MnRAM 3.1 Database Training Visual User Manual 1 1 Contents of this slideshow • Database information – Setting up your system – Downloading MnRAM software – Overview of first screen • Explanation of various buttons, reports • Collecting and entering data correctly • Using MnRAM – Field/office procedures – Step-by-step through all the questions 2 2 Disclaimer • • • • Not all fields are fool-proof. Comments are welcome. Data collected will help calibrate the formulas. Revisions are expected in the future. 3 3 Access /preinstallation: check your program file ™ • Is it already loaded? – Go to Start menu – Look under Programs – May be in MS Office folder • Is it ready for input? – Right-click on program – Click on Properties 4 4 Access /preinstallation, cont. ™ • Un-check the Read-only box. • Apply. • OK. 5 5 Downloading MnRAM 3.1 6 6 Downloading MnRAM 3.1, cont. • Also download the two image files: – Cover category – Interspersion • Put them in the same folder as MnRAM on your hard drive: 7 7 Downloading MnRAM 3.1, cont. Companion documents – – – – – MnRAM text version (50+ pages) Comprehensive Guidance Excel field sheet User Quick Reference Guide Field data analysis procedures (“Appendix C” from the Minnehaha Creek project) – Management Classification (not yet available) 8 8 Specify file path for image files • Before you start, you will need to direct the program to find the image files. Specify the folder you put them in when you downloaded the program. Be careful to get the path name just right. 9 9 County Code Lookup The County Codes are listed on the General Information tab. 10 10 Adding a New Wetland ID • When you first open the program, you must pick a “starter” Wetland ID. • Then you will see the General Information tab. • Click on “Add New Wetland ID”. 11 11 Wetland ID Protect data integrity with unique ID #s: • Maximize GIS usefulness. • Add value to landscape-change research. • Possible collection in statewide database. 12 12 Naming Conventions • Identify a unique Wetland ID for each site • Enter without typing hyphens: – – – – – Two-digit county code (lookup on General Info tab) Three-digit Twp. Number Two-digit Range number Two-digit Section number Three-digit number unique to each wetland (use 001 or your own specific coding system) – Letter to indicate first or subsequent assessment – Quarter section locations (as available) (click for visual) 13 13 Using the Wetland ID Search • Use this to get to a record • Red ID is the active record The RED number indicates your current record 14 14 Copy wetland record • If several wetlands share similar characteristics, you can copy data from one record over to another… 15 15 Copy wetland record, cont. ...You need to have entered the “Destination Wetland ID” ahead of time. • Choose from the drop-down lists. • Copy record. • Done. 16 16 Wetland photos If you want to attach a photo to the record, select Add/Edit Photo from the General Information tab... 17 17 Wetland photos, cont. ...choose which wetland record it will be attached to, then name it the same as the wetland ID but without the hyphens. Each record can have only one photo attachment. 18 18 Photo reference point options • Use “Notes” field for description. • Use GPS X and Y coordinates. • Note bearing of reference point in notes. 19 19 Wetland photos, cont. • Now, when you click on View wetland photo, the picture should appear... Caution: photos can take up lots of disk space! Work out a plan for managing photo files ahead of time. 20 20 Import/Export data • Use this feature to compile data from different users into a single copy of the database. • Only records that have the “complete” box checked will be included! 21 21 Import GIS data • Set up in comma-delimited format. • See User Reference for detailed instructions. • Imported data will overwrite existing data with same Wetland ID. 22 22 Run Summary Report Four reports are possible: – – – – Functional Assessment/numerical rating Functional Assessment/text rating (H-M-L) Wetland Community Summary Individual summary report This lists just the vegetation ratings. 23 23 Run Summary Report, filter options Subsets of records can be selected based on: – Project – City – Subwatershed (click to see sample report) 24 24 Update functional summary •This Before running a report a is working adds the new data to the during table that used to session,theyou must Update the Functional assemble report. Summary: If you do not Update, the report will not contain data entered since you opened the program. 25 25 Wetland Assessment Question Summary This report shows your responses to each question for a single site (excluding vegetation data). 26 26 Data Collection Procedures • Plan ahead to ensure quality data. • Read: “Data Analysis Procedure”: • Lists procedures for an actual inventory. • Tips on map notation, GIS labeling, managing incoming field data, etc. 27 27 Data Collection Procedures, cont. • Collect background documentation: – Site survey, hydrology, topography, aerial photos, soils data • Review other project information • Enter all Wetland IDs • Answer certain marked questions: – Database — red highlighted – Excel fieldsheet — italicized – Text version — “~” in left margin 28 28 Entering Data: Getting Started • • • • Start on the General Information tab. Choose a valid Wetland ID. Enter a project name. Enter location information: city, township, watershed. • Enter size of existing and original size of wetland. • Record special notes and purpose of assessment. (See next slide for screen view and animated highlights) 29 29 General Information If your choice isn’t available, you can add to this drop-down list by clicking the plus sign. Add new item here: 30 30 Drop-down lists • Many drop-down lists can be edited. • Some are restricted, to limit confusing duplicates: – Plant community – Dominant species: – Vegetative index ARROW-HEAD, KANSAS Sagittaria ambigua OBL ARROWHEAD, KANSAS Sagittaria ambigua OBL ARROW-HEAD, KANSAS Sagitaria ambigua OBL • Report missing choices to MnRAM help line. 31 31 Entering area data • Formula calculations require area These questions are also asked on a different tab, at data: #66 (enter answer only on first tab). Question 32 32 Introduction tab • Background history and purpose of wetland assessment and ranking structure. • No data entry on this page. 33 33 Using MnRAM • Next set of slides for manual and digital users. • Some data-recording differs in manual versus database version, esp. in vegetation portion. • General order of slides will be: – Text of question – Guidance for that question – Visual guide to special issues 34 34 Special Features tab • Check all that apply. • Use scroll bar to see lower portion of page: Some special features “bump” a wetland into an Exceptional rating. Others are just for record-keeping purposes. 35 35 Special Features in detail, a-f Is the wetland part of, or directly adjacent to, an area of special natural resource interest? Check those that apply: a. b. c. d. e. f. ____ Designated trout streams or trout lakes (see MnDNR Commissioners Order 2450 Part 6262.0400 subparts 3 and 5) (If yes, Fishery Habitat Rating is Exceptional). ____ Calcareous fen (Special Status see MN Rule Chapter 7050) (If yes, Vegetative Diversity/Integrity functional rating is Exceptional) Consult MN DNR for regulatory purposes. ____ Designated scientific and natural area (If yes, then Aesthetics/Recreation/Education/Cultural functional rating is Exceptional). ____ Rare natural community (refer to MnDNR County Biological Survey/Natural Heritage)(If yes, Vegetative Diversity/Integrity is Exceptional, also if question 36 is yes and Wildlife Habitat functional rating is Exceptional); ____ High priority wetland, environmentally sensitive area or environmental corridor identified in a local water management plan, ____ Public park, forest, trail or recreation area. 36 36 Special Features in detail, g-n g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. ____ State or Federal fish and wildlife refuges and fish and wildlife management areas; (If yes, then Wildlife and/or Fishery Habitat functional rating is Exceptional) ____ Archeological or historic site as designated by the State Historic Preservation Office; (If yes, then Aesthetics/Recreation/Education/Cultural functional rating is Exceptional) ____ Federal or state listed endangered or threatened plant species or species of concern in the wetland or known adjacent lands. If yes, list the species of concern: (If yes, then Vegetative Diversity functional rating is Exceptional) ____ Federal or state listed endangered or threatened wildlife species or species of concern in or using the wetland or known adjacent lands. If yes, list the species of concern: (If yes, then question 35 is yes, and Wildlife Habitat functional rating is Exceptional) ____ Local Shoreland Management Plan area. ____ State Coastal Zone or Shoreland Management Plan area. ____ Shoreland area identified in a zoning ordinance (generally within 1000 feet from a water basin and 300 feet from a watercourse). ____ Floodplain area identified in a zoning ordinance or map. 37 37 Special Features in detail, o-u o. p. q. r. s. t. u. ____ Wetland restored or preserved under a conservation easement. ____ Wetland restored or created for mitigation purposes; ____ Wellhead Protection Area; (If yes, and Ground Water Interaction is Recharge, then Ground Water functional index is Exceptional) ____ Sensitive ground-water area; (If yes, and Ground Water Interaction is Recharge, then Ground Water functional index is Exceptional) ____ State or Federal designated wild and scenic river (see MN Rule Chapter 7050); ____ Federally identified special area management plan, special wetland inventory study, or an advanced delineation and identification study; ____ State or Federal designated wilderness area (If yes, then Aesthetics/Recreation/Education/ Cultural functional rating is Exceptional). 38 38 In the field • Equipment: – Laptop – Field sheets – GPS • References – Site, topo map – aerials 39 39 #1: Identify Plant Communities • Up to five communities may be listed. • Each community’s contribution to the whole wetland is counted as a percentage of 100%. • Communities less than 10% are not counted*. This list drops downClick to show for plant community the descriptive name of eachdropdown list… community. *With one exception (see next slide) 40 40 #1: Identify Communities #3: Rate PlantPlant Communities • Rate Key quality out plant ofcommunities: each community: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Floodplain forest, 3B – High – High Sedge meadow, 13A [10% rule exception for shallow, open water: any fringe emergent community] Shrub-carr, 8B – High Unsure after seeing the ratings? Reconsider Shallow, open water, 16A – High your classification. Shallow marsh, 13B – High 1 2 4 3 5 41 41 #1: Identify #3: Rate ~ Plant Communities ~ • Communities are listed under the dropdown menu. • Cowardin, Circular 39, and H-M-L ratings must also be filled in for each community. In the database, #1 and #3 are part of the same table. #2 is a separate table... 