Name: Period: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Date: Bacteria, Protists, and Fungi

Name:_________________________ Period: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Date:_____________________
Bacteria, Protists, and Fungi
Reading Guide
Bacteria Section (Pages 744-757)
1. The book explains that bacteria are considered prokaryotes. What does that mean?
2. How many bacteria organisms could I find in a teaspoon of soil? What about on my skin?
3. What sort of environments can archaebacteria live in? List several examples.
4. List some strategies that the bacterium that causes pneumonia uses to survive.
5. Draw 3 simple pictures that show the 3 various shapes bacteria takes. Label your drawings.
6. Describe the various ways bacteria obtain energy and the types of environments that support
their energy acquisition. (Include plenty of details in full sentences)
7. Bacteria can reproduce by fission or conjugation. Describe these processes.
8. Describe how the presence of an endospore can help a bacteria cell survive.
9. Describe 3 ways that bacteria can be beneficial to other organisms.
10. Describe the bacteria processes of decomposition, nitrogen fixation, and bioremediation.
11. The book mentions two different types of bacteria Streptococcus pneumonia and
Clostridium botulinum discuss how these two types of bacteria interact with your body.
12. Look at the pictures on page 757 and explain how bacteria can become resistant to
antibiotics. How could this potentially be harmful to humans?
Protist Section (Pages 779-787)
13. Although protists are classified together, they are ____________ and have different
______________ for movement and for finding food.
14. Diatoms, dinoflagellates, euglenoids, and algae are considered plant like protists. What does
it mean to be a plant like protist and describe each of these protist examples?
a) Plant like protist similarities:
b) Diatoms
c) Dinoflagellates
d) Euglenoids
e) Algae
15. What is a protozoan?
16. Paramecium and sarcodines are animal like protists. Describe them below.
a) Paramecium
b) Sarcodines
17. Slime and water molds are fungus-like protists. Describe them below.
a) Slime Molds
b) Water Molds
Fungi Section (Pages 791-798)
18. Scientists estimate more than ____ million species of fungi exist.
19. Explain 2 ways that fungi can get their energy.
20. Scientists group fungi based on how they look and how they ____________.
21. Using only one sentence each tell me about club fungi, sac fungi, zygote fungi, and
imperfect fungi. This means you are going to have to summarize an entire paragraph in one
a) Club Fungi
b) Sac Fungi
c) Zygote Fungi
d) Imperfect Fungi
22. Describe the importance of fungi and decomposers and how they help out every
23. Name 4 ways that fungi can be harmful.