PERSONAL INCOME MANAGEMENT At a Special Program on Finance Organized by Deen Foundation on Sunday 3rd, May 2015 at Deen Foundation Schools, Ekpan Warri Delta State Lecturer Akintunde Haroon ACIB,MNIM SCOPE OF DISCUSSION Introduction Definition of terms Understanding the Basic Concepts Is there any preferred investment Protect your investment Housekeeping, Planning and budgeting How do you increase income Monthly Receipt & Income Advices INTRODUCTION الحمد هلل الذى جعل فى تعاقب الليل والنهار عبرا وفى تصرم الشهور واألعوام سماء بروجا مزدجرا ومذكرا وأشهد ان الاله االّ هللا وهو الذى جعل فى ال ّ شمسا سراجا وقمر منيرا وهو الذى جعل الليل والنهار خلفة لمن وجعل فيها ْ اراد ان يذكر او اراد شكورا وأشهد ّ ان مح ّمد عبده ورسوله ارسله هللا بين يدى الرسالة وأدى ال ّ ساعة بشير ونذيرا وداعيا إلى هللا بإذنه وسراجا منيرا فبلغ ّ األمانة ونصح األمة وجاهد فى هللا حق جهاده فصلى هللا عليه وعلى اله وأصحابه والتابعين وتابعيهم بإحسان إلى يوم التغابن. Experience has shown that the financial prosperity of an individual is directly related to efficiency in managing disposable income. Personal income management addresses basic issues required for an individual to manage disposable income through excellent planning for consumption, savings and investments. The DEFINITION OF TERMS Management: It is the process of getting things done through others. Personal income management: It is the process of getting your income to work for you through others. Management of personal income: This involves the creation and maintenance of a structures that can generate personal income and also sustain it. The structure naturally involves yourself, your spouse and some external organizations that provide the platform for income generation. UNDERSTANDING THE BASIC CONCEPTS Risk: this concept states that the future economic benefit of an investment is uncertain. Return: This is the future revenue expected of an investment. It comes in the form of salary rent, dividend, profit IS THERE ANY PREFERED INVESTMENT? To determine whether there is a preferred investment, we have to know the different types of asset as well as their attributes. A- Human Asset: This involves investing in yourself and members of your family. This is the greatest asset you can have because with human resource anything is possible. B- Land: A key financial characteristics of land is that it appreciates in value. The other characteristic is that it can earn rent. THE PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENTS FIRST SOUND PRINCIPLE OF INVESTMENT IS SECURITY FOR THE PRINCIPAL SUM. THE PENALTY OF RISK IS PROBABLE LOSS. ENSURE SECURITY FOR YOUR PRINCIPAL SUM I.E. CAPITAL INVESTED. DO NOT BE TEMPTED BY OPPORTUNITIES THAT WILL PUT YOU HOUSE KEEPING, PLANNING AND BUDGET There is need to plan for housekeeping and school fees. It includes domestic staff salaries, house maintenance electricity, water, telephone bills generator and other utilities. Budget is the financial projection made, based on certain assumption for the year ahead. It contains financial guidelines for the future plan of action for a selected period of time. Most of us work hard for our money. THERE IS NEED TO INCREASE YOUR INCOME One of the best ways to mitigate against continuous increase in prices of commodity goods and services termed inflation is to increase your income. The present economic situation in the world proves that price stability cannot be achieved for a longer period of time. Hence, increase in income becomes inevitable. There are three ways to increase income MONTHLY RECEIPTS AND PAYMENT It is a good habit to write down your income and expenses. This will ease comparison and goal achievement. The write- up will be divided into two which are receipt and payments. The receipt side will show income which may either be fixed or variable income. Fixed income is income that is set each month. Variable income on the other side can fluctuate each month. The payment side is divided into fixed and variable expenses. Fixed expenses are those payment and expenses that are regular and advices Avoid debt as much as possible: Debt adds tremendously to your stress. Debt reduces your options Shun interest related debt: interest you pay eventually reduces your standard of living because your interest payment is an expense that brings you no value. Try as much as possible to live according to your budget There is something about giving that help you put your situation into perspective. It SUMMARY KEEP A PART OF YOUR EARNINGS. BUDGET FOR NECESSITIES & CONTROL YOUR EXPENDITURES. PUT YOUR RETAINED EARNINGS IN INCOMEBRINGING INVESTMENTS. PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENTS. INVEST IN PERSONAL AND VALUABLE PROPERTY OR BUY A HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY. PROVIDE FOR YOUR FUTURE OR OLD AGE AND THE EASE, COMFORT AND SUPPORT OF YOUR FAMILY. CULTIVATE / DEVELOP YOUR OWN POWERS OR INCREASE YOUR ABILITY TO EARN MORE INCOME BY BECOMING MORE PROFICIENT (SKILLED OR COMPETENT) ON YOUR JOB. MAXIMIZE OPPORTUNITIES. FOLLOW THE SUCCESS PROCESS. DEVELOP POSITIVE ATTITUDES. CONCLUSION Planning and monitoring your budget will help you identify wasteful expenditures, adapt quickly as your financial situation changes, and achieve your financial goals. When you actually see the breakdown of your expenses, you may be surprised by what you find; this process is essential to fully grasping how things can add up. Creating a budget will decrease your stress levels because, with a budget, there are no surprises. Unexpected car problems or medical bills? That dream vacation your best friends are planning? With a budget,