PaperVision Enterprise Release Notes

PaperVision Enterprise Release Notes
Release Notes
July 31,
Defects Fixed:
- Selecting the Uppercase option for Character Case Display was not reflected in project searches.
- Document Grouping would not group matching documents if the character case did not match.
- An error was returned when attaching documents to a project that included document-level security
which the user didn’t have access to.
- Document Security, Maximum SQL results, and missing MAXRESULTS, caused some queries to
return fewer documents than a user had access to.
- Searching for [Blank] on a project that had the Automatically Add Wildcards option enabled did not
return any results.
- Certain PDFs that were rendered as SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) in the Browser-Based Viewer
returned an error when viewed.
- Downloading an E-Form using the PDF option did not include the contents of a signature box.
- Deleting multiple documents from multiple pages of Search Results was not refreshing the Search
Results grid correctly.
- Fixed an issue where executing some full-text searches would time out and return an error.
- Fixed an issue where the WF:LINKWFINST email tag was not working correctly when going through a
gateway if the Direct Launch option was enabled.
- When executing a global search against multiple projects with document grouping enabled, if any of
the projects did not include at least 1 document the browser could become non-responsive.
Defects Fixed:
- Users could not locate documents when certain document security level configurations were applied
to those documents.
- The web client trims blank spaces from the beginning or end of index field or full-text search criteria
before submitting the query.
- The Downloads page was not refreshing correctly in FireFox.
- Fixed an error some users would get when executing a search unless User options were re-saved.
- Document Associations that included range searches returned incorrect results.
- Document Associations that included searching for an exact value in a field marked as Long Text
returned an error.
- Fixed an issue searching on date fields when the Automatically Add Wildcards option was enabled.
Defects Fixed:
- Fixed an issue when users upgraded to the latest version of Google Chrome and then attempted to
print from the Browser-Based Viewer, the image was not displayed correctly in the print preview
window and the print button was inaccessible.
- When the “Require all session requests to originate from same source” option was enabled, an error
was returned when a search was executed under certain scenarios with redirection.
- Fixed an issue where a search that contained an underscore (_) character would not return any
- Fixed an issue where enabling wildcards at the start and end of search criteria would not return any
results in some scenarios.
- An error was sometimes returned when executing a search on a project if any of the security rights for
that project had not been updated since the release of R41.
- PVESearchURL was sometimes returning an error when executed by non-admin users.
- Search queries would not execute if a project contained only "Long Text" Index Fields.
May 26,
Administrative Enhancements:
- Added new Recycle Bin Enhancements. Admins can specify recycle bin settings on a per-project
basis. Admins can specify whether docs added to the recycle bin are automatically emptied based on
how long the documents have been in there. Added new recycle bin security access to allow Users (or
Groups) to view, empty the recycle bin or restore documents. Users with specific access can view
documents that were recycled, and empty or restore documents from the recycle bin. Documents can
be recycled when a data group or file set is deleted or rolled back, a document destruction process
occurs, or they are deleted by a user or an API call. When a document is recycled, any related
workflow instances are also terminated. Workflow instances cannot be created for documents that are
recycled. When creating new projects (manually or from a data group import), recycle bin options are
automatically enabled. The Automatic Empty Recycle Bin setting is set to Never by default. Purging
data groups honors the recycle bin settings for that project. Any data groups that contain multiple
projects must have the same recycle bin settings. Data Groups, Report Management and Message
Capture file sets that are recycled (but not emptied) appear in white text on a red background, and the
properties window shows who recycled the items and when they were recycled. Data Groups display
as not recycled if anything that references that data group is restored from the recycle bin. Revision
History also displays recycled versions in white text on a red background in both the Web Assistant
and Browser-Based Viewer. These versions also include a Recycle Date and Recycled By column.
Users can restore a version from the Revision History window. Documents, document versions, data
groups, Report Management, and Message Capture file sets can be restored from the recycle bin.
When restored, a security entry is automatically recorded. Records Retention and Document
Destruction obey recycle bin settings. Documents cannot be emptied from the recycle bin if the
retention date has not passed yet. Documents that are restored will not automatically get reinstantiated back into a workflow. Added a new Recycle Bin automation service operation. Added a
new option for Recycle Bin as part of the tree view in the client. This option is visible to any user who
has "View" access to the Recycle Bin. Added a new option on the Search screen in the client to include
recycled documents. This option is available to any user who has "View" access to the Recycle Bin.
The Search Results toolbar in the client includes options to Empty or Restore items from the Recycle
Bin. Added new filter options to the System Operations/Queries report related to the Recycle Bin.
Added new filter options to the Document Access report related to the Recycle Bin. The Security
Report includes recycle bin rights for Users.
- Added a new Verify/Create Database Indexes option as part of the properties window of an Entity.
This ensures that users can upgrade to the latest version of PVE from any previous version.
- Importing XML data groups that include a single quote character (') as part of the Index Field name
will process as expected.
- Added the ability to create e-form administrators using the Import User/Password list
Web Assistant Enhancements:
- Added a new Direct Launch user option for viewing documents. This option requires version R80 (or
later) to be installed.
- Removed the Use Legacy ActiveX Controls user option.
- Added a new PaperVision Web Assistant Status window to assist with troubleshooting connection
- Updated the "PaperVision Web Assistant is not installed" message to clarify possible communication
issues with additional options included in the message.
- The PaperVision Web Assistant response timeout has been increased to 800 ms by default.
- The file extension is appended to exported documents if it is not already present
Browser-Based Viewer Enhancements:
- Added a new setting in the web.config file called "resolveWordExternalLinksDuringConversion" which
is used when converting Word documents to determine whether to resolve any embedded URL based
image contained within the document.
- Clicking the Next, Previous, or Jump To page updates the Last Activity timer to prevent terminating a
session prematurely from the Browser-Based Viewer.
General Client Enhancements:
- Added a new document search service which includes better paging capabilities for all project, global,
full-text searches or when using PVESearchURL. Starting with this R80 release (and going forward),
you must use the installation's "Configure PaperVision Enterprise Server Site" wizard in order to have
the new search service properly configured.
- Added a new API guide for the new Document Search Service.
- If PVE is configured to use redirect and/or SSL, please refer to Appendix B of the PaperVision
Enterprise Administration Guide for the new additional steps that are required for the Web and
Application servers to run using the new search service.
- Global Search results now include Next/Previous page capabilities.
