o Students will use a selection of indicators to test the pH of common household
Day 2: Explanation / Technology Tutorial
o 5-10 Minutes: Discuss students’ results from lab the previous day.
o 15-20 Minutes: Discuss what pH actually indicates (Concentration of hydrogen
o 20-30 Minutes: Run simulation and allow students to make molecular drawings.
Make sure students are using the computers appropriately. This simulation requires using
the internet so make sure students remain on the appropriate website.
Instructional Sequence:
Introducing the lesson: The class will begin with the students discussing their results
from the previous day. The teacher should ask the question, “What does it mean when
one item has a pH of 4 and another has a pH of 5? Which is stronger and by how much?”
This question checks students understanding of the pH scale which they should have
already learned.
Representing the content: Next introduce the idea of Kw = [OH-] *[H+]. This will give
students a mathematical representation of how to calculate the concentration of a
solution. Allow students to practice a couple problems and show how this equation
relates to pH, (pH = -log[H+]). Now show the students the simulation activity on a main
computer. Show students how to use the various aspects of the simulation and then
distribute the accompanying worksheet.
Wrapping up the lesson: Students will progress through the worksheet while using the
simulation to help guide them. The teacher should monitor students’ progress and assist
when requested.
Evaluating learning: The teacher will evaluate learning during classroom discussion and
through grading the worksheet. Assuming computers are available, students will work on
this assignment individually so it will be easy for the teacher to distinguish who really
has a clear grasp of the material.
Design Rationale:
This topic is designed in this fashion because it narrows down a very broad topic to the
molecular level. Students will start with calculating the pH of a common house hold
good and eventually get down to drawing the molecular components of that particular
house hold good. In addition, students will be dealing with common items which will
hopefully keep students engaged. Working with common materials is a good way to
make school applicable to students’ lives.
Acid / Base Rubric
The student attempted
all of the problems. A
majority of the
questions are
answered correctly.
The drawings
correctly represent the
molecular make up of
the described solution.
This student shows all
work when
calculations. This
includes step by step
process of the math
they need to perform
to obtain different
answers. In addition,
the drawings are neat
and organized. The
student uses different
colors to represent
different ions,
includes charges on
ions, and uses
appropriate amounts
of ions to represent
the ratio in the actual
The student attempted
all of the problems.
The student has made
three or more errors in
A majority of the
drawings are correct,
but the student has
made up to a few
This student shows
some work, but not
all. In addition, this
student may forget
key aspect in their
drawings such as
placing charges on the
ions or using an
appropriate ratio of
various items.
The student has not
attempted all of the
problems. There are
errors in the problems
that were attempted.
The drawings a
blatantly incorrect and
do not represent the
molecular level of the
This student does not
show work during
their calculations. In
addition, this student
is missing two or
more key aspects in
their drawings.
Name: Brian Phelan
Class/Subject: AP Chemistry – 1st Quarter, Boiling Model Lesson
Date: 12/3/2010
Student Objectives/Student Outcomes:
Students demonstrate that boiling occurs within a liquid when the energy of the
molecules becomes too great and they escape to the gas phase.
Students determine that the temperature at which a liquid boils is dependent upon
Students conclude that thermal energy is transferred through collisions of atoms or
molecules in a material and moves from regions of hot to cold.
Content Standards:
11.A.3a – Formulate hypotheses that can be tested by collecting data.
11.A.3d – Explain the existence of unexpected results in a data set.
12.C.3a – Explain interactions of energy with matter including changes of state and
conservation of mass and energy.
There will be a variety of material available to students that wish to create models, including
boxes, tennis balls, bouncy balls, etc.
For the demonstration you will need…
Room temperature water
3 Glass Beakers
Vacuum pump
Vinyl tubing
Clear plastic container with seal and nozzle
Pressure guage
Hot plate
Heat resistant glove
Total Time:
About 2.5 lessons (115 min.)
Instructional Activities
Start of Class:
5 min
 Start with the bell ringer question to get class started. “Have you ever
heard the saying, ‘a watched pot never boils.’? Explain why this
statement can not be true, assuming you actually remembered to turn
on the stove!
 After most students have answered question, ask for responses.
