PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND QI PRINCIPLES AND STRATEGIES MINNESOTA’S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (MDH) AND COMMUNITY HEALTH BOARDS JANUARY 10, 2011 MarMason Consulting Marni Mason BSN, MBA 2 More than 30 years in private healthcare and public health as clinician, manager and consultant Consultant in healthcare performance measurement and improvement (20 years) PH performance standards and improvement since 2000 and all 3 Multistate Learning Collaboratives (2005-2010) Consultant for PHAB Standards Development and training of site reviewers (2008-2010) Surveyor for NCQA (13 years) and Senior Examiner for state Baldrige Quality Award MarMason Consulting QI for Leadership Series 3 Session # 1: Overview of Quality Improvement for Leadership Quality improvement principles and methods that support performance management in a public health agency ( Jan 10) Session # 2: Creating a Culture of QI in Your Agency Building infrastructure and capacity for quality into agency culture (Feb 7th) Session # 3: Strategies and Methods for Continuous Quality Improvement How to conduct/lead quality teams (leadership responsibility in steps to building quality improvement); alignment of strategic plan, health assessment and health improvement plan) (Feb 28th) Sessions # 4 & 5: Topics TBD MarMason Consulting Today’s Learning Objectives 4 In today’s session the participants will develop a better understanding of: Performance Management and Integration of QI into the Agency Principles of Quality Improvement Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle for Improvement Root Cause Analysis MarMason Consulting Performance Management 5 QI Methods & Tools Breakthrough Collaborative MarMason Consulting Business Process Analysis Performance Management 6 Source: Turning Point Performance Management Collaborative, 2003. MarMason Consulting Performance Standards PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Establish performance standards Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) standards National Public Health Performance Standards (CDC) Establish and define outcomes and indicators Process outcomes Health outcomes Performance Measurement Monitoring of Performance • Review of performance (Accreditation/SelfAssessment) results • Program evaluation results PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT Monitoring of Indicators and Outcomes • Process and short-term outcomes • Health indicators and outcomes Definition of Quality Improvement A management process and set of disciplines that are coordinated to ensure that the organization consistently meets and exceeds customer requirements. QI Top management philosophy resulting in complete organizational involvement qi Conduct of improving a process at the microsystem level Bill Riley and Russell Brewer, Review and Analysis of QI Techniques in Police Departments, JPHMP Mar/April 2009 Quality Improvement Process Establish QI structure and capacity in agency Establishing QI councils and plans Conducting QI teams Quality improvement methods and tools Plan-Do-Check/Study-Act cycle Rapid Cycle Improvement (RCI) Improvement collaboratives Lean Six Sigma Adapting or adopting model practices QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROCESS Reporting Progress REPORT PROGRESS Performance in standards Indicators and outcomes Health indicators Program evaluation data Regular data tracking, analysis and review Basis for QI efforts 12 Integration of QI into Agency Culture MarMason Consulting Multilevel Model of Integration* 13 Spread can be defined as moving from common practices to best practices Diffusion is the rate at which innovation is adopted within an organization or industry *Bill Riley and Russell Brewer, Review and Analysis of QI Techniques in Police Departments, JPHMP Mar/April 2009 MarMason Consulting Levels of QI Integration 14 100 75 50 25 0 MarMason Consulting Level 1- No interest or activities Level 2Awareness, interest and one-time projects Level 3Multiple teams and QI tools, but no repetition or saturation Level 4Speciic QI model integrated into agency management structure with continuous improvement JPHMP Article Recommendations 15 Implement QI as a comprehensive management philosophy rather than a project-by-project approach Top officials must set a vision for the agency and exhibit constant leadership, focus continuously on mission Use the lessons/proven methods from others [general healthcare, police, etc.] to overcome barriers Find creative ways to secure resources for QI Build on existing PH tools and capabilities Conduct a self-assessment for QI readiness in your agency Bill Riley and Russell Brewer MarMason Consulting Poll Question How would you describe level of quality improvement integration in your organization? A. Level 1: No interest or activity B. Level 2: Awareness, interest, one time projects C. Level 3: Multiple teams and QI tools but no repetition or saturation D. Level 4: Specific QI model integrated throughout organization Let’s Discuss! 