BOLGER NJHS BY-LAWS Introduction The following version of the Bolger NJHS Constitution By-Laws was created by the chapter members, advisor, and faculty council, in accordance with the Constitution of the National Junior Honor Society. This document serves to specify Bolger specific guidelines within various articles of the original constitution. It has been approved by administration. Chapter members and their guardians are asked to review this document, and sign the included contract to indicate understanding and agreement. Sub-Article IX: Selection of Members Sub-Section 1. To be eligible for membership the candidate must be a second semester sixth or seventh grade student. Candidates must have been in attendance at Bolger Middle School for the entire first semester of the school year. Sub-Section 2. Candidates must obtain a consistent academic average of 85% or higher to be eligible for membership. Candidates will also be evaluated on the basis of service, leadership, character, and citizenship through discipline background checks, membership in other extra-curricular activities, and candid interviews. Sub-Section 4. Future members will be selected through a recommendation and interview process. Interviews will be conducted by the advisor and at least one member of the faculty council during the 4th marking period of the school year. All interviewees will be evaluated on a rubric focusing on all pillars of the society. Sub-Article X: Discipline and Dismissal Sub-Section 1. A description of the dismissal procedure shall be created by chapter members and advisor, with input from the Faculty Council and principal. This procedural document will be published on the school website, for all students and parents of interested future members. Sub-Article XI: Chapter Officers Sub-Section 1. The Bolger chapter members will choose to run for officer after understanding officer duties. The remaining members will elect officers via an anonymous vote. Sub-Section 1a. The NJHS President responsibilities will include: running chapter meetings, organizing activities and projects, overseeing other officers, upholding the standards of NJHS, participate in planning and implementing the Spring induction ceremony Sub-Section 1b. The NJHS Vice President responsibilities will include: completing the duties of the President in case of President absences, assist the president with running chapter meetings by keeping order and taking member attendance, help organize activities and projects, participate in planning and implementing the Spring induction ceremony, heading promotion and memorialization of NJHS Sub-Section 1c. The NJHS Secretary responsibilities will include: creating meeting minutes prior to bi-weekly meetings, checking with the advisor for updated announcements, oversee the creation of advertisements, create news bulletins for the NJHS webpage Sub-Section 1d. The NJHS Treasurer responsibilities will include: planning fundraisers, implementing fundraisers, tracking NJHS money, and organizing payments for shirts/trips/etc. Sub-Section 1e. The Advisor of the Bolger chapter reserves the right to request a re-vote if any officer does not keep up with the above duties. Sub-Article XIII: Meetings Sub-Section 2. The Bolger chapter will hold a meeting once a month on late start Wednesdays from approximately 3:00-4:00, and necessary lunch meetings throughout the school year. Sub-Section 2a. No NJHS member may miss more than 3 consecutive meetings unless otherwise pre-approved by the advisor. It is every member’s responsibility to keep themselves up to date on the meeting topics. BOLGER NJHS BY-LAWS CONTRACT As an inducted member of the Bolger Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society, I, __________________________ have read and agree to the attached constitution and by-laws of the society. I understand my responsibilities and agree to be an active member of the society. ____________________________________ (Student Signature) ____________________________________ (Parent Signature) __________________ (Date) This contract must be signed by NJHS members and their guardians, and returned to Miss Chapman by Friday, September 26, 2014.