- Associated Document results now include Next/Previous page capabilities.
- The Search Results window now displays how long it took to execute search criteria in the lower lefthand corner. This time does not include how long it took to render/display the results, only the time it
took the server to generate the results.
- Index Field names that contain a pound sign (#) can be used with the .NET Integrator
- Added a new Query After Indices option on the Full-Text search screen to allow users to execute a
full-text search against a subset of documents found from an Index level search.
- When executing a project search, the entire results list is sorted before returning any results.
E-Forms Enhancements:
- Added the ability to download and print E-Forms as PDF's.
Miscellaneous Enhancements:
- Added new performance counters for the document search service.
- Added a new setting in the web.config file called "maxReceivedMessageSize" which is set to 2 GB by
- Added an API logging category to the document search service’s web.config file.
- Added modified web.config files to simplify the configuration of a redirect setup.
Defects Fixed:
- Restored the ability to copy and paste content from the Utilization report.
- Fixed an issue where trying to print more than 16,959 pages from the Web Assistant resulted in an
- Fixed an issue where using SVG rendering on some PDF documents caused text to not display.
- Clicking Next to display the next page of results in a folder did not always show all documents.
- The custom validation function for Conditional Required was updated to include radio buttons and
check boxes in an e-form.
- Changing a parameter in any control in an E-Form would cause the line in the signature control to
- Fixed an error that occurred when viewing some documents that contained certain international
- Fixed an issue where the Previous button was still active even at Page 1 under certain scenarios in
FireFox and Chrome.
- When viewing encrypted PDF files in the Browser-Based Viewer, A9R files were created in the
Windows\Temp folder but were not getting cleaned up.
- The ActiveX viewer window did not always refresh correctly when resized in IE version 11.
- Altering and saving index values did not always work correctly when a user had limited rights to
certain fields.
- Opening and closing several PDF files in succession sometimes put the Web Assistant in a bad state.
- Document Associations did not always work correctly when the Use Legacy ActiveX option was
enabled if DEP was disabled on the machine.
- Updated the syntax for custom validation in the PaperVision E-Forms Specification to show the
correct case usage.
8, 2015
This release rolls up the R79, R79.1, and R79.2.
R79.2 Defects fixed:
- Fixed an issue relating to negative workflow definition ID's being generated into the workflow instance
table when transitioning from one workflow definition to another one. The issue resulted in an inability
to filter the WorkFlow History or Status report by WorkFlow Name and show all of the workflows, the
inability to transition an affected workflow instance to a new workstep manually (or through custom
code), and the inability to see the complete WorkFlow History when checking the status from the
PaperVision Web Assistant.
- Fixed an issue relating to the way post condition configuration data was processed for workflows
created in previous versions if the workflow definition wasn't opened in R79 (or later) and resaved. The
issue resulted in automated worksteps would not transition if their post-condition only required that the
document meet search criteria. It also resulted in automated worksteps transitioning to Stop/Exit
Workflow prematurely if the post-condition included a check for a task.
- Fixed an issue where users could not delete a Disclosure Reason or Recipient if the name contained
a bracket ([).
- Fixed an issue where users would sometimes get an error when adding a document that contained an
ampersand (&) character using Internet Explorer 11.
R79.1 Enhancements:
- Added the ability to convert automated worksteps to manual worksteps, or manual worksteps to
automated worksteps. This option removes any automated- or manual-specific workstep settings.
- When upgrading PaperVision Enterprise to R79 (or 79.1), any unassigned worksteps in a workflow
are automatically converted to automated worksteps.
R79.1 Defects fixed:
- Exporting non-contiguous pages (e.g. 1-3, 5, 7-9) from an image-based document created separate
image files for each range, even if a user specified a single, multi-page image as the export format.
R79 E-Forms Enhancements:
- Added a drag-and-drop E-Forms design tool to simplify the creation of E-Forms.
- E-Forms now includes a CSS styles builder.
- Changed the way images are added/stored in E-Forms to improve performance.
- Added the ability to create and layout multi-page E-Forms.
- The "Required" tag can now be used in a signature control when defining E-Forms. When included,
this tag requires that an E-Form be signed before it can be saved or uploaded.
- E-Forms now includes an option to use Custom Code. This allows users to integrate e-forms into their
backoffice systems in ways such as populate e-forms, validating entered data, and capturing data
generated into customer databases.
- The E-Forms Custom Code server install is now available on the Downloads page.
- Added a new option that will always use the most recent version of E-Form public URLs.
- The included E-Forms samples are now designable.
- Administrators can now save E-Forms in a "draft" state, rather than requiring the entire form be
designed and validated.
R79 Administrative Enhancements:
- The project name is now included when submitting a Data Group for migration.
- The Utilization report now includes the number of e-forms that were created.
R79 Database Enhancements:
- Added the PVDM_OBJS_x_y composite index on the DOCID and VERSIONNUM columns to improve
SQL performance.
R79 General Client/Viewer Enhancements:
- Added the ability for users to specify a file name when exporting documents.
- Added the ability for users to export selected pages of a document (pages 3, 5, 7).
- The Display Calendar option can be enabled automatically for all users.
- Added a new option in the Browser-Based Viewer to display PDF’s as either an Image or as SVG
(Scalable Vector Graphics).
- Added a right-click function to restart the Web Assistant.
R79 WorkFlow Enhancements:
- Added manual and automated worksteps to WorkFlow instead of a user creating a workstep and
deciding whether to assign it to a user (manual) or leave it assigned as an automated workstep.
- Added a new post-condition option that can check for the completion of another step or multiple steps
(parallel workflows).
- Modified post-conditions to allow for transition to multiple worksteps or workflows (instead of just one).
- WorkFlow instances with no active instances will automatically transfer to a completed status.
- Added a new post-condition option that indicates whether additional post-conditions will be evaluated.
- Added the ability for an automated step to have no tasks to perform. This allows a user to setup a
holding step until all post-conditions are met (e.g. waiting for documents).
- Added a Document Package option that lets users search for the existence of one or more
documents in one or more projects that meet specific search criteria as a post-condition.
- Added a new option to mark a workstep as completed without transitioning the workstep.
- Updated the WorkFlow Custom Code script editor to support IntelliSense.
- Added the ability to configure the number of workflow loops to be run.