42 42 #2: Dominant Species/Cover class Identify the dominant species that make up at least 10% coverage… Then, click here for the Cover Category list… Click here for a drop-down list… 43 43 #2: Dominant Species drop-down list • You can look for/list species by common name or by scientific name. • Toggle between the two by clicking the box: • Don’t try to list every plant. • Only use the <3% cover class for rare or invasive species. 44 44 Field Worksheet: Side 1 • On the Excel worksheet, each community has its own section. • You still enter cover class and invasives, as well as community quality. 45 45 #2: Dominant species • Text version: list by community – Each community has a space for the dominants or invasive plants • Digital version: one list for entire site – No breakdown by community – Just list the major ones from the entire site. • This list is for record-keeping • Text entries do not affect ratings 46 46 #2: Cattail Key/Table • For help distinguishing among native, invasive, and hybrid cattail, click on the Key (for a written description) or Table (summary version). (click for image) 47 47 #4-5: Rare or endangered vegetation 4. Y N Are state or federally listed rare plant species or species found or known to be found recently? If Special Features questions d or i [rare natural community and rare plant species] are answered yes, then this question is yes and Vegetative Diversity function is Exceptional. 5. Y N Is the wetland plant community scarce or rare within the watershed, imperiled (S2), or critically imperiled (S1).? Yes if Special Features question b is answered yes. If the wetland community identified in Question #1 is 3A (not dominated by silver maple), 4A, 4B, 7A, 7B, 10A, 13A, 13B (mixed emergent marsh not dominated by cattails), 14A, 15A, AND has a High quality rating from Question #2, then this question is yes and Vegetation function is Exceptional; otherwise continue with following questions. 48 48 #5 Guidance, rare community Guidance: The Mn DNR Natural Heritage Program collects, manages, and interprets information about nongame animals, native plants, and plant communities to promote the wise stewardship of these resources. The Natural Heritage Program has developed a ranking system that is intended to reflect the extent and condition of natural communities and species in Minnesota. These ‘state ranks’ have no legal ramifications, they are used by the Natural Heritage Program to set priorities for research and for conservation planning. They are grouped as follows: State Element Rank: S1: Critically imperiled in the state because of extreme rarity. S2: Imperiled in state because of rarity. S3: Rare or uncommon in state. S4: Apparently secure in state. S5: Demonstrably secure in state. 49 49 #6: Pre-European-settlement Condition Y N Does the wetland represent preEuropean-settlement conditions? (e.g. MnDNR Native Plant Communities publication) If yes, then Vegetation function is Exceptional (continue to answer subsequent questions). Created wetlands would not qualify, regardless of quality. 50 50 Formula: Vegetative Integrity/Diversity There are four ways to report this function: Individual Community Scores: maintain raw data as recorded. Highest Quality Community: report the highestfunctioning community. Non-Weighted Average Quality of all Communities: straight average Weighted Average Quality Based on Percentage of Each Community: multiply each community rating by its percentage, then add all together. 51 51 Field Worksheet: Side 2 MNRAM 3.0 Wetland Assessment Methodology Score Sheet • Four columns per sheet • One wetland per column or • Same wetland, different assumptions (one as-is, another as expected, etc.) • Watch ratings! You might circle High when the answer you want give is called “Low” on the worksheet. Date: Wet ID _________ Wet ID _________ Wet ID _________ Wet ID _________ MnRAM # 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Question Description Hydrogeomorphology and Topography (circle one) Maximum Water Depth (inches) : % inundation Local Watershed Area--immediate drainage (acres) Estimated size of existing wetland (acres) SOILS: Upland/Wetland (survey classification + site) Outlet characteristics for flood retention Outlet characteristics for hydrologic regime Dominant upland land use Soil condition (wetland) Rating Rating Rating Rating Depressional/Isolated, Depress'l/Flow-through, Depress'l/Tributary, Riverine, Lacustrine, Peatland, Floodplain, Slope, Other : Depressional/Isolated, Depress'l/Flow-through, Depress'l/Tributary, Riverine, Lacustrine, Peatland, Floodplain, Slope, Other : Depressional/Isolated, Depress'l/Flow-through, Depress'l/Tributary, Riverine, Lacustrine, Peatland, Floodplain, Slope, Other : Depressional/Isolated, Depress'l/Flow-through, Depress'l/Tributary, Riverine, Lacustrine, Peatland, Floodplain, Slope, Other : H F-T: Emergent vegetation (% cover) Flow-through emerg. veg. (roughness coefficient) Sediment delivery Upland soils (based on soil group) Stormwater runoff pretreatment & detention Subwatershed wetland density Channels/sheet flow Upland buffer average width (feet) Upland area management (% of each, minimum 20%) M L N/A H M L H M L H M L H ____ % H M L H M L H M L H M L H M L H M L ____ feet H M L M L N/A H M L H M L H M L ____ % H M L H M L H M L H M L H M L H M L ____ feet H M L Upland area diversity and structure (% percent of each) 26 Upland area slope (% in each category) H M H M L L H M H M L L M L N/A H M L H M L H M L H ____ % H M L H M L H M L H M L H M L H M L ____ feet H M L (click to see the sheet) 25 H H H M M ____ % H M L H M L H M L H M L H M L H M L ____ feet H M L L L M L N/A H M L H M L H M L H M H M L L 52 52 Field Worksheet: useful tips • The italicized questions require maps or other data to be answered. • Every other question is formatted as bold just to make it easier to read. • If the question asks for a percentage of H-M-L, put the percentage of each under the correct heading: H M L 20% 60% 20% 53 53 #7: Topographic data Describe the hydrogeomorphology of the wetland and associated topography (check those that apply): ___ Depressional/Isolated (no discernable outlets) ___ Depressional/Flow-through (apparent inlet and outlet) ___ Depressional/Tributary (outlet but no perennial inlet or drainage entering from upstream subwatershed) ___ Riverine (within the river/stream banks) ___ Lacustrine Fringe (edge of deepwater areas)/Shoreland ___ Extensive Peatland/Organic Flat ___ Slope ___ Floodplain (outside waterbody banks) Stormwater pond ___ Other ________________________ 54 54 #8-10: Site data 8. Approximate maximum depth of standing water in the wetland (inches): ______ Percent of wetland area inundated: ______% 9. What is the estimated area of the wetland's immediate drainage area in acres?_____ Estimated size of existing wetland in acres:_________ 10. Guidance: Determining wetland size. The estimated size of existing wetlands can be calculated off aerial photos, preferably infrared, and/or in some cases calculating the size of the depressional hydric soil polygon. If available on a GIS system, these polygon areas can be automatically calculated. 55 55 #11: Soils data • Survey Classification(s): – – • Adjacent upland(within 500 feet) Wetland area Soil texture and drainage class click for image of soil data website 56 56 MnRAM Rating Questions • The text in these slides has been edited to fit. • Starting with #12, questions are answered (generally) by filling in High-Medium-Low. • Each question has guidance to assist the user in interpreting the question and understanding how to answer in difficult site conditions… 57 57 Guidance, how to • For help with individual questions, click the “?”… …then use the scroll bar to read the text: 58 58 Guidance, purpose of • Explains the intent of the question. • Suggests examples of how to answer given certain conditions. • Points out common errors or misconceptions about that particular question. 59 59 #12: Outlet/Flood retention For depressional wetlands, describe the wetland surface and subsurface outlet characteristics as it relates to the wetland’s ability to detain runoff and/or store floodwater. High = No surface or subsurface outlet, or a restricted outlet at or greater than 2 feet higher than the wetland boundary Medium = Swale, channel, weir, or other large, surface outlet (>18 inch pipe) with outflow elevation 0-2 feet above the wetland boundary, subsurface tile with no surface inlet. Low = Wetland outflow elevation below the wetland boundary with either a high capacity surface outlet (swale, channel, weir, pipe >18 inch diameter, etc…) or a subsurface outlet (drain tile) with a surface inlet. N/A = Not applicable for floodplain, slope, lacustrine, riverine, and extensive peatland/flat wetlands. 60 60 #13: Outlet/hydrologic regime Describe the wetland surface and subsurface outlet characteristics as it relates to the wetland hydrologic regime: High = No outlet ,natural outlet condition, or a constructed outlet at the historic outflow elevation; no evidence of subsurface drainage (drain tile). Medium = Constructed, reduced capacity outlet below the top of the temporary wet meadow zone; moderate indications of subsurface drainage; outlet raised above the wet meadow zone if managed to mimic natural conditions; watercourse has been recently ditched/channelized. Low = Excavated or enlarged outlet constructed below the bottom of the wet meadow zone; strong indications of subsurface drainage; outlet removes most/all long-term and temporary storage; or outlet changes hydrologic regime drastically. 