Malaysia Safety & Environmental Country Report - 2010

Updates on ASEAN Environmental and
Safety Policies and Practices
2013 SEAISI Iron and Steel Sustainability Forum
Nov 25- 26, 2013, Jakarta
Latest on Environmental and Safety Issue
Commitment to Climate Change
Indonesia’s government commits to cut emissions
by 26 % in 2020 from ”business as usual” (BAU)
levels and by as much as 41 % With international
 stepping up investment in renewable energy,
such as geothermal power,
 changing the status the forest from that of a net
emitter sector to a net sink sector by 2030.
Implementation of REDD Plus.
Latest on Environmental and Safety Issue
Safety initiatives
Safety initiatives
Internal safety induction course
Required for project and new recruits
Annual safety training programs
Conducted internally every year
Routine certification for operators
and internal safety auditors
Required for relevant personnel,
conducted regularly
Safety inspections
Conducted internally regularly involved
contractors and third party
In 2011 has been sertified OHSAS18001
Random inspections
Conducted at random time table
Job safety analysis
Identification and verification to ensure
proper job safety implementation
Emergency response teams
Emergency response teams are established
at company and business unit levels
Latest on Environmental and Safety Issue
LT IFR performance
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate
(LT IFR) is the number of lost-time
per million hours
worked, within 2 x 24 work
hours, due to injuries
Awards in safety performance
• Certified OHSAS18001 in year 2011
• Golden Flag Certificate of EHS management system from The Ministry of Manpower
and Transmigration since 2000
Latest on Environmental & Safety Issues
1. The Inter-Ministerial Committee on Sustainable Development
(IMCSD) had formulated a national strategy for Singapore’s
sustainable development, including the following key goals :
Energy – Greater efficiency and diversificationreduce
energy intensity (per dollar GDP) by 20% from 2005 level by
2020, and by 35% from 2005 levels by 2030.
Greenhouse gas emission - By 2020, Singapore’s
Business-As-Usual* (BAU) emissions reach 77.2 million
tonnes (MT) and to cut emissions by 7% to 11% below 2020
BAU levels.
Waste – Towards zero landfill.  recycling rate from 56%
in 2008 to 65% in 2020 and 70% in 2030
Latest on Environmental & Safety Issues
 Water – Towards self-sufficiency and greater efficiency 
reduce total domestic water consumption from 156 litres per capita per
day in 2008 to 147 litres per capital per day by 2020, and 140 litres per
capita per day by 2030.
 Air Quality – Cleaner air  reduce the annual mean for ambient
fine particulate matter (PM2.5) from 16 µg/m3 in 2008 to 12 µg/m3 by
2020 and maintain it at this level till 2030. The ambient Sulphur dioxide
(SO2) levels shall be capped at 15 µg/m3 by 2020 and maintain it at this
level till 2030.
2. A national feasibility study ruled out Singapore’s use of
nuclear power due to the safety concern  continue to monitor new
technologies and develop capabilities in technology and emergency response
3. Businesses are encouraged to adopt an energy management
system certified to ISO 500001
Latest on Environmental & Safety Issues
Significant and commendable safety performance
Reduction of overall all workplace risks to lower levels
Latest on Environmental & Safety Issues
Awards & Recognitions
WSA’s Safety & Health Excellence Recognition
2011 & 2012
Climate Action STAR certificate awarded by World
Steel Association 2012-2013 (5-year member
National Workplace Safety & Health Council
(WSHC) Innovation Award
Green Label Certification
Singapore Environmental Achievement Award –
Excellence in Energy Management Awards 2012
bizSAFE Partner Award
Winners of the Singapore Compact CSR Awards
(2012) for the Green Champion category, which
recognizes our sustainability efforts in energy and
environmental management
Singapore Health Platinum Award 2012
Amongst the major awards received by
NSH - World Steel Association Safety
Excellence Recognition Award 2012
Latest on Environmental & Safety Issues
Safety, Health and Environment Initiatives
1. Recast APEX Safety Committee
2. Supervisor Safety Dialogue to drive a bottom up
safety movement
3. Operation Night Eagle
4. Ergonomics Task Force
5. Working At Height Task Force
6. Implementation of
Management Plan
7. Perimeter Surveillance and Card Access System
Designed and Implemented
8. Operational Discipline Self Assessment and
Implementation etc.
Constraint and External Factor
1. Challenge to allow for the provision of wide buffers between
industrial and residential land
2. The Singapore Civil Defence Force has issued a circular
under the Fire Safety Act on requirements for safe transport
of flammable materials, including hazardous industrial
wastes on Singapore roads.