- Renamed the "Criteria Only" option to "Criteria for Automated Workflow (Pre-Conditions)" in the
- WorkFlow History now includes the workstep name and is stored in a separate table to improve
- Added the ability to ensure that a workflow instance cannot have two instances of the same active
workstep at the same time.
- Added a new workflow verification tool that validates the workflow against over 20 different tests.
R79 Miscellaneous Enhancements:
- Session information is now linked to an instance of a browser, instead of to the browser directly to
allow users to have multiple instances of a browser window open at one time.
- Upgraded the viewing technology for the Browser-Based Viewer.
- Upgraded the Dojo framework used by the web interface.
- Removed support for Internet Explorer 8.
- Removed the .NET 3.5 SP1 requirement from the PaperVision Enterprise installation.
R79 Defects fixed:
- Fixed an issue where imports could potentially create projects with non-unique index field names.
- Entering invalid date filter criteria sometimes prevented users from accessing components under Data
- E-Form definition files were not included in some backup jobs.
- E-Form custom validation messages did not always display correctly when a field was not configured
as "Required".
- The E-Forms Hyperlink control sometimes ignored the target tag.
- Fixed an issue where editing certain e-form controls would sometimes not update properly.
- Sometimes items in the body of a table control in an e-form did not display index values correctly.
- The E-Forms watermark message sometimes prevented access to the controls.
- Fixed an issue where some large E-Form documents could not be edited.
- Some date fields did not display correctly in some E-Forms.
- Fixed an issue where printing a group security report was prepending invalid characters to some user
- The PVE setup wizard sometimes overwrote the PaperVision Capture master batch path.
- Some multi-page PDF documents were not checked in correctly during the Check Out/In process.
- Fixed an issue where scanning and uploading a document that included an apostrophe in the Index
Field value did not always display the correct Index Field value.
- Some users could not view images using Internet Explorer 11 when the Legacy ActiveX option was
enabled under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where some documents could not be checked out under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where clicking the Cancel option after selecting the XPS printer caused an error with
the PV Web Assistant.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the wrong index values populated after scanning.
- Textual notes did not always display on e-forms when using the PV Web Assistant.
- Fixed an issue where having two Report Management filesets that were created in the same second
could potentially cause one of the overlays to become invalid.
- Exporting some Report Management definitions did not always include the overlay.
- E-Form documents (which currently cannot be migrated) will no longer generate an error.
- Some multi-page PDFs would export as single-page PDFs.
- Viewing some DWG file types in the Browser-Based Viewer sometimes returned an error.
- Some PDF documents did not display properly in the Browser-Based Viewer.
- Fixed an issue where some users could not view signatures or sign documents.
- Fixed an issue where using some date field codes in Microsoft Word displayed the wrong date in the
Browser-Based Viewer.
- Fixed an issue with saving scanner settings using certain scanners in Windows 8.1.
- Sometimes an error occurred when adding notes to a grouped document in the Browser-Based
- Session and doc-based content was sometimes left in the Temporary Internet Files location.
- Fixed a typo in the message a user receives when the user cannot update the records retention lock
- The Copy/Cut Shortcut option was enabled on empty folders.
- Users sometimes could not share documents from the Browser-Based Viewer when enhanced
auditing was enabled.
- Pressing the key to send an email from the Browser-Based Viewer did not always work.
- WorkFlow and E-Form definition windows couldn’t be opened at the same time.
- The Browser-Based Viewer did not always render HTML emails correctly.
- Some .CSV files could not be viewed in the Browser-Based Viewer if the data group was encrypted.
- Sometimes an error occurred when signing some file types.
- An error sometimes occurred when printing some .MSP or .CGM files from the Browser-Based
- The sort arrows did not always display correctly in the Migration Jobs window.
- The Email column in System Users did not always sort correctly.
- An error sometimes occurred when deleting all workflow definitions.
- The hotkey to save Message Capture Policy Sets did not always work correctly.
- Tooltips did not always display correctly when configuring WorkFlow definitions.
- The WorkFlow status did not always update correctly when editing a WorkFlow definition.
- Copying worksteps with children did not always copy over the children correctly.
- Tabbing through the WorkFlow property grid did not always work correctly.
- After saving a workflow, the "Save" button will display "Finish" and close the window automatically.
- Altering index values after adding a textual note in the Browser-Based Viewer would sometimes
multiply currency or double number fields by a value of 100.
May 05,
WorkFlow Enhancements:
- You can deeply integrate PaperVision Enterprise WorkFlow into line-of-business applications and
back-office processing with custom code execution. Custom code is defined using common Microsoft
.NET languages (i.e. C# and Visual Basic) and is executed by one or more PaperVision WorkFlow
Custom Code Servers.
- Added a new workstep type named "Custom Code Workstep" which gives users the ability to add a
Custom Code script to a workflow via the WorkFlow designer.
- Added the ability to execute Custom Code worksteps on any machine using the PaperVision
WorkFlow Custom Code Server. The PaperVision WorkFlow Custom Code Server install is located on
the Downloads tab. The server can be installed on multiple machines without having to also install
- Added a new configuration utility that allows users to specify what worksteps are executed by the
server. Also includes a Server Status screen that will allow users to see what each server instance is
working on.
- Added sample WorkFlow scripts that can be used to demonstrate the PaperVision WorkFlow Custom
Code Server, as well as online help describing the WorkFlow Custom Code Object Model for
- Moved the ability to import/export WorkFlow definitions from the Thick and Thin Admin Console to the
WorkFlow Designer.
E-Form Enhancements:
- Created a new function that gives users the ability to add E-Form attachments to different projects
from the E-Form documents (submission files).
- Added the ability for customers to use their own javascript when creating E-Forms.
- Added two additional controls for E-Forms, a Tab control which includes a mode feature (Top,
Bottom, Vertical); and an Accordion control.
- Added the ability to duplicate control-level permissions to other groups.
- Added the ability to do custom javascript validation of form fields.
- New sample E-Forms and sample HTML files are installed with PaperVision Enterprise.
- Added a search function in the E-Forms XML editor.
- Added the ability to reference JavaScript, CSS, images, etc. that are located at a fixed URL in EForms.
- Added the ability to import header information/sections from an HTML file.
- Added a new Creation Date field which will auto populate the creation date and time. This is only
used when the document is created. The E-Form submission date is updated every time an E-Form is
edited and saved.
- Added the ability to map multiple fields (checkboxes) into a single index value.
- Added the ability to version E-Forms (see old versions, roll back, etc).