61 61 #12&13 Guidance: outlet characteristics The ability of a wetland to maintain a hydrologic regime characteristic of the wetland type is somewhat dependent upon whether a natural outlet is present, or whether an outlet has been constructed or modified by humans. Constructed outlets can significantly diminish the ability of a wetland to provide temporary and long-term water retention, and thus its ability to maintain its characteristic hydrologic regime. If the constructed changes the wetland tofor the Wetlands with natural outletsoutlet are functioning at the highest level possible type within the wetland comparison domain, and should be rated high. Constructed non-wetland or to wetland deepwater habitat or rated from outlets above the temporary (wet meadow) zone are medium if managed to mimic natural conditions. Constructed outlets, either surface or saturated conditions to openwet water orzone from open subsurface, below the top of the temporary meadow reduce the ability of the wetland to provide temporary and long-term water retention; if a constructed water to saturated is rated low. outlet is present below the topthen of the it temporary wetland zone, but is such that the wetland is able to provide some temporary and long-term water retention (i.e. the wetland is only partially drained), the rating should be medium. Constructed outlets, either surface or subsurface, which remove most or all temporary and longterm retention capabilities, significantly reduce the ability of the wetland to maintain its characteristic hydrologic regime; the rating should be low. Constructed outlets that keep open water wetlands open water or keep saturated wetlands saturated are rated medium. 62 62 #12: Outlet for Flood How well can this wetland keep water in? (The more, the better.) 63 63 #13: Outlet for hydrologic regime How natural is this wetland’s outlet? (Less human intervention = better.) • H – only for natural outlet conditions • M – constructed outlets, no hydro. change • L – changed hydrology (higher or lower) 64 64 # 14: Upland conditions Describe the dominant land use and condition of the immediate upland drainage area of wetland or within 500 feet of the wetland if the subwatershed area is not known: High = Watershed conditions essentially unaltered; < 10% impervious (i.e. low density residential, >1 acre lots); land use development minimal, idle lands, lands in hay or forests or low intensity grazing. Medium = Watershed conditions somewhat modified; e.g., 10–30 % impervious (i.e. medium density residential, 1/3 to 1 acre lots); moderate intensity grazing or haying with some bare ground; conventional till with residue management on moderate slopes, no-till on steep slopes. Low = Watershed conditions highly modified; e.g., >30 % impervious surfaces (i.e. high density residential, lots smaller than 1/3 acre, industrial, commercial, high impervious institutional) maximizing overland flow to the wetland; intensive agriculture or grazing with a high amount of bare ground, no residue management on moderate or steep slopes, intensive mining activities. 65 65 #14 Guidance, dominant upland land use Overland flow affects wetland flood storage capabilities and overland flow is affected by changes in upstream vegetative communities. Upland land use within the watershed contributing to the wetland (as defined in Question #9) and the watershed size have a significant influence on the flow of runoff and sediments to the wetland, and thus the ability of the wetland to desynchronize flood flows and maintain its characteristic hydrologic regime. The more developed and intensively the watershed is used, the greater the delivery of runoff and sediments to the wetland is likely to be and the more likely the wetland will have the opportunity to minimize flooding downstream. With increased runoff and sediment delivery, the wetland will be less likely to maintain its characteristic hydrologic regime. As the proportion of the impervious watershed area increases, runoff volume and rate increases along with sediment concentrations. 66 66 #14: Immediate upland land use • H = unaltered • M = 10-30% impervious • L = >30% impervious 67 67 #15: Wetland soil condition Describe the conditions of the wetland soils: High = There are no signs or only minor evidence of recent disturbance or alteration to the wetland soils; temporary wetland wet meadow zone intact; idle land, hayed or lightly to moderately grazed or logged. Minimal compaction, rutting, trampling, or excavation damage to wetland. Medium = Moderate evidence of disturbance or alteration to the wetland soils. Temporary wet meadow zone tilled or heavily grazed most years. Zones wetter than temporary receive tillage occasionally. Some compaction, rutting, trampling, or excavation in wetland is evident. Low = Evidence of significant disturbance or alteration to the wetland soils. Wetland receives conventional tillage most (>75%) years; or otherwise significantly impacted (e.g., fill, sediment deposits, cleared, excavated). Severe compaction, rutting, trampling, or excavation damage to wetland. 68 68 #15 Guidance, Wetland soil conditions The condition of the soils in the wetland affects the vegetation within the wetland, and thus the relationships affecting ground-water discharge, recharge, and evapotranspiration. The more intensively the wetland is used (i.e. tillage, excavation, vehicle traffic, pedestrian or livestock usage), the more likely these relationships are to be impacted, and the more likely the ability of the wetland to maintain its characteristic hydrologic regime will be reduced. 69 69 #16: Wetland vegetation For flow-through wetlands, enter the proportion of the wetland that is vegetated with emergent, submergent, or floating-leaved vegetation. ______% (High = Dense vegetative cover >75%, or isolated wetlands with outlet above wetland boundary; Medium = Combination of some unvegetated open water and vegetative cover 25 - 75%; Low = Primarily unvegetated open water or vegetative cover <25%; or N/A = Not applicable, if wetland is isolated enter 0. 70 70 #16 Guidance, wetland vegetation Wetland is assessed here two related properties: 2) NutrientVegetation Uptake/Cycling. Ability to for uptake, metabolize, sequester and/or remove nutrients and imported elements from the 1) Water/Vegetation Proportions and Interspersion. Rooted water is primarily dependent on wetland vegetative conditions. vegetation in flow-through wetlands slows floodwaters by Microbial processing and bioaccumulation are associated with creating frictional drag in proportion to stem density, more plant cover. density can serve an index of primary or less Vegetative according to vegetation coverastype and interspersion. production, Flow-through which iswetlands an indicator withofrelatively nutrient low assimilation. proportions Wetlands of open water to rooted vegetation andsoils lowand interspersion of take up metals both by adsorption in the by plant uptake and rooted vegetation are more capable of altering via thewater roots. They allow metabolism of oxygen-demanding flood flows. Dense stands of rooted vegetation, including materials can reduce fecal coliform populations. are trees,and shrubs, and herbaceous emergent are morePollutants capable of often slowing buried byfloodwater depositionthan of newer open water plant material, alone. isolating them in the sediments. (click for next) 71 71 #17: Detention of floodwater For flow-through wetlands, describe the roughness coefficient of the potential surface floodwater flowpath in relation to wetland vegetation biomass, numeric density and plant morphology: High = Dense bushy willow, heavy stand of timber with downed trees, or mature field crops with flow at half or less of crop height Medium = Dense grass with rigid stems, weeds, tree seedlings, or brushy vegetation where flows can be 2-3 times the height of the vegetation. Low = Primarily flexible turf grass or other supple vegetative cover or unvegetated N/A = Not applicable if wetland is isolated. 72 72 #17 Guidance, floodwater detention of F-T wetlands Forest cover and other woody stems increase surface roughness resulting in an increased detention of high flows. The cumulative effect is reduced peak flows downstream. A forest (i.e. ash, boxelder, red maple, conifers) with a dense understory is best for detaining high flows. Without a forest present, woody shrubs (i.e. alder, willow, red osier dogwood) can be extremely effective but lose effectiveness once high flows approach and exceed the woody shrub height. Dense, non-woody vegetation (i.e. cattails, reed canarygrass) are effective at detaining minor flood flows but lay down to higher flows and the surface roughness greatly diminishes. Turf grass and other supple vegetation has minimal effects on flood flows. Open water wetlands with submergent and scattered emergent vegetation are part of the channel characteristics and have minimal effect on detaining flood flows. The Manning’s roughness coefficient decreases as water depth increases above the macorphytes and other surface roughness characteristics. Dense, robust, tall vegetation is best for floodplains. 73 73 #18: Sediment delivery Describe the extent of observable/historical sediment delivery to the wetland from anthropogenic sources including agriculture: High = No evidence of sediment delivery to wetland. Med. = Minor evidence of accelerated sediment delivery in the form of stabilized deltas, sediment fans Low = Major sediment delivery evidenced by buried detritus and/or vegetation along outer edge of temporary wetland (wet meadow) zone. Recent deltas, sediment plumes, etc. in areas of concentrated flow or sedimentation raising bottom elevation of wetland. Guidance: Wetlands filled by sediment will have reduced capacity to store stormwater. Land use, ground slope, and erodibility characteristics of the soils affect potential sediment delivery. 74 74 #16-18: Flow-Through Wetlands #16: Percent vegetated #17: Roughness coefficient #18: Sediment delivery Direct stormwater inputs, mostly from residential. Darker areas are open-water. The remaining vegetation is assessed for its ability to slow water. Outline of wetland area. 75 75 #19: Upland watershed soils Describe the predominant upland soils within the wetland’s immediate drainage area which affect the overland flow characteristics to the wetland: High = Clays or shallow to bedrock (Hydrologic soil groups C, D, A/D, B/D, C/D) Medium = Silts or loams (Hydrologic soil group B) Low = Sands (Hydrologic soil group A) Guidance: Watershed Soils. Greater runoff and higher flood peaks occur in watersheds having primarily impermeable soils. These types of soils impede water infiltration and so produce increased runoff. 