New Academic Structure

New Academic Structure –
Meeting Aspirations through
Multiple Pathways
Purpose of New Academic Structure –
paradigm shift
Develop whole-person and life-long learning
Opportunities for ALL students to succeed by
enabling them to find themselves, and
meeting their aspirations, needs, aptitudes
Promote diversified human resource
development in HK
Maintain HK’s competitiveness as an
international city
Some initial success
Reducing early specialisation
over 1,450 subject combinations each in
S4 and S5
choices of elective subjects more diversified
and not limited to a particular Key Learning
Area (KLA): 68% of S4 students and 70% of
S5 students take elective subjects from two or
three KLAs
all secondary schools offer an average of
11 to 12 elective subjects in S4 and S5
Some initial success –
Unleashing students’ potential
Student A: “My horizon broadened under the New
Academic Structure and I learnt to have early
planning for my future.”
Student B: “I could choose subjects according to my
interests which enhanced my motivation
towards learning.”
Student C: “I could have chances to participate in different
kinds of activities through OLE which allowed
me to explore my potential.
Student D: “I had never thought of how to equip myself for
my future until I compiled my SLP. I started to
plan ahead for my future career. There are
different study paths that we could choose to
fulfill our career aspirations. I believe “all roads
lead to Rome”.
「While only 20% of the NAS
graduates can enter universities, the
remaining 80% will have no chances
for future studies … 」
New Senior Secondary Curriculum
Meeting Students’ Aspirations via
Multiple Pathways
• The New Senior Secondary Curriculum provides a
broad and balanced curriculum which fosters
students’ whole-person development and life-long
learning, allowing them to unleash their potential
and realise their aspirations.
• The NAS connects more smoothly with multiple
pathways so that students can make choices
according to their interests and abilities.
NAS – for ALL students to succeed
Change old mindset to new perspectives that help students
develop their potential and aspirations via multiple
Although not everyone can enter university directly, they can
further their studies if they so wish: there are 110,000+
university degree and post-secondary places (e.g. subdegree, higher diploma, VTC courses) for 108,300 graduates
under NAS & old system
“All roads lead to Rome” – it is not a failure if one cannot
enter university directly; some students can enter university
in the end through different pathways
“Old is old; new is new and there is no direct comparison
between the two” --- Under the old system, only some
students would study sixth form and take the A-Level
examination for admission to university. Under the new
system, ALL students complete the senior secondary
education and they should choose the pathway best suited
to their interests and abilities
NAS – for ALL students to succeed
Change old mindset to new perspectives that help students
develop their potential and aspirations via multiple
There is no loser in HKDSE --- everyone has a diploma that
describes the knowledge and skills they possess
“Everybody has something that they were born to be good at.”
“One may distinguish oneself in any trade” --- students only
need to excel in a particular area (e.g. through taking the VTC
courses) in accordance with their personal goals and
aspirations in order to succeed in different careers.”
“Tomorrow is in the hands of those who have made preparation
Multiple & Diversified Pathways for Students
Bachelor’s degree programmes
3+3+2+2 (1-2 electives at Level 2/3)
UGC funded : 30300 (15150+15150)
Self-financed: 6800
[HD & AD]
(including Chin Lang
and Eng Lang)
Further Studies in
Mainland China /
Hong Kong Diploma
of Secondary
Education (HKDSE)
New Project Yi Jin
(announcement by
Civil Service Bureau in
June 2011)
Non-local courses offered in
Hong Kong/Distance learning
around 15700
Multiple Pathways
(1-4 years)
Senior Secondary (S4-S6)
Junior Secondary (S1-S3)
Yi Jin
Youth College
Information Portal for Accredited Self-financing Post-secondary Programmes (iPASS)
& Electronic Advance Application System for Post-secondary Programmes (E-APP)
View programmes information on iPASS
Enter application information and programme choices on E-APP
(One application form for all programmes/institutions)
Upload JUPAS Summary Report (with OEA) and SLP to
E-APP forwards applications to institutions
(Feb – May 2012)
Process applications, contact applicants for interviews (if
necessary) and make conditional offers (where applicable)
Institutions offering
bachelor’s degree
Institutions offering sub-degree programmes
VTC, Caritas Inst. of Higher
Ed., Chu Hai College of
Higher Ed., Hang Seng Mgt.
College, Savannah College
of Arts & Design, HKIEd
(self-financing programmes
only), Tung Wah College
VTC (both publicly-funded and self-financing programmes), Caritas Inst. of
Higher Ed, Caritas Bianchi College of Careers, Hang Seng Mgt College,
Community College at Lingnan University, Community College of City
University, HKU SPACE Community College, HKU SPACE PLK Community
College, HK Art School, HKBU, HKBU School of Continuing Education and
HKBU College of International Ed., HK Central College, HK College of
Technology, HK Institute of Technology, Sacred Heart Canossian College of
Commerce, CUHK – School of Continuing & Professional Studies, CUHK –
TWGHs Community College, HKIED – School of Continuing & Professional Ed,
HKPU – HK Community College, OUHK – Li Ka Shing Inst. of Professional
and Continuing, Tung Wah College, Yew Chung Community College
*Except those offered by the Hong Kong Shue Yan University and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts as participation in E-APP is on voluntary basis.