Students should mention that the heat from the stove is absorbed by
the water and so it must eventually boil because otherwise the energy
would be disappearing, which is not possible.
Introduction of Lesson:
30 min
 Ask students if they have ever had to boil water before, allow for
reasons why. Ask students what is happening when they heat the
water to boiling. Their answers should include that you are
transferring heat to the water, giving the molecules more energy,
making them move faster, eventually giving them enough energy to
break away and enter the gas phase.
 Ask the students to develop a model that demonstrates this process
and includes the flow of energy involved in boiling water. Tell
students that they may be as creative as they like and that they may
draw a model, create a flow chart, design a 3D model, etc. Give them
about 10 minutes to work.
 Ask students how they represented the process of boiling water by
having several students present their models. Critique the models as a
class, considering the strengths and weaknesses of each model. Ask
if any ideas had been missed by the presented models or if
collectively they accounted for the process of boiling. Take some
time to look at the differences and similarities between the different
models. Explicitly discuss how models are only representations.
Lesson Instruction:
 Demonstration – Complete one time measuring just the temperature
of the water, then allow the students some time to process the results
40 min
and evaluate their models. Ask the class what the purpose of the
vacuum chamber is and if they would like to re-run any of the
scenarios measuring any additional data. After the second time begin
guiding students more towards the impact of the pressure on boiling.
 Ask the students what temperature they think water will boil at if
they were to move to the top of a mountain, Denver per se. Have
them explain their reasoning. Ask if anyone knows what a major
difference, outside of elevation, is between Denver and Chicago.
Tell them that you are going to mimic this difference using a
vacuum pump so that we can investigate boiling points.
 Ask students to record a prediction, based upon their boiling
water model for what will happen when room temperature water
is placed onto a hot plate, when near boiling water is placed in a
low pressure atmosphere, and when a beaker of room temperature
water is placed into a low pressure atmosphere. Have the students
record the pressure and temperature of each trial at the point that
boiling occurs. Select three students to be the official data
recorders, one for each trial.
 Using the hot plate, bring a beaker of water to boiling.
o Ask students what they expect to happen and why they
expect that. Have the students take out a sheet of paper
and construct a three column chart – the left column title
should read “prediction”, the middle column should read
“observations”, and the right column should read
o Use the thermometer and pressure gauge to record the
water temperature and surrounding pressure. You may
even take a recording with the plastic container placed over
the beaker to prove that this causes no difference. Tell
students to complete the chart for this scenario.
 Take the hot water (let it cool a little so that it is no longer
boiling) and place it in the container. Remind students that this
beaker contains hot water (almost boiling). Ask students what
they expect to happen when you turn on the vacuum pump and
why. Note if these are consistent with their models of boiling.
Turn on the vacuum pump and record the pressure and
temperature when the water boils. Have students complete the
chart based upon the second scenario.
 Remove the beaker from the hot plate. Take a second beaker of
room temperature water; let some students test the water to verify
that it is room temperature.
o Ask students what they think will happen when you turn on
the vacuum pump. If they say boil, figure out why, as this
should be inconsistent with their models and likely
o Place the beaker in the container and turn on the vacuum
pump. Record the temperature and pressure at the point
boiling occurs again. Have a student verify that the beaker
is still at room temperature by touching the water before
and after (immediately after) boiling. Allow the students
time to ask questions, try the demo out for themselves, etc
to accept that room temperature water did actually boil.
o Have students complete the chart for the third scenario.
10 min
30 min
You will now have three data points indicating that increased pressure leads
to increased boiling point.
 Ask students what they observed during the demonstration, looking
for them to say the above statement.
 Ask them if this fits the prediction that was made beforehand. Ask
the students if their model of boiling water accounted for this new
 Ask students why increased pressure requires more energy for water
to boil. They should conclude that higher pressure is similar to
pushing the molecules together with more force and so more energy
is needed for them to break away from the water. Continue the
discussion as long as needed for students to draw the connection
between external pressure and boiling point.
Divide the students into groups of three or four. They will have two tasks to
complete for the project.
Task 1 – Use the data from the three demonstrations to construct a final
model of boiling for your group (see rubric for specific
expectations). The model should account for everything they
know about the process of boiling.