- Includes an E-Form schema and HTML elements document to use as a reference when creating EForms.
PaperVision Web Assistant Enhancements:
- Added a new PaperVision Web Assistant Diagnostic Utility. This utility includes the ability to configure
selected ports by the Web Assistant (if not already configured), a summary report of operations along
with the user’s machine information such as Operating System, Memory, etc. as well as any exception
details. It also includes any event log entries. This Utility will allow a user to view the PVWA Settings
file and the Summary Report, including any Event Logs, to assist with troubleshooting PVWA issues.
- Updated the default ports used by the Web Assistant from ports 8731 – 8740 to ports 8734 – 8743.
Signature Enhancements:
- Added the ability to mask the password when signing a document.
- Added the ability to graphically sign PDF documents in the PaperVision Viewer.
- Added the ability to graphically sign PDF documents in the Browser-Based Viewer. This requires
editing the Web.config file and setting the "enableGraphicalPdfSignaturesInBBV” value to "True” and
then rebooting the server.
- Added the "Sign Document" operation to the Document Access Report.
Miscellaneous Enhancements:
- Added the ability to perform data group validations. This includes a new Validate after data group
imports option on the Import tab of the Entity Properties window. Also, Entity Admins can select
applicable data groups and submit them to the validation queue. Once validation is complete, an email
can be generated and sent to global and entity admins to notify them that their data group validation
succeeded or failed.
- Created an option to set all data groups to Read/Write or Read-Only in the Thick and Thin Admin
- Added the ability to bulk import licenses.
- Updated the automation service configuration file to automatically log errors to a rolling flat file.
- Added a new toolbar button in the PaperVision viewer to access options that were previously only
available in the right-click menu.
Defects fixed:
- Fixed an issue with printing background images with E-Forms. When printing background images,
users must select the "Print Background Colors and Images” option from the browser page setup
- Fixed an error when emailing a document using the PaperVision Web Assistant on Windows 8 and
Microsoft Office 2013 Professional edition.
- Fixed an issue where the Undo Checkout option was sometimes missing when an admin would try to
undo a User Checkout.
- Fixed an issue where uninstalling the PaperVision Web Assistant was not always removing the
certificates from the store.
- E-Forms were sometimes not displayed correctly when viewing them from an iPad.
- Fixed an issue where the Email button was sometimes disabled in the Browser-Based Viewer under
certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue some images were not printed in landscape mode.
- Fixed an issue where the print current page option in the Browser-Based Viewer would sometimes
display behind the viewer window.
- Fixed an issue where users would sometimes receive an error when executing global searches.
- Fixed a cosmetic spelling error for the Workstep graphics.
- Fixed a delay issue after saving workflow changes and then clicking the "Finish” button.
- Fixed an issue where the PVWA host would sometimes not start if the PVWASettings.xml file became
- Fixed an issue where the Email tag in a WorkFlow would sometimes be formatted incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where logging in after a session timeout would sometimes cause the Associated
Documents button to not function in the Web Assistant.
- When the Use Legacy ActiveX Controls option was enabled, sometimes hotkeys were executing
Additional Notes:
- The "PVE-r78.exe" file (approx. 605 MB) provides a full upgrade/full install for updating (or installing
new) PaperVision Enterprise servers, web servers, clients, etc.
- The "PVE-r78-Install.pdf" document (approx. 4.8 MB) is the PaperVision Enterprise Installation and
Configuration Guide which provides detailed installation and configuration instructions.
- The "PVE-r78-Supplement.pdf" document (approx. 700 KB) is the PaperVision Enterprise R78
Documentation Supplement. Digitech Systems, Inc. is undertaking a major documentation
reorganization effort to provide you with the most comprehensive, easy-to-use product documentation
and online help. Unfortunately, this major investment is not complete to include with this product
release. As we approached the completion of our development and quality assurance cycle, we had to
decide between delaying the product release by a significant amount of time to complete the
documentation effort, or releasing the product with the previous version’s documentation and this
supplement. We decided to leave it up to you, our customer. If you’d prefer to wait for the
documentation to be in lockstep with the software, this release is not for you. However, if you are
driven to take advantage of the new features and stability offered by this new release, you are free to
get going! This is a supplement to the documentation included with PaperVision Enterprise R78. It
includes many of the new features and changes that are not yet reflected in the documentation.
Mar 10,
- Added a new Users Option called "Use Legacy ActiveX Controls." Enabling this option will allow
Internet Explorer users to use the ActiveX controls inside of the browser (instead of using the Web
Assistant). When this option is enabled, users will not be able to create E-Form definitions or WorkFlow
definitions using the updated interface. Also note that this option is ignored if the customer has enabled
the “Use Browser-Based Viewer” option.
- Added additional error information to the log files when the PaperVision Web Assistant is unable to
register a port or start the host to assist in troubleshooting.
- When defining workflows, Worksteps are now displayed in alphabetical order (instead of the order
that they were created).
- Removed the "Install Now" option from the Downloads page on ImageSilo for the PaperVision Web
Assistant. Also removed this option from the pop-up message that users receive when viewing a
document (if the Web Assistant is not installed). Users still have the ability to download the Web
Assistant (before installing).
- Added support for the Web Assistant to communicate through certain proxy server configurations.
Defects fixed:
- When a user clicked the Document Association icon from the WorkFlow viewer, the window would
sometimes open behind the browser window.
- Certain workflow definitions were sometimes returning an error when trying to view them.
- If a user created a workstep and then pressed the key without saving the workstep, it would still be
displayed sometimes until the page was refreshed.
- Fixed a memory leak when opening and closing a large number of workflow definitions without
refreshing the browser page.
- Fixed an issue where copying a workstep with children was not always copying the associated tasks.
- Fixed an issue where copying a workstep would sometimes include the children, even if the "workstep
only" option was selected.
- Fixed an issue where viewing documents using the Browser-Based Viewer was sometimes returning
an error after upgrading to the 4.5.1 version of the .NET framework.
- Fixed an issue where using prior versions of the document viewer when logging into ImageSilo were
sometimes not displaying the Next and Previous Document icons.
- Users would sometime get an error when using Chrome to view certain Full-Text search results in the
Browser-Based Viewer.
- When an index field was defined using a time format, sometimes an error would be returned in Firefox
or Chrome if a time value was not supplied.
- The PaperVision Web Assistant would fail to register ports on some non-English operating systems.