17 What is your experience with the four components of performance management in your Health Department? MarMason Consulting 18 QI Principles and Strategies MarMason Consulting The Quality Environment 19 Agency-wide commitment to assessing and continuously improving quality over time? Decisions based on data? Agency achieving goals? Use data to decide on improvement initiatives and to know if the improvements are successful? MarMason Consulting Principles of Quality Management 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Know your stakeholders and what they need Focus on processes Use data for making decisions Use teamwork to improve work Make quality improvement continuous Demonstrate leadership commitment MarMason Consulting 1. Know Your Stakeholders 21 Identify stakeholders and their needs Sector Mapping Community Assessment Advisory Council Input Survey Data & Focus Groups Force Field Analysis Set goals based on stakeholder needs MarMason Consulting Public Sector Map Department of Defense 22 National Institute of Health Office of the Insurance Commissioner Dept. of Social & Human Services •Aging & Adult Services •Med. Asst. Admin •Division of Developmental Disabilities. •Mental Health Division Public Hospital Districts Department of Health •Chronic Disease & Risk Reduction •Diabetes Prevention & Control •Community & Rural Health •Community & Family Health •Maternal Support Srvcs •Women, Infants & Children •Licensing Boards Head Start Programs •Tri-Care •Prime Governor / Legislature Employment Security Department •Worksource Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care Authority •Public Employees Benefit Board •Basic Health Plan Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction Dept. of Corrections •Prisons School Boards •Public schools •BIA schools •Charter schools •Private faith based schools State Board of Health Local Health Jurisdictions These are examples of partners in the public health system: Bold= Large agency or organization, Italics= Type of organization, not a specific entity, Regular= Specific organization or entity MarMasonBullets Consulting refer to examples of organizations and are not a comprehensive listing. Department of Labor & Industries Local Governments Public Library System 2. Focus on Work Process 23 85% of poor quality is a result of poor work processes, not of staff doing a bad job Processes often “go wrong” at the point of the “handoff” Attend to improving the overall process, not just one part—some of the most complex processes are the result of creating a “work around” MarMason Consulting Measure processes that are: Important and relevant to population Control vs. Influence High-risk Health High-volume WIC, Alerts, Drinking Water, CD Investigations Food Safety, OSS, Immunizations Problem-prone Emergency Preparedness Tools to Link Work and Outcomes Logic models and work flow charts Customer-supplier relationships Client flow, information flow Data and analysis tools Root cause tools: fishbone diagram, Pareto chart Force field analysis Interrelationship digraph Note: See PH Memory Joggers at GOAL/QPC or QI tools at ASQ The Logic of Public Health 26 We inspect restaurants So that # of inspections Conditions in the restaurant don’t create unsafe food So that # of critical violations Public is sold food that is safe to eat % of critical violations corrected within 24 hours So that There are fewer incidents of foodborne illness rate of foodborne illness MarMason Consulting 3. Use Data to Make Decisions 28 MarMason Consulting Use performance assessment data to target improvement Use data analysis tools to develop information Analyze data to identify root cause Use data to monitor performance outcomes Poll Question How frequently do you/your organization use data to target improvement efforts? A. Rarely B. Sometimes C. Often D. Always Use Data to Make Decisions 30 Conceptual Tools Affinity Diagram Brainstorming Process Flow Chart Cause and Effect Diagram (Fishbone) Five Why’s Matrix Diagram Numerical Tools Check Sheet Bar Chart Histogram Pareto Chart Control Chart Run Chart [See Goal/QPC PH Memory Joggers] MarMason Consulting Power of Root Cause Analysis 31 W. Edwards Deming transformed quality control processes by applying his beliefs Measuring outputs/outcomes at the end ignores root cause and ensuing poor results. Addressing root causes through ongoing evaluation and quality improvement avoids problems and improves quality. Ongoing measurement with feedback loops helps processes. MarMason Consulting * The Public Health Quality Improvement Handbook, page 22 Root Cause Analysis 32 Goal: To find the real cause of a problem or issue Understand the impact to the organization Resolve it with a permanent fix We need to determine: what happened? why it happened? where it happened? how to eliminate it? MarMason Consulting Cause and Effect Diagram Test Location Inconvenient Too Public Client Don’t see benefit Don’t Want Test Fearful Poor HIV Testing Not Client Centered Not Offered Counseling Not Respectful Poor Experience Staff Example of Fishbone WIC Client Redemption of Farmer’s Market Coupons 34 People Access Knowledge Deficit Variety/Selection Client has more distractions in the summer Limited WIC Providers Locations Preferences Customer Service Language Personal Hours Cultural WIC clients do not redeem all of the farmer’s market coupons Distribution Small dollar value Frequency Timing Limited supply No change is given Staff explanations of Farmer’s Market option Methods Materials Page 1 MarMason Consulting 4. Use Teamwork 35 QI efforts need buy-in from all stakeholders Creative ideas are needed Division of labor is needed Process often crosses functions Solution generally affects many MarMason Consulting Tips for Effective QI Teams 36 Teams should develop a clear charge and support resources Teams should adopt working agreements (cell phone etiquette to decision procedures) Teams should assign roles of facilitators and recorders Team process has predictable stages that are useful to keep in mind: Forming, MarMason