GENERAL DATA Name: F.H.S. Age: 73 Sex: F Address: Tondo, Manila Occupation: None Religion: Roman Catholic CC: generalized body weakness HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS 3 days PTA:-generalized weakness (difficulty getting up from bed, feeling of falling when ambulating -headache, nausea & vomiting (3episodes) -loss of appetite -hospital: BP 190/100, meds: Clonidine 75mg/tab sublingual 2 days PTA:- persistent generalized weakness -1 episode of vomiting -incoherence Admission REVIEW OF SYSTEMS • • • • • • • • • • • • • Review of Systems No weight loss Wears glasses (+) decreased hearing acuity, No ear pain, discharge or tinnitus No sore throat, oral sores No neck masses, no limitation of motion No difficulty of breathing (+) nocturia, frequency, (-) dysuria, (-) oliguria (+) polyuria, polydipsia No tremors, no heat or cold intolerance No seizures, syncope No joint pains, no joint stiffness, no swelling No easy bruisability PAST MEDICAL HISTORY • (+) Hypertension (1987) medication: Losartan+hydroclorothiazide 100mg/12.5mg tab OD and Amlodipine 10mg/tab OD • (+) 2007 – hospitalized for multiple electrolyte imbalance secondary to GI losses secondary to AGE • (-) DM, CVA, Asthma, Allergy, CA, PTB FAMILY HISTORY • • • • • (+) Hypertension – father, siblings (+) renal disease – sibling (-) Diabetes Mellitus (-) PTB (-) Cancer PERSONAL AND SOCIAL HISTORY • • • • Non Smoker Non Alcoholic beverage drinker No illicit drug use Diet: prefers salty foods PHYSICAL EXAMINATION • • • • • • • • • • • • Conscious, coherent, asthenic, well-kempt, ambulatory with assistance, not in cardiopulmonary distress VS: BP: 120/70 PR 69 bpm, RR 24 cpm, T 36.3 °C Wt 56kg Ht 152.4 BMI 23.93 Warm moist skin with no active dermatoses Pink palpebral conjunctiva, anicteric sclera, pupils 2-3 mm ERTL, (+) arcus senilis OU No tragal tenderness, no nasoaural discharge, nasal septum midline Moist buccal mucosa, non-hyperemic posterior pharyngeal wall, tonsils not enlarged Supple neck, no palpable cervical lymph nodes, thyroid gland not enlarged Symmetrical chest expansion, no lagging, no retractions, resonant on percussion, clear breath sounds on both lung fields Adynamic precordium, no heaves, lifts and thrills, AB at 6th LICS AAL, S1 > S2 at apex, S2 > S1 at base, no murmurs Abdomen flabby, NABS, no bruits, no masses, no guarding, nontender, tympanitic on percussion, liver not enlarged, (-) CVA tenderness Pulses full and equal, no edema, no cyanosis Neurological Exam • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Conscious, coherent, can follow commands. GCS 15 E4V5M6 Cranial nerves: CN I (-) anosmia CN II intact papillary light reflex, and (+) ROR CN III, IV, VI- EOMs full and equal CN V- V1-V3 intact CN VII- can raise eyebrows, can frown, can smile, can puff cheeks CN VIII- decreased hearing acuity AU CN IX, X- uvula midline on phonation CN XI- can raise shoulders against resistance CN XII- tongue midline uvula is in the midline on protrusion MMT 5/5 on all extremities No sensory deficits Cerebellar function intact (-) Babinski, (-) Nuchal rigidity, (-) Kernigs, (-) Brudzinski ASSESSMENT • Electrolyte imbalance secondary to 1.) GI loss 2. diuretic use 3. herbal use • Hypertension St. II • Urinary tract Infection PLAN • • • • • • • • • • Plan: Diagnostic CBC c platelet, CBG Na, K Plasma Osmolality Urine Osmolality Na Urine K Urine Urinalysis CBC c Platelet Hgb RBC Hct MCV MCH MCHC RDW MPV Platelet WBC Neutrophils Reference Range 120-170 4.0-6.0 0.37-0.54 87±5 29±2 34±2 11.6-14.6 7.4-10.4 150-450 4.5-10.0 7/21 124 4.36 0.37 84.10 28.40 33.70 14.10 5.60 295 11.00 0.65 Metamyelocytes - Bands - Segmented 