Task 2 – Use your groups model to explain the “Boiling Water with Ice”
 Have each group fill a small (100 mL to 250 mL) round
bottom flask about halfway full with water.
 Place the flask in a hot water bath and bring the water IN
 Remove the water and let the temperature cool a few
degrees so that the water is no longer boiling.
 Stopper the flask, turn it upside down, and place a bag of
ice on the top of the flask. Record your observations.
 Explain what you saw. Reference your model in your
Assessments/Checks for Understanding:
10 min
Bell ringer question
1st model discussion
1st discussion of demonstration
Final model
Explanation of “Boiling Water with Ice”
Close the lesson by leading a group discussion about the use of models in
science. Ask students why they think models are used. Discuss that they are
simply approximations of reality. Discuss the process of creating, using,
revising, and evaluating models and ask for their reflections on their
interaction with the modeling process.
Model Rubric
Almost all items
(90%) that need to be
identified have
labels. It is clear
which label goes
with which structure.
Most items (about
75%) that need to be
identified have
labels. It is clear
which label goes
with which structure.
Less than
50% of the
items that
need to be
have labels
OR it is not
clear which
label goes
with with
Every item
that needs to
be identified
has a label. It
is clear which
label goes
with which
reflects the
All but one or two
aspects accurately
reflect the
Model is
creative, and
expresses the
of the group
-------------------------- -------------------------- Unoriginal i.e.,
and lame
About half of the
items do not
accurately reflect the
is unclear or
12. Rubrics
See above lesson plans.
Exams: Chemcom
Unit 3 – Petroleum Exam
Name: ______Key________________
Mon. XX, 20XX
Signature: _________________________
Chemistry I
Class Period: ________________________
**Note that answers are in red**
Multiple Choice – 6 questions
1. Why are straight chain hydrocarbons poor fuels for automobiles?
They do not produce enough energy.
They produce too much energy.
They burn too rapidly.
The yield of the reaction is very low.
2. One gram of three unknown liquids, samples A, B, and C, are burned under soda can
calorimeters. Each can starts with 100 mL of water at room temperature. After all three
samples go out, the can above B is the hottest and the can above A is the coolest. Which of
the following sets of molecules could be the identities of samples A, B, and C?
A – octane; B – ethanol; C - butane
A – methanol; B – heptane; C – butane
A – hexane; B – heptane; C – octane
A – ethanol; B – hexane; C – octane
3. Which of the following statements is true regarding methane and hexane?
a. Hexane is a liquid at room temperatures while methane is a gas, because it is more likely
to have unevenly distributed electrons.
b. Hexane is a liquid at room temperatures while methane is a gas, because it has unevenly
distributed C-H bonds.
c. Methane is a gas at room temperature while hexane is a liquid, because its molecules can
hydrogen bond.
d. Methane is a gas at room temperature while hexane is a liquid, because it is non-polar
and therefore has no intermolecular forces.
4. Which of the following is NOT an important characteristic of energy sources?
Energy content
Physical state
For the next two questions, consider the following sources of energy:
Solar power
Nuclear fission
Soy biodiesel
Wind power
5. How many of the above energy sources have an essentially endless supply?
6. Which of the above energy sources will help to decrease the carbon dioxide levels of the
I and IV
III only
I, III, and IV
I, II, and IV
Free Response – 5 questions
1. For each of the three phenomena below, (i) classify them as an exothermic or endothermic
process and (ii) explain why you classified them as you did.
a. Pond water (system) freezes on a cold winter day
Exothermic – Heat flows from higher temperature to lower temperature materials. Heat
leaves the water and flows into the lower temperature air. Since heat is leaving the
system, this is an exothermic process. As the water freezes, heat is released when bonds
between molecules (intermolecular forces) are formed.
b. An activated cold pack
Endothermic – Heat flows from the user to the cold pack as energy is absorbed by the
reaction that takes place within the cold pack. Since heat is being absorbed by the
system, the process is endothermic.
c. Photosynthesis
Endothermic – Energy, in the form of sunlight, is absorbed by plants and used to convert
carbon dioxide molecules into sugar (create sugar). Since energy is being absorbed by
the system, the process is endothermic.
d. Burning candle
Exothermic – Even though energy must be added to the system in the form of a lit match
to begin the combustion reaction, the energy released when the wax is converted to water
and carbon dioxide is greater than the energy that was initially put into the system.