76 76 #20: Stormwater runoff Describe the characteristics of stormwater, wastewater, or concentrated agricultural runoff detention/water quality treatment prior to discharging into the wetland: High = Receives significant volumes of untreated/undetained stormwater runoff, wastewater, or concentrated agricultural runoff directly, in relation to the wetland size. Medium = Receives moderate volumes of directed stormwater runoff, wastewater, or concentrated agricultural runoff in relation to wetland size, which has received some treatment (sediment removal) and runoff detention. Low = Does not receive directed stormwater runoff, wastewater, or concentrated agricultural runoff; receives small volumes of one or more of these sources in relation to wetland size; or stormwater is treated to approximately the standards of the National Urban Runoff Program (NURP); and runoff rates controlled to nearly predevelopment conditions. 77 77 #20 Guidance, Stormwater runoff pretreatment and detention These ratings apply to both Flood/Stormwater Storage and Attenuation and Downstream and Wetland Water Quality Protection. When used for determining water quality characteristics, the ratings are reversed (i.e. High shown above will equal Low). Wetlands receiving undetained, directed stormwater from developed areas generally provide a higher functional level for flood/stormwater storage than do similar wetlands receiving stormwater at rates of, and with water quality equivalent to, that prior to development. A NURP pond is most easily identified by having a 10-ft wide, nearly flat shelf just below the normal water level and will be 4 to 10 ft deep. Typically, these ponds will have a wet surface area approximately equal to 1 or 2% of the watershed area. Ponds that remove sediment only are typically smaller with a depth of 4 ft or less. The high rating equates with direct pipe discharge into the wetland and runoff rates, which will likely increase the water level in the wetland significantly. 78 78 #21:Wetland density Describe density of wetlands within the subwatershed (the 5,600 DNR minor watersheds as defined in Minnesota Rules 8420.0110, Subp. 31) and the opportunity for contributing to floodwater detention[: High = Wetlands make up less than 10% of the subwatershed area. Medium = Wetlands make up 10-20% of the subwatershed. Low = Wetlands make up more than 20% of the subwatershed. Guidance: The density of wetlands in the subwatershed will determine the benefit each provides downstream. Wetlands reduce flood peaks up to 75 percent compared to rolling topography when they occupy only 20 percent of the total basin.23 When wetland densities in the subwatershed exceed 20% total cover, the flood storage benefits of additional wetlands rapidly decrease. 79 79 #21: Subwatershed wetland density From NWI or quad map… High = <10% Medium = 10-20% Low = >20% In a low-density area, existing wetlands are less dispensable. 80 80 #22: Channelization Describe the functional level of the wetland in retarding or altering flows based on the surface flow characteristics through the wetland: High = No channels present Medium = Channels present, but not connected, or meandering channels Low = Channels connecting inlet to outlet 81 81 #22 Guidance, channels/sheet flow Channels are formed in the underlying substrate, not just as paths through emergent vegetation. Sheet flow, rather than channel flow, offers greater frictional resistance. The potential for floodflow desynchronization is greater when water flows through the wetland as sheet flow. Connecting channels will carry water directly from the inlet to the outlet preferentially in the channel. Channels not connected indicate that some channelized flow may occur within the wetland but not all the way through the wetland via a single channel; some sheet flow will occur. No channels present represents wetlands in which water from the inlet will spread out over the wetland to the outlet. 82 82 #23–26: Upland area quality • Estimate buffer width – only count naturalized area as “buffer” This is the upland area – take the average around the entire site • Qualify This is the upland area (not just “buffer”; see demo) “naturalized buffer” width – 50 ft ring (>20%) – %High + %Medium + %Low = 100% 83 83 #23: Buffer width Upland Buffer width: Average width of the naturalized buffer:_____feet [Default maximum = 500’] Guidance: Vegetated buffers around wetlands provide multiple benefits including wildlife habitat, erosion protection, and a reduction in surface water runoff. A buffer is an unmanicured upland area immediately adjacent to the wetland boundary. For this question, do not include lawn areas. If the buffer varies from one side to another, take the average width over the entire perimeter. 84 84 #23 Guidance, buffer width Widths for Water Quality Wildlife Habitat High = >50 ft High = >300 ft Med. = 25 – 50 ft Med. = 50 – 300 ft Low = <25 ft Low = <50 ft 85 85 Upland area: general guide To score the next three questions, consider a 50foot ring around the wetland. Describe the condition of each category. You do not need to measure exactly—use a 20% minimum for faster evaluation (i.e. if it doesn’t measure at least 20%, you don’t need to count it). Total should equal 100%. 86 86 Upland Area Demo Veg. Cover (WQ): 80% Low—cropped/bare, paved 20% Medium—mowed vegetation 50 ft. Diversity/structure 100% Low—paved, sparse veg Slope: 20% Low: steep slope (>12%) 60% Medium: moderate (6-12%) 20% High: gentle (0-6%) Remember, there can be a 20% threshold. 87 87 #24: Upland area management Upland Area Management: average condition of vegetative cover for water quality. ____% High: Full vegetative cover ____% Medium: Manicured, primarily vegetated (i.e. short-grass lawn, clippings left in place) ____% Low: Lack of vegetation: bare soil or cropped, unfenced pasture, rip-rap, impervious/pavement. Guidance: This question refers to the 50 feet of upland surrounding the wetland (unlike the shoreland wetland vegetation question, which refers to the vegetation within the wetland itself). Maintenance may include mowing, haying, spraying or burning. Remember, there can 88 be a 20% threshold. 88 #25: Upland Area Diversity and Structure Upland Area Diversity & Structure (composition of characteristics for habitat) _% High: Full coverage of native non-invasive vegetation _% Medium: Mixed native/non-native vegetation, moderate density coverage, OR dense non-native cover. _% Low: Sparse vegetation and/or impervious surfaces. Guidance: Many wetland-associated wildlife utilize upland areas for breeding, nesting, and foraging activities. Quality of the upland will affect the diversity and stability of the wetland wildlife community. This question combines estimates of both diversity and density—most wetlands will fall in the middle. 89 89 Difference between #24 and #25 • Upland area management (#24) measures the amount of any vegetative cover. This is important for water quality. • Upland Diversity & Structure (#25) measures the quality of that cover as habitat for native species. 90 90 #26: Upland Slope Upland Slope ____% High: 0-6% (gentle slopes) ____% Medium: >6-12% (moderate slopes) ____% Low: >12% (steep slopes) Guidance: Gentle slopes are associated with greater use by wildlife and also are less likely to erode. This measurement is best estimated on site. 91 91 Slope demo A steep slope: slope: A moderate • High = 0-6% • High = 0-6% • Medium = 6-12% • Medium = 6-12% • Low = >12% • Low = >12% % slope = (10 inches/100 inches) x 100 = 10% slope 92 92 #27: Water Quality Protection (downstream resource) Describe the proximity of the first recreational lake, recreational watercourse, spawning area or significant fishery, or water supply source downgradient of the wetland: High = One or more resource within 0.5 mile downstream via any form of channel, pipe, or isolated wetlands. Medium = One or more resource within 0.5 to 2 miles downstream. Low = No significant resources are located within 2 miles downstream. 93 93 #27 Guidance, WQ protection (downstream sensitivity) The water quality function wetlands provide help disperse the physical, chemical and biological impacts of pollution in downstream waters. Sensitive water resources located within 0.5 miles downstream of the wetland will realize the greatest benefit to water quality from the wetland. As discharges from the wetland move farther downstream, the benefits to water quality provided by the wetland will continue to diminish. 94 94 #27 demo: water quality protection (downstream resource) Aerial view Topo view • High = One or more resource within ½ mile All these wetlands are upstream of Lake Johanna • Medium = …within 0.5 - 2 miles • Low = > 2 miles 95 95 #28: Nutrient loading Does the wetland water quality and/or plant community exhibit signs of excess nutrient loading: High = No evidence of excess nutrient loading or nutrient sources (e.g. evidence of diverse, native vegetative community, no pipes, etc.). Medium = Some evidence of excess nutrient loading source and evidence of plant communities such as dense stands of reed canary grass or narrowleaf, and/or blue (hybrid) cattail. Low = Strong evidence of excess nutrient loading such as algal mats present or evidence of excessive emergent, submergent macrophyte growth. (e.g. evidence of Thisand/or ratingfloating is used in the formula for wetland water quality flow such as for pipes, etc.) and,concentrated with the rating reversed, downstream water quality. 96 96 #28 Guidance, nutrient loading Excessive nutrient loading to a wetland can cause nuisance algal blooms and the production of monotypic stands of invasive or weed species. Observed point source or nonpoint source of nutrients may include but is not limited to: fertilized lawns, agricultural runoff, manure storage or spreading, concentrated stormwater runoff, or pet waste inputs. 97 97 #29: Shoreline wetland? Y N Is the wetland fringing deepwater habitat, a lake, or adjacent to a watercourse? If NO, enter "not applicable" for this function in the Summary Table and skip to Question 35 [remove from computation of Shoreline Protection function.] If YES, answer the following questions. 98 98 #29 Guidance, shoreline wetlands Shoreline Protection function only applies to wetlands that fringe lakes, deepwater, and along creeks and other watercourses. These include lacustrine wetlands, lacking trees, shrubs, persistent emergents, mosses or lichens with greater than 30% areal coverage; and >20 acres in size or fringing deepwater habitats which are defined as <20 acres in size, but either greater than 6.6 ft deep at the deepest, or has a wave-formed shoreline. The wetland portion is typically the area < 6.6 ft deep. Also included are floodplain/riverine systems that may experience frequent water level fluctuations and/or erosive forces. 