0.65 Lymphocytes 0.34 Monocytes - Eosinophils 0.01 Basophils - 7/20 BUN Creatinine Reference Range 9-23 0.5-1.2 Sodium 137-147 119.84 124.00/131.79 135.00 Potassium 3.8-5 3.73 3.48/3.48 3.93 Plasma Osmolality 280-295 275.00 Urine Sodium 40-220 13.00 Urine Potassium 25-125 4.30 Urine Osmolality 500-800 92.00 FBS 70.9-110 Chemistry 7/21 7/22 8.39 0.72 111.41 Urinalysis 7/21 Color light yellow, Transparency turbid, pH 7.0, Specific gravity 1.005, Albumin (-), Sugar (-), RBC 2030/hpf, Pus over 100/hpf, Squamous cells few, Bacteria ++++, Mucus threads few Chest X-ray (Official) 7/21 The heart is enlarged Aorta is calcified The pulmonary vascularity is normal The diaphragm and sinuses are intact The visualized osseous structures are unremarkable IMPRESSION: Cardiomegaly, Atheromatous aorta Urine Gram stain 7/21 No microorganisms seen on both centrifuged and uncentrifuged sample Urine Culture 7/23/10 No growth after 2 days of incubation Potassium Balance Haziel dela Rosa Potassium • • • • major intracellular cation plasma K+ concentration is 3.5–5.0 mmol/L intacellular: 150 mmol/L extracellular: 30–70 mmol – constitutes <2% of the total body K+ content (2500– 4500 mmol). • ratio of ICF to ECF K+ concentration – (normally 38:1) : due to resting membrane potential • crucial for normal neuromuscular function Potassium balance – basolateral Na+, K+-ATPase pump actively transports K+ in and Na+ out of the cell in a 2:3 ratio – passive outward diffusion of K+ • quantitatively the most important factor that generates the resting membrane potential – Na+, K+-ATPase pump • Stimulated by increased intracellular Na+ concentration • Inhibited by: – digoxin toxicity or chronic illness such as heart failure or renal failure Potassium balance • Maintenance of the steady state necessitates matching K+ ingestion with excretion • extrarenal adaptive mechanisms, followed by urinary excretion – Prevents doubling of the plasma K+ concentration that would occur if the dietary K+ load remained in the ECF compartment • following a meal, most of the absorbed K+ enters cells – initial elevation in the plasma K+ concentration – facilitated by insulin release and basal catecholamine levels Potassium balance • excess K+ is excreted in the urine • amount of K+ lost in the stool can increase from 10 to 50% or 60% (of dietary intake) in chronic renal insufficiency • colonic secretion of K+ is stimulated in patients with large volumes of diarrhea – severe K+ depletion Potassium Excretion • Renal excretion – major route of elimination of dietary and other sources of excess K+ – filtered load of K+ (GFR x plasma K+ concentration = 180 L/d x 4 mmol/L = 720 mmol/d) is ten- to twentyfold greater than the ECF K+ content Potassium Excretion – 90% of filtered K+ is reabsorbed by the proximal convoluted tubule and loop of Henle – Proximally, K+ is reabsorbed passively with Na+ and water – luminal Na+-K+-2Cl– co-transporter mediates K+ uptake in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle Potassium Excretion • K+ delivery to the distal nephron [distal convoluted tubule and cortical collecting duct (CCD)] – approximates dietary intake • Net distal K+ secretion or reabsorption occurs in the setting of K+ excess or depletion, respectively. • principal cell – responsible for K+ secretion in the late distal convoluted tubule (or connecting tubule) and CCD • Virtually all regulation of renal K+ excretion and total body K+ balance occurs in the distal nephron Potassium Excretion • secretion is regulated by two physiologic stimuli – aldosterone and hyperkalemia • Aldosterone – secreted by the zona glomerulosa cells of the adrenal cortex in