7th Grade SOCIAL STUDIES Sossaman Middle School COURSE SYLLABUS TEACHER: PHONE: E-MAIL ADDRESS: Mrs. Karen Harper 480-279-8500 If I am not available, ask to leave a message on my voicemail. I will return the call as soon as I am able. karen.harper@husd.org WEB PAGE: http://www.husd.org/Page/18612 A. DESCRIPTION Seventh grade Social Studies is a study of American History from the pre-Civil War era to the Great Depression. Using American History as a theme, we will intertwine Politics, Economics, Civics, and Geography throughout the year. An emphasis will be placed on the contributions of certain Americans, both famous and unknown and how the students can personally contribute to their country and community. B. TEXTBOOK & STUDY MATERIALS The textbook we will be using is United States History by William Deverell and Deborah Gray White /Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Co. This book will be available to view on-line at home as well. We will also be analyzing and gaining information from various primary source documents There will be a weekly selected reading which will be assigned as homework. A short quiz over the reading will be assigned the following day. C. CLASS MATERIALS Students will need to come to class every day prepared with all necessary supplies. Students will need: SPIRAL notebook (1 subject is fine, will need one for each quarter) Pocket folder Blue, yellow & pink highlighters #2 pencils (mechanical or wooden) Scissors Red pen D. EXPECTATIONS 1. Be prompt - Be on time to class and be ready to learn when class begins. 2. Be prepared - Come to class with pencil and notebook, any homework due, and know all due dates. 3. Be polite - Speak in a normal tone of voice, do not blurt out and listen attentively 4. Be productive - Turn in work on time, and always do your best. 5. Be positive - Maintain a positive attitude towards your learning experience and others around you E. CLASSROOM POLICIES 1. No food, gum or any colored drinks in the classroom. 2. No skateboards in the classroom (this is for safety reasons) 3. Absolutely no personal electronics (phones, iPods, etc.) are to be used in the classroom. If I see it, I will confiscate it and it will have to be retrieved after school from the front office. 4. Students are to go to the restroom and sharpen pencils before or after class. If a bathroom visit is necessary during class, the student is to ask permission first. Permission may, or may not be given. 5. Students who are tardy without a pass will be a) immediately sent to the office or b) be required to go to 7th hour. ** Donations to the class of facial tissue, hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes are appreciated. F. ASSIGNMENTS Homework: There be a regular weekly reader assigned for homework and if a student does not finish his or her work in class they will have to finish it at home. There will be four different projects throughout the year that they will have to finish at home. Late homework will be accepted with a point deduction. Classwork Warm-ups are to be completed at the beginning of each class. Students are to take notes during lectures and keep them in their notebooks for review. Notebooks should be organized and well-managed. I do not give busy-work and make every assignment an important part of the learning goals. Written work will be assigned frequently and will be graded based on effort and achievement of the learning goal. Independent Projects: 1st Semester: Each student must read one historical fiction book and write a review. A list of books (all available from the school library) to choose from will be provided. The rubric for the review will be posted in the classroom. 2nd Semester: Community service is a required portion of this class. In learning to be good citizens, the students are to actively engage in some sort of volunteer service or community activity outside the school. Service forms are to be filled out and signed off by an adult who managed or observed the service (preferably not the parent). 10 hours. Tests/Exams: A weekly reading quiz will be given on Tuesdays and a short-quiz will be given each Friday. Unit tests will be given at the end of each unit and there will be a mid-term and a final. Dates for the exams will be posted. G. GRADING: All grades are calculated in alignment with Higley Unified District policy. H. ABSENCES/TARDIES: All absences are handled according to district policy. If homework is late due to an excused absence or tardy such as illness, dr.’s appointment, etc., an additional school day for every day absent will be given to turn in the assignment for full credit. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed and how it can be made up. The student is to either check the class website or check the board in the classroom for any assignments missed that week Any tests that were missed must be taken upon return to the class. I. DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES My discipline procedures for most behavioral issues are as follows: 1. Warning 2. Private discussion with student 3. Call home 4. Referral to the office Students who do not act responsibly academically may be required to attend Responsibility Hour after school. In addition to standard classroom rules such as not talking out of turn, etc., I will require students to follow rules of civility such as saying “please” and “thank you“, holding doors open for others, etc. J. ZERO-TOLERANCE POLICY: PLAGIARISM or CHEATING: Any work taken from another source that is turned in as your own original work without proper citation is considered plagiarized and will be given an automatic F. A parent will then be notified and further disciplinary measures may be taken. The same applies to any sort of cheating on homework, classwork, or tests. BULLYING & RACISM: Absolutely no unkind treatment of another student will be tolerated in my class. Instead, students are to practice civility at all times and to treat one another with respect. Any acts of bullying or racism will result in a referral to the office AND a call home. In addition, further disciplinary measures may be taken. H I have read Mrs. Harper’s syllabus for 7th Grade Social Studies and agree to the following: I understand and will follow all classroom behavior expectations I understand and will follow all daily procedures and policies I commit to doing all classwork and homework I commit to having a GREAT school year! Student Name (print) _______________________________________________________ Student Signature __________________________________________________________ Parent Signature ___________________________________________________________