3. The NEA enforces environmental requirements by regular
inspections and prosecuting offenders in court
4. Basel Convention on Jan 1996 for Internal storage, handling,
use, transport, import, export and disposal of hazardous
industrial waste
1. The Energy Conservation Act 2012 ,22 April 2013
(applicable to business consuming 54 tera-joules of energy
per year)  businesses are required to implement the
following energy management practices:
(a) To appoint an energy manager within 30 days of being
(b) monitor and report energy use and greenhouse gas
emissions to NEA annually
(c) submit annual energy efficiency improvement plan to
 An energy manager must holds a Singapore Certified
Energy Manager (Professional Level) certificate issued by the
Institution of Engineers, Singapore.
2. The Workplace Safety and Health Act (WSHA) requires the
owner, occupier, employer and other stakeholders of a factory
or workplace to take reasonably practicable measures to
ensure the safety and health of workers and other people that
are affected by the work being carried out.
 The WSHA also regulates the permissible exposure levels,
control and disposal of any toxic or noxious materials, whether
solid, liquid or vaporous from any factories or workplaces.
The Pollution Control Department (PCD) may require
developers of special industries to carry out :
 A Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) in order to
identify and quantify hazards and risks related to the
transport, use and storage of hazardous materials
 An emergency response plan (ERP) to mitigate all
accident scenarios identified in the QRA study
 A pollution control study to assess all pollution impact
on the environment and recommendation of measures to
mitigate such impact.
Reasearch & Depelopment for
Environment / Safety
 The government has set aside $680 million to build new
capabilities in Clean Energy and Water Technologies and $20
million Solar Capability Scheme (SCS) to encourages
innovative design and integration of solar panels into buildings.
 The government had provided funding to support the steel
industry in the development of Waste Heat Recovery System
(Organic Rankin Cycle) for electricity generation.
 Developing better practices focusing on working at height,
material handling, positive energy isolation and ergonomics.
 Waste minimization towards the target of zero discharge.
Reasearch & Depelopment by NatSteel
 Using ladle slag as aggregates in precast concrete product and
for reclamation use
 Monitoring of CO2 Emission and Abatement (MoniCA)
Software (developed by Tata Steel R&D)
Latest on the Environmental & Safety Issues
1. During the period of the 1st 6 months in
Vietnam 3,322 labor accidents occurred
 323 people killed and 759 people injured
2. VSA has sent petition letter to MoIT and
EVN to reject the discrimination against the
electric fee applied for steel mills.
 requests for the proper timeframe so that
steel mills can improve their technologies
gradually given that the steel industry is
now facing a lot of difficulties due to market
General Information on the Safety Figure
Area/industry where the accidents occurred
• Mining - 22,95% of total cases ( 22,22% of
total fatalities)
• Construction - 21,31% of total cases (20,63%
of total fatalities)
• Electricity/Power supply - 6,56% of total
cases ( 6,35% of total fatalities)
• Fabrication - 3,3 % (3,2% of total fatalities)
General Information on the Safety Figure
Accident contributing factors
•Falls from height - 26% of total cases (25% of total fatalities)
•Dropped objects and structure collapse - 20% of total cases
(19% of total fatalities)
•Being caught/crushed by rotating equipments - 18% of total
cases (17,5% of total fatalities)
•External road - 13,11% 20% of total cases and (12,7% of total
•Electrocution - 9,84% of total cases (9,52% of total fatalities)
•Flying objects - 9,84% of total cases (9,52% of total fatalities)
Legislation on the Environment & Safety
• Due to the negative trends of safety performance
countrywide  MoLISA is collecting ideas and
feedbacks from local companies/businesses to
formulate the Safety Law and planned to publish the
Safety Law and guideline in the next 3 years
• Due to the power shortage and high CO2 emission
from old technology steel mills EVN, DoIT and
MoNRE requested all steel mills to put in place the
energy management program (5 year plan) and assign
Energy Management Officer and may apply higher
electricity fees to mills operating old technologies
( Governance audits on annual basis)
Activity related to Environmental Issue
• Green Products discussion and
application to promote the
environment friendly products in steel
industry especially roofing & walling
Environmental / Safety Programmes by
Malaysian Government
• Green Technology (GT) Road Map
• National Energy Efficiency Master Plan
• Green Technology Policy
• Incentives for Environmental Management
• Occupational Safety and Health Master
Plan for Malaysia 2015 (OSH-MP15)
Legislation in Environment
Enacting the Environment Quality Act – (Act
127 - 1974)
 21 Regulations,
 2 Rules and
 16 Orders
 Green Technology Policy
Legislation in Safety and Health
Acts implemented by Department of Occupational Safety and
Health (DOSH) under the Ministry of Human Resources
• Factories and Machinery Act 1967 (Revised - 1974)
(Known as FMA 1967 or Act 139) Involving The
Iron and Steel Industry
• Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Known
as OSHA 1994 or Act 514)
• Petroleum Act (Safety Measures) 1984 (Act 302)
Mitigation / Measures on the Environmental
1. Investment in new facilities/process to recycle the byproducts
for process line by Steel Industries.
 to minimize waste and reduce environmental impact.
