welcome to chemistry - Livingston Public Schools

with Mrs. Kaspriskie & Ms. Santos
Chemistry is the study of matter and the
changes it undergoes. You will learn a great deal
in Chemistry this year, and you need to
recognize from very beginning that this class will
take a good amount of dedication and study
time. You will need to understand the concepts
and problem-solving skills taught in class and
then be able to apply them..
Homework, labs, and activities designed for this
course reinforce concepts learned during
classroom discussions. Chemistry concepts are
cumulative, therefore it is important to maintain
a strong level of understanding as we move
through the year. We will do our best to
facilitate your learning and, hopefully, you will
find this class interesting,
informative and enjoyable.
You will need to have the following
materials with you EVERYDAY
• One 2”, plain, 3-ring binder with your name on it.
* The worksheets and notes packets you receive
in class should be placed in this binder.
• Loose leaf paper in the binder.
• One two-pocket folder which fits in your
• Pens, pencils
• Scientific calculator
• Planner
Arrive to class on time
Class begins at the bell. When the bell rings
you are expected to be in your seat, with your
homework out, beginning the posted “Do Now”
activity. Students who are not in their seats at
the bell will be marked “Tardy”. School policy
regarding tardies and absences will be strictly
followed. .
• Students are expected to show respect for
other students, teachers and substitute
• Any misbehavior on the part of any student
will be dealt with according to the
You must sign out in front of the room, and
return to class quickly and without disruption.
Only one student at a time may leave for the
Cell phones are not to be used during bathroom
Cell Phones
• Cell phones not being used for instructional
purposes will be confiscated if seen or heard.
• They can be reclaimed at the end of the class.
No food or drink is allowed at any
Be prepared to work safely and
efficiently in the laboratory.
• There will be a pre-lab assignment for most
laboratory activities. Completing the pre-lab
assignment will help you make the most of your time
in the lab.
• Students will lose credit for incomplete or late prelabs.
• All students are expected to follow all safety
guidelines when working in lab.
Class is dismissed by the teachers, not
the bell!
• You will know that it is time to leave when you
are verbally dismissed by your teachers.
• Do not line up by the door, pack up, etc. in
Homework is checked daily
immediately following the bell.
• Homework assignments can be found on your
class calendar.
• You must show all work on homework problems.
Answers alone will not receive credit.
• If you try and still cannot do a problem, copy the
problem, word for word, into your notebook,
leaving space for writing in the solution. You are
expected to show this as we come around
checking your work.
Due dates for assignments
• Daily homework will not be accepted late.
• Late assignments such as labs, worksheets or
projects will be penalized 10% per day late for
the first two days. After the second day, you
will receive a zero. If the assignment has
already been returned, you will need to do a
make-up version to receive credit.
• Assignments are not accepted via e-mail.
Please hand a hard copy in on the due date.
Due dates for assignments
• If you are sick the day an assignment is due, you
must hand it in the day you get back. If you are
sick for an extended period of time, you must
meet with one of your teachers the day you get
back to schedule times for new due dates.
However, please come see us before/after school
or during lunch, during class is not the
appropriate time. If you are absent the day
before a test, you still take the test! Come in
before school to review if necessary.
Due dates for assignments
• It is not in your best interest to wait to ask for
help with an assignment on the day it is due,
especially labs. You will have ample time to
complete your work – see one of us for extra
help, if necessary.
Make-up Work
• Be responsible for make-up work.
• In the event that you are out, you are
responsible for your make up work.
• All hand-outs will be posted on our
“Chemistry Students Resources” page. Check
for the worksheet, lab, or activity you missed
and print it out.
Make-up Work
• Labs must be made up within two cycles.
• Quizzes and tests must be made up within
one cycle upon your return to school.
• All make-ups are done by appointment.
Please see or email one of us.
Grades will be based on
• Total points earned/ total points possible in
each of three categories
• Three categories:
Homework- 10%
Labs/Activities/ small projects- 30%
Quizzes/Tests- 60%
There will be no midterm exam in CP
You will be given quarterly exams at the end of
Marking Periods 1, 2 and 3 that will count
towards your marking period grades.
Final course grades
1st Quarter
2nd Quarter
3rd Quarter
4th Quarter
• Final Exam Grade
• Total
Academic Honesty
• Honesty is a requirement at Livingston High
School. As such, you will be required to earn
your own grade in this class.
• Study groups are encouraged, but cheating or
direct copying of others work will not be
• Depending on the offense, ALL offending parties
will be considered at fault. Your parents will be
notified and the National Honor Society will be
Academic Honesty
• Your reputation at Livingston High School will
follow you through your senior year and
beyond. Make sure it is impeccable!
Cheating is defined as
• Use of notes, books, or notebooks or speaking
with anyone other than the teachers during a test
or quiz.
• Copying or stealing homework, labs or any other
assignments. If you work with someone, put
your answers into your own words.
• Presenting work for credit which is not your own
(for example, copying a conclusion paragraph
from another group’s lab report)
Extra Help Times
We are available before or after school- please
check our online Co-Teacher Page
(see http://www.livingston.org/Domain/1388 )
for our schedules, office locations, emails, etc.
Mrs. Kaspriskie’s office is in S22A
Ms. Santos’s office is in E280
Email questions to both of us:
mkaspriskie@livingston.org and
You can do it, We believe in you!