response to high renin and angiotensin II or hyperkalemia – plasma K+ concentration, independent of aldosterone, can directly affect K+ secretion Potassium Excretion Aldosterone – K+ concentration in the lumen of the CCD, renal K+ loss depends on the urine flow rate, a function of daily solute excretion – increased distal flow rate can significantly enhance urinary K+ output – severe K+ depletion • secretion is reduced and reabsorption in the cortical and medullary collecting ducts is upregulated. Estimation of Potassium Deficit • For a fall in serum potassium from 4.0 to 3.0 meq/L, body potassium deficit is 200-300 meq/70 kg BW • For a serum potassium at 2.5 meq/L, body deficit is 500 meq/70 kg BW • For a serum potassium at 2.0 meq/L, body deficit is 700 meq/70 kg BW In the patient.... Reference value 7/20 7/21 7/22 Serum Potassium 3.8-5 3.73 LOW 3.48/3.48 LOW 3.93 Urine Potassium Plasma Osmolality Urine Osmolality 25-125 4.30 LOW 280-295 275.00 LOW 92.00 LOW 500-800 Potassium Deficit 200-300 meq/70 kg BW Clinical Features of Hypokalemia Hypokalemia • Symptoms seldom occur unless the plasma K+ concentration is <3 mmol/L. • Fatigue, myalgia, and muscular weakness of the lower extremitieslower (more negative) resting membrane potential. • More severe hypokalemia : – progressive weakness, – hypoventilation (due to respiratory muscle involvement), – complete paralysis. • Increase risk of rhabdomyolysis Electrographic changes of hypokalemia • Early changes: – flattening or inversion of the T wave, – a prominent U wave – ST-segment depression, – a prolonged QU interval. • Severe K+ depletion: – prolonged PR interval – decreased voltage and widening of the QRS complex, – increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias, especially in patients with myocardial ischemia or left ventricular hypertrophy. Etiology of Hypokalemia CAUSES OF HYPOKALEMIA I. Decreased Intake A) starvation B) clay ingestion II. Redistribution into the cells A) Acid-Base 1) Metabolic Alkalosis B) Hormonal 1) Insulin 2) B2-Adrenergic agonists 3) Alpha-Adrenergic antagonists C)Anabolic state 1) Vitamin B12 or folic acid 2) Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor 3) Total parenteral nutrition D) Others 1)Pseudohypokalemia 2)Hypothermia 3)Hypokalemic periodic paralysis 4)Barium toxicity CAUSES OF HYPOKALEMIA III. Increased loss A) Nonrenal 1. Gastrointestinal loss (diarrhea) 2. Integumentary loss (sweat) B) Renal 1. Increased distal flow: diuretics, osmotic diuresis, salt-wasting nephropathies 2. Increased secretion of potassium 2) Increased secretion of potassium A. Mineralocorticoid excess: primary hyperaldosteronism, secondary hyperaldosteronism (malignant hypertension, renin-secreting tumors, renal artery stenosis, hypovolemia), apparent mineralocorticoid excess (licorice, chewing tobacco, carbenoxolone), congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Cushing's syndrome, Bartter's syndrome B. Distal delivery of non-reabsorbed anions: vomiting, nasogastric suction, proximal (type 2) renal tubular acidosis, diabetic ketoacidosis, glue-sniffing (toluene abuse), penicillin derivatives C. Other: amphotericin B, Liddle's syndrome, hypomagnesemia Hyponatremia Causes of Hyponatremia I. Pseudohyponatremia A. Normal plasma osmolality 1. 2. 3. Hyperlipidemia Hyperproteinemia Posttransurethral resection of prostate/bladder B. Increased plasma osmolality 1. 2. Hyperglycemia Mannitol Causes of Hyponatremia II. Hypoosmolal hyponatremia A. Primary Na loss (secondary water gain) 1. 