2. Some non steel industries in Malaysia are collecting waste
from Malaysia Steel industries as parts of their raw
materials.(With references from advance country like France, America and etc)
3. DOE officers are picking up steel industries as one of their
4. Steel industries require to employ competent environmental
specialist to look at Waste water treatment, gas emission
quality and disposal of schedule waste.  Report on monthly
Environmental activities by NGO
Seminars, forums and conferences to increase the
environmental consciousness among publics
 the impact of air pollution, ozone layer
depletion, greenhouse effect/global warming, acid
rain, deforestation, water pollution, land pollution
Among of the involved organisations are :
• ENSEARCH (Environmental Management and
Research Association of Malaysia)
• CETDEM (Centre for Environment, Technology &
Development, Malaysia)
• WMAM (The Waste Management Association of
Research and Development
Some steel industries have joint study
with environmental facilities provider to
extract oil from coolant.
Boiler Fuel
Waste Water
Waste Water
(with the quality specified in Act
1974 schedule B)
Environment Related Issues in Philippines
• Proposal of DENR Administrative Order (DAO)
establishing the National Ambient Air Quality Guideline
Values for PM2.5 ( to include PM2.5 as hazardous air
pollutant)  The proposed DAO is mandating a more
stringent standard of PM2.5 than the current PM10
policy under RA 8749 of the Clean Air Act (CAA) of
• Construction, installation and operation of 2x150MW
CFB Coal-Fired Thermal Power Plant in Subic,
Zambales The proposed Power Plant project as its
perceived environmental effects and alleged nonconsultation with the Local Government Units.
Latest on the Issues
• The FPI Environment Committee, suggesting
the deferment of the proposed DAO until all
concerns and hanging issues are finally
resolved  An FPI-EMB Consultation meeting
was conducted on Oct. 2012 at EMB-DENR
• The Industry would want to request Philippine
Judicial Academy (PHILJA) Chancellor to
intervene for industries that might be affected by
the misconceptions and misunderstandings of
Phillipines laws as against the international
General Information
Thailand steel demand was predicted to rise approximately 14.7
million ton in 2011, jump by 5% from 2010. It’s expected that
consumption rate would be increased to nearly 20 million tons in
In 2005, the Pollution Control Department developed the
emission inventory of PCDDs/PCDFs in Thailand. The annual
release from Ferrous and Non-ferrous metal production were
found 19.776 g I-TEQ to air and to 98.77 g I-TEQ residue, which
accounted for 7% and 12.99% of total release respectively.
External Factors
The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) shall be the goal of
regional economic integration by 2015
International, green peace, and local NGOs are actively
involved in any development in Thailand especially major
industry projects
Thailand’s Constitution B.E 2550 (2007) Clause 67 paragraph 2
under human rights subject  all projects that might cause
major harmful to communities in term of natural resources,
environment and health to make comprehensive study of EHIA,
to have public participation and to have independent
organization on health and environment review before
• Trend in Waste Management and Recycling Regulations
The owner of factory type no. 106, recycling materials shops,
has to obtain permission from Department of Industrial Works
before transporting the reuse/recycle materials to iron & steel
• Promotion of Eco-Industrial Town
The Ministry of Industry has set the eco industrial projects as
the main policy for the next few years. The projects
introduced the waste exchange and waste utilization within
and outside the industrial area.
• Promotion of Sustainable Development for Thai Industry
This project might enforced the steel plant to use more
environmental sound technology to prevent the environmental
impact. Implemented tools using by Thai industry to support
sustainable development in the enterprise are include
Cleaner Technology (CT), EMS for SME, LCI/LCA, etc.
Measures on the Environmental Issues
In 2010-2015, Thai government supported by JICA conducts
the development of Pollutant Release and Transfer Register
(PRTR) project to develop the data system to identify the
specific chemical released from sources
 Risk communication process to public to gain more trust
from public in chemical management field of plants.
Since 2003, Thai government agencies, leading by MTEC,
has generated the National Lifecycle Inventory (LCI) for
basic materials and energy
 to support steel industry in implementing the eco labeling
program such as carbon footprint, water footprint