Additional Notes:
- The "PVE-r77.1.exe" file (approx. 417 MB) provides a full upgrade/full install for updating (or installing
new) PaperVision Enterprise servers, web servers, clients, etc.
- The "PVE-r77.1-Install.pdf" document (approx. 4.5 MB) is the PaperVision Enterprise Installation and
Configuration Guide which provides detailed installation and configuration instructions.
Jan 20,
Administrative Enhancements:
- Created a new administrative security report (called “Security”) in the Thin Admin which includes the
following information:
- Groups: including group information, projects and rights, document security levels and workflow
- Users: including user information, projects and rights (user and cumulative membership), document
security levels (user and cumulative membership), as well as which workflow they are a participant in
(cumulative membership).
- The new security report can be filtered by Users or Groups.
- Admins can view, print, and export the new Security report in XML format.
- Defaults to forcing a user to change their password when resetting the user’s password.
- Added a new entity security policy setting for “Disable encrypted document grants URLs”. This allows
a document grant to be created and sent unencrypted (which makes the document grant URL quite a
bit shorter).
- Beginning with this release, no license will be consumed when a user clicks on and opens a
Document Grant.
- Added additional parameters to allow for disabling expiration and password prompts, confirmation
prompts after the doc grant has been copied to the clipboard, and combined the Copy to Clipboard and
Close buttons.
- Added the PVE user’s email address to the Thin Admin’s Add/Edit User screen (this was already
available in the Thick Admin).
- Added a new WorkFlow designer which greatly simplifies design and management of complex
workflows. The new designer includes a new look and feel and includes all of the original functionality
- Ability to create, edit and update workflow definitions.
- Provides either a tree view list of workflows (including their associated worksteps, tasks, and postconditions) or a graphical view.
- Ability to toggle between the two views without leaving the designer.
- Ability to customize workflows directly from the designer (move nodes, change shapes, etc…)
- Additional export options including the ability to export to: PDF, PNG, Visio
- Makes it easier to link worksteps or cut worksteps
- Ability to layout the design view (which is helpful when adding or editing a lot of tasks and/or
E-Forms Enhancements:
- Introduces new availability of the PaperVision E-Forms component, which offers e-forms capability for
both internal (PaperVision) and external (public) users. Completed e-forms are stored in an XML format
which makes harvesting data for third party applications easily available.
- Added an XML editor to create and preview e-form definitions
- Included the ability to assign user and group security rights to create the forms, access the forms, and
add/edit data into form controls.
- Ability to map indexes from a form directly to a project in PVE.
- Ability to link a form to one or more projects in PVE.
- Ability to version e-forms.
- Ability to make e-forms available via a public site, or restrict them to internal users, or both.
- Ability to create parent/child field dependencies on an e-form.
- Import custom html forms which are then converted to PVE e-forms.
- Perform client and server-side validation to validate fields on the form directly from the server, as well
as while completing the form on the client.
- Support html controls plus advanced controls such as signature controls, CAPTCHA controls, etc.
- Ability to attach multiple files to an e-form.
- Automatically adds a new security log entry when an e-form definition is deleted or permissions were
- E-Forms is a separately licensed component of the PaperVision Enterprise suite. A demo license is
Browser-Based Viewer Enhancements:
- Added the ability to view full-text search results.
- Added the ability to print multiple pages.
- Added a new toolbar button called “Pan”. If "Pan" mode is on, the user can perform WYSIWYG
zooming (using pinch and spread) or pan around the page using two fingers. If "Pan" mode is off, the
user can swipe left and right to move between pages of a document.
- Added support for viewing .DOT and .DOCM files.
Web Assistant Viewer Enhancements:
- Added the ability to check out a document and than insert importe images (in addition to the existing
"Scan" functionality) before or after the currently displayed page.
General Client/Viewer Enhancements:
- Changed Worksteps Waiting in Queue to Worksteps Waiting/Owned. This area now shows the user
the number of un-owned worksteps assigned to them as well as the number of worksteps that the user
has taken ownership of, but not completed.
- Added electronic signatures. Electronic signatures allow a user to sign a document and then verify
that neither the document nor the signature entry has been tampered with (nonrepudiation). For imagebased documents (TIF, BMP, JPG, PNG, PCX, GIF), the signature can be graphically embedded into
the image. For other document types (non-image documents), the signature is stored in the database
along with the nonrepudiation data. When viewing signatures, if a signature has NOT been tampered
with, a green checkmark is displayed next to the signature. If a signature has been tampered within
either the database or the document itself, a red checkmark will be displayed next to the signature.
- Added new security rights that allow users to be able to view and sign documents.
- Added new options in the viewers to show/hide signatures as well as the ability to sign a document.
Also added the associated hotkeys.
- Added new User Options to require the use of an authorization code when electronically signing a
document, as well as set the font name and size for signatures of image-based documents.
- Added a new workflow task type called “Sign Document” which makes use of the new document
signing capabilities. This was also added as a post condition.
- Added new Security Policy setting “Graphically sign image-based documents” which forces the user
to select the location on a page where their signature will be embedded when signing image-based
- Added new Security Policy setting “Disable signature duplication when signing graphic-based
documents”. If selected, the validation of existing signatures will not be carried to newly signed imagebased documents.
- Changed the default search setting from “Or” to “And” on the Search Criteria screen, as well as for the
SearchURL parameter. Note that it still persist the last used search setting (so if a user was previously
set to “Or”, it will not change).
- Added a shortcut icon to mobile devices for PaperVision Enterprise (or ImageSilo).
Defects fixed:
- Fixed a couple of scanning issues with Canon scanners where Internet Explorer would sometimes
crash when scanning. Note that this was fixed with a driver update from Canon for the impacted
- An error would sometimes be returned when printing some COLD or Text based documents using the
browser-based viewer.
- Unable to view images in the browser-based viewer when HTTP was disabled and SSL was required.
- Entering textual annotations in the workflow viewer was sometimes triggering hotkeys instead of
adding the annotation.
- Pre-defined values that included an ampersand (&) character would cause an error when using the
Scan New function.
- Fixed an issue where project index fields that contained an ampersand character (&) were not able to
be re-ordered.
- Fixed an issue where using the ampersand character (&) in a project or index field name would not
display properly in newer versions of FireFox (version 20 or later).
- Column widths were not always persisted when a project contained more than 4 index fields.
- Fixed an issue where the Pound and Euro currency symbols were not always displaying correctly in
the client.