VTC Programmes
Master’s Degree Programmes
Bachelor’s Degree
Programmes (4 yrs)
Tech. & Higher Ed. Inst. of HK (THEI)
[L3 or above in Chi and Eng Lang, L2 or
above in Maths, LS
and 1 elective ]
Holders of HKDSE
6 newly launched programmes in 2012/13
• BA (Hons) in Advertising
• BA (Hons) in Fashion Design
• BA (Hons) in Product Design
• B Eng (Hons) in Civil Engineering
• B Eng (Hons) in Environmental
Engineering and Management
• B Soc Sc (Hons) in Sports and
Recreation Management
Higher Diploma
L2 in 5 subjects
(incl. Chin and Eng Lang)
Application period
1 Dec 11 – 29 Feb 12
EDB: E-APP (Feb to May)
Duration︰2 years
Diploma in
Vocational Ed.
New Foundation Diploma
For S6 graduates
Duration:1 year
[L2 or above in 3 subjects (If Eng
Lang not 1 of the 3, should attain
L1 in Eng Lang)]
Duration︰1 year
Cert. Course
Prog. duration︰
Hospitality Service︰
4 months– 2 years
Chinese Chef︰
2 – 3 years
Junior General
Purpose Rating
23 weeks
Employers recognise NAS & HKDSE:
NAS cultivates the Key Attributes they are looking for.
Impressed with the wide variety of ApL courses help students understand their career aspirations.
Understand explicitly what the candidates know
and can do through the Standards-referenced
Reporting (SRR) of the HKDSE
The Student Learning Profile (SLP) facilitates their
selection of candidates - attributes, attitudes,
aspirations, etc.
Situation in employment sectors
 Sectors that welcome HKDSE holders:
Retail, Hotels, Airlines, Telecommunication, Health
care, Mass Transportation, Broadcasting, I.T.,
Catering . . . .
 Sectors that anticipated a prevalent growth
in demand in the labour market:
Financial Services, Insurance, Construction,
Property Development/Management
 Sectors that recorded high turnover
Community/Social/Personal Care,
Import/Export, Trading &
HKDSE a Global Passport for
Overseas Pathways
 The HKDSE has secured recognition from overseas
academic agencies, universities and governments…
HK Delegations to Canada, the US, the UK, Australia,
South East Asia… Positive response!
Australia has recognised the HKDSE as equivalent to
the Australian Senior Secondary Certificate of
UCAS Study: UCAS tariff points to 23 subjects (except
Maths); Standards of the HKDSE is broadly comparable
to GCE (AL) Examination -Level of HKDSE
Broadly comparable to
GCE A Level
Grade A
Grade C
Grade E
UCAS: Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UK)
Encouraging Responses from
Overseas Countries…
They welcome the change…
 “Preparing students for whole-person
development and life-long learning…”
 “Encouraging international student mobility…”
 “Useful information from Student Learning
 “Actively considering admission requirements
of HKDSE holders…”(UK, USA, Australia,
EDB and HKEAA jointly publish information regarding
admission requirements from overseas universities
International Recognition:
Admission Requirements for holders of HKDSE
Admission requirements for HKDSE of
individual university/ institution
Recent news…
Continued visits and liaison with
overseas countries and economies to
garner support and recognition
Update governments of each jurisdiction
of the progress of NAS to facilitate
student exchange and mobility
Positive views on NAS in “International
Education Forum & Expo” from 14 to 16
More Mainland institutions would exempt
HKDSE students from “joint entrance
exam” in 2012
Some critical milestones (1)
Sept – Dec 2011 (information & support):
 Disseminate all necessary information on
multiple pathways to parents & students
(e.g. Information Pack)
on “New Academic Structure –
Meeting Aspirations through Multiple Pathways” for
 Workshops
 Inter-sector
 Start
regional briefing sessions for parents
counseling service for parents & students
Some critical milestones (2)
25 Oct 2011 – 9 Jan 2012
Submission of JUPAS main applications
1 Dec 2011 – 29 Feb 2012
Application for VTC programmes
Early Dec 2011
Issue of Candidates’ Handbook for HKDSE
1 – 16 Jan 2012
Delivery of practice papers to schools
Jan – Apr 2012
Submission of SBA marks for S6 students
Feb – May 2012
Application for post-secondary programmes
(submit applications via the E-APP platform)
28 Mar – 3 May 2012
HKDSE written exams
20 July 2012
Release of HKDSE results
20 – 27 Jul 2012
Application for rechecking and remarking via
online portal
21 – 23 July 2012
Modification of choices in JUPAS
17 Aug 2012
Announcement of JUPAS Main Round Offer results
for HKDSE applicants
What are the new opportunities for
students under the NAS?
All students get the diploma -- HKDSE:
a global passport for further studies and employment
a more informative diploma (SRR) with strong value
no “pass” or “failure” -- all students receive proper
a credible diploma with international & local
recognition secured
Smooth articulation to multiple pathways for
study or work that cater for students’ diverse
needs/abilities and results
All students to develop their potential
and meet their aspirations!
Thank you!