letter Autumn 1 2015

Carr Manor
Primary School
Headteacher: Deborah Kenny
Deputy Head: Alison Robson
Carr Manor Road
Leeds LS17 5DJ
Tel: 0113 268 9160
Fax: 0113 268 9251
“Where it all begins”
Dear Parents / Carers,
Welcome back after the summer break. We are all looking forward to the busy year ahead. This half term is a very important term for all the children as they
settle into their new year groups and we ask for your continued support.
For this half term your child will be learning within the following themes:
Counting, partitioning and calculating
Significant authors - Roald Dahl
Earth & Space
Athletics – speed and stamina
Anglo Saxons
Attendance and Punctuality
We cannot stress enough the importance of your child coming to school on time every day. Each week, all classes in school compete to see which class has the
highest attendance and the Year 5 classes are keen to win! Please support us in trying to achieve over 95% attendance each week with zero lates. If we achieve
100% attendance as a whole class, we will throw a little party at the end of the week for the children and as an additional award, the class are allowed to come in
their own clothes on the Monday.
The children’s P.E lessons will be led by Mr Hill and will take place in school on Thursday afternoon. Please ensure your child brings the appropriate clothing and
footwear for all P.E. lessons. They are expected to have:
 black/blue shorts/leggings/gym shorts
 white t-shirt
 black or navy jogging pants for outdoors in colder weather
 Sweatshirt and jogging pants for outdoors in colder weather
 Appropriate sports footwear, different from their normal outdoor shoes
Please help your child to be organised - failure to bring in P.E. kit twice in a half term will result in a yellow card.
Uniform and School Equipment
At the end of last year you received a reminder of our school uniform expectations, there has been no change to this. We are continually overwhelmed by the vast
numbers of children who do not have clothing labelled clearly. Please ensure all clothing and other belongings are labelled clearly. Thank you very much to those
parents / carers who have done so already. Children are still expected to wear sensible indoor shoes, such as pumps and have a different pair of outdoor shoes. Their
outdoor shoes are different to their P.E shoes. The only equipment children need to bring with them on a daily basis is their planner, reading book and spelling book.
These should all fit neatly into their book bags or small bags, our school cupboards can’t accommodate large bags
Letters will be sent explaining the trips shortly. In Autumn, we have an Anglo Saxon day with the aid of a special visitor. We will be visiting Armley Mills after
Christmas for our History topic, the Victorians. In the summer term we visit Tropical World linked to our exciting Brazilian topic.
Your child will receive a piece of Literacy and/or Numeracy homework each week on a Friday. Homework is due in on the following Wednesday. We now aim to put a
lot of our homework onto DB Primary. If your child does not receive a paper copy, it will be on DB Primary, which they will need to check, class laptops are
available at lunch time. Loss of homework sheets will not be accepted as an excuse for no homework as we will ensure that spare sheets are always readily available.
It will be the children’s responsibility to come and get another sheet if required.
Also, homework will be linked to the units covered in class and will be explained, with examples, before being handed out. However, if children do require additional
support with their work we are always available to speak to about it before the day it is due in.
Please ensure any valid reasons for no homework are written in planners. Team points will be awarded for all completed homework Failure to bring completed or
acceptable homework in will result in a yellow card for each day that homework is not produced.
We will begin a unit studying novels written by Roald Dahl. It would be beneficial, if your child could read some of his books within the next two to three weeks. We
appreciate that for some reading a novel in three weeks will be a challenge so we would like to stress that watching a DVD based on a novel is, in this case, nearly
as good. ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ or ‘Matilda’ are particularly good examples. Or this would be a lovely opportunity for a little bit of story time with
you reading with your child.
Please feel free to pop in and see us if you have any queries about any of the above.
Kind regards, the Year Five Team.
Mr Hill
Miss Underwood
Mrs Lowry
Mrs Tasker
Mr Davies
Mrs Mohammed
Carr Manor Primary School – Strategic Partner of the Noctua Teaching School Alliance
e-mail: office@carrmanorprimary.org.uk