- AIM Awards

Record of Learner Achievement
Ofqual Unit Reference Number:
Unit Review Date:
Researching, Recording and Presenting Information
L3 CV7
The learner will:
The learner can:
1. Research, record and present
1.1. Identify primary sources of
1.2. Identify secondary sources of
1.3. Use a variety of research methods to
gather information from primary
and secondary sources in a variety
of contexts
1.4. Describe methods for researching
1.5. Describe methods for recording
1.6. Use a variety of methods to record
information from primary and
secondary sources
1.7. Describe methods for presenting
1.8. Match potential sources of
information to various contexts
1.9. Present research findings accurately
using suitable formats
1.10. Explain the role of audience
research bodies
1.11. Explain content considerations
when carrying out research
Assessment Guidance
Learning Outcome 1
1.1 Primary sources: contacts, tip-offs, stringers, routine calls, news conferences, meetings,
victims witnesses, the public, focus groups, briefings, personal observations, internet,
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Record of Learner Achievement
1.2 Secondary sources: Pre-published material, taped material (audio and visual), TV, film and
radio, databases, internet, archives, cuttings files, news agencies (e.g. Reuters, United Press
International, Agence France Presse, Associated Press, Press Association, UK News, etc), press
cuttings agencies (e.g. Press Select, Tellex Monitors, The Press Data Bureau etc), picture agencies
(e.g. British Library Reproductions, Camera Press, British Film Institute, Hulton-Getty, Action
Images, Comstock), pictures on the web (e.g. Corbis, George Eastman House, International
Museum of Photography and Film, Kodak, PhotoDisc), news organisations (e.g. BBC, Al Jazeera,
France 24, Euro News, Independent Radio News, Independent TV News, Cable News Network
International, Worldwide TV News, Reuters TV, Parliamentary Channel), media directories (e.g.
Willings Press Guide, BENNS Media, BRAD, The Media Guide, The UK Press Directory, Media UK
Internet Directory, Kemps Film, TV and Video Yearbook, The Blue Book of British Broadcasting,
The Radio Listeners Guide, The Radio Academy Yearbook, The Royal TV Society Handbook).
1.4 Methods for researching information: visits, interviews (location/telephone),
questionnaires, vox pops, surveys, doorstepping, personal observation, first-hand experience,
background reading, taking photographs, making videos, recording audio, electronic retrieval,
blogs, media scrums and press conferences.
1.5 Methods for recording Information: note taking (speed writing/shorthand), audio recording,
video recording, taking photographs, contacts book, logs, diaries, cataloguing, time charts,
schedules, archives.
1.7 Methods for presenting information: lecture, discussion, focus group, audio-visual (e.g. slide
show, audio tapes, photographic exhibition, posters), written (reports, theses, graphical).
1.8 Sources of information: emergency services, local government and agencies, central
government and agencies, trade and industry, education, religion, arts and leisure, community
and voluntary organisations, pressure groups, the legal system, media organisations.
1.10 Audience research bodies: Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC), National Readership Surveys
(NRS), Outdoor Advertising Association (OAA), Poster Audience Research (POSTAR),
Broadcasters Audience Research Board (BARB), Radio Joint Audience Research (RAJAR).
1.11 Content considerations: legal, ethical, representational.
Evidence Requirements
Evidence of practical ability must be demonstrated.
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Record of Learner Achievement
Final Tutor Feedback (Strengths and Areas for Improvement):
Learner Submission Disclaimer
I declare that this is an original piece of work and that all of the work is my own unless referenced.
Assessor Disclaimer
I confirm that this learner’s work fully meets all the assessment criteria listed above at the correct level and
that any specified evidence requirements have been addressed.
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