Because the energy that is released from the system is greater than the energy absorbed,
the process is exothermic.
2. Describe the energy conversions that are required to listen to a boom box. Start with coal.
Coal contains chemical energy stored in the bonds between carbon atoms. When it is burned,
the energy is released in the form of thermal energy. The thermal energy heats water and
turns it into steam with more kinetic energy. The kinetic energy of the steam turns a turbine
which converts the energy to electrical energy. The electrical energy is turned into sound
energy which we enjoy as music, talk shows, etc.
3. For the following questions, consider samples of F2 and HCl.
a. Which intermolecular forces are present in a sample of F2?
London Dispersion Forces
b. Which intermolecular forces are present in a sample of HCl?
Dipole-Dipole Forces
c. Explain the differences between the intermolecular forces in F2 and HCl.
Both molecules exhibit London dispersion forces because each molecule contains
electrons which can randomly become unevenly distributed about the molecule. HCl,
also, is permanently polar so it experiences stronger electrostatic interactions.
d. Does F2 or HCl have a higher boiling point?
4. You have a mixture of CH3OCH3, CH3CH2OH, H2O, and CH3CH2CH3 and a distillation
a. Describe a procedure to separate the mixture into its four components.
b. Explain how you will know what the identity of each component is.
Heat the mixture at a constant temperature. Record the temperatures at which the
mixture boils. Because the molecules have different strength intermolecular forces, they
have different boiling points. As intermolecular forces increase, it will require more
energy to break thus leading to a higher poiling point for that specific molecule.
The order of the strength of the intermolecular forces of each molecule is, from weakest
to stronest:
The intermolecular forces increase as the molecule becomes more polar and as it
becomes heavier. Since all of these molecules, except for water, are roughly the same
size, then we must consider how polar the molecules are. Propane is non-polar; dimethyl
ether has some intermolecular forces, but it is only slightly polar; ethanol is quite polar
(and has the O-H bond which allows for hydrogen bonding between molecules). Water is
very polar and very small, so the strength of the interactions are large because of how
close the opposite charges (negative oxygen end of one water and positive hydrogen end
of another water) can get.
The first substance to boil must have the weakest intermolecular forces and the last
substance to boil must have the strongest intermolecular force.
5. Briefly describe at least four characteristics of energy sources that are relevant when
considering whether to implement a specific source of energy.
Energy content – energy sources should have a large amount of energy in a small amount of
Available – energy sources should be easily accessible.
Transportable – The energy source should be relatively easy to move (for example coal and
oil are easy to move.
Cost – How much does the energy cost to refine, transport, etc?
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of one of the energy sources that we discussed in
Must include both strengths and weaknesses for one of the alternative fuel sources – this will
vary from student to student.
Name:_________________________________________________________ Date:_______________ Period:___
Acid/Base Exam
The next four questions refer to the titration of 25.0 mL of 0.400M hypochlorous acid (HOCl) by
0.200 M KOH. The Ka value for HOCl is 3.5 x 10^-8.
1. Calculate the pH when 0.0 mL of KOH has been added.
a. 7.85
b. 6.15
c. 3.93 *
d. 10.07
e. 4.75
2. Calculate the pH when 25.0 mL of KOH has been added.
a. 7.85
b. 6.15
c. 6.54
d. 8.21
e. 7.46 *
3. Calculate the pH when 40.0 mL of KOH has been added.
a. 7.85
b. 6.86
c. 8.06 *
d. 8.36
e. 7.46
4. Calculate the pH at the equivalence point.
a. 10.29 *
b. 3.71
c. 10.00
d. 4.00
e. 10.62
5. Kw is the equilibrium constant for the autoionization of water reaction. The value of Kw
depends on temperature. For example, at 25o C, Kw = 1.0 x 10^-14 and at 47o C,
= 4.0 x10^-14. With this in mind, which of the following statements (a-c) is true?
a. At 47o C, the pH of neutral water is 6.70. *
b. At 47o C, the OH- concentration is neutral water is 2.0 x 10^-7
c. The autoionization of water reaction is an exothermic process.
d. None of the above statements are true.