- Fixed an issue where an email would not get generated from the Web Assistant if an index field value
contained the Pound or Euro currency symbol.
- If the server-side encryption key was deleted, viewing an image in the browser-based viewer would
sometimes return an error.
- Fixed an error when more than 10 users were viewing images in the browser-based viewer using a
remote desktop connection (i.e. on a shared Citrix server).
- Fixed an issue where a non-admin user with restricted rights was sometimes not able to use the Web
Assistant host on Windows XP or Server 2003.
- Fixed a Path/File access error that was sometimes returned when checking out a document using the
Web Assistant.
- If a restricted user (non-admin) tried to configure the Web Assistant on a UAC-enabled operating
system using a custom port, an error would sometimes be returned.
- Added a new user option for viewing documents in the Web Assistant called “Response Timeout” to
fix an issue where the Web Assistant would sometimes time out on very slow systems. By default this
setting is set to 400 milliseconds.
- Fixed an issue where configuring the Max Results per Query to a large value (e.g. 2400) would
sometimes cause the Web Assistant to hang.
- Fixed an issue where opening multiple instances of the web assistant and then viewing a large
number of PDFs (e.g. 40 – 50) would sometimes return an error in the Web Assistant.
- Fixed a JavaScript error that was sometimes returned when clicking a link to open the login page in a
new browser window.
- Added a Next and Previous Document button to PVESearchURL when the Results Type was set to
open documents in the browser-based viewer.
- Fixed an error when clicking the WF:LINKWFINST email tag to login and access a document in
- Fixed an issue where the Doc Association window would sometimes open behind the Web Assistant
- Fixed an issue where some PDF documents had problems zooming into specific areas of the PDF.
Additional Notes:
- The "PVE-r77.exe" file (approx. 417 MB) provides a full upgrade/full install for updating (or installing
new) PaperVision Enterprise servers, web servers, clients, etc.
- The "PVE-r77-Install.pdf" document (approx. 4.5 MB) is the PaperVision Enterprise Installation and
Configuration Guide which provides detailed installation and configuration instructions.
Jun 14,
Administrative Enhancements:
- Added a new full-text process lock used for Directory Manager jobs.
- Created a project level full-text process lock when a maintenance queue item is running.
- Created a Maintenance Queue item for processes that are unable to obtain a full-text process lock.
- Clicking the “Save” button in the Automation Service Scheduling window now saves the update
instead of saving and closing the window.
- Updated the System Operations report to include the removal of security access.
- The PVE XML import now allows apostrophe (‘) characters in the Company ID field.
- When deleting document security levels, the information is removed from the docs table before the
DOCSECLEVEL is removed instead of removing the DOCSECLEVEL before removing the
- The List Data Group Unique Paths function now creates an XML file in addition to a TXT file.
- A count of all active Users is now included in the billing reports.
- Renamed the Document Display Method in Entity Properties from “Use ActiveX Viewer” to “Use
PaperVision Viewer”.
- When adding or removing project index fields on very large projects, removed the SQL command
Document Viewer Enhancements:
- The PaperVision Web Assistant is available to all users as an optional replacement for the ActiveX
Document Viewer and Admin Controls.
- The PaperVision Web Assistant supports all browsers on windows-based operating systems.
- Added 64-bit Outlook email support for sending emails within the viewer.
- Added support for viewing documents in the Browser-Based Viewer using an Android device.
- Source File Information now includes the creation and version date/time in the PaperVision and
Browser-Based Viewers.
- The Print window now closes automatically when the Browser-Based Viewer window closes.
- Users no longer have to disable the Private Browsing option on an iPad to view documents in the
Browser-Based Viewer.
- Browser-based viewer now supports emailing documents (emails are handled by the server).
API Enhancements:
- Added a new PVAction.ADLoadWorkFlowDefsAll API call which retrieves all active and inactive
WorkFlow definitions and associated Project definitions.
- Added a new EmailQueueAdd API call to allow users to email documents from the Browser-Based
- Updated the LoadSystemAccess and RetrieveDoc API calls to include a user’s email address.
- Added a new document viewer event when a session times out or expires so an external application
can update the Session ID.
Database Enhancements:
- Split out the DOCID and VERSIONNUM columns in the OBJS table to help with full-text rebuild errors
due to query timeouts. Note that this change only applies to new projects created.
Client Enhancements:
- Added a new “Mobile Device” option which includes: The ability to single-click a search result item to
view and formats the search results row to make it easier for users to select and work with individual
- Folder name validation is now performed when scanning documents using Scan2PVE.
Defects fixed:
- The option to set a user’s password in the Admin Console is no longer enabled until a User Account
is selected.
- The forward slash (/) is no longer removed from field names when editing the properties of an index
- If an XML data group contains references to full-text PDFs that don’t exist in the data group, PVE will
no longer error when the maintenance queue runs.
- Updated the Installation and Getting Started Guide to include instructions for installing IIS on
Windows 8 and Server 2012.
- Removed Appendix F, Configuring Microsoft IIS 6.0/7.0 from the Installation and Getting Started
Guide since the PaperVision installer performs these tasks.
- Under certain scenarios, some files would fail to register when installing PaperVision Enterprise on
Windows 8 and Server 2012.
- Updated the System Requirements regarding the Browser-Based Viewer in the documentation.
- In certain scenarios, some single-page files were being incorrectly labeled in the OBJS table.
- Updated the KB article for installing the Document Viewer and Admin Controls without user
intervention (silently).
- The document viewer would sometimes return an error viewing certain Report Management
- An error would sometimes be returned when altering index values if the user’s session had expired.
- When a user’s session timed out, the “Refresh” and “Search Criteria” functions were swapped.
- If a user was configuring a Report Management, Integration Definition, or Workflow definition and
their session timed out, the definition was not always saved.
- Documented the parameters required to run PVESearchURL.aspx (including the locale parameter) in
the User Guide documentation. Also updated the online help to include the locale parameter.
- When emailing a single-page of a multi-page PDF from the PaperVision Viewer, only the single page
is now included in the email.
- The hotkey for scanning (CTRL + S) now works as expected.
- Online help was not always working correctly on an iPad.
- Viewing online help text using an iPad was sometimes truncated.
- The Related Topics link in online help was being docked in the wrong place on an iPad.
- Several hotkeys were not working correctly in Chrome and Firefox.