Consulting Storming, Norming, Performing Affinity Diagram* 37 Why use it? To allow a QI team to creatively generate a large number of ideas/issues and organize in natural groupings to understand the problem and potential solutions. What does it do?? Encourages creativity by everyone on team Breaks down communication barriers Encourages non-traditional connections among ideas/issues Allows breakthroughs to emerge naturally Encourages ownership of results Overcomes “team paralysis” MarMason Consulting *PH Memory Jogger page 12 Uptake of Vaccines Example (Kittitas, WA) 38 MarMason Consulting 5. Make QI Continuous 39 QI is a system-wide approach to assessing and continuously improving quality of the processes and services over time See inter-relationships, not parts Understand the flow of work, not the one-time snapshot Detail the work processes Determine cause and effect relationships Identify points of highest leverage Improve and innovate, not just change for change’s sake MarMason Consulting Improvement Model - PDSA Cycle 40 The Plan Do Check/Study Act Cycle is a trial-andlearning method to discover what is an effective and efficient way to design or change a process The “check” or “study” part of the cycle may require some clarification; after all, we are used to planning, doing/acting. It compels the team to learn from the data collected, its effects on other parts of the system, and under different conditions, such as different communities MarMason Consulting PDSA Improvement Cycle Act • What changes are to be made? • Next cycle? DOCUMENTATION OF CHANGE - MINUTES • Objective • Questions and predictions • Plan to carry out the cycle (who, what, where, when) • Plan for data collection REVISE LOGIC MODEL LOGICLOGIC MODEL REVISE MODEL Study Do DATA REPORT WORK PLAN •Complete the data analysis •Compare data to predictions •Summarize lessons 41 Plan MarMason Consulting • Carry out the plan • Document problems and unexpected observations • Begin analysis of the data Poll Question Do you use the PDSA cycle in your organization? A. Not familiar with the PDSA cycle B. Familiar with PDSA cycle but don't use C. Familiar with cycle and use occasionally D. Knowledgeable about the cycle and use consistently Make QI Continuous 43 Use conclusions from data analysis to identify areas for improvement Charge QI team and provide support Provide QI training Develop AIM statement Use tools to understand root causes Use data for baseline and analysis Design process improvement to address root causes Train staff on the process improvement MarMason Consulting Adopt or Adapt Model Practices 44 Use data to identify need for improvement Identify exemplary practices in: Other local and state health departments, CDC and other national organizations, Other industries Describe your process (Logic Model or Flow Chart) Study the exemplary practice process Adopt or adapt as appropriate MarMason Consulting 6. Demonstrate Leadership Commitment 45 Build a QI culture in your agency Connect the organization’s strategic plan to performance improvement Know and use quality principles Initiate and support QI teams Encourage all staff to use quality improvement in daily work Reward improvements Assure adequate QI infrastructure for quality assessment and improvement activities MarMason Consulting QI Culture and QI Council 46 Critical to make data/reporting meaningful to staff Performance measures: More is not better Resource level declines after the first data reporting period Staff need lots of practice/training to develop good performance measures RCI/QI projects: Quality planning is more appropriate than QI for some projects with long-term outcomes MarMason Consulting Agency Level Performance Measures Measure Indicator Improve immunization rates Increase the percentage of kindergarten enrollees that are up to date on their immunizations upon school entry from 86% to 92% by 2014. Reduce tobacco use Decrease the percentage of adult smokers to 16% by 2014. Reduce overweight & obese populations Reduce the rate of increase for adult obesity to 0% by 2014. Increase healthy physical activity Increase the percent of youth who are physically active for at least 60 minutes per day from 16.8% to 18.5% by 2014. Reduce substance abuse Increase the number of adults receiving opiate treatment service by 23% by 2014, to 800 patients. Increase responsible sexual behavior Increase the percentage of sexual partners treated for sexually transmitted diseases by 10% by 2014. Responsibility 48 MarMason Consulting Change vs. Improvement 49 W. Edwards Deming stated “Of all changes I’ve observed, about 5% were improvements, the rest, at best, were illusions of progress.” We must become masters of improvement We must learn how to improve rapidly We must learn to discern the difference between improvement and illusions of progress MarMason Consulting Some QI References Embracing Quality in Local Public Health: Michigan’s Quality Improvement Guidebook, 2008, Public Health Memory Jogger, GOAL/QPC, 2007, Breakthrough Method and Rapid Cycle Improvement Bialek R, Duffy DL, Moran JW. The Public Health Quality Improvement Handbook. Milwaukee, WI: ASQ Quality Press; 2009 Guidebook for Performance Measurement, Turning Point Performance Management National Excellence Collaborative, 2004, Mason M, Schmidt R, Gizzi C, Ramsey S. Taking Improvement Action Based on Performance Results: Washington State’s Experience. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. Jan/Feb 2010; 16(1): 24-31 What questions do you have? 51 MarMason Consulting