99 99 #30: Rooted Shoreline Vegetation Enter the percent cover of rooted shoreline wetland vegetation. ______% (High = Macrophyte cover in the wetland >50%; Medium = Macrophyte cover in the wetland is 10 - 50%; Low = Macrophyte cover in the wetland <10%.) Guidance: The erosive strength of waves and currents can be greatly dissipated by a dense vegetation cover including submerged macrophytes. The greater the vegetation density, the greater the shoreline protection. 100 100 #31: Wetland width Enter the average wetland width in feet between the shoreline/streambank and deep water/stream: _____ feet; (High = Wetland width >30 ft; Medium = Wetland width 10-30 ft; Low = Wetland width <10 ft) 101 101 #32 Guidance, wetland width Wetlands with wide stands of vegetation are more likely to stabilize sediments than those with narrow stands. Knutson et al. (1981) found that wetlands wider than 30 feet reduced wave energy by 88% while emergent wetlands less than 6 feet wide were relatively ineffective in wave buffering. Measure width starting from the deepwater edge up to the normal water’s edge, not to include the shore area up out of the water itself (the shore-area wetland is considered in Question #34). 102 102 #32: Emergent vegetation Describe the emergent vegetation type and resistance within the shoreline wetland: High = Dominance of emergent species with strong stems present all year and/or dense root mats in the wash zone (e.g. cattails, shrubs) that are resistant to erosive forces. Medium = Presence of some emergent species with strong stems or dominance of weak-stemmed emergent species persisting most of the year and/or moderately dense root mats in the wash zone (e.g. bulrushes, grasses) that are resistant to erosive forces. Low = Presence of some weak-stemmed emergent species and/or no dense root mats in the wash zone (e.g. rushes). 103 103 #32 Guidance, emergent veg. The erosive strength of waves and currents can be greatly dissipated by a dense, emergent vegetation cover. In addition, species with stronger stems will provide greater protection than weak-stemmed species. The greater the vegetation density, the greater the shoreline protection. Some of the more common species with potentially high value for shoreline anchoring include: sweetflag (Acorus calamus), speckled alder (Alnus rugosa), blue joint grass (Calamagrostis canadensis), sedges (Carex spp.), red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera), spike rush (Eleocharis palustris), scouring rush (Equisetum fluviatile), rice cutgrass (Leersia oryzoides), switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), common reed (Phragmites communis), smartweeds (Polygonum spp.), pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata), cottonwood (Populus deltoides), arrowhead (Sagittaria spp.), willow (Salix spp.), bulrushes (Scirpus spp.), cordgrass (Spartina spp.), and cattail (Typha spp.). 104 104 #33: Shoreline erosion Describe the shoreline erosion potential the site: Wetlands located in areas with strong at currents and wave action have the greatest potential for High = Strong wave action or water current (greatest wind fetch on a lake or outside river bend); frequent boat traffic and restrictions that funnel protecting shoreline. Shorelines composed of boats into narrow passages; sandy soils or evidence of erosion or slope failure. sandy or erodible soils will benefit the most from Medium = Moderate wave action or water current (small lakes or large ponds); moderatewetland boat traffic with some evidence or potential for erosion or shoreline protection. slope failure. Low = Negligible erosive forces (little open water or wave action or slowmoving, straight river); minimal to no boat traffic or no-wake zone; no evidence of past erosion or slope failure. 105 105 #34: Bank protection Describe the shoreline/streambank vegetation conditions up slope from the water level in relation to the ability to protect the bank from erosion or slope failure: • • • High = Lack of vegetation; regularly manicured, short-grass lawn. Medium = Full vegetative cover composed of shrubs receiving only moderate maintenance or grasses/understory vegetation that is not manicured. Low = Deep-rooted vegetation not actively manicured (e.g. trees, native shrubs and grasses), or rip-rap. 106 106 #34 Guidance, Bank Protection Ability The potential for erosion and/or slope failure of shoreline or streambank areas is also dependent on the land use and condition on the slope above the water level and on top of the bank. Bare soils or those with shallow rooted grasses that are manicured on a regular basis provide less protection than deep-rooted native grasses allowed to grow naturally. For this question, consider that part of the wetland starting at the water’s edge up to the upland edge, to encompass the shore area up out of the water itself (the waterlevel wetland is considered in Question #31). 107 107 #29-34: Shoreland Questions #33: Erosion potential (opportunity) #30: % cover (density) #31: Average width (in-water area) #32: Shore protection (type of vegetation) #34: Upslope vegetation 108 108 #35: Rare wildlife Y / N Is the wetland known to be used recently by rare wildlife species or wildlife species that are state or federally listed? If yes, wildlife habitat functional level rating = exceptional. (If Special Features, question J is answered yes, the functional level will also be exceptional) Guidance: wildlife species include any to ofdo those If it is critical,Rare call the DNR and ask. You may need a listed in the Minnesota Natural Heritage Database specialized assessment if wildlife is an issue for a project. or County Biological Survey or are federally listed. 109 109 #36: Rare / natural community Y N Is the wetland or a portion of the wetland a rare • Mn Natural Heritage natural community or habitat based on the Minnesota Database Natural Heritage Database or the County Biological Survey? If yes, wildlife habitat functional level rating = • County Biological exceptional. (If Special Features, question d is answered yes, Survey this question will also be affirmative.) Guidance: Rare natural communities include those identified in the Minnesota Natural Heritage Database or the County Biological Survey or are known to be rare in the ecoregion. 110 110 #37: Open water/cover interspersion For deep and shallow marshes or shallow open water wetland Measure of “edge effect” for types (types 3, 4, and 5) select the cover category that diversity and abundance. best illustrates the interspersion of open water and emergent, submergent, or floating-leaved vegetation within the wetland (click for Interspersion Diagram). Medium Low • High = Cover category type 5, 7. High • Medium = Cover category type 3, 4, 6. • Low = Cover category types 1, 2, 8. • N/A = Not applicable for wetland types 1, 2, 6, 7, 8. 111 111 #37 Guidance, open water interspersion Wetlands that contain vegetation interspersed with open water are more likely to support greater site diversity and/or abundance of fish and wildlife species. Those with very dense vegetation and no channels or open water areas are less likely to support this function. Vegetation interspersion is a measure of the amount of edge between vegetation and open water, which is valuable to wildlife. 112 112 #38: Veg. community interspersion For wetlands having more than one vegetative community, indicate the interspersion category that best fits the wetland. • High = Category 3 • Medium = Category 2 • Low = Category 1 • N/A = Only one vegetative community is present. Low Med High 113 113 #38 Guidance, veg. interspersion For wetlands with multiple vegetative communities, the increased structural diversity and amount of edge associated with greater interspersion is generally positively correlated with wildlife habitat quality. Vegetative interspersion differs from open water interspersion inThe thatfigures the wetland not have standing water, or may have are may not exact representations. Choose the open with several interspersed at (floating, onewater that looks most communities like the interspersion your site. emergent, submerged). 114 114 Image file for diagrams • To access the images from the database, press “Image”: • If an error message results from the first click on the Image button, press “End” and try again. 115 115 #39: Detritus A healthy wetland will have litter (detritus) in several stages of decomposition present. Describe the litter condition in the wetland: High = The presence of litter layer in various stages of decomposition. Medium = Some litter with apparent bare spots, or dense litter mat (e.g. reed canary grass mat). Low = No litter layer. N/A = Deep marshes, shallow open water and bog communities. 116 116 #39 Guidance, wetland detritus Detritus or vegetative litter in various stages of N/A for deep decomposition is a sign of a healthy wetland. Detrital marshes, biomass impacts nutrient cycling processes and disturbance regime and thereby influencesshallow plant open water, and bog assemblages. Detritus maintains thermal regulation of communities. rhizomes and propagules, and is essential to nutrient cycling. The integrity of the system’s vegetation components supplies the bulk of the faunal habitat requirements. 117 117 #40: Wetland Interspersion Describe the relative interspersion of various wetlands in the vicinity of the assessment wetland: High = The wetland occurs in a complex of wetlands of various types (general guideline: at least 3 wetlands within 0.5 miles of assessment wetland, at least one of which has a different plant community than the assessment wetland); or the assessment wetland is the only wetland within a 2 mile radius and exhibits at least a moderate or greater plant community quality rating (see Question 2). Medium = Other wetlands of the same plant community as the assessment wetland are present within 0.5 miles. Low =No other wetlands are present within 0.5 miles of the assessment wetland but are present within 2 miles. 