6. Which of the following only contain compounds which would produce basic solutions
when 0.10 mol of compound were dissolved in 100.0 mL of solution?
a. NH3, NaOH, NH4NO3
b. NH3, KCN, CaO *
c. NaCl, KCl, LiNO3
d. NH4NO3, NH4Cl, SO3
e. NaF, KOH, KClO4
7. Calculate the equilibrium of [H+] of a solution made by mixing 200.0 mL of 0.10 M HI
and 500.0 mL of 0.050 M HCl.
a. 0.15 M
b. 0.21 M
c. 0.029 M
d. 0.036 M
e. 0.064 M *
8. The hydrogen sulfate ion, HSO4-, has both a conjugate acid and a conjugate base. Whate
are the conjugate acid and the conjugate base of HSO4-, respectively?
a. H2SO4 and HSO4b. SO42- and H2SO4
c. HSO4- and H2SO4
d. SO42- and HSO4e. H2SO4 and SO42-
9. Which of the following solutions has a pOH= 3.00?
a. 3.0 M NaOH
b. 1.0 x 10^-11 M HCl
c. 5.0 x 10 ^-4 M Sr(OH)2 *
d. 3.0 M HCl
e. 1.0 x 10^-11 M NaOH
10. A 0.10 M solution of KOC6H5 has a pH = 11.50. Calculate the Ka value for HOC6H5.
a. 1.0 x 10^-10 *
2.0 x 10^-8
c. 3.2 x 10 ^-3
d. 1.0 x 10^-4
e. 3.2 x 10^-12
Free Response
C5H5N(aq) + H2O(l) ↔ C5H5NH+ (aq) + OH– (aq)
In aqueous solution, pyridine reacts as represented above. In 0.200 M C5H5N (aq) at 25ºC, the
hydroxide ion concentration, [OH ] is 1.84 x 10 M. In answering the following, assume that
temperature is constant at 25ºC and that volumes are additive.
(a) Write the equilibrium-constant expression for the reaction represented above. (3 points)
Kb = [C5H5NH+][OH-]/[C5H5N]
(b) Determine the pH of 0.200 M C5H5N(aq). (3 points)
[H+][OH-] = 10-14
[H+][OH-] = 10-14/[OH-] = 10-14/1.84 x 10 = 5.43 x 10
pH = -log[H+] = 9.26
(c) Determine the value of the base ionization constant, Kb, of C5H5N(aq). (3 points)
Kb = [C5H5NH+][OH-]/[ C5H5N] = (1.84 x 10 )(1.84 x 10 )/(0.200- 1.84 x 10 )
Kb = 1.69 x 10
(d) Determine the percent ionization of C5H5N in 0.200 M C5H5N(aq). (3 points)
% ionization = [C5H5N]eq/[C5H5N]initial x 100%
% ionization = (1.84 x 10 )/(2.0M) x 100% = .0092 %
(e) In an experiment, a 20.0 mL sample of 0.200 M C5H5N(aq) was placed in a flask and titrated
to the equivalence point and beyond using 0.120 M HCl(aq).
(i) Determine the volume of 0.120 M HCl(aq) that was added to reach the equivalence point.
(3 points)
At the equivalence point: moles base = moles acid (both unit equivalence species).
(0.020 L)(0.200 M C5H5N) = (V)(0.120 M HCl); Volume acid = 33.3 mL
(ii) Determine the pH of the solution in the flask after a total of 16.7 mL of 0.120 M HCl (aq)
was added. (3 points)
This is the half equivalence point. pH = pKa for the conjugate acid C5H5NH+
pH = -log(10
/1.69 x 10 ) = 5.23
(iii) Determine the pH of the solution in the flask after a total of 40.0 mL of 0.120 M HCl (aq)
was added. (3 points)
Beyond the equivalence point, this is just a dilute acid solution
Total volume = .060 L,
moles of excess strong acid = (0.0067 L)(0.120 M) = .000804 moles H+
pH = -log(.0008/.060) = 1.87.
2. What is the difference between an acid and a base? Explain in your own words.
An acid is a proton donor. A base is a proton acceptor.