2. B. Integumentary loss: sweating, burns GI loss: vomiting, tube drainage, fistula, obstruction, diarrhea Primary water gain (secondary Na loss) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Primary polydipsia Decreased solute intake AVP release d/t pain, nausea, drugs SIADH Glucocorticoid deficiency Hypothyroidism Chronic renal insufficiency Cause of Hyponatremia C. Primary Na gain (exceeded by secondary water gain) 1. Heart failure 2. Hepatic cirrhosis 3. Nephrotic syndrome Approach to the diagnosis of patients with hyponatremia Four laboratory findings often provide useful information and can narrow the differential diagnosis of hyponatremia: (1) the plasma osmolality (2) the urine osmolality (3) the urine Na+ concentration (4) the urine K+ concentration Approach to a Patient with Hyponatremia 275 92 • (-) urine osmolality and specific gravity of <100 mosmol/kg and 1.003- it suggests impaired free-water excretion due to the action of AVP on the kidney • The secretion of AVP may be a physiologic response to hemodynamic stimuli or it may be inappropriate in the presence of hyponatremia and euvolemia Hypokalemia: Treatment • Kalium durule (750 mg/tab) 1 durule TID x 4 doses • Increase K in the diet SIADH • hypoosmotic hyponatremia in the setting of an inappropriately concentrated urine (urine osmolality >100 mosmol/kg). • normovolemic and have normal Na+ balance. • urine Na+ excretion rate equal to intake (urine Na+ concentration usually >40 mmol/L). • normal renal, adrenal, and thyroid function and usually have normal K+ and acid-base balance. • associated with hypouricemia due to the uricosuric state induced by volume expansion. SIADH • Most common causes: neuropsychiatric and pulmonary diseases, malignant tumors, major surgery (postoperative pain), and pharmacologic agents • Adrenal insufficiency and hypothyroidism may present with hyponatremia and should not be confused with SIADH ADRENAL INSUFFICIENCY • Decreased mineralocorticoids contribute to the hyponatremia of adrenal insufficiency • Cortisol deficiency hypersecretion of AVP both indirectly (secondary to volume depletion) and directly (cosecreted with corticotropin-releasing factor) HYPOTHYROIDISM • The mechanisms that lead to hyponatremia: – decreased cardiac output and GFR – increased AVP secretion in response to hemodynamic stimuli Basic Principles in the Treatment of Hyponatremia Goals of Therapy • (1) to raise the plasma Na+ concentration by restricting water intake and promoting water loss • (2) to correct the underlying disorder. • Mild asymptomatic hyponatremia no treatment • Asymptomatic hyponatremia associated with ECF volume contraction – Na+ repletion with isotonic saline – Restoration of euvolemia removes the hemodynamic stimulus for AVP release, allowing the excess free water to be excreted Goals of Therapy • Hyponatremia associated with edematous states – Reflect severity of the underlying disease, usually asymptomatic – Restriction of Na+ and water intake • hyponatremia associated with primary polydipsia, renal failure, and SIADH – Correction of hypokalemia • Correction of the K+ deficit may raise the plasma Na+ concentration by favoring a shift of Na+ out of cells as K+ moves in – Non-peptide vasopressin antagonists new selective treatment for euvolemic and hypervolemic hyponatremia Rate of Correction of Hyponatremia • Depends on the absence or presence of neurologic dysfunction • Asymptomatic patients – no more than 0.5–1.0 mmol/L per h and by less than 10–12 mmol/L over the first 24 h • Acute or severe hyponatremia (plasma Na+ concentration <110–115 mmol/L) – altered mental status and/or seizures – requires more rapid correction. Rate of Correction of Hyponatremia • Severe symptomatic hyponatremia – Hypertonic saline – 1–2 mmol/L