118 118 #40 Guidance, wetland interspersion Best determined using (except forested areas This is different fromGIS Question #20:inWetland Density. This questions wetlands areacres may where wetlands smaller how thanthe one to three in relation to each other. Also, the spacing notplaced appear). This question rates wetlands higher for limits are not restricted to subwatershed, but they having more wetland neighbors. are limited by distance. This question is designed Research thatfunction the critical radius varies moreindicates for assessing to wildlife, while #20 by •relates H—clustering OR lastinrefuge species. Wetlands isolated the landscape more to human-related flood attenuationmay •opportunities. M—average provide the last refuge for wetland-dependent species in an otherwiseclose, upland developed • L—none butorothers exist area. nearby (see demo, next slide) 119 119 Landscape interspersion demo H: No others within 2 miles AND site has veg rating of Med + OR 2 mi. ½ mi. H: ½ mile radius at least 3, 1 w/diff plant comm. M: other wetlands within ½ mile L: None < ½ mile, 1+ < 2 miles 120 120 #41: Barriers to wildlife movement Habitat value diminishes when fragmented by barriers, which restrict wildlife migration and movement. Describe barriers present between the wetland and other habitats: High = No barriers or minimal barriers present; i.e. low traffic; uncurbed roads, low density housing (> 1 acre lots), golf courses, utility easements, or railroads. Medium = Moderate barriers present; i.e. moderately traveled; curbed roads, moderate density housing (1/3 to 1 acre lots), residential golf courses, low dikes. Low = Large barriers present; i.e. 4-lane or wider, paved roads, parking lots, high density residential (<1/3 acres), industrial and commercial development. 121 121 #41 Guidance, barriers to wildlife This variable is defined as a measure of habitat fragmentation of the wetland relative to other wetlands and native plant communities to indicate the ecosystem connectivity. It identifies barriers to wildlife migration ranging from very small barriers such as unpaved roads and low-density housing to large hydrologic barriers such as regional canals and levied roads. Reference area will affect this rating: “other habitats” includes upland areas usable as wildlife resting or reproductive habitat. 122 122 #42–44: Amphibian habitat The next set of questions tries to evaluate a wetland for its function in promoting amphibian ecology. In addition to these questions, the formula for this function includes other variables: –Buffer width –Barriers –Upland land use –Storm water 123 123 #42: Amphibian –hydroperiod Amphibian breeding potential – hydroperiod (check one) - The wetland is inundated long enough in most years to allow amphibians to successfully breed (water regimes A,C, F, H, G) (Score = 1.0) - The wetland is not inundated long enough in most years to allow amphibians to successfully breed (water regimes B, D, E, J) (Score = 0) 124 124 #42 Guidance: hydroperiod Frogs, toads The and Cowardin salamanders et al. water reproduce regimes at different listed above timesare from late March approximate to June,indicators depending–on more the direct species. evidence Early breeders of (such hydroperiod as spring peepers, shouldwood be used frogs, when chorus possible. frogs, salamanders) typically reproduce in shallow, Direct evidence of amphibian breeding mayseasonal be an wetlands. frogs and mink frogs reproduce in larger indication Green of a sufficient hydroperiod. Such evidence more wetlands. For breeding to beegg successful, wouldpermanent include observations of frogs calling, masses inthe wetland must remainofinundated long enoughoffor the larval the water, presence tadpoles or presence young, stages metamorphosefrogs, into adults. period varies newly to metamorphosed toads orThis salamanders at depending on the species, but a rough guide is that the wetland the wetland. should remain inundated least through June 1 for the Note however, that someatspecies are opportunistic andportion of thelay state south of I-94 and at least 15 north of will eggs in temporary pools thatthrough will not June remain I-94. This long period of inundation will not accommodate all inundated enough for successful reproduction. species, is reasonably likely ensure that the wetland is Exercisebut caution when using thistoindicator. suitable for breeding by some amphibians. If you have more direct evidence, use it. 125 125 #43: Amphibian—Fish Amphibian breeding potential – fish presence High = The wetland is isolated so that predatory fish (e.g. bass, northern pike, walleye, bluegill, perch, etc…) are never present. Medium = The wetland may occasionally be connected to other waters so that predatory fish may be present in some years. Low = The wetland is connected with a lake or river so that predatory fish are always present or the wetland is used for rearing of game fish. 126 126 #43 Guidance, fish presence Guidance: Optimal amphibian breeding habitat is characterized by a lack of predatory fish. These habitats are wetlands that winterkill, dry periodically, are periodically anoxic, and are not connected to waters bearing predatory fish. The wetland should not be used to rear bait or game fish. This question utilizes observable characteristics of the wetland to infer about the status of fish. Direct observation or knowledge about fish presence should be substituted where possible. 127 127 #44: Depth for Overwintering Amphibian and reptile overwintering habitat: High = The wetland is normally more than 1.5 meters deep (never or rarely winterkills). New studies indicateisthat Blandings’ turtles Medium = The wetland normally around 1 meter deep may overwinterwinterkill). in Type 6 wetlands. This (may occasionally question may be is reworked the than final 1version. Low = The wetland normallyinless meter deep and often freezes to the bottom. N/A = The wetland never or rarely contains standing water or is nearly always dry in winter. 128 128 #44 Guidance, depth for overwintering Guidance: Wetlands that are deep and well oxygenated provide over-wintering habitat for leopard, green and mink frogs, as well as turtles. Evidence of over-wintering would be observations of migrations of frogs to the wetland in fall and away from the wetland in spring and basking turtles in the spring. 129 129 #45: List Wildlife Species List any noteworthy wildlife species observed or in evidence (e.g., tracks, scat, nest/burrow, calls, viewer reports), including birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. (Note: This list is for documentation only and is not necessarily an indication of habitat quality.) 130 130 #46: Fishery Quality Is the wetland contiguous or intermittently contiguous with a permanent waterbody or watercourse such that it may provide spawning/nursery habitat for native fish species? Choose the condition from the following list that best describes the wetland in relation to fishery habitat: Exceptional = The wetland is a known spawning habitat for native fish of high importance/interest or the wetland is part of or adjacent to a trout fishery as identified by the DNR. High = The wetland is lacustrine/riverine or is contiguous with a permanent water body or watercourse and may provide spawning/nursery habitat or refuge for native fish species, or shade to maintain water temperature in adjacent lakes, rivers or streams. Medium = The wetland is intermittently connected to a permanent water body or watercourse that may support native fish populations as a result of colonization during flood events, or the wetland is isolated and supports native, non-game fish species. Low = The wetland is isolated from a permanent water body or watercourse or has exclusive, high carp populations which cause degradation to the wetland. N/A = The wetland does not have standing water at any time during the growing season. 131 131 #46 Guidance, fishery quality Guidance: Generally, the value of a wetland for fish habitat is related to its Aconnection wetlandwith should be rated as Inhaving value for fish ifhabitat it deepwater habitats. the northhigh central region, spawning provides for warm spawning/nursery water species can be anhabitat, importantor function refuge of afor wetland, native andfish northern pike are among the most valuable warm water species Some spawning in wetlands. species in adjacent lakes, rivers or streams. isolated Cold-water species are relatively rare, but have an indirect effect through deep marshes may intermittently supportspawning populations of have improving water quality. Northern pike wetland habitat will sunfish severaland characteristics northernincluding: pike as 1)a Aresult semi-permanent of colonization or permanent during connection to aevents. lake or stream that has a population of northern pike; 2) Wetland is vegetated flood primarily with reeds, grasses, or sedges; or secondarily with cattails, rushes, Permanently arrowhead, water flooded lilies, submerged isolatedplants, wetlands and shrubs thatorsupport lowland hardwoods native with grass and low emergents; 3) The wetland is flooded during the early spring at populations of minnows provide moderate value. least once every 3 years for at least 20 days and remains connected to the lake or Wetlands stream during with thathigh time; 4) carp Lacustrine populations areas should provide have 4 low to 8 acres value of actual for area for eachof 100carp littoraldegradation. acres of lake; andIsolated 5) Shallow or deep marsh fishspawning habitat because wetlands spawning areas are typically located on the upstream side of the lake or not wetland permanently flooded do not generally support fish stream. populations. 132 132 #47: List fish species List any fish species observed or evidenced. Note: This list is for documentation only and is not necessarily an indication of habitat quality. (Drop-down list: northern pike, perch, sunfish, bass, minnows, carp) 133 133 #48-56: Aesthetics (values) The next set of questions assesses wetland value based on opportunity for human appreciation or use of the site. 134 134 #48: Unique/rare Opportunity Y N Does the wetland provide a unique or rare educational, cultural, or recreational opportunity (e.g. located in an outdoor learning park focused on wetland study)? (If yes this function rates exceptional) 135 135 #48 Guidance, unique opportunity Guidance: Unique Opportunity. The wetland must provide a rare or unique opportunity within the ecoregion, wetland comparison domain, or study area, such as a wetland associated with a school environmental program or public education institution (University of Minnesota's Cedar Creek, Landscape Arboretum’s Spring Peeper Wetland), cultural experience (wild rice areas), or a pristine-reference site for another assessment tool. Minnesota’s Index of Biologic Integrity uses several wetlands as reference-standard sites for both high- and low-functioning sites. 136 136 #49: Visibility Is the wetland visible from vantage points such as: roads, waterways, trails, public lands, houses, and/or businesses? High = The wetland is highly visible and can be seen from several public vantage points Medium = The wetland in somewhat visible and can be seen from a few vantage points. Low = Very limited visibility. 