- Hotkeys did not always work correctly when PVE was installed on Windows 8.
- The Quick Access toolbar would sometimes display multiple rows of icons incorrectly in the BrowserBased Viewer.
- Page orientation and Scaling were not always persisting when navigating documents in the BrowserBased Viewer.
- Resizing the Browser-Based Viewer window after opening a textual note would sometimes cause
hotkeys to stop working.
- Removed the “New Version” duplicated text from the Check-In window.
- When adding a document from the Search Results that contained an ampersand character (&) in the
Index Field name would also display “amp” next to the character.
- Updated online help to remove the “Require web clients to use the browser plug-in” reference.
- Users would sometimes receive an error when using the Find Text option.
- Users would sometimes receive an error printing some COLD documents without using the overlay
from the Browser-Based Viewer.
Additional Notes:
- The "PVE-r76.exe" file (approx. 347 MB) provides a full upgrade/full install for updating (or installing
new) PaperVision Enterprise servers, web servers, clients, etc.
- The "PVE-r76-Install.pdf" document (approx. 1.7 MB) is the PaperVision Enterprise Installation and
Configuration Guide which provides detailed installation and configuration instructions.
Mar 06,
Product Enhancements:
- Updated the PaperVision Enterprise Configuration Wizard to automatically configure the Maximum
Requesting Entity Body Limit to 62914560 and the Response Buffering Limit to 10485760 for the
PaperVision web site.
- Changed the date_time parameter in the statistics file to yyyy-mm-dd UTC. (Previously
released in R75.1 patch).
- Changed the time_total_ms parameter in the statistics file to auto round total ms time.
- Added the HTTP Runtime Execution Timeout setting to the web.config file.
- Added a new variable (Servertime) to the PVESystemHealth.aspx page and script to display the
current date and time (including seconds).
- Made a change to the Request Filtering option in IIS to allow users to view .mdb files.
- Users can now print document grants or open them in their associated application directly from the
browser-based viewer window.
- Added the ability to create separate statistics logging folders for each unique PaperVision web site.
- Users can now view images in the browser-based viewer when hosting an http site redirecting to an
https site.
- Added additional command line switches to the PaperVision Enterprise Configuration Wizard for the
Defects Fixed:
- Installing only the Admin Console now includes the Admin Controls.
- The title in the Default.aspx page now references PVE instead of PVDTM.
- Users no longer get an error when viewing images for the first time on a second or subsequent
PaperVision custom site using the browser-based viewer. This only occurred when multiple PVE sites
on a single server were using the same application pool.
Additional Notes:
- The "PVE-r75.3.exe" file (approx. 361 MB) provides a full upgrade/full install for updating (or installing
new) PaperVision Enterprise servers, web servers, clients, etc.
- The "PVE-r75.3-Install.pdf" document (approx. 4.2 MB) is the PaperVision Enterprise Installation and
Configuration Guide which provides detailed installation and configuration instructions.
Jan 11,
Product Enhancements:
- Added the new browser-based viewer that is capable of rendering image-based, PDF, ZIP, email,
COLD/ERM, and Microsoft Office documents without the need for any installation. It also provides the
following functionality: annotation viewing, document/page navigation, zooming, rotation, document
addition, document versioning, document grants, altering index values, viewing associated documents,
view/edit textual notes, print document pages. This is supported for Microsoft Internet Explorer
(versions 8 through 10, including both desktop and metro mode), Firefox version 17, Safari for Mac
version 6, Safari Mobile for iOS version 6, and Google Chrome version 23.
- Added "Add" and "Scan" links to PVESearchURL when the Results Type is set to Open Documents
and when no results are returned.
- In the document viewer ActiveX, added the ability to print documents in duplex mode.
- In the document viewer ActiveX, added the ability to retain printer settings in PVE when printing in the
same viewer session without setting the default printer. This now works like more traditional Windows
application printing.
- In the document viewer ActiveX, added a new scanning option called "Explicitly Save/Restore
Settings" to the System Settings. This provides compatibility to many scanners that were previously not
completely supported.
- PaperVision Enterprise is now supported on Windows 8 and Server 2012.
- The ActiveX document viewer is now supported on IE 10.
- Updated the System Requirements section of the documentation to include more information with
regard to hardware and PaperVision Enterprise.
Defects Fixed:
- Sometimes changing the Printer preferences (through Windows) was not reflected in PaperVision
- Sometimes clicking the "Font" button in the web-based Report Management setup window or in the
System Settings window of the Document Viewer would return an error when using Internet Explorer 9.
- Clicking the "Cancel" button when printing a document from the Document Viewer would cause
Internet Explorer 9 to become unresponsive.
- The necessary registry entries for the automation service were not always being created during the
install when a non-administrative user account was used to run the service.
- Under certain circumstances some files were not always being removed from the Windows/Temp
- The RollBackDocVersion API call would sometimes not use the correct file if the call was made for
multiple documents from the same session in the same second.
- Users were sometimes unable to change and save some specific Kodak and Fujitsu scanner settings.
- Sessions that were initiated through a Gateway that had timed out were being automatically reactivated.
- Under certain circumstances, adding a document from the Search Results page would sometimes
result in an error.
- Document Associations would sometimes return an error if certain fields were hidden from a user.
- Sometimes if a Workflow Instance was still processing, the Workflow History results would be
inaccurate and the More Available flag would not be available.
- Fixed the syntax in the API documentation for the ADSaveDocAssoc and ADListERMProcErrors API
- Backup Processing could fail if one of the projects in the backup job had been deleted.
- The AttachNewDocToProject API call would sometimes attach the wrong file when multiple files were
being added to the same project at the very same time.
- Under certain circumstances the wrong value was saved when altering index field values if one of the
fields contained a "Combo" box.
- Records Retention process locks were not always getting cleaned up.
- Changed the Default Web Document Display Method options in the thick Admin Console to "Use
ActiveX Viewer" and "Use Browser-Based Viewer".
- Removed the page count determination (on the server) for PDF documents. Page counts are
calculated during retrieval instead.
- Adding documents that contained an "&" in the Index Field name would not always return the user to
the search screen when using FireFox.
Additional Notes:
- The "PVE-r75.exe" file (approx. 361 MB) provides a full upgrade/full install for updating (or installing
new) PaperVision Enterprise servers, web servers, clients, etc.
- The "PVE-r75-Install.pdf" document (approx. 4.2 MB) is the PaperVision Enterprise Installation and
Configuration Guide which provides detailed installation and configuration instructions.