per hour for the first 3–4 h or until the seizures subside – no more than 12 mmol/L during the first 24 h – quantity of Na+ required to increase the plasma Na+ concentration by a given amount can be estimated by multiplying the deficit in plasma Na+ concentration by the total body water – Amount of mmol of Na+ needed to raise the plasma Na concentration from actual to desired = [(135 – actual) x BW x 0.5]. Rate of correction and Fluids Cruz, Karen What IV fluids should be used? At what rate should it be given? • Asymptomatic patients: – Isotonic saline – Concentration should be raised by no more than 0.5 to 1.0 mmol/L per hour and by less than 10 to 12 mmol/L over 1st 24 hr • Acute/severe hyponatremia – Plasma Na concentration <110-115 mmol/L – Tends to present with altered mental status and/or seizures – Requires more rapid correction • severe symptomatic patients: – Hypertonic saline (3%) – Raised by 1 to 2 mmol/L per hr for the 1st 34 hr or until seizure subsides – Raised by no more than 12mmol/L during the first 24 hours Different IV fluids and Na content IV Fluids Na Content (mEq/L) PNSS 154 LRS 130 0.9% NaCl 154 D5 0.45% NaCL 77 D5 3% NaCl 513 D5 5% NaCl 855 FLUIDS • LRS and normal saline – Isotonic – useful in replacing gastrointestinal losses and extracellular volume deficits • Lactated Ringer's is slightly hypotonic – 130 mEq of sodium, which is balanced by 109 mEq of chloride and 28 mEq of lactate FLUIDS • Sodium chloride – mildly hypertonic 154 mEq of Na+ balanced by 154 mEq of Cl– an ideal solution for correcting volume deficits associated with hyponatremia, hypochloremia, and metabolic alkalosis FLUIDS • 0.45% sodium chloride – useful to replace ongoing gastrointestinal losses as well as for maintenance fluid therapy in the postoperative period – provides sufficient free water for insensible losses and enough sodium to aid the kidneys in adjustment of serum sodium levels – 5% dextrose supplies 200 kcal/L, always added to solutions containing less than 0.45% sodium chloride to maintain osmolality prevent lysis of RBCs that may occur with rapid infusion of hypotonic fluids FLUIDS • Hypertonic saline solutions (3.5% and 5%) – used for correction of severe sodium deficits Sodium Deficit Na Deficit = (Desired Na – Actual Na) x TBW x weight (kg) – Actual Na: 119.84 – Weight: 56 kg Total body weight (in Liters) Children 0.6 x weight Women 0.5 x weight Men 0.6 x weight Elderly Women 0.45 x weight Elderly Men = 0.5 x weight = 0.45 x 56kg x (130-119.84) = (25.2) (10.16) Sodium deficit = 256.03 mEq/L Adrogue, HJ; and Madias, NE. Primary Care: Hypernatremia. New England Journal of Medicine 2000; 342(20):1493-1499. 342(21):1581-1589. . Sodium Correction Different IV fluids and Na content IV Fluids Na Content (mEq/L) PNSS 154 LRS 130 0.9% NaCl 154 D5 0.45% NaCL 77 D5 3% NaCl 513 Na Deficit 256.03 mEq/L Maintenance 3 x BW 3 x 56 = 168 Losses - Total 424.03 meq/L PNSS __424.03 meq/L__ = 4.24 L 100 meq NaCl __4240mL = 176.7 cc/hr 24 hrs __176.7 cc/hr__ = 44.16 45gtts/min 4 Osmotic Demyelinating Syndrome Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome • Cause: – rapid correction of hyponatremia • Characterized by: – flaccid paralysis – dysarthria – dysphagia • At risk: – prior cerebral anoxic injury – hypokalemia – malnutrition, especially secondary to alcoholism Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome • Diagnosis: – suspected clinically – confirmed by appropriate neuroimaging studies • Treatment: – no specific treatment – supportive only • Prevention: – hyponatremia should be corrected at a rate not in excess of 10mmol/L/24hr or 0.5 mEq/L/Hr – diligently avoid hypernatremia