137 137 #49 Guidance, visibility Guidance: Visibility. While dependent on accessibility, a wetland's functional level could be evaluated by the view it provides observers. Distinct contrast between the wetland and surrounding upland may increase its perceived importance. Multiple vantage points increase the likelihood and number of people that may view the wetland. 138 138 #50: Opportunity for use/ nearby population Y N Is the wetland in/near any population centers so as to generate aesthetic/recreation/ educational/cultural use? Guidance: Accessibility is key to aesthetic or educational appreciation. Thus, proximity to population centers may increase its perceived importance. However, locations near public areas may have associated noise and/or pollution factors that could degrade the aesthetic and educational functional level. A population center is a city, town, or village within easy driving distance of the site. 139 139 #51: Ownership Is any part of the wetland in public or conservation ownership? High = Completely contained within publicly owned land or entirely within a conservation easement. Medium = Partially within publicly owned land or partially within a conservation easement. Low = Privately owned or not within a conservation easement. Guidance: Wetlands located on lands in public ownership inherently will provide open accessibility. Wetlands being on lands within a conservation easement provides some certainty that the wetlands will not be subject to impact pressures. 140 140 #52: Public Access Does the public have access to the wetland from public roads or waterways? High = Direct access through a public facility with an established parking area or boat access. Medium = Cumbersome access from a public facility (i.e. no established trails to or near wetland) or no public parking or boat access available. Low = No public access available. Guidance: Accessibility of the wetland is key to its aesthetic or educational appreciation. Wetlands located on private lands are not likely to provide opportunities to the general public. 141 141 #53: Human Disturbance What are the obvious human influences on the wetland itself, such as: High = No structures, pollution, invasive vegetation or other alteration present in the wetland. Medium = Wetland only moderately disturbed by structures, pollution, invasive vegetation or alteration. Low = Wetland has signs of extensive pollution/trash, severe vegetative alteration, or multiple structures . Guidance: Wetlands subject to direct human disturbances/impacts are not likely to provide aesthetically pleasing natural environments. 142 142 #54: Viewshed Quality What are the obvious human influences on the viewshed of the wetland, such as: High = No or minimal buildings, roads, or altered land uses surrounding the wetland. Medium = Surrounding area composed of mostly open space with few buildings or roads, low intensity agriculture. Low = Wetland surrounded by residential, other intensively developed land uses, or intensive agriculture. 143 143 #54 Guidance, viewshed quality Guidance: Wetland Viewshed. This question Excessive noise (from nearby highway or requirescould a judgment as toan theintrusive dominant land factories) be considered use visible at the primary viewing locations human influence. within the wetland. This method assumes that the most appealing views of wetlands are from other areas of natural beauty such as an upland forest. Wetlands occurring in densely developed urban areas equate with lower ratings. 144 144 #55: Spatial Buffer Does the wetland and buffer area provide a spatial buffer between developed areas? High = Spatial buffer more than 500 feet wide. Medium = Spatial buffer between developed areas less than 500 feet wide. Low = Does not provide a spatial buffer—no developed land near the wetland. 145 145 #55 Guidance, spatial buffer Guidance: Spatial Buffer. Views of open water and open space general are considered to be aesthetically appealing. Distinct Ain wetland with no has LOW contrast between the nearby wetland structures and surrounding uplandspatial may increase its perceived importance. Expansive wetlands and buffer value. associated buffer areas provide open space and a feeling of a environment reducing the visibilityland” of adjacent Anatural cramped site withwhile <500 ft to “developed human development. If the wetland is surrounded by (could be lawn)land = MEDIUM. undeveloped within its immediate viewshed, the wetland has little value as a spatial buffer. Developed lands across any portion of the wetland will benefit from the spatial buffering of the wetland. Spatial buffer is measured from the edge of the developed area, across the wetland, to the edge of the next developed area. The edge may be considered the end of manicured lawn or golf course, sidewalk or paved area, or up to a wall or fence. 146 146 #56: Recreational use (potential) Is the wetland and immediately adjacent area assumed to be currently used for (or does it have the potential to be used for) recreational activities such as: education, Manycultural, wetlandsscientific will ratestudy, High for this just because they are hiking, biking, skiing, hunting, fishing, trapping, near places people live.boating, canoeing, wildlife observation, exploration, play, photography, or food harvest. That is okay. for multiple recreational High = Evidence or a high probability uses. This question allows a wetland that might rate low in other Medium = Evidence of or a high probability for a few functional aspectsuses. to be understood as valuable for an important recreational social rather than aorpurely ecological function.use Low =value, Low probability potential for recreational Guidance: Wetlands can provide This is not necessarily public use; recreational could be on private land. and educational opportunities that enhance their value. 147 147 #57: Commercial effects and wetland quality Is the vegetation or hydrology controlled or modified to sustain a commercial crop or other botanical products that may include: wild rice, cranberries, hay, pasture/grazing, row crops, white cedar, black spruce, tamarack, floral decorations, or other commerciallyproductive uses? High = Commercial use does not permanently alter wetland characteristics. Uses may include: timber products, wild rice, hay, pasture, wet native grass seed production, etc. Medium = Wetland characteristics have been altered but vegetation is still hydrophytic. Products may include: rice, cranberries, hay, pasture/grazing. Low = Hydrology dramatically altered to produce non-hydrophytic row crops such as soybeans or corn. N/A = This wetland is not used for any commercial products. 148 148 #57: Guidance, commercial effects and wetland quality Guidance: Row crops can be planted in some wetlands after spring flooding has ceased and still have adequate time to grow to maturity. Haying and grazing are less intrusive agricultural activities and can be utilized more casually when hydrologic conditions permit. Wetland-dependent crops rely on the wetland hydrology for part of their life cycle and are a more natural fit for wetland use, although some may require modification of the natural hydrology. 149 149 #58-63: Hydrogeology The following questions relate to GW movement into and out of the wetland. Base your answers on the best available information. Classification as primarily “recharge” or “discharge” is based on how a majority of the questions are answered and does not offer a definitive result as to actual GW movement. 150 150 #58: Wetland Soils Describe the soils within the wetland: Recharge = Mineral soils with a high organic content (all soils not included in discharge system). Discharge = Organic/peat soils, formed due to more continuous wetness associated with a ground water discharge system Guidance: Wetlands with mineral hydric soils typically represent drier hydrologic regimes where GW recharge is more likely (i.e. saturated, seasonally flooded, and temporarily flooded) where the wetness does not significantly limit oxidation of organic materials. Groundwater discharge wetlands represent more stable and permanent hydrologic regimes where excessive wetness limits the oxidation of organic matter resulting in the accumulation of peat and/or muck. In addition, coarser-grained mineral hydric soils may have higher permeabilities allowing GW recharge, while histosols generally have low permeabilities, reducing groundwater discharge. Disturbed soils in excavated wetlands or stormwater ponds are subject to best professional judgement for this question. 151 151 #59: Land use/runoff Describe the land use/runoff characteristics in the subwatershed upstream of the wetland: Recharge = Land is primarily developed to high-density residential, commercial, industrial and road land uses (equivalent to lots 1/4 acre or smaller) indicating impervious surfaces (>38%), which result in more runoff to wetlands and lowered water tables creating a gradient for recharge under wetlands. Discharge = Upland watershed primarily undeveloped or with low to moderate density residential development (i.e. lots larger than ¼ acre) with low percentage of impervious surfaces (<38%) so upland recharge (to groundwater) and higher water table will be more likely to contribute discharge to wetlands. Guidance: Watersheds with extensive paved surfaces, topographic disruptions, and the presence of wells are associated with human development that lowers the potentiometric contours. Lowered or diversified potentiometric contours enhance the likelihood of recharge, not discharge. Wetlands with unpaved watersheds are more likely to allow GW discharge to occur. 152 152 #60:Wetland size/soils Indicate conditions that best fit the wetland based on wetland size and the hydrologic properties of the soils within 500 feet of the wetland. Recharge = Wetland is <200 acres and surrounding soils (within 500 feet) are primarily in the C or D hydrologic groups. Discharge = Wetland is >200 acres in size or wetland is <200 acres and the surrounding soils (within 500 feet) are primarily in the A or B hydrologic groups. Guidance: The size of the wetland and the surrounding upland soil texture are two factors controlling the wetland’s water budget. A large wetland with a proportionately small watershed may indicate subsidization of its water budget by GW discharge. The probability of GW discharge occurring may thus increase as the wetland/watershed ratio increases. The wetland size also controls the recharge potential. The more fine-grained the soil texture in surrounding uplands, the more water will flow to the wetland via overland flow and less likely water is to flow to the wetland via GW discharge. Sandy and loamy upland soils allow more infiltration. The infiltrated water percolates downward vertically and/or flows laterally becoming GW discharge where wetlands intersect the water table. 153 153 #61: Hydroperiod Indicate the hydroperiod of the wetland[: Recharge = Cowardin et al. water regimes: A, C, D, E, and J (i.e. temporarily flooded, seasonally flooded, seasonally flooded/well drained, seasonally saturated, and intermittently flooded as well as wetlands with the B regime (saturated) that: (1) are on flats; and/or (2) are acid bogs (indicates precipitation-driven systems). Discharge = Cowardin et al. water regimes: F, G, H, (i.e. semi-permanently flooded, intermittently exposed, and permanently flooded), as well as wetlands with the B water regime (saturated) that: (1) consist of sloping organic soils; (2) are on a river valley terrace or at the toe of a bluff or beach ridge, etc.; or (3) have any observed springs or seepages. Guidance: Permanently flooded, semi-permanently flooded, and saturated water regimes, especially in regions having high evaporation rates, often indicate groundwater discharge to a wetland. Exceptions are saturated wetlands on flats and/or bogs that are precipitation-driven systems. Wetlands that are seasonallyor temporarily-flooded are more likely to recharge groundwater. 154 154 #62: Inlet/Outlet for GW Describe the inlet/outlet configuration that best fits the wetland: Recharge = No or restricted outlet in natural and lacustrine wetlands. Discharge = Perennial outlet but no perennial or intermittent stream inlet; or perennial stream riverine wetland. Guidance: A wetland with a permanent stream inlet but no permanent outlet is more likely to recharge GW than one with an outlet. A higher hydraulic gradient will likely be present in an area with no outlet, especially if an inlet is present. The longer water is retained in an area, the greater the opportunity for it to percolate through the substrate. Wetlands without outlets generally experience more waterlevel fluctuations, resulting in inundation of unsaturated soils. Lack of an outlet suggests that water is being lost either through recharge or evapotranspiration. Flow-through wetlands would be considered discharge wetlands for the purposes of this question. 155 155 #63: Topographic relief Characterize the topographic relief surrounding the wetland: Recharge = Land slopes away from (below) the wetland (wetland is elevated in the subwatershed). Discharge = Topography characterized by a downslope toward the wetland around the majority of the wetland (wetland is found lower on the landscape). Guidance: Groundwater discharge is more likely to occur in areas where the topographic relief is characterized by a sharp downslope toward the wetland. GW recharge is more likely in wetlands where the topographic relief is characterized by a sharp downslope away from the wetland. The slope of the water table with respect to the wetland influences the hydraulic gradient for groundwater movement. 156 156 Additional Questions Optional restorationrelated questions, #64-72. Remember, #66 (found on the first tab) must be answered for ALL sites. 157 157 #64: Hydrologic Restoration Potential Guidance: purpose this question is to identify opportunities Y N The Does theofwetland have the potential for restoration of drained or partially drained wetlands. Generally, for hydrologic restoration without this question applies to wetlands which have been ditched or tiled flooding: roads, houses, septic systems, golfdrained for agricultural or other purposes. Some drained or partially wetlands will notorhave the permanent potential for infrastructure restoration because of altered courses other (active land uses that rely onfields continued of surface and/or agricultural are drainage acceptable uses within subsurface water. restoration It is importantareas) to lookwithin at landthe usesrestoration upstream of the potential drained wetland to determine if any of the features mentioned could area? If yes, answer the following questions. If no, be flooded by plugging a ditch, breaking drain tiles or creating an skip to question 71. impoundment. 158 158 #65: Landowners Guidance: The number number ofof landowners of thethat drained or be Indicate the landowners would partially drained wetland and any obvious upstream areas affected by the wetland restoration project: that would be flooded by hydrologic restoration of the wetland directly the feasibility a restoration Exceptional = affects Completely withinofpublic ownership project. Typically, as the number of private owners of a High = 1 potential restoration site goes up the project becomes more complex Mediumand= the 2 probability of success is reduced due to conflicting desires among the landowners. Low = 3 or more 159 159 #66 a-b-c: Wetland Size Enter the existing wetland area and estimated size of the total wetland if effectively drained or filled areas were restored (not including any buffer area). Two characteristics will be computed from the following information: 1) total restored wetland size, and 2) percentage of historic wetland effectively drained. Programming the overall restoration potential will assign the rank based on size. A. Size of existing wetland (acres) _______ B. Total wetland including restorable and existing wetland (acres) ______ C. Calculated potential new wetland area (acres) ________ “C” is calculated automatically in the database. 160 160 #67: Potential Buffer Width Enter the average width of naturalized upland buffer that could potentially be established around the restored wetland: ______ feet (High = more than >50’ Medium = between 25’ and 50’ Low = less than <25’ Guidance: Upland buffer protects wetland function. 161 161 #68: Restoration Ease Guidance: The easiest to restore are those Rate the potential easewetlands of wetland restoration: that were drained a single drain tile. High = Break tileby line and/orditch plug or ditch, discontinue Restoration of those wetlands will typically involve pumping. simply plugging the ditch or breaking the tile line. Medium = Break multiple tile lines and/or ditch Theplugs. most difficult situation for creating wetlands is Low = Diking, berming, excavation or grading. by impoundment or excavation in uplands. This involves much more uncertainty and greater cost. 162 162 #69: Hydrologic Alteration Indicate Alterations the type ofmay hydrologic alteration: Guidance: include ditching or tiling. Also important are GW pumping activities that ____ Ditching can lower local ground water levels and drain ____(i.e. dewatering Drain Tiles wetlands for quarries, underground construction, utility construction; ground water ____ orGround Water Pumping pumping for residential, commercial or municipal ____ Lowered Elevation water use). In metro areas,Outlet the natural wetland outlet elevation may be lowered by the construction of an ____ Watershed Diversion outlet structure (i.e. weir, culvert, lowered overland ____elevation). Filling outflow 163 163 #70: Potential Classification Indicate the potential restoration wetland classification according to Circular 39 (USFWS, 1956) : Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8. (Informational purposes only) 164 164 Planning for Protection The next two questions are not just for restorable wetlands, but would also be useful for planning wetland protection efforts. 165 165 #71: Stormwater Sensitivity High = Shrub-carrs, alder thickets, fresh wet Describe the susceptibility of thediverse wetland to degradation meadows dominated byinput: nativewetland species,type diverse shallow and from stormwater classification deep marshes and diverse shallow, open water communities. (Question #1, Community Type and Question #3, Medium = Floodplain forests, freshwill wetbemeadows dominated Vegetative Diversity/Integrity) utilized to determine by reed canary grass, shallow and deep marshes dominated by the reed best canary fit to the following categories based on the most cattail, grass, giant reed or purple loosestrife, and sensitive, wetland community: shallow, open dominant water communities with moderate to low diversity. Exceptional = Sedge meadows, open and coniferous bogs, fens,cultivated low prairies, wetsoils, to wetormesic prairies, Lowcalcareous = Gravel pits, hydric dredge/fill disposal sites. swamps, lowland hardwood swamps, or coniferous seasonally flooded are basins. Guidance: Guidelines taken from State of Minnesota, 1997, Section IV, Wetland Susceptibility. 166 166 #72: Nutrient Loading Describe the sustainability of the wetland with Guidance: Wetlands that receive untreated, directed stormwater containing sediment and nutrients not be regard to stormwater treatment prior towill discharge as sustainable as in a native into the wetland. (This landscape. rating uses the calculated outcome from the Wetland Water Quality Protection Function (H, M,receiving or L) andstormwater applies it astreated follows): Typically, wetlands to approximately NURP standards willtreatment have a higher High = No additional stormwater needed. likelihood of sustainability. Wetlands receiving Medium =with Additional stormwater nutrient removal stormwater just sediment removal will be subject to needed. nutrient loading and excessive plant growth. Low = Additional sedimentation and nutrient removal needed. 167 167 Run summary report • The last tab is the summary report. • Formulas are used to arrive at numeric ratings for each function. • Each Vegetative Community is listed with its rating, as well as the other options for that function. • Scroll to see all functions. (click for image) 168 168 Formulas • See appendix in the text version for a description of all the formulas. • All formulas are also visible “in action” on the digital version of the field worksheet. 169 169 Next: Management Classification • A standard method for assessing the data is being developed by the MnRAM Workgroup. • This will guide policy approaches using the wetland data obtained from MnRAM 3.1. • Regional differences are to be applied using this tool. 170 170 Known bugs • If you enter an answer in #10 before leaving and returning to that record, you may get a “debug” error. Press <END> to escape. • The County Codes may not reflect the current record. • The <Complete Record> box may appear to carry over to another wetland ID. 171 171 BWSR’s MnRAM Support Natasha DeVoe (651) 205-4664 172 172