Apr 16,
Product Enhancements:
- The PVDMSys.DLL now references the HTTPInterface.aspx page (rather than .asp).
- Added the "TerminateDB" API call in the PVDMSystem.PVSystem object that allows global database
connections to be explicitly closed.
- API logging for web and application servers now includes error information in the log entry
Defects Fixed:
- Expanding a PaperVision Enterprise folder containing a large number of subfolders sometimes
generated a browser script timeout warning in Internet Explorer 8.
- When a large number of records were present, some reports would generate a "Timeout expired"
error when trying to view those reports.
- When duplicate WorkFlow Instance IDs were present, an error would sometimes be returned when
trying to view the WorkFlow Status report.
- The scrollbar automatically moved to the top of the Search Results grid after index values were
altered and saved.
- Removing a link from a workflow containing a post-condition to another workflow sometimes
generated an error.
- Size values for the Document Viewer and Admin Controls have been updated on the Downloads
- If an error occurred while importing a workflow definition, sometimes the error message would not be
- In some scenarios, switching from the Search Results screen to the Folders tab sometimes generated
an error.
- When a WorkFlow Administrator tried to expand the Projects list, an error would be returned if rights
were not granted to some of the projects.
- The "Robots.txt" file has been added to the root of the PaperVision Enterprise web site to prevent
search robots from accessing the site.
- Directory Manager jobs sometimes did not process .PVFULLTEXT files.
- Copying/pasting a folder shortcut into the original folder sometimes resulted in a continuous tree of
folder shortcuts.
Additional Notes:
- The "PVE-r74.5.exe" file (approx. 227 MB) provides a full upgrade/full install for updating (or installing
new) PaperVision Enterprise servers, web servers, clients, etc.
- The "PVE-r74.5-Install.pdf" document (approx. 3.5 MB) is the PaperVision Enterprise Installation and
Configuration Guide which provides detailed installation and configuration instructions.
Feb 20,
Defects Fixed:
- The scrollbar was sometimes missing in the Web Administration Console's Utilization Report when
lengthy lists of data were present.
- Importing an .MDB file that contained a numeric field with the "+" character sometimes generated an
- Columns in the Search Results, Global Search Results, and PVESearchURL screens that contained
index values with upper and lower case letters sorted incorrectly.
- Users were sometimes unable to navigate to the next document when the "Document Grouping"
search setting and "Use Operating System Defaults" user option were enabled.
- In some scenarios, adding a document with two blank index fields generated an error.
- Full-text search results that contained certain special characters sometimes returned an error.
- The steps to perform a silent installation of the Document Viewer Controls and the Admin Controls
have changed:
-- "PaperVision Administration Controls.exe" /S /v/qn
-- "PaperVision Document Viewer Controls.exe" /S /v/qn
-- Note: You must insert a space between "/S" and "/v". However, do not insert a space between "/v"
and "/qn".
- In certain Fujitsu scanners, the Image Mode setting sometimes did not save properly.
- Enabling the "Automation Service Logging" system setting was generating a new log file every time
the automation service executed an operation.
- The maximum number of automation service instances was limited to fifty in the PaperVision
Configuration Utility. The new maximum is 10,000.
- If the Web File Cache Path, Web File Cache URL, or Primary Web Server URL path already exists in
the PVDM.ini file, the PaperVision Configuration Utility will no longer overwrite these paths.
- The "Skip" button is now enabled in the SQL Server Connection Information screen during
Additional Notes:
- The "PVE-r74.4.exe" file (approx. 227 MB) provides a full upgrade/full install for updating (or installing
new) PaperVision Enterprise servers, web servers, clients, etc.
- The "PVE-r74.4.iso" file (approx. 1.9 GB) provides a DVD ISO image of the installation media, which
includes the entire Digitech Systems, Inc. product line (including PaperVision Capture R74.2)
- The "PVE-r74.4-Install.pdf" document (approx. 3.5 MB) is the PaperVision Enterprise Installation and
Configuration Guide which provides detailed installation and configuration instructions.
Jan 27,
Defects Fixed:
- Adding or removing fields in a PaperFlow data group and then importing that data group into PVE
when the project already existed sometimes generated an error during import.
- Importing negative currency values formatted like "123.00-" (with a trailing minus sign) sometimes
generated an incorrect syntax error.
Additional Notes:
- The "PVE-r74.3.exe" file (approx. 227 MB) provides a full upgrade/full install for updating (or installing
new) PaperVision Enterprise servers, web servers, clients, etc.
- The "PVE-r74.3.iso" file (approx. 1.9 GB) provides a DVD ISO image of the installation media, which
includes the entire Digitech Systems, Inc. product line (including PaperVision Capture R74.2)
- The "PVE-r74.3-Install.pdf" document (approx. 3.5 MB) is the PaperVision Enterprise Installation and
Configuration Guide which provides detailed installation and configuration instructions.
Jan 23,
API Enhancements:
- To search for index fields (against SQL) and to use those search results to limit the full-text database
query, insert the string "~INDEXTHENFT" into the "Parameters" section of the
PVAction.ExecuteQuery_Project API function.
- In the document viewer, added the ScanUploadNotified property so that the file upload prompt can be
Defects Fixed:
- The documentation (including online help) has been updated to clarify that the requirement for
Microsoft’s .NET Framework is 3.5 SP1.
- The Backup Jobs section of the ASARG manual now includes cross-references to related topics.
- Appendix D of the Installation and Getting Started Guide has been updated to reference the
globalSettings.resx file.
- In Web Administration, updated the Entity Properties tabs to automatically contain scroll bars when
necessary (for example, when the amount of text on a tab is increased via localization).
- Fixed an issue where installing SQL Express as part of the PaperVision Enterprise installation would
sometimes cause an error.
Additional Notes:
- The "PVE-r74.1.exe" file (approx. 227 MB) provides a full upgrade/full install for updating (or installing
new) PaperVision Enterprise servers, web servers, clients, etc.
- The "PVE-r74.1.iso" file (approx. 1.9 GB) provides a DVD ISO image of the installation media, which
includes the entire Digitech Systems, Inc. product line (including PaperVision Capture R74.1)
- The "PVE-r74.1-Install.pdf" document (approx. 3.5 MB) is the PaperVision Enterprise Installation and
Configuration Guide which